Exactly how embarrassing is it for the West that their poster child goes FULL SERB?
She's literally burning villages so brutally that the war criminals behind the My Lai massacre looks like a bunch of useless pussies
Exactly how embarrassing is it for the West that their poster child goes FULL SERB?
She's literally burning villages so brutally that the war criminals behind the My Lai massacre looks like a bunch of useless pussies
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>war criminals
my lai guys were never convicted you slanderous faggot
Wow, she seemed like such a sweet heart too when she went up against the Junta in Myanmar all those years ago. I bet this is a deal they broke with her: Be a hard arse and we'll give you more power.
God speed
Istina she ourgirl
Hates muslims
Muslims cry for help from the West :D
None care about it
Also I see many muslims want others to stop them but when that happens in middle east they accuse others of meddling
Recap for the anons who don't know what's happening
>Be peaceful Buddhist community living in your Buddhist land
>An influx of kebabs start appearing in your area
>Tolerate them for a few years but continue to ask them to leave
>The kebabs respond by demanding you and your community to cede a large chunk of your land to them because "they said so"
>Buddhists had enough
>She's literally burning villages so brutally that the war criminals behind the My Lai massacre looks like a bunch of useless pussies
But us she really or is it just media lies and exagerration?
I sure hope she is. Nothing wrong with burning muslims.
She or the army didn't burn the villages.
The villages are burnted by fleeing Illegal Bengalis (So Called Rohingya) to hide their traces of terrorist training camps.
And for Photo Ops.
Villagers killed by Rohingyas , continued .
They are killing Rakhine villagers on the way , while Army is pushing them out.
this is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever read
they have been there for at least a thousand years and the chinks give them no rights or citizenship
>Exactly how embarrassing is it for the West that their poster child goes FULL SERB?
Is something wrong with that??
I see no proof of anything. It's far more likely they killed thier own muslim neighbours to hide evidence of treasonous behaviour
Or maybe they'll think twice before blending into a crowd after engaging in acts of terrorism
Just like I've said in the earlier thread, only picture of violence I've seen has been against everyone but Muslim in that region. Isn't it convenient the so called massacred Muslim's bodies are being burned too? Reminds me of another fake Genocide story.
While the pope and protestants kiss the brown dicks the buddhists see reality and understand that something has to be done.
What hes saying is the samething that happened in Spain after the reconquista. They let the moors stay in the country because they were a big part of the rural population and were a necessity. But the moor minority multiplied fast and started causing problems again, revolts and shit so the spaniards said "fuck it, is not worth it" and expelled them even if many moors were actually spaniards by blood. Is not in the blood anyways, is their horrible religion. And if you put that religion in the minds of moroccans, arabs, and south east asians, you get something worse.
The video was taken out from state run media , where it was saying Terrorist burnt down their own villages with people in it while running away, before arriving army , and make it look like army burnt down.
Kek, Suu Kyi fooled everyone. Walk on I guess, you gotta leave it behind (it being kebabs)
Sounds reasonable. Glad to see the burmese removing more of the jewish/muslim plague
I dont think it's embarrassing.
I'm even considering to go there and help her as private military contractor.
>fights for democracy AND genocides muslims
I think I'm in love lads
Muslims are the kings of deceit to benefit their cause, they do the same thing with the Europeans. Staging incidents and cropping photos etc to make them seem like victims. This is nothing new.
>fighting for (((democracy)))
not lovin it desu
I saved that link from other user, I think it's a good time to play it full voulme
good,burn them all
Second nobel prize when?
can someone give me a basic gestalt?
>Aung San Suu Kyi kept out of government for years
>Aung San Suu Kyi finally gets in govt on the back of massive public support
>Aung San Suu Kyi left alone as figurehead while govt continues as normal
>The West now tolerates her govt's activities because she has the nobel peace prize
Is Aung San Suu Kyi guilty? or just powerless to stop it.
We need accurate information because there's too much crap in the air on this, there's clearly bigger tings a gwarn
And yet they will always be remembered as war criminals, oh the unfairness.
Is Bangladesh admitting them? Would Bangladesh start a war?
Just like their founder who made treaties and then contently Allah said it was ok to break them and attack people.
W-WAIT, Wait...
Just call them muslims...
when you say bengali something something terrorists I get confused, and don't know what are you talking about
Hourly reminder that there is no such thing as a "Rohingya" people. They are Bengali Muslims from neighbouring Bangladesh who illegally immigrated to Buddhist Myanmar and are trying to jihad-annex Rakhine state, like Muslim Albanians did to Serbian Kosovo.
In your heart you know she's right
>tfw you will never marry a qt dharmaraja
Bangladeshi invaders are being BTFO back to Bangladesh. Jihad DENIED.
Here are burmese police get killed in his station.
Suu Kyi’s government has faced growing international condemnation for the army’s response with refugees bringing with them renewed stories of murder, rape and burned villages at the hands of soldiers. But in her first public comments since last month’s ambushes, she said sympathy for the Rohingya was being generated by “a huge iceberg of misinformation calculated to create a lot of problems between different communities and with the aim of promoting the interest of the terrorists”.
Who would
>promote the aims of the terrorists
Turkey, for one.
It also looks like Modi is coming out in favour of Myanmar, I hope this fizzles out once the Myanmar military feel vindicated - It has the potential to explode across into Bangladesh and drag India into the conflict (and therefore China).
