Zuckerberg will run in 2020 and yet Sup Forums considers him a joke...

Zuckerberg will run in 2020 and yet Sup Forums considers him a joke. Did you already forget that many considered Trump a joke during his campaign and he became president? Checkmate, Sup Forumstards.

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This is the dumbest meme leftist can come up with, it's almost as if democrats want to lose in 2020 lmao.


inb4 500+ replies from triggered baited dumbasses

Trump uses social media to great effect, but Zuckerberg CONTROLS a social media platform. He can use that to keep himself in a positive light while censoring anything bad about him.
He is wealthier than Trump and can flaunt that fact while having a stronger "jobs" message than Trump.

Please retarded people of my country don't do it!!!!

How so? He is wealthier and has a bigger base than Trump. Both of which Trump would be massively insecure about.

If he won in 2020 how would white people react?

No bait. I want to have a discussion because I do believe Zuckerberg has great odds of becoming the Democratic nominee.

Nobody likes the kike.


Why not? The Democrats have made it clear they don't want progressives, they want a corporate toadie as president. Zuckerberg fills that role with doing everything Trump brags about better.

If he runs for President kikebook will be destroyed forever by the dankest memes in the universe. Do it faggot.

No charisma, no wit, no intelligence, no balls, no personality.
Mutant rodent fucking face.

he has no humanity. hes going to fuck up every time he tries to show everybody he is human.

Leftists don't care about skin color for their own candidates. They don't hold themselves to the insane standards that they hold the right to. If they really cared about that, Bernie or Hillary would have been replaced for someone not white.

Zuck is too creepy even for Democrats. Hillary was able to use the "I have a toothed vagina" card, but what does he have to play on the public? A gook wife and a shitty social media platform.

For a minute, I thought Zucc went insane like Glenn Beck and built a copy Oval Office to practice / LARP.

We really need to start digging shit up on this guy. Making phonecalls to people who've known him. Start lying the groundwork for the Great Meme War 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wow, the shilling for this Wormy Jew has already started huh?

If you thought censorship was bad now, wait until this clown gets into office.
Facebook is already wiping out Conservative viewpoints.

Reptilians aren't allowed to be potus.

He already lost when he forced everybody to switch over to Facebook Timeline in 2012.

Zuck the cuck suffers the same problem that Hillary has which is he has no charisma.

That's why he has been going on factory tours. He wants to work on his social and presentation skills to connect better with people so he is prepared when the 2020 election arrives. I will admit those aspects are his weak points, but I believe he's currently working to correct those aspects.

he argued for Basic Income. Might get him votes in 4 states, he'll lose the rest.

"I'm with the Jew" signs will be up all over the place.

Most people on Sup Forums don't take him as a serious contender. I think it will be Trump all over again and the right will be shell shocked.

Shitty bait, it's a Redpill Thread now

i really hope zuckercuck runs. he has absolutely 0 charisma and will definitely make the democrats lose


He will run but not succed.

If he runs for president, we will meme him down as from this very board, just as we memed Trump into presidency.

Trump won on his messaging. What does zuccajew have for a message? Oh yeah, exactly what we rejected in 2016!

>more illegals
>more welfare
>more taxes on everyone but himself
>socialized medicine for everyone but himself

Same platform demofaggots have had for years... and they're losing in droves.

I can see it now
Early in the race overzealous mods shut down or block the Facebook accounts of Hillary and whoever else is running for democratic nomination

Zuckerberg ends up looking like a giant idiot

These non-stop Zuckerburg shill threads need an immediate ban


If Zuckerberg is actually running for President, I need to buy a communist flag so I don't get sent to the gulag when he wins.


zuckerberg has the charisma of jeb bush. he is not likeable in the least bit. he also has an ugly face, which cant be fixed or improved

>Bigger base
Who, the faggots still using facebook?


