Are memes were true?
Will western Europe become predominantly Muslim in our life time while Poland will stay as the last white country?
Are memes were true?
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Poland is anti-white and SJW.
Yes and? We love EU, we get all the money, deny joining eurozone, and when we openly laugh at their faces when they ask us to take rapefugees each month they do nothing about it... what's to hate?
Might just have to move to Poland soon enough.
Me too brother. Inshalllah!
your kind aint welcome in the new Jerusalem, Ahmed. DEUS VAULT.
Fuck Slav subhumans and medniggers only us Germans are white
Just moved to Polska from California, feels fantastic bros
Germans are hun rape babies mixed with poles these days. You aren't white either.
Are you white?
We are full.
If they're not white then what they are and why so many of them has blue yes and blonde hair?
I thought Slavs and Germanics are very closely related, I bet Germans are much more connected to Poles (culturally and genetically) than to Spaniards for example, you two are Norther European after all.
It would not be fantastic for him if he was not.
>you two are northern european after all
>Free gibs
I'm guessing you're Québécois.
as long as Poland remains a dirt poor shithole that its own people don't want to stay in then yes it should be safe for a few decades more or less
>while Poland will stay as the last white country?
Poorland is getting BLACKED soon, EU just ruled that they have to take their share of refugees.
Franco-Prussian War.
Polish people actually are in the EU union only for money, i live here since the day i was born.
We will not leave untill it wont be profitable. But indeed we don't trust anyone other then white people.
For the eight time and for the eight time we don't give a fuck about EU bullshit.
Try again, and show flag
And those rapefugees will go straight back to Germany cuz no free gibs.
Germany as a unified country has only existed since the mid 1800s so it doesn't count. Aren't you italians supposed to hate them anyway?
Slavs aren't white.
And Poland isn't even a real country.
Nigger detected
why is that?
Germany and Poland are more to the North of Eurobe
I'm sure they will go back to Germoney as soon as possible since Poland is still noticeably meager than western EU
>Slavs aren't white.
What they are then?
You dont even know what your own cuckland ruled you moron, they ruled they don't give a shit about what Hungary and Slovakia said 2 years ago... it will change fuck all. Stay cucked nuflagfag.
Germany and poland are central europe you gook.
If Poland isn't a country then where did that guy who fixed my shitter come from?
No, because Western Europe still has patriotic officers in the army and they will try to impose a military dictatorship
Get the fuck outta here with your divide and conquer shit.
None of the European countries will be majority Muslim in our lifetime. The highest number of Muslims in a western European country is 5%. That number won't change much during our life time; especially since borders are slowly starting to close more and more.
No, Sadly they won't
No I dont believe all that propaganda,history tends to repeat itself and I have no doubt that our european genocidal/fascisti tendencies will comeback and murder all of those commies and muslims
In 100 years the western European muslim countries will stabilise and they'll easily conquer Poland and the rest of eastern Europe. Their economy isn't even comparable to ours, they're that much better.
Prussia, Russia or Austria. One of the three.
Can't hear you over the sound of ahmed fucking your wife & kids in the room next door m9.
Aren't those muslims have way more kids on average than whites?
If that so It's just a matter of time...
More like Lithuania ukraine and belarus
Agreed. Poland is a fake puppet state. I laugh at how desperately Polacks are trying to present themselves as stronk and how they can oppose the stronger EU
>white in any way, shape or form
>from this galactic sector
I'm afraid that they are whiter than you Switzerland
It is true man, especially in French army, were more than 80% of highs places in french army are occupied by catholic sovereignist generals and admirals.
But will they move ? I dont know. Story will tell us.
We are living the most important century of white Europe.
Nationalism/Anti-globalist/Patriotic/whatever u want takes over that is not cucky jewed leftism , and we win. Or our country die.
And if it's lost, prepare to welcome all the westerners for some decades, waiting their moments to make the reconquista in western europe.
We dont know what's going to happen.
