You need to understand that european leaders aren't insane...

You need to understand that european leaders aren't insane. They know exactly that niggers and muslims are destructive and violent force which weakens european countries.

Their plan is to make a communist european super-country, which in current state is known as the European Union. They use "refugees" as their tool to bring chaos to europe and destroy it's values completely. Only that way they can actually introduce communism.

Very important thing is the european army. It wont be used to fight muh evil Russia and sheit, but to persecute countries not willing to submit to commie directives. \

The plan is real. Read about Altiero Spineli and what he wrote in the Ventotene Manifesto. Spinellis name is above the main entrance to the european parliament. He was an italian commie who had a plan to unite Europe, get rid of national armies and "reorganise wealth" of its people.

Seriously you fucking retards. Don't you every say that european leaders are "stupid" or "ignorant". They know exactly what are they doing. Read about their past. They were all hardcore commies in their youth.

Other urls found in this thread:ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-

A red pilled Pole. Indeed a rarity.

thats half of it. White genocide is the other half.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan

Yes, just like the USSR, they would move the Red Army to any states that resisted, Poland, Hungary, I am sure their were others. God Bless you Poland.

White genocide is real, but I think that the priority form (((them))) is actually the Spinelli plan.

Why so many retards on Sup Forums think they will build a society with a majority of niggers and muslim sandniggers?

It will be only CHAOS. They won't build a progressive or a communistic society. It will be a fucking mess, white in western Europe will either assimilate to the new caliphate states or get the fuck out elsewhere. But they will never be able to build something solid like an European Soviet Union.

If you don't believe me, come in France and see by yourself.

Just look what's happening in the world all those SJW movements, ANTIFAs, Google and Youtube's policies and ect. All that shit is a cultural Marxism that these insane people are promoting it.


A weak society is easier to control.


BTW Altiero Spinelli was a Jew. Food for thought

>Don't you every say that european leaders are "stupid" or "ignorant".

A lot of them are. That's exactly why the ones that aren't can go along with their plans so easily, because they just hide behind the retards among them. Leaves the voters delusional and makes them think that they can still convince their leaders otherwise if only they make them realize the consequences of their suggestions.

All of Western politics right now depends on giving people false hope to keep them playing along with the rigged game rather than just rising up.

The nigs and sandnigs are just a tool to tear down the hurdles and make people more willing to go along with your suggestions. The intention is probably to just confine them to ghettos later on and creates similar conditions to the USA.

Cannot take over a fortress without breaching its walls first, but you can always repair the damage later on.

Chaos is a ladder.

I personally believe that there will be a major crisis with muslism and niggers chimping out on an extremely large scale. The UE army or something like that will bring an order to this and this is how commie state will start.

It's very easy to manufacture a grass roots chimp out. Arab Spring was entirely driven by the CIA using bots on Twitter and other social media.

For whom?

The French army and the police can't even bring order in France so don't even think about an EU army making order in the EU.

>For whom?

because (((someone))) is preventing them

So what are you waiting for? Leave it already.
You are not part of Eurozone yet, it's already going to be easier.

this will happen in 4/10 years.
i'm telling others to prepare,i'm not joking.
the suceesfully divived and pacified native europeans.
i bet we will even see arabs vs nigs in the coming chaos.

2 reasons
>Free shekels for cucking EU
>still in the process of changing silent minority about EU from "neutral" to "commies!"

Oh yeah, always the Jews.
I guess Rome also became decadent because of the Jews. Same for the Aztecs, the Mongols and so on. It's never our fault.

You should wonder who left the Jews controling our states, our economy, our laws, etc.

The few times the police tried to make order in the immigrants suburbs, it was fucking messy. Furthermore, the current western communists would never accept violent way against their poor shitskin.

Of course they will.
Immigrants are not a united bloc unlike anti-racist liberals think, they are more divided than whites.

It's a strange fusion between commie behaviour and oppression of the working class, and financial corruption for the rich.

The lefties love it because they like feeling fucked.

>They know exactly that niggers and muslims are destructive and violent force which weakens european countries.
no need to care when you live in a gated community with private security.

>Furthermore, the current western communists would never accept violent way against their poor shitskin.
You don't even realise how wrong you are about this.

I think I know better than you how it works here Poland.

I'm not talking about regular people, but the commie elites.

