Looks like us Australians are going to get the first large scale shitposting machine thanks to our top shitposting...

Looks like us Australians are going to get the first large scale shitposting machine thanks to our top shitposting researchers.


Other urls found in this thread:


>quantum shitposting

Has meme science gone too far?

But what would be the first meme you would spam?

We won't know until we observe the meme

:(){ :|: & };:

I dare you.

>quantum shitposting
So it exists as a superposition of a high quality post and absolutely abhorrent shitpost. We'll only know what it is once it's posted.

simultaneously yet neither bane and spurdo


It becomes high quality or shit post the moment (You) it. There is no way to determine the quality of the post before you respond.

If an Australian shitposts on a Tibetan basket weaving forum and no anons see it then did he really shitpost?

looks like some kike menorah type shit, i see you shlomo fuk of


>all this quantum bullshit for 60 years
>MHz of PC still same speed for 15 years, price more or less the same too
>dick prices still expensive as shit, slowly gaining in size
>the wait...the wait...the wait
You could get a newer PC nowadays you could buy 10 years ago for twice the price. They still selling 2 terabyte disks, should be minimum 20 terabytes now.

The consumer shit isn't the same as corporate and government. The shit us goys get is probably 30 years behind what the mega corps have

for shits and giggles? Pic related. then i'd be breaking bitcoin security


You should think outside of a box, it's also probably wrong materials they use, since their machinery is made to suit current materials, so it's not all about this government meme and quantum meme, it's about capitalism not finding it worth their profits to make things better.


desu it's probably got something to do with poofters and jews

This kills the Bitcoin

I can't believe they still sell computers that have noise just by being tuned on.

This is actually technically correct.
Except that many shitposts are such shit that they don't even get (you)s

Prepare for shitposting that is both 1 and 0


I can already shit and piss at same time.

>making a top quality post that is simultaneously a shitpost.

What has science done?


Haha. I wonder if we can meme a national identity around banter. As it is we are somewhat lacking in one.

I wonder what this means for machine learning

Sup Forums has already appeared on normie tv its only a matter of time before we are world renowned shitposters

It means you will be carried by your robot wife instead of a car to destination, where one of her arms will cook on the way to destination, while other masturbating you. Nothing but endless picnics with your robot maid wife.

Its democratising machine learning through easier methods of production.

it doesnt sound like this tech needs absolute zero to function which would basically reduce the size of these machines massively. Hell, we could even see household quantum computers in 20 years if AI doesnt wipe us out and it isnt banned.

The electric jew


>quantum shitposting machine

Canada's fucked


Thats a legit interesting question. My guess would be that yes, he did indeed shitpost and some aliens, somewhere out there are watching, unsure of what to do, but do they must

Triplets confirm, but I wouldn't count the jews up north out yet. Sure, Straya might have quantum shitposting capabilities, but the leafs have the power of over 9000 gay suns


Quick. Buy stocks now.
You're about to be rich as fuck.


No they aren't


only thing you cobbers are getting this the BLACK

this just makes them take up less space, that's it
it's literally nothing

Both scientists in the video are European.

Only thing your country has ever produced is sand.

They used to laugh at our shitposting, they said we were crazy.

They do not laugh anymore, now they understand the reality of the situation.

what does this mean for moore's law?

We've actually had this tech for the past five years but it's top secret.


We are the interwebz.
Bow down before the almighty Atlantian Aussie cock.

now the rate of advancement of computing power is not equal to a static law, but is instead equal to the amount of australians shitposting

>someone made a meme out of that cunt
are you him?

Price per terabyte is only about $30, double digit teraflop graphic cards for $500, 8 core CPUs for $250, not sure what you are getting at. Technology improved rapidly.

Not well versed in quantum stuff

does that just mean we save the time it takes for an electrical signal to travel through a bus? If they're actually using quantum entanglement to transmit information instantaneously, what would be the high end stuff you could do with that?

Calculate complicated things super fast?
Crack encyptions super fast?
Guess passwords super fast?

>half a terabyte sd cards exists
why tho?

How will christcucks ever recover? Even physics is jewish!

On a semi-related note, how long until we get stupid cunts who don't understand the aussie meme bloke is just a white fella with a tan and not some poo-abo-aussie hybrid?

>how can white man compete?

lmao we're not swedes you cuck fuck


literally a clickbait site

post a real source or fuck off

>people are developing quantum computers
>yesterday my 8gb flash drive from like 2005 bent while it was in my backpack and wouldn't work when i plugged it in
>had files i really want backed up
>i figured out that if i plugged it into my laptop and put my laptop on the ground, then stood on top of the flash drive, it would work
>stood on top of my flash drive for 8 minutes while the files copied over

>aussie meme bloke
he's a pom

For when fiio finally upgrade the x5 line to take 512gb sd cards

why does it look like a menorah. (((who))) could be behind this?