I believe that's why he's been doing factory tours across the country. He wants to get more comfortable and connect with people easier. It's babysteps for his presidential campaign.
Refer to my first reply in this comment.
Free monthly salary would win a lot of votes. Let's be honest.
Sorry you feel that way. No bait.
That would require a lot more people taking him seriously which isn't happening right now.
True. I think if the Resist Trump movement is successful, it will be a good wave for Zuckerberg to ride his way into the White House.
See my first reply in this comment.

Zuckerberg will not have any real chance after Trump's first term - He would be better off to run after his second term together with Elizabeth Warren and The Rock

Ahaha good joke, he has absolutly no chance to win ! All his opponent has to do is to point out he has no political experience and nobody will ever vote for him ! Right ?



Yes. Facebook has 20x more traffic than Twitter. It would be easy for Zuckerberg to capitalize on that and utilize.

People voted for Trump also because he is a symbol Americana and he is a really good speaker - two things Zucker here is not

I don't think Zuckerberg would ever become president. Though, in the theoretical instance of Zuck becoming president, how would that impact Oculus and the VR market. After all, he's the head of Facebook, and they own Oculus. Any thoughts?

In 2020, after having fixed the republican party, Trump will run as a democrat.

Zuckerberg is an american symbol as the new generation golden boy.

And how would know if he's a good speaker ? He doesn't speak.

He'd never get the Dem nomination because young women in the primary wouldn't vote for a manlet. He'd have to run as an independent, even then, if the Randlet is doomed, so is Zuck. Sucks for humanity that many capable men never get the chance to lead because of "muh cunt."

He will run as a democrat in North Korea

If he was a good speaker - I think we would know by now

I would unironically vote for Zuck. We're at a point where anyone without a background in science, engineering, or Constitutional law doesn't deserve to be running any government position. Our government has too many scientifically illiterate dumbasses.

Zuckerberg is noticeably phony. Everyone can feel it. The same as Clinton, but has a track record of censorship.

This is his biggest weakness. I think that is why he is touring the country to try and shore up his awkward weaknesses.

2020 baby!

Zuckerburg is going to be running for the Democrats on a Fuck White People platform.

Yet he would crush Trump on personal life values. He has more money than Trump but spend a lot less on himself. He married a childhood friend he knew before getting rich and he's still with her (not spouse number 43). He gives to charity in a year more than all Trump gave in his entire life.

Facebook has 20x more bots than twitter.

Fuckerberg is literally running because he thinks Trump is not an exceptional human being but bought the election. And since he has far more money than Kerblumpfth, surely he too can succeed.
There are similar stirrings among a few other richfags, but Zucc is the only one dumb enough to think he'd succeed.

Let's also not forget the fact that Trump has had a policy for some decades now and he has stuck by it -Has Zucker put out any policy or at least a national focus like jobs or technology or something of the sort ? You can't run without that - Look at Hillary - She lost in a landslide

Come on boys let's get some "Zuck's Presidential Tour" memes going.

>has had a policy for some decades now and he has stuck by it
You mean like on abortion or single-payer healthcare ? Trump was a democrat 5 years ago...

No he will be running to fix everything that Drumpf fucked up.

Read his books or youtube.com/watch?v=Rksd80-FCAw&t=842s

>He is wealthier than Trump and can flaunt that fact while having a stronger "jobs" message than Trump.
Yeah because flaunting all those H1B wageslaves you hire definitely looks good to the American people.

I would if he actually wrote it himself.

Zuckerberg won't win.
Autists already have the memes, and dirt on the guy, once he announces he's running, we'll be coming out in full force.

IMO the only people who would even consider voting for him are millennials and literal idiots.

He's the perfect mix of successful businessman, but having the mannerisms of a nice guy. He's not overly aggressive or alpha so he won't piss off progressives. He'll call himself a feminist and the left will eat it up.
We'll see.
Trump was a lifelong Democrat and recently flipflopped while Zuckerberg has the benefit of saying he's always been consistent with his values.