Denmark is the only sane country in the EU ,besides the UK, when it comes to the EU army crap.
Denmark cant and will not participate in any EU army system without calling for a referendum in Denmark. That is something our politicians do not want to do as the Danes have been pretty anti EU as of late.

>come in France and see by yourself.
yeah no thanks. I prefer not to look at the sorry state of your country. It puts me in a bad mood.

i like that, a nice little law to have hanging around, to stop the EU shit

No shit. How about you do something about it though, Karel.

A red pilled Britt. Indeed a rarity.
In Poland its common knowledge

Kill yourself meme flag.

yeah me too. We got a list of such laws. That is why we no longer can not be part of the new Europol or be forced to take in quota migrants.
We cant participate in defense, law, union citizenship or the Euro without having a referendum like Brexit. It has saved us more times than I can count.

I met 2 people from Denmark. One was a stunning woman who I had an affair with, the other was her boyfriend, who was so ducked he came from Denmark to USA to bang his whore.

Danes suck. Heartless, gay, pseudo-intellectual euro trash

oh and we got sweet one where we CANT be forced to pay sanctions. Unlike other EU countries who, if they fuck up like Greece, Denmark cant be forced to pay even if we break the rules of the economical union.

not really
>Euro trash
trash maybe but I wont be called a fucking Euro by a new world mongrel.

If the Nazis couldn't deal with the threat of Bolshevism, what makes you think a ragtag band of neckbeards on a Nigerian bongo drum tutorial forum can deal with it? The Jews won and the west is kiked and it's too late to deal with it in a world of nukes and police state censorship. Face it, all white women will be Islamic rape slaves in 50 years which is exactly what the kikes want. You've got to admire their sense of humour at least

God, I wish we still had politicians like the ones who wrote your laws,

Thanks ill add it to my random facts

well to be honest we did not want to join the union in the first place (because we do not want to be in a union with Germany). However when the UK joined Danes at the time feared we would be abandoned so we joined with the absolute minimum membership.
Now with the UK out many Danes have begone calling for us leaving too. Fact is the Denmark cant stand alone outside the EU but with the UK out it might be a possibility again.

You WILL be called a Euro, Mohammad, get used to it-its part and parcel of living in Denmarkistan.

we should make our own club, so it was a bit like us joining the EU. Told it was just a trade treaty, It looks more like the EUSSR by the day

EU was great idea hijacked by criminals, bankers, eurojews and pedos and turned into shit.

I was all for it to unite whole Europe in one WHITE nation, bringing muslims and africans is deal breaker. I think eastern Europe will break off, they didn't fight so hard for hundreds of years to get now blacked.

Shut up and take those refugees.

I have brown hair and brown eyes (ethnically white) and I will be the whitest looking guy in Europe soon.

Wtf happened to you? The sun never set on your empire, and now you're the laughingstock of the world. I wish the French won and we'd all be speaking French instead of Anglo garbage

The son is supposed to out grow his father

OP knows what's up

My family has a long persecution history from commies and no way I'll just sit idly and wait for the same old shit to come back, just from opposite geographic direction. Fuck commies, I'll be glad to put my life on the line if say an EU army makes their move beyond our border. I'd rather eat plant roots and sleep in a wooden shed but free, than letting literally who rule over this country. Choke on dick fucking lunatics.

if i believed it would stop at uniting europe i wouldnt mind, but i dont see any reason why they should stop before one world government

>commies hate the EU and all current European commie parties want to dissolve it because it is seen as the most capitalist invention of modern humanity (an alliance based on economic interests and money)
>"ugh dude the EU is a communist plot"

It's like I'm reading a thread full of underages or 50 year old schizos

>Implying commies are smart
those EU leaders are just useful idiots of the jews, just like sjws and niggers in the US.
Your main enemy boss are the kikes.

it really does not bother me what some mutt half nogg calls me.
Back up your claim of "Danes suck" mr. 56%.

>muh "white" people
you new world mutts are insufferable. You are really no better than the niggers you keep as pets.

>It looks more like the EUSSR by the day
or more like Greater Germany. Damn those southern cunts.

No you don't.

let me guess. Under that meme flag is either a Romanian or a German. Which one is it gypsy?

This. I want an Union with my european brothers but it would be an europe for europeans. Turn the EU into a real confederacy with soverign states and tweak the buercravy a bit and it would be perfect.