Between "gas the kikes race war now" and "it's lost nothing will happen, watch ur country and ur people die" there's huge gap.
I cant even tell u what going to happen the next month, with Macron's economics reforms.
They hate us cuz they ain't us
I support left wing parties in Germany, France and UK
While at the same time I support conservatives in eastern Europe.
I hope England will rot first
Who cares slavshits are not white
You again? What a fucking disaster of a life you must have to do nothing but shit on your own country in every Poland related thread
Back to scrubbing my toilet, Polak.
> not knowing the greatest shill and larper on the Internet - testoviron
This pollack is now even 1/9 as good as Mr.Łukasz was
I've asked before, I'll ask again
What are they if not white, most of Polish people have white features (blonde hair and blue eyes)
Having that doesn't make you any more white. 10000 years ago everyone in europe had brown eyes. You are an imbecile.
widziałem mema czy dwa z tym typem, ale nie znam
mam zablokowany polski internet, wkurwia mnie
Hello and welcome to Poland.
No gibs.
No free fancy house.
Everyone call you nigger.
Act up and get beaten.
Probably get beaten anyway.
Oh you are off to Germany again? What a shame.
Germany non white in one generation.
Ok mister 56 percent.
i just love being a slav
Slav girls all smell
>10000 years ago everyone in europe had brown eyes
100000 years ago everyone in europe was hairy and killed shit with rocks, but you don't hear turks claiming europe because of that
what a non argument you have there buddy
A to czemu?
Wracając, te wszystkie shille i inne gówna z Polski na polu starają się go naśladować, co im w sumie słabo wychodzi bo ten typek któremu odpisywałeś używa dokładnie tych samych tekstów na każdym możliwym threadzie, co chyba już zauważyłeś. Ani to denerwujące, ani to śmieszne
Only retards say that slavics people aren't white.
Just coz they've 2-3% DNA coming from Asia.
But they're as white as westerners europeans.
Man if muslims take over our country, they're going to be part of 3rd world.
The western countries are holded by whites and only by whites. Especially by the white middle class.
Just as the mexican and niggers cost more to the US than they contribute, shitskins, africans, muslims cost more to western europe than they contribute.
Without our presence in our whites countries, the western europe would become in 5 years 3rd world member.
U will never maintain a 1st world country by importing 3rd world population. It's as simple as this.
like flowers yeah
But he has right, Slavs should leave dreams for be white and focus to build our countries pretty and slavic.
Do you think people here are just bantzing?
I mean really
It's not rocket science, (unlike north korea nuclear program that wants to nuke south korea and USA)
>tfw when no smelly slav gf
romania e 15% tigani, deci lasa vrajeala.
Chimp out even further Polacks, stronger countries will give you a lesson anyway. Prepare to eat ziemnioki and kapusta 6 days a week. Poland is a weak, puppet shithole, your desperate and angry reaction only confirms that xd
London-800 victims of knife attack injuries in 2 months
WHOLE Poland-700 victims of knife attack injuries in a WHOLE year.
Let this sink in. 38 mln country in Eastern Europe has less knife attacks in a year than London alone in 2 months
And incase you were wondering why is this happening
Well thats because aging population doesn't mean "bad economies" it means "socialist" who are trying to prevent the right from taking power AND also to make the people more submisitve arent really favored by "older" people which lean conservative as much as young people
So gays, single mothers, interacials and migrats are going to vote "gibs" or for the group which is the left which promises "gibs"
they usually fist fight or ambush someone 5:1. no need for weapons.
And when you have a rich diverse country, a country divided for everybody except the native people
You don't have unity, and it's easy to control.
