How do you consider your native country, Sup Forumsacks? If you happen to live in a country whose leadership doesn't share your views, do you still love it? This question is quite interesting to me. I realized that I always loved my country, and every time something bad happens, I tell myself that it's not as worse as in other countries (take political correctness, for example). So I often wonder if I misled myself by fear of losing esteem for my country, or if I'm really right about it.
Your views on your own country
Dislike our government but respect the country. I feel no loyalty though.
This more or less. Although I feel loyalty to the people, not the geographic entity per se
My country is shit and deserves better but it won't get better because people are idiots who believe liberals when they say we have no culture and are instead a melting pot.
Just think about the stupidy of that. We are proud of a lack of culture.
I hate the people, the culture and the government. I wish I was born in Norway or Finland.
We always knew that your country was shit.
Enkelrikta Öresundsbron för i helvete.
Feels bad to watch it being sold right out from under us and our people are too busy looking for gibs or "protecting the environment."
We won't be able to protect this beautiful country once we are broke. We are going to be China's Africa 2.0
Boring history, shit population, plagued by bad leaders and corruption since ever. I wouldn't die for this pile of shit in a war.
But the land itself is blessed by endless fertility and beauty.
I'm literally too intelligent and soulful for my people. I hate them.
It's a nice enough country though. The best days are behind us of course.
"Love for one’s country must be shown in much the same way as love for another person. We must be able to see her faults and work towards changing them, without robbing her of all pride and dignity in the process. On the other hand, we must not blindly accept her faults and constantly make excuses for her, for that is not love—it is infatuation!"
—Anton Szandor LaVey
>what are your views on your country?
Let's see
>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people"""""
>Jewish control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares
>get cut at birth
>get shot
>live in a culture less shithole
>so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>no sense of racial pride and identity
>all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world
>israels bitch
>retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere
>shit education system
>get into debt for college
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected bush twice
>elected a nigger twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>killed millions of innocent people after WWII
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>bought sold and paid for politicians and government
>water is poisoned with flouride
>quality is non existent, just quantity
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service
>shitty expensive healthcare
I don't know why my ancestors just stayed in Britain.
See, that's it I can see the shit going on in other countries and I realize that, but I'm oblivious when it happens in mine. Macron's not as much of a cuck as I expected him to be, he nationalized a shipbuilding company, and his Interior Mnst is against migrants, etc...
I also think I don't have much "redpilled" sources of info for where I live. I literally know more about american politics than french ones
I live in a 90% black country, which has been ruled by an incompetent black nationalist government for 20+ years. People try to go about their daily lives as if everything is normal, when it far from normal. Every day we move closer to becoming a stereotypical African shithole. The memes are real and it's infuriating that most whites simply accept the situation, with some even applauding our sacrifice on the alter of "the rainbow nation". Fuck this country and fuck white liberals especially. (Pic somewhat related)
No for the meme value
i love my country, but it has experienced a slow, gradual death and cannot recover from it anymore. little victories like Trump will not fix the problem, as it transcendent of politics. my white countrymen themselves are sick, even those on the right of the spectrum. all together, the issues my country faces are far too great to reverse.
honestly, if i was younger and didn't have family here, i'd learn another language, pack my shit, and do my best to get a greencard elsewhere. i don't have any loyalty here anymore. primarily because i feel that the American character and identity has been so thoroughly dragged through the dirt that i feel less like an American (an increasingly difficult identity to define), and more like a Kike uprooted from Germany in the 1930s/40s with no soil. in the U.S., outside of small towns, you're just people living next to each other on the same strip of land. there's no greater connection here, so feelings like patriotism become nonexistent.
fuck ethiopia, just fuck it right in the pussy
I live in pretty cucked part of France (Britanny).
They're all buying the diversity language being deployed in the media.
It's just because we don't have much niggers/muzzies over here.
So they just don't get to experience it.
This will change, though.
Already, the government has bought (with my fucking tax money) hotels in my city to house rapefugees.
Overall, I'd say we have it better than the rest of France, which is fucked beyond belief. I'm just hopping I die before it becomes Africa.
Rest in peace France, I hope you just happen to forget the nuke codes.
We are too pussy to be truly neutral and a copycat of germany.
