So glad Trump supports comprehensive immigration reform, we can finally get true reform now unlike Obama because the GOP leadership are finally behind it all.
So glad Trump supports comprehensive immigration reform...
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump wants to use daca as a bargaining chip for the repeal and replace of the immigration act of 1965 with the RAISE act, border wall, e-verify, and other things
>this mind-gymnastics to justify him cucking you
>republicans behind reform
I really hope you burgers fix that whole immigration bullshit you got going on there
>be criminal, left wants you to stay
>be legal migrant, no fuck, you wait 30 years
The third option is to build your country into a better place but no one seems to want to do that any longer
Why can't you people just stay at home? Why does everyone think it's a God-given right to live in a first world country?
Make the best of what you've got ffs
It's hard work but the cartels aren't everywhere
Hahaha bong you should say that to all those mudslims you invited over
MUH 349837947349873498374937498374983479834793479347983474 D CHESS
They were implicated in what I said. Of course we have no problem with spic migration here. I do rather your kind were flooding us than Pakis, but in an idea world we would be homogeneous. But there's literally a plan to wipe us out so that's not allowed.
Daily Reminder ignore the shills:
>White House talking points on Tuesday urged DACA recipients to prepare for a "departure from the United States," a much starker possible future than Trump administration officials used in public when announcing an end to the program.
Trump has officially put a leash over both parties heads and is dangling a carrot in front of them they will only get if they provide a bill that gives him what he wants. He must make it appear that he wants this to work out so the onus is on congress to make it work.
Trump will get his wall or the DACA shit skins go either way he holds all the cards and will achieve one of his promises
Archive please
Exactly he will revisit it to end proof otherwise.
>Exactly he will revisit it to end proof otherwise.
Keep saying that kike lover
He's 100% in the bag of the international kikes
No other reason outside of keeping it.
If he was going to reinstate it he would of never ended it
why dont you post he rest of your article even Obama agrees cuck
>"Let's be clear: The action taken today isn't required legally," Obama said. "It's a political decision, and a moral question. Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn't threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us."
no reason to view it other than him ending it. (also it wouldn't stand up in court anyway)
>If he was going to reinstate it he would of never ended it
Cause he's doing a bait and switch on his retarded base
>I am sure his internal memos are telling them to prepare to leave because he does not think they actually will guys