If you also import shitty, poor, lower inteligence people.. they will CONSUME more then your native smart conservative people which want to make a better future for their children.
no one buys this shit m8
>Western countries YOU NEED MIGRATS !!
for jobs that are going away in the next 25 years via automation and we are too many to start with to feed, thats why you see a trend of japanese people being virings until they are 40...
because homeostatis is not a thing
yes. the future of whites in western Europe will be dense city centers full of Muslim shitskins, and sporadic populations of whites in the country side. this kind of white flight is already happening in Europe, something we've been doing in the U.S. as soon as we had cars to get away from the shitskins.
Poles on the other hand have the benefit of an extremely problematic history, and one that continued up to modern times. nationalism is not only part of their character, but there is just no way they can give up what they have fought for so long. that they are catholic and embrace greco roman ideals basically means Poland will be one of the finest white countries in the future. unfortunately, they're gonna be surrounded by Asiatics in the east and Mudshits in the West. such is the eternal struggle of poles tho.
>Tigani not muslims
>Tigani indo-aryan language, indo-european people
>Tigani will steal your wallet a Muslims will make you pay jiyda refuse and they will cut off your head
>Tigani only 3%
>Tigani will fight with us to kill Muslims
>Tigani will protect your sorry ass feminim benis when the situation is dire
>Fucking gypsy education
I'm not Japan, back to school idiot
I can't believe that there are polish people who think that they have it bad, yet they are one of the only white countries that still predominantly hold patriotism for their country and say no to the destruction of their culture and heritage.
If you really think Poland is bad, come to any other country. You'll get a shock on how bad it is. Ill switch with you, you can come live in Melbourne with somalian gangs and legions of chinks.
Does he know that Poland has a dynamic economy, and a growing army ?
I dont remember where i read it, but Poland might be a top 5 Europe country soon (at the same level of Italy and Spain)
(still, it's not that hard, after living 50 years with communitards and economic socialism immobilism)
Their language is a bitch to learn though. Ours too, but Polish has that special bitchiness about it.
What about all non slavic population and share all land between us? Russia has enough nukes for do that. Share land and people again on new tribes and populate earth in superior slavic culture.
I was making a point, you are not from the west either faggot
I dont have a video from south korea overpopulation do i?
Nor do most people say south korea should import migrants
>shouldn't fucking east-asian chinks have higher IQ, my fuck dog would understand this..
Oh way you eat dogs
wipe out all non slavic with nukes*
>Plague from the East
>Poland largely unaffected
Huh this seems familiar
And If we really think about it, Korea is rightful Japanese clay, your women were soo raped and many threw themselfs at the japanease that you bascily shat on your Mongolian DNA
B-but they also have nukes. I think you just want non-slavics and mother Russia wipe each other out so you'll be the only one left.
superior slavic immune systems
That's actually pretty great!
Our -- Slavic -- languages are perfect deterrent
Only those who actually want to contribute to any Slavic society will be able to learn on it.
Both niggers and Muslims are way too lazy to learn it. Even if eastern Europe was full of rich welfare states, they still would not want to come here
The reason poland didnt have the black plague was because of jews
Romania is the rightful Indian clay
no more yous for (you) Gypsy
e tam kurwa trudny zaraz
So hide ur Slavs and make non slavic russians to start nuke war, we just should protect hungary and baltics.
Who gives a fuck what are we compared to Western Europe. The truth is that Polacks are embarrassing chavs, a weak country, very divided, 50% catholic 50% left/liberal. There's literally no advantage that Poland has over other cuntries, so sooner or later, Poland will be punished for its misbehaviour, this is why you have Polacks pretending that they're stronk and independent, because they feel the weakness of Poland, only try to make themselves more optimistic by saying all that propaganda bullshit. The problem is that Germany has no partner to partition Poland anymore, because Ukraine is a wedge between Poland and Russia :\
spread an engineered virus through russia and put the antidote in vodka - slavs save and happy
ure so stupid, it's not even funny, 0/10 low quality b8 m8
się tu wypisujesz, aż ci się pejsy spociły
But we should most of this non slavic on rest of world wipe out too. Then only few culture stay and can take whole world which is give to us by God and nuclear fire storm.