It looks like Suu Kyi isn't in control of her military btw.
bengali terrorist = Muslim
Rohingya = Bingali = Terrorist = Muslim
Muslims are being genocided there for a reason. They didn't even enter the country legally, they've been spilling in from bangladesh for decades. They invade myanmar, kill and rape, and get killed back. No surprises, no sympathy.
>muslims so awful that a buddhist majority country run by a nobel prize winner have to resort to genocide to fix it
and nobody was surprised
Don't worry , india is by our side , as well as China because Gas line running tru that conflict area.
God wouldn't it be amazing if Myanmar just wiped Bangladesh off of the map.
Can you answer Isn't India kicking out a lot of Bangladeshis?
inshallah the jihad is going to consume these kaffirs oppressing the muslim brothers and sisters
Why do you care if you're a homo? Muslims will kill you.
the villages are burned down by the government whether you like it or not
Probably my favourite politician. She's got everything. Beautiful, resiliant and principled.
>It has the potential to explode across into Bangladesh and drag India into the conflict (and therefore China).
So you're saying that this conflict could result in a lot of muslims, poos and chinks dead?
What's the problem again?
Bengladesh PM already admit , let me grab that article admitting that. And they don't want them back.
is aung san suu kyi, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
Didn't Bangladeshis murder a whole bunch of Hindus with machetes last year? So they are repeating the same stuff in Myanmar too?
Why didn't you do it for 600 years under Turkish occupation then?
Where do all the Mon people live at? I want to go visit my long lost kin while removing some kebab.
>islamists starting a land war in asia
I want to see this
have you got evidence for the rohingya terrorist camps?
it looks like the ((""international community"")) is shilling for an intervention against the Myanmar government (aka military). Once the UN gets on board with condemnations, it can be very hard to fight the media tide. They are playing the genocide card. If we could disprove that, or level the playing field, it might calm things down.
also, why are other nations so interested in supporting Bangla terrorists in Myanmar? What is there? It can't just be a gas line
>pic related from an article saying the "ethnic cleansing" of Rohingya is really clearing land for gas lines
no burger, no map wiping. it doesn't solve anything.
Got the series of incidents , from main stream media , translated. Please share . Please let everyone know what actually happened.
Starting from aug 25.
can someone tell me what the muzzies did to make the buddhists so angry?
well, they are muslim so it would be par for the course
Raped Buddhist women.
america also wants this, china is such a vile country, they hurt animals even more than arabs do
i hate fucking muslims
Not as much as communists, but second most hated
I hope Myanmar will purge muslim dogs. Don't feel guilty killing them, it's good karma to kill a muslim, because you safe 1000 human lives for every one mussiedog
>I want to start shit with a continent full of people with the singular red thread of not giving a single flying fuck about human rights in their entire history.
muslims about to learn the lesson they should have learned in Europe.
You probably think Buddhism is the western "religion of peace" bullshit, actual Buddhists slaughtered and genocided other religions since forever.
List of Incidents Released by Myanmar News
Well, it's rather strange that the "international community/media" has been so sudden to pick up the genocide card. You'd at least expect the UN to first assess the situation before making any accusations.
By Karma , killing muslim is killing living thing too , those who kill will go to hell as well.
But theres no choice , but to prevent peaceful religion.
you forgot china building a pipeline, a user had a photo in another thread
when you've got a pirate problem, dealing with them isn't going to be pretty
Thanks a lot Deus Vult , that is what actually happening
Lol, you have to gtfo Ahmet, people are getting fed up with your kind. The next genocide is comming soon.
Theres a diffrence when someones want's to kill you and the other one who respects you.
I hope they remove kebab with extreme prejudice.
Are Burmese honorary now?
>muh 600
because it was largest,strongest empire of that time
Thereveda Buddhist Never Force Convert or Kill in the name of religion.
Any form of killing will grant us hell , but to protect innocents , thats the price we have to pay.
I always respect her father , But never really respect Suu Kyi . We thought she was NWO tool , but she proved wrong , doing everything she could to protect the country .
evidence for synchronised "terror" attacks on police in the region.
but why? the rohingya only killed 8 policemen, they have incurred a massive fight-back from the Myanmar military, they ultimately have shot themselves in the foot on this surely?
Although it is looking more and more like the Bengali fighters have been sponsored by an outside agency - the whole thing reeks of back room dealings
>Suu Kyi's private call with Erdoghan
>UN and Muslim countries condemn Myanmar
>President points to "iceberg of misinformation"
it's really nice to chat bro.
Suu Kyi apparently can't control the military, what power does she have? does she still have the support of the people?
600 gorillion years of turkish rape. by the next /balk/ thread it will be 900 surely.
NWO btfo'd by their own favorites
>because it was largest,strongest empire of that time
Didn't stop us from killing the sultan and toppling it.
Muslims, when your religion is so peaceful you are genocided by a gang of Buddhists.
>"iceberg of misinformation"
She is above the president now since
Military was not allowed to attack and not attacking until she green lighted last week. ( After like 5 days after the incidents happened )
a lot of you,a lot more than us,gj
Actually he just got sick and retreated,whille we killed Murad I in battle.
>t. ahmed
They were brought there as laborers by Britbongs.