Why is never sexism when shitskins do it?

Why is never sexism when shitskins do it?
I fucking hate women.
>Shitskins sexualize women in hip hop videos
>Shitskins throw acid at women face
>Shitskins skyrocket rape crime
>White males sexualize woman in videogames and comicbooks

Can you image if vid related were done by a white male? There would be unanimous outrage.

It's fake controversy. No one cares about the sexuallization of women anywhere. If you can make women think that something is being kept from them you can draw their attention to something they previously had no interest in.
You don't need to persuade males to play video games. The only demographic left for video games to expand into is women.

As for comic books El oh El. That's a pure desperation move. It's dying no matter what they do

>oh no pandering to shit skins and wemen didn't raise our sales!

Also most women are great. All they want is a man with a good job who will fill them full of babies and they will cook and clean for you in return.

white people are also the most accepting of gays and stuff.

Blacks are all on the down low.

Because everything is racist.
There wouldn't be a video of white man doing it. They would have jailed him already before that.
Those are ultra rare. Especially in "rich" countries. Is there any white women in portugal?

It's their culture

>Why is never sexism when shitskins do it?
Because that would be racist. They come from a different culture shit lord.

They arnt rare at all. You just don't earn enough money. I'm Irish. Over here sunning my snow white balls.


No one cares what shit skins do. They are worker ants. Why would you care what a shit skin thinks of shit skin women if you are an upper middle class white gold digger?

nothing like that in america, feminism hit hard and women want jobs and maaaaybe a kid or two in their thirties.

It seem they just love the brown cock desu.

>muh vidya
Keep crying, you manchild virginlord.

The trashiest white women want to fuck garbage. Since they could never hope for a man with a stable job and who won't cheat and beat on them they go for whoever has the most tattoos and is the most criminal. Shit skins have us defeated there. We can't match their numbers or low quality.

Sexism is unwanted sexualization

if its mutual and consensual then its hardly sexist

That's not sexism. That's just cultural enlightenment. That woman just finished her day more appreciative of the benefits of diversity.


shut up imaqtpie did nothing wrong


Because he is 'dancing.' Women will run with any plausible deniability, if you give it to them.