>making a typo in a meme
>mirrored maga hat

Zuckerberg has real chances to win. He's young, idealistic and represents the best of the American dream. He can actually understand issues related to science and technology. At this moment he's the best you can find at the bottom of the barrel. Unfortunately he looks like someone who could be easily swayed by higher powers in the WH. He doesn't understand what the lower class wants. But if he works on his image, he could do it.

>Zuckerberg won't win.

Maybe but "working for Facebook" sounds actually good for the random normies but "working for Trump" sounds like being scammed.

While Trump has changed from Democrat to Republican his message and policy has remained the same. The only reason why he changed is because the Democratic party is rigged and now full of SJW cry babies

That doesn't even make sense

This is what I keep telling Sup Forums. He is a sneaky, slimy kike, through and through. He has unlimited access to Jew shekels and the personal data of every American, he won't think twice to sell out to the highest bidder. Even if he doesn't run himself, he is a very serious threat.

My main concern with (((him))) apart from the kikery is how he owns the largest media on the planet and how easy it is to brainwash its userbase.

>having a stronger "jobs" message than Trump

yeah cause someone who pretty much exclusively hires foreigners will go over well with the American people

>Zuckerberg has real chances to win.

Well your country is a massive joke to the rest of the world and nothing you do surprises us anymore.

That's not because people like Zuckerburg it's because Facebook is a top 5 traffic website on Alexa so no shit people would think highly at first if people who work for a multibillion dollar company. Working for Trump looks bad now because of the onslaught of media hate campaigns that clearly affect low info foreigners like you well.

dear god
do you actively looking for the worst people around?
i didnt think you could do worse than hillary, is the 2024 candidate going to be a cannibal?

kanye also said he was going to run, i think he's a joke. wait a second, does that mean we're going to have two presidents?

Donald Trump can speak English in front of people.
Mark Zuckerberg can't.
Good luck, Mark.
Also, with all the fake data Facebook gets about it's users it's gonna be hilarious to watch Mark try and use that shit in his campaign lol
This might actually kill Facebook.
Go, Mark, Go!


>the left can meme too


Drumpf would wipe the floor with Cuckerberg. The dumbo rats are running a Tulsi Gabbard period. There are no other candidates as long as she continues to suck the right cocks.

How much of that is Domestic users. Facebook has an international userbase.


Zuckerberg will not be president. Too many people have had personal interactions with "Him" where they were zucked. No one has positive one.

He will lose any televised debate. He's a sweaty awkward mess when under any sort of pressure. Anybody remember that cringe interview thing on stage with him?

>how could a billionaire possibly have any common mans interests at heart
Liberals 2020
>our billionaire will save us!
You "people" are pathetic

If a decade or so as a CEO didn't fix it not much will.

Most of Zuckerbergs hardcore supporters don't vote though.
It's an especially bad tatic to go after the youth vote. The Youth vote never elected a President and the Youth are more Conservative than they've been since the 50s.


If Zuck promises UBI hes a threat. It doesnt matter all the shitty things hes done in the past. If he promises free money the chimps and cucks will cheer for him. They want nothing more than the nanny state to coddle them.

If Zuckenberg runs and wins he'd have to give up facebook.

I hope he runs... you thought Clinton lost big ?AHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA i cant wait for the shitshow, best chance of destroying facefuck too... GO FOR IT

I think he wants to move on. He succeeded early in life, now he needs new challenges.

This does tarnish him if Trump calls him out on it. Trump is guilty of hiring foreigners as well so Zuckerberg would turn this back on Trump if he is attacked at this angle.
Who would you suggest the Democrats seek out for 2020?
You don't think they'd also try Kamala Harris?
Fight fire with fire. That seems to be the Democratic strategy at the moment. Principles are being tossed out the window.
True. But during his campaign, he could use Facebook and give himself a major advantage.
UBI would attract all the Bernie voters.
That's the problem with Democrat candidates. They always try to appeal to young people who have shitty poll attendance. I think he could somehow find a way to motivate people to show up to the polls.

POTUS is 8 years max while Facebook could be eternal. Then again none of the social media platforms live forever.