>Danes join V4, V5 exit

>Help unuck the EU

>Start the fuck over on a new EU that doesn't involve the middle east and africa, everyone shits on Germany until the old EU falls apart and they are stuck with their third world population. Maybe you can even save France somehow.

>Meanwhile US passes RAISE act and western civilization survives with new cooperation between euros and the US.

I'll be honest, I did not read your sperg bullshit, it is enough to see pic.

>European Union communist
Do you even do politics Sup Forums-ack? European Union was created by rich industrialist as entetiy of free trade - no protectionism. Free flow of goods (no customs) and manpower. It is all about free market and punishing states if - those who interfere with it.

>the free movement of goods, including the customs union; agriculture and fisheries; free movement of people, services and capital

If anything, EU is libretarian dream.
So stop being fucking idiot and start reading.

The US will be brown far sooner than an european country. You really beat us there.

Just look at your country bro. Scandinavia is like fucking Canada now. Your people disgrace your blood.

I don't really see a point in debating someone who's country is turning into a caliphate.

Will also make the argument that the new world mutt is whiter than you, because you people are only white in name.

White people would never allow the atrocity that you are currently undergoing.

USA last uncucked white homeland

You can say communism is applied Goy policy from Judaism.
The Jews are doing this to Europe.

Far too many stars are used on flags in my opinion. The Jews must really love being so overt with their control over the goyim.

As for the European Union, the backbone of it is the relationship between France and Germany. All other relationships are secondary.

The way the Germans have Europe by the balls economically is pretty impressive though. I'm a foreigner in Bulgaria and all the cars are German except for the odd Soviet-era shitpile.

The economic imperialism would make Hitler blush.

>I was all for it to unite whole Europe in one WHITE nation
make a union with your fellow southerns. Danes do not even want to unite with other Germanics.
>I want an Union with my european brothers
we are NOT brothers. We are somewhat friendly neighbours at best.
>Turn the EU into a real confederacy with soverign states and tweak the buercravy a bit and it would be perfect.
spoken like a true enemy. Why dont you just join with those faggot Germans and stop pestering us?
>Scandinavia is like fucking Canada now.
Denmark does not equal Scandinavia. I HATE most Scandinavians as they are Swedes.
>Your people disgrace your blood.
no they dont.
>I don't really see a point in debating someone who's country is turning into a caliphate.
Denmark is not turning into a caliphate my Mexican friend. Of all the western European nations Denmark is the "hardest" on the mudslimes.
>Will also make the argument that the new world mutt is whiter than you, because you people are only white in name.
o.k its you new worlders who came up with the term. I have no idea what it really means or if I as a north Germanic cunt belong to this tame group.
>USA last uncucked white homeland
a literal melting pot is your "white" homeland? I guess the term White is pretty diverse.

Sorry Mohammad. My genes are Armenian, French, Brit-Irish-scot; and at least I can say, no matter how bad life gets:


This is a long shot, but I bet your mother was a whore.

Danish women are the biggest whores second only to Sweden

How on earth can you unite ALL of Europe? All of the attempts of the past have ended in failure.

The language barriers alone are stark. Are you all just going to convert to speaking German/English as your national european language to understand eachother?

The model for the integration of many European peoples is pre-1960s America/Australia/Canada (before the niggers, poos and chinks started coming). Even then those countries were dominated by Western Europeans.

language isnt a big deal, there are far more important things to worry about.

EU = 4th Reich

6 German countries created this union when the stupid allies (USA and UK + FR+ ...+ STUPID GREECE) cancel the whole German debt back in 1953

now it is too late . Germans are controlling the whole Eurozone !

GERMAN-FRANCE union lost the VOTING POWER ( in IMF when stopped controlling UK after Brexit BUT they already have created their debt organization ...

they already using it in Greece as the laboratory animal and the name of this mechanism is ESM

now these 6 countries around Germany want to have army ... they know that the white Europeans will never fight for Germans and they are bringing blacks from Africa

GAME OVER USA / UK / Greece (already) and .... POLAND

Historically speaking, the people(s) who contributed most to the world:

1. Britain
2. France
3. Germany
4. Italy

Denmark is a little blip, unless you have one of the big 4 in your bloodline, you're a pretty pointless human being.

Its a huge deal. Think about America if all the immigrants held onto their original language, it would be a clusterfuck.

