This aryan goddess look at you and say: Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
what do you do?
This aryan goddess look at you and say: Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
what do you do?
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holy fuck this cunt has been doing some drugs.
Why do people still think shes attractive? she's literally a crack whore.
wish i had loads of money i would try going for her
have a nice day
Christ bless
Get her a few pounds of crack and you probably could get her for a few hours.
this. also give her numbers of crisis centers and loan her my emergency blanket
>aryan goddess
Stick muh dick in her mouth.
Fix your crooked bangs you dirty bitch
Bust her in the mouth since someone already blacked her eyes.
punch her right in her fat fucking forehead.
she's already got two black eyes, so I would probably be at a loss
I want to torture her.
>*unsheath benis*
>TiMe To FuGgGgG :DdDdDdDdD
>unzips dick
Fuck Drumpf
>The gypsy ridden non-white doesn't know what white is
I would never have thought.
I don't even think you'd need that much
Red pill them.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
vetted. crusades are coming you degenerates.
ah yes fuck drumpf bb
*pokes holes in condom*
thinks to self: hehehe time to make aryan babies
Calm down Marc.
Fuck her pregnant!
>you seem white enough, bend over
I would just change subject and would use game to ask her out. After the first date, she would become more submissive and more open to talk about political issues.
Of course, talking about politics with a woman is a waste of time, so I would just let her talk about her issues and respond like an psychiatrist while making she thinks we are talking about politics.
The point is to gain her trust.
After conquering her trust, you can start droping redpills little by little.
However, she does seem to be a drug user. If that's the case, there's very little to be done; I would change the focus to get her to the church. Conversion to christianism is the best option for any person with an adction.
As long as she only fucks white people we might be in business.
direct her to the nearest section 8 where she belongs and bid her fairwell
Usually white trash marxists like her don't want help. The clock is ticking we don't have much time left
tee hee ;)
bitch looks like anne fucking frank
They all suffer from depression, so they want help, they just don't like to admit because they don't understand the source of their depression.
I woudn't present myself as someone trying to help though, as I said I would just pretend I'm only interested in dating her regardless of what she believes.
If I suceed in dating her, my acess to her life would be almost garanteed. The greatest risk of being dumped is during this process, while I would be droping redpills for her. But I would also trying to conquer her once and for all. If I suceed in making her fall in love, the game is won.
Women in love are more passive than you would think, specially if you're Chad. By this point it is certain that she would swallow the redpills.
During this entire process she would be geting help whitout realizing it.
>During this entire process she would be geting help whitout realizing it.
Some people just want to watch the world burn user.
I make her eat all the eggs. All of them.
> goddess
>Lemme tell you who is white.
Like pottery
Seeing as she has two black eyes already someone already told her what her place is ;^)
That number is outdated. It's 39% now.
I perform pic related while singing
>Fuck white people
So you wouldn't mind me fucking your white ass then :^)
Her twitter is open again.
Is that the most recent pic of her????
> Fuck white people?
>*unzip dick*
> Lets start with you
>tfw she only allows sjws to follow her on isnta now
Blast her with piss.
Take her for a walk through the inner city.
Then take for a hike through an old growth forest
Then take her for a walk through the inner city.
Repeat until she gets the point.
Ask her is she's a jew
You made the bowl, that's a good aim!
Make a police report about a crazy druggie harassing pedestrians
Whoa how did you get a picture of the secret Antifa meetings
haha no i support trump and his racist party
i bet now that i told you that youre gonna spit in my mouth and force me to lick your boots haha
Fetish munches are not supposed to be degenerate in public, especially if you're a lard. In states in the midwest this would get you blacklisted.
>fuck white people
In feel the sudden urge to build a cozy bed for this girl in a woodland cottage as compensation for taste testing my various potato soup recipies.
few pounds of crack cost loads of money
Could probably fix her with enough spankings desu.
She looks slavic and slavic =/= commie..
She is the original antifafu, newbie. The one who can end the American white supremacy by asking the Nazis virgins to kindly join the proletarian revolution.
Tell her that I voted for Trump and that the only way to punish me is to force me to eat her hairy pussy
> fuck white people
She looks pretty white to me, I guess I should take her advice
It's an upgrade from moldylocks
"while i respect your opinion, i humbly disagree"
She came long before that whore.
that fucking jawline holy shit
I start fucking her, of course, just like she asked.
fuck me please...