How fucking crazy were the early Christians?
Saint Peter (c.67), tmartyred by crucifixion
Pope Linus (Saint) (c.67-c.76) killed
Pope Anacletus or Cletus (Saint) (c.79-c.92)killed
Pope Clement I (Saint) (c.92-c.99), thrown into sea with anchor around his neck
Pope Evaristus (c.99-c.108) Killed
Pope Alexander I (Saint) (c.106-c.119); recognition as the martyred Saint Alexander
Pope Sixtus I (Saint) (c.119-c.128) killed
Pope Telesphorus (Saint) (c.128-c.138) killed
Pope Anicetus (Saint) (155-166), traditionally martyred.
Pope Soter (Saint) (166-175), died a martyr
Pope Eleuterus (Saint) (175-189), died a martyr
Pope Victor I (Saint) 189-199, died a martyr
Pope Calixtus I (Saint) (217-222), died a martyr
Pope Urban I (Saint) 222-230, died a martyr
Pope Pontian (Saint) 230-235, condemned to mines in Sardinia and died on island of Tavolara
Pope Anterus (Saint) Elected 235-12-21, martyred at hands of Emperor Maximus
Pope Fabian (Saint) Elected 236-1-10 and died a martyr 250-1-20 during persecution by Decius
Pope Cornelius (Saint) Elected March 251 and died a martyr June 253.
How fucking crazy were the early Christians?
I wish my faith was that strong, you'd have to have it all to join this death cult
Pope Cornelius (Saint) Elected March 251 and died a martyr June 253.
Pope Lucius I (Saint) Elected 253-6-25 and martyred 254-3-5.
Pope Stephen I (Saint) Elected 254-5-12 and martyred 257-8-2.
Pope Sixtus II (Saint) Elected 257-8-30 and martyred 258-8-6
Pope Dionysius (Saint) Elected 259-7-22 after year of persecutions and died 268-12-26, martyred
Pope Felix I (Saint) Elected 269-1-5 and died 274-12-30, martyred
Pope Eutychian (Saint Elected 275-1-4 and martyred 283-12-7.
Pope Caius (Saint) Elected 283-12-17 and martyred 296-4-22, but not at hands of his uncle, Diocletian
Pope Marcellinus (Saint) Elected 296-6-30 and martyred 304-10-25 during persecution of Diocletian
Pope Marcellus I (Saint) Elected 308-5-27 after 4-year vacancy and martyred 309-1-16.
Pope Eusebius (Saint) Elected 309-4-18 and martyred in Sicily 309-8-17.
This fucks must have really really hated Romem degeneracy
They were literally just like ISIS.
Jesus was a paedophile.
All of the Apostles and the early Christians were Jews. They saw Jesus as the fulfilment of the Jewish laws and prophecies - that he had come to redeem Judaism and the Jews, not to set up another religion.
>he had come to redeem Judaism and the Jews, not to set up another religion.
>replace all jewish practices for their new religous practices
>write a book specifically calling jews the "synagogue of satan"
I think you're mistaking early christians with american evangelists.
What the fuck does that have to do with the fact you had a death wish to be a Christian (or "Jewish Christian) for like 200+years
Dying because you don't bend your knee to the stablishment is now madness.
a turk in germany
a jew in spain
>early Christians
having a torture device as your primary religious symbol seems pretty crazy full stop. and we look down on the martyr culture of islam...
They were killed because they were Jews
Interesting plot line.
That is at the same tier as the holocaust is a myth but hilter is a bad person becuase he didn't do a holocaust
My local Saint, Saint Lawrance died martyr cooked alive by the romans in a grill.
Wait wait, are you saying they were likely to be killed for being Jewish either way so being a Christian (Jew ). Didn't make much difference?
>we look down on the martyr culture of islam...