The colonies break Europeans down and make them into Anglos, or at least try to.

I don't see Australians on your list for some reason.


>All of the attempts of the past have ended in failure.
Thanks, burgers. We'll repay you with rampant leftism that will destroy you in turn.

As Kojeve, a Soviet spy who created the European Common Market (>European Economic Community>European Union), predicted and pushed for: the "Hegelian" global historical synthesis of capitalism and communism.

>"The universal and homogeneous state is `good' only because it is the last (because neither war nor revolution are conceivable in it: mere `dissatisfaction' is not enough, it also takes weapons!)

>In the final state there naturally are no more `human beings' in our sense of an historical human being.The `healthy' automata are 'satisfied'(sports,art,eroticism,etc), and the `sick' ones get locked up. As for those who are not satisfied with their 'purposeless activity'(art etc), they are the philosophers(who can attain wisdom if they 'contemplate' enough).By doing so they become 'gods'.ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-
WEForum 2017:

only the upper levels of society are going to actually need to talk to people from other countries and you should be learning other languages in school anyway.

They're like the Irish-potato nigger colony of the No. 1

Fucking Germs are the root of all evil

Now combine it with the creation of Eurabia (and other massive blocs in other part of the world, to better facilitate global government):

European Commission plan directly from their website:
UN plan directly from their website:
Paneuropean Union:
Charlemagne Prize:
Articles with links and references to historical documents dating back to WW1:
The Union for the Mediterranean comprises the 28 EU Member States, the European Commission and 15 Mediterranean countries:

...and you have a pretty cheerful near future to look forward to.

Exactly; glad I'm not the only voice in the will take blood in the streets to set things right

I don't think the burgers had much of an influence when it came to Napoleon.

That's an incredibly elitist view of people, or are the lower classes in Europe that stupid?

Still a higher HDI than you, burgerkike.

Muslims =/= a race
Can't you get it right



how is it elitist? what are the lower classes going to be doing that requires talking to people from other countries? obviously if they want to, theres nothing stopping them but its not a consideration for a superstate

If you depend on your country for health you deserve to die.

The healthy will outlive you sickly

He was not. Simply a retarded commie.

Maybe I'm projecting my view of what a country should be onto Europe. I shouldn't.

Human Development Index?

Protip burgerboy: America spends a shitload on healthcare. Public funds too. It's just that the kikes have your healthcare system by the balls so you can't have a wart removed without being employed with health insurance.

I am 100% healthy, and a firm believer in Eugenics.

Just look at you, why should a dumbass like you procreate and populate the world with beta Untermench?

Nature would have killed you Ned the other weaklings off if not for your Jew medicine

So you are saying they are flooding europe so they can lock them down into eternal slaves?

Yah sounds pretty commie tier.

Capitalism isn't about survival of the fittest. It's about the survival of the people who can accumulate the most money.

Invariably that is a bunch of sleazy fat kikes that utilize usury.

Just look at the obesity rates in the West. Tell me that is eugenics in action.

I'm 100% European, can you say the same, amerimutt?

>still believing in the medicinal jew

im only talking about practical problems for globalism, not what i think would be ideal

I can. I'm tall too and have those European good looking features.

Just got culture of critique in the post this morning, am i in for a good read lads?

Does it bug anyone else when people don't realize "CCCP" is just "SSSR" in the Cyrillic alphabet?

Basically the worst person in the world right now:

Tall, good looking white guy in USA straight outta college, and taking advantage of the fact that I'm a land owner.

Gotta get some of these European mail order brides and start a doomsday polygamist cult, while growing lots of weed, organic food, and having endless sex.

yes ,watch movie elysium,its litteraly elites endgame , mutt population with couple white being slave labour for the deep states that live in cosmo farms

so do you want a European "super"state? Do you consider yourself European as a primary identity?

White genocide is but another means to the same communist end: one world under Jewish gouvernment.

That's literally not true we're next door to Africa.

What happens after they have introduced communism?

What's the long term plan?

no you idiot, im just saying language isnt an obstacle for that. not only is it so flexible that you can learn in 5 years tops and totally move an entire population to a new language in a single generation but its not even necessary for most people to communicate between other countries in the first place. if your only concern is language your looking at the wrong things

language is part of culture and I am highly concerned with culture.
Still you did not answer my question; do you want an EU superstate?