The real reason Heather died in Charlottesville is all in this webm. That fucker caved her chest in and killed her!
The real reason Heather died in Charlottesville is all in this webm. That fucker caved her chest in and killed her!
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She was never even hit by the fucking car
Wow what a fat bitch. She was flying too close to the sun anyway. She woukd have been in the oven for a long time at cremation.
she prolly passed out from a rush of adrenaline only to come too while someone is caving in her chest.
was she alive when they took her from the scene?
They never released that information. I wonder why
Look at that blubber fly.
somebody should do something about that grey mustang
dude come the fuck on im eating
this shit is disgusting absolutely the worst thing ive ever seen on Sup Forums
Have you seen the webm of the man eating shit and then masturbating with shit, then bathing in his own shit? Yeah you havent seen shit paco
niggerlover confirmed and nothing of value was lost
you never seen your mum naked?
> was she uh a great big fat person
spotted the newfag
you should inform the judicative workforce about this.
what the fuck she was obese?
Kek I thought the same thing when I saw this weeks ago. The odds that towel head knew what she was doing is 0.
I think she just got a heart attack when everyone started shrieking.
you don't get that he is joking.
>bad quality
Is that a doctor or medic doing the cpr?
obviously just some bystander trying her best in giving first aid.
Girl was hit by a car around midnight trying to run across a busy street, paramedic attempted cpr, her entire chest caved in as if it were hollow
South florida in the to confirm that kind of shit can and does happen
It'll be interesting to see if her autopsy shows broken ribs, improper CPR can cause fatal injuries. But no matter what, they want a white boy to fry. A sacrificial lamb on the alter of social justice.
No, just big boned.
Antifa killed a human sacrifice to look cool-victims.
Anticom formation when?
At least our girls can see their own knees.
yeah, big bones in the tummy
yup, i've been saying this since day one, i'm glad her mother dropped the ball and said she died of a heart attack. we will not hear a word about the trial, they are going to postpone it as long as they can and he will get a few months, if he even gets that. that woman started cpr almost immediately, so she literally murdered her.
Even proper cpr can break your ribs, though
Lol the only death in an act of "white supremacist terrorism" was a fat bitch having a heart attack after falling over in a crowd
when I had first-aid lessons, onw the firat things we were taught was
>expect to break a rib or two when performing cpr
>was she alive...
Sources familiar with the thinking of alive people have cited sources that have said studies indicate that the information could be considered hurtful and will maybe not be disclosed
>murdered her
its not murder.... is involuntary manslaughter as she was clearly trying to help. Shame for the victim that her saviour was a complete imbecile. Ironic nearly.
Broken ribs is to be expected with CPR.
wow, thanks for your input. by any chance did you know someone who went to sandy hook too? a cousin maybe? she wasn't hit by the car. you can see her in the video..she probably had heat stroke because she was fat as fuck and it was hot that day and she was walking around, adrenaline kicked in when the car crashed near her she got knocked over/fainted and then had her chest caved in.
Look at that fat blob.
the heart is protected by your rib cage so to give you proper CPR you need to bend in the said protection. Broken ribs is to be expected.
I think the CPR is not too badly executed on the webm, desu.
So many idiots think CPR is like in the movies where you just body slam somebodies chest cavity repeatedly and eventually they'll spew up water and be normal. If you do too much you can easily break ribs and puncture lungs(ribs is common punctured lungs is definitely excessive force). And with fat cunts it's harder to tell if you're compressing the heart or just smushing lard around. The way that lady was going about it though,not a whole lot of rhythm, inconsistent in how much pressure she's putting down. There's only so much incompetence that can be excused by adrenaline
People that fat should honestly be put in work camps.
Same is true of the Heimlich, which is why we have good Samaritan laws.
all these trendies with their cellphones and this is the best film we have?
that would be a really bad work camp
Hahaha looks like one of those waterbeds
should have made clear, broken before CPR administered.
Weird huh? My phone has 4K video and looks absoluetely gorgeous. Why are all these so pixelated and blocky?
Lg v10 btw
What a revolting, fat mass of a "human". The species won't bemoan her death.
Still legally required to ask a person's consent before, unless unconscious when it can be implied.
Think of the incredibles when he saved that dude who wanted to kill himself, then got sued because of the neck injury. If you Heimlich or CPR someone without consent (sounds retarded) and cause an injury they can take you to court
>cite a Pixar film for legal credibility
nigga wut r u doin?
Its a good film so its okay
imagine the fucking a fucking hippy,i know bad smells
You guys know that this is just regular CPR right?
First, she being fat as shit makes it 1000 times harder, legit, everytime we need to do CPR to a fattie we kinda already know its a lost cause.
2-normal, well done CPR can still break your ribs, make your chest "cave in" even more in fatties since you need to use more force to do it properly.
