Especially Fr*nce, G*rmany and Spa*n.
This triggers the Yuropoor
And now Sadiq Khan
lol get fucked anglo
God save da Queen
American empire is best empire. You all listen to our rock and roll music and wear blue jeans. Ahahahahahahaha
Poland isn't even a real country. You're ruled by Brussels you actually like it lmao, stupid commie Slav mentality.
Your learned from the best in the business
Mongolian empire was the largest
Nice try angloshill
We sure did papa
I'm so jealous we didn't get to conquer niggers with spears :(
I don't see Mongolian as a global language.
Enjoying the fact that your history is "whitewashed" and that you have "gayest parliamentary" in the world? :)
Except it wasn't. A quick Google search would confirm this for you.
You just bread with them and created Argentinians lmao.
said the anglo after sacrificing his "glorious" empire to save communism
>tfw when brits don't even own London anymore
>he's so jealous and butthurt about the Empire he lies about its size
Virgintines btfo
Can we claim biggest empire as a ratio to home country?
Poland has never achieved anything apart from being raped by Germans and Russians. Your country literally only exists because we have you German's land lmao, you're the Mongolian version of Belgium.
>when you colonized a third of the world and now the third world colonizes you
Shes still strong!!! South pole reporting in.
Probably still would be England DESU
african colonies are fuckhuge
check the flag retard
Man I hate getting bullied by Euros on how I have no culture and I'm fat. Good thing UK exists to tell those fuckers what's what and keep them in their lane. Thanks UK
You must've never achieved pass in geography exams
>Meanwhile, France territory is almost 3 times bigger than the UK territory and almost 2 times bigger than the German territory
Ok then my mistake. You're just a Turk then.
>proud anglo
>meme flag
no need to insult you
>Barely owns anything from Europe
>Conquers some niggers and empty landscapes that even Poland could have conquered.
>Right now they are being reversed colonized
Literally beating savages fighting with sticks
If they could why didn't they?
If it was so easy why didn't all nations create the biggest empire in history? There can only be one. We had to fight off other powerful nations to be topdog you stupid Moor.
Delet this, Sadiq the anglo.
Bulgarians are literally Turks lmao
Your 'people' are so bad we unironically voted for Brexit just so no. Ore of you fuckers come
>Le buttmad Anglo gets triggered by the truth
The proof you have is that meme nation like Belgium owned a huge fucking part of Africa with ease. They couldn't do it because they didn't attend the Berlin conference to divide Africa because they didn't exist you fucking dumbass.
It's becouse not every nation has isle all for themselves from witch they can send lots of their ships to colonize places other nations discover...
Poland didn't colonize those spots becouse we had to deal with Russians, Germans, Swedes(back when they meant something) or Ottomans. While you were free to do what you want since all biggest powers had other powers to deal with back on continental europe so they didn't bother invading your island.
And that is also why you are fucked now becouse you already have been invaded and you have to fight on your streets which you are not used to
>our rock and roll
What is the last 50 years of music history ?
I don't mind. I'd also conquer the world if I had to live with British women on an island
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Great thread.
why did the fucking anglos had to help us? we would've been part of spain with no independent will at all since the late 1300s, they ruined us
And now England and all the other countries in the western alliance are vassal states to the USA, it's really sad to see how far we have fallen.
We wuz emperorz the post
>unironically wanting to be part of this shithole
Poortuguese education
Oh you went to empty places or nigger villages and put your flag there? Cool.
believe me guys, we love you as our brothers and we want you to join spain, but for real, you dont want to belong to this pais de pandereta
It may trigger them, but not as hard as it must trigger brit who looks at it and remembers how Churchill sold this empire to jews for relative humble amount of shekels.
Largest doesn't means Greatest.
>inb4 Roman Empire.
France germany spain italy and netherlands all had times in their regions history where they were the hegemonic power. Britains time is done its murricas turn
Just look at all these butthurt Moors lmao
ofc the roman empire was the greatest empire of all time, and still is.
Even the Han dynasty wouldn't be able to match with them.
And they're the founder of the west, with the greeks. Except they revivaled it.
They have one of the greatest military story of all time. They're the only one in the story who were able to control the mediterranean sea, by taking over many powerfuls civilizations : carthaginians, greeks, seleucid, macedonian, egyptians, parthian, jews (goods olds days).
And i dont talk about the cultural influence, which still rises in Europe and US today.
murica time is almost done, the 20th century was for u, and so the beginning of the 21st.
>Find large land masses that are uninhabited or inhabited by people who have not even invented agriculture
>claim for yourself and call it the greatest empire
Why do britbongs believe in this meme?