Christians martyrs weren't blowing up non bealivers, but we're peaceful and attacked
theyre crazier now
>spend 1200 years getting clay stolen by muslims
>spend 800 years fighting muslims
>let muslims into your countries to populate your cities, and rape and kill your people
mad lads
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post (part 1000) Stormcuck pagan larp on a school night too. what a twist!
plenty of opportunities to be martyred inbound though
>Implying it's the Christians pushing for that
You know modern liberals are almost exclusively atheist right? The type of people who are getting "Refugees Welcome" tattooed on them are the same ones who worship Dawkins and post shit like "I love science" on facebook.
>Dying because you don't bend your knee to the stablishment is now madness.
It is, majority of the Romans thought martrys are deluded madmen, the martrydoms did not earned many converts, the actual miracles of expelling demons or healing people did.
Christianity is the top tier thing because it recognizes absolute power in God and Christ, NOT on the state.
Every civilization will be the enemy of christianity because it is the anti-system philosophy and does not recognize power on anyone and preaches intimacy ( oneself and God only)
This is why jews hate it
one god, one king. Both can do whatever they want.
Civil rights are a greco/romans thing and better for it
Yes but what the state ultimately wants is to be considered God and Christianity forever negates that.
st paul wasn't jewish and even helped kill early christians and he was an apostle
Zealotry was always the driving force of any civilization/culture/religion. Now we got cuck zealots who're ready to suicide themselves for multiculturalism. It's the same thing.
thousands of years where church and kings did whatever they wanted under the justification that there is one god and one centre of authority proove you wrong friend
our ancient cultures were superior. Even so called "stupid" barbarian tribes were more democratic than middle ages
Motivation is important to understanding.
His last words were: "Turn me over I'm done on this side"
That's interesting considering Dawkins Hates Islam and the other Jewish shit
Stfu Germany is legit responsible for all the bad shit-every downturn in the West started with one of you goddamn krauts
>martrydoms did not earned many converts
You must be gaytheist, talking out of your ass so. After the first 2-300 years of martyrs, Christianity was the primary religion in the Roman empire. The early church was considered to have grown "watered by the blood of martyrs. " The cruelties of Roman paganism was made clear to everyone
The Jews were not killed for their religion, only for political sedition. Ancient Romans respected religions that were ancient (unlike today) and Christianity was considered to be too new to be worthy of their respect
St Paul was from a well respected Jewish family and was brought up highly educated in Judaic law. He's not Jewish in the sense that he came to worship Christ though he used his knowledge of Judaism to convert others. Previous to his conversion, he informed on Christians though never killed any himself. He was witness to what's considered the first martyrdom, St Stephen.
>Now we got cuck zealots who're ready to suicide themselves for multiculturalism
Name one specific example so you aren't guilty of false equivalence
i bet it was because they were jews that convert to Christianity and try to spread it to other jews so another jews off them
>How fucking crazy were the early Christians?
This crazy
No, they tried to convert them back saying they were following Judaism anyway. It didn't work because they weren't Jews but quotes are used modernly out of context to prove Christians hate Jews. They don't actually
>How fucking crazy
They believed, you do not. That is the difference. If Christianity is the truth then they just sacrificed themselves for a greater cause. People don't do that today for things they DO believe in
>not realizing that Emperor Constantine just wanted to centralize the entire power for himself by declaring a sole figure as the deity, opposed to the multitude of choices offered by the pantheon
>not realizing that the entire basis of Christianity is revolved around pagan myths and motives, mainly because the local populace at that time did not want to convert to another religion whatsoever
What cruelties of Roman paganism? Are you for real, man? The Romans accepted other cultures in their society, as long as they obeyed to Roman administrative rule. The Jews were not killed by the Romans because they were Jews, for example - they were killed because they rebelled ever so often. Same goes for a lot of other cultures/religions.
Christianity could have been easily replaced by the cult of Mithras for that matter - and in a lot of regards, Zoroastrianism-influenced cults/religions were far better than this Abrahamic backwater religion revolved around eating flesh and drinking blood.
This is a politics forum for adults, go be ignorant somewhere else, kids.
>1 post by this ID
>2 paragraphs
>pic related is himself
nice argument there, user. Now go stab yourself repeatedly with that dildo your mum bought you for your christening.
Nice bashing theere Mr. Goldstein Shekelberg, but we all know who are the enemy