Her ribs probably broke, punctured a lung at it collapse, making her breathe literally impossible.
3-CPR isn't magical move that makes people sprung up like nothing happened, most cases the person dies.
She most probably had an adrenaline rush, passed out, she being fat made CPR hard and ended up with a broken rib, which caused a ling to puncture.
and how do you think that information would be attainable?
but what happened to her pants??
I've heard of people who can stop someone's heart with something similar to a CPR. I think it even got popular among nigger and spic children.
She didn't die because she was fat or hit by the car, she was assassinated by a jewish assassin in order to further fuck with the right.
You dont do hollywood style chest pumps during cpr reard
My aunt killed herself.
In France, they are required to try at least 30 minutes to save her, but she was dead cold when they found her.
So they did CPR to a dead body during 30 minutes while we were waiting for her to resurrect or something.
Awful experience.
Here's the mother admitting she died of a heart attack:
Death by being a fucking fat ass.
Problem solved.
Can't wait for the trial. I dont know how it works in the US but in Australia it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt with direct causation that the actions of the accused killed the victim.
With that video, whatever's in the autopsy, could be manslaughter, maybe unlawlful assault occassioning death depending on if a car is classed as a lethal weapon in the states. Defence could have better video too that theyre waiting till discovery to tender? WHO KNOWS
Tyrone was really horny and fucked the dead corpse
topkek did he do (((krav maga))) on her?
except you do, it is common to break bones during cpr
t. medicalfag
Anything less than full-on murder is basically an acquittal.
The media narrative was always "nazi white terrorism", and any lack of intent blows that away.
Damn she is fat.
is that the gay pajeet because that was mental illness to a T
Spoken by someone who has no idea how to give CPR.
>fat bitch is fat
>passes out from adrenaline
>retarded bystander can't find pulse on fatty, thinks she's dying
>gives CPR
>cracks ribs as is common during CPR
>either punctures lung or is smashing on a still beating heart
>fatty dies
That's all, folks.
>never directly hit by challenger
So the driver will get off like Bruce Jenner?
That fucking caption
ya u dont do fucking chest compression on someone that's moving their arm
that bitch was a patsy
just like the boy
someone get her autopsy
Get on it Assange
HAHA this guy is walking for sure now
>american female
>niggerlover leftist
>fat af
Yeah, she was a big girl, sir.
So many fat bitches that people mistook one for another
Verdict is in;
Death by suicide.
Method: fat cuntery
A blow to antifa AND fat acceptance.
Ribs broken while trying to give CPR are unique and have a recognized pattern of breaks. Left side of chest radiating outward. Lateral versus anterior, and posterior breaks, which ribs where broken.
Wtf, the news only showed that one picture where she looks skinny and normal. Didn't know she was a land whale. I had some levwl of sympathy since i thought it was a think and cute girl but now i am glad she died
>>cite a Pixar film for legal credibility
once you start compressions you're not supposed to stop unless they're dead
Once they got her started they could actually turn off the burner and she would cremate herself. True story. They would still need to pulverize her bones and teeth of course.
Thats called rigourous heart massage, nazi!
wtf are you talking about? what is a "hollywood style pump" and what do you think is a real one?
The CPR was fine.
>fucking retards that don't know shit ITT, as per usual around here
Well. How would you try to reanimate and press the heart with all that fucking fat tissue over it?
Obesity killed her.
Guess what? Life is fatphobic. There is a reason fit means fit, not fat.
Real CPR breaks ribs. I still remember trying to revive my dad...
Well, he likely increased the chance of her getting a heart attack significantly, that incident led to her accidental (but inevitable) early death
This. The cpr bystander should be tried for manslaughter
Eating 10,0000 cheese burgers was the cause of her demise.
Fuck off.
This is some scum tier talk.
thats some sad shit
As a queer, non-binary, anarchist, critical care RN/street medic who was the first responder for Heather Heyer, initiating CPR
When we heard the car crash into our march, I was about 20 feet away from Heather, and I responded immediately to the screams for medics. I arrived to find bystanders holding c-spine traction on Heather’s neck and putting pressure on a deep leg wound to stop the bleeding, and I stopped to assist in controlling the bleed. Within a minute or two, Heather’s respirations slowed and stopped, she lost her pulse, we rolled her onto her back, and I began chest compressions. An EMT street medic provided respiratory supplies, and a bystander with medic training began respirations.
One of the critical aspects of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), which is the advanced form of CPR that trained medics provide, is maintaining chest compressions at an effective depth and speed, with no breaks in compressions.
In 90 degree heat, this is even more essential. I was horrified to discover, after two minutes of intense, exhausting chest compressions, that a state trooper had forcibly removed the EMT assisting me in resuscitation, as well as other bystanders ready in line for the next round of compressions.
a bunch of people killed her