>which is fucked beyond belief
Tell me why. I'm far from an optimist (I'm depressed as fuck). But right now, Macron has nationalized STX when cuck Hollande would have sold it to the Italians; Collomb seems to be clearly against migrants and even Macron wants to meet with the Italians to stop them. Muzzies are indeed a problem, but among all the nogs I see in my city I barely see any chimping out like US niggers do on a seemingly daily basis.
Also, may be the fact that I'm not very social, but not many people really buy into the diversity shit anymore, and each time I watch TV - France2 or TF1, not the shitty Franceinfo channel - it's actually much less politically correct than the US media
There are faults in my country but when I look at it, it seems much less fucked up than Sweden, the UK or some parts of the USA
Love the rich history and culture. We were moderately untucked till the end of emperor Berlusconi (say what you want about him but his abilities to butthurt leftards were amazing, literally a meme president). Now it's going downfall.
>Macron's not as much of a cuck as I expected him to be
>and his Interior Mnst is against migrants
They stopped NGOs from bringing in migrants
To make offices in Africa that will say who's in 'danger' and should come here.
It doesn't take more than half a second to realise the 'danger' level will be linearly proportional to how much money they can bribe.
tfw, it's exactly the same, but now, they get to get her by planes.
If you're a straight white western male who's not in the government/other position of power/influence then you have no country whether you admit it or not.
I have been alienated from this country by my constant advocacy for lawfulness and stricter penalties for traitorous terrorists, Every nigger here wants to be a fucking narco faggot and constant rationalizing of heinous crimes is making everything worse, fucking hell, I'm ready to JUST it all away.
Most nogs are OK.
They're more christians than even the local population.
Well done Colonization, I guess.
They're generally shit, though, when they come from arab countries.
I guess you wouldn't notice unless you lived in rural Britanny. I don't get out of it much, but when I do, it's like I'm in a different country.
My country is one of the richest, happiest, whitest and safest countries in the world and I love it because of this.
For the last 10 000 years my ancestors were peasant fisherman from Ireland, within less than a century of moving to Australia my family became a successful upper-middle class family of doctors, engineers and lawyers, if we'd stayed in Ireland we probably would have stayed dirt-poor fisherman for another 10 000 years, my family and I owe everything we have to this country and I'd die to defend it.
I'm also a proud monarchist and I strongly disagree with republicanism, we should be trying to strengthen the bond between Anglosphere nations, not weaken it.
I used to be a huge frenchboo when I started high school I picked French as optional language. I loved it and I had the best marks in my class. I didn't want to step into France until I reach at least level b2/c1. Then at age 18 I finally got into France with a group of friends for a daily trip, we went to Nice and all that I saw were kebab shops and Moroccans I felt like I was in the middle East. That trip really made me sad. I had others trip to France but I didn't feel anymore that "romance" that I had before, since big cities that I used to fantasize about were filled with "vibrant diversity". Where should I go if I want to see "Real France"?
When he won I expected him to be like Merkel or Clinton, and so far nearly every thing he or his government has done shows that he takes the migrant issue seriously.
I don't know if establishing outposts in africa is good, but as long as France/Italy stop NGOs from bringing shitskins in AND Libya stops NGOs from going in their territorial waters - which they do - I would say we've had it much easier than what we could of had with Mél or Hamon
Whatever happens, I try not to let it get to me. SJWs/Islamists are a vocal minority, we shouldn't let them tarnish our county cultures and reputations
Come to Britanny Tony.
But don't forget your umbrella.
>Where should I go if I want to see "Real France"?
To be honest, you just need to ignore them. They're not everywhere and most city centers are very pricey and thus very white. May just be because I'm used to it - and it may look the same as Italy, actually - but St. Tropez, Hyères and Toulon are pretty lovely cities along the azure coast
Anyway, don't let our faults stop you from seeing how beautiful our country is really. The nogs and arabs are only here since 60 years. We've been here for thousands of such years
Kaffirs ruin everything
Yeah, I was surprised too.
But who are we to judge his super-intelligence?
The guy already gave us 5€ to spend on coke and whores, so I guess it's working.
>hold the belief that national pride & servitude for ones country is a fundamental
>do not hold those philosophical tenants myself, & am indifferent towards my own country
Who knows this feel
Nice, too many immigrants recently though, nothing a second pinochet couldn't handle
>b-b-butttt muh weather
Australia is a feminist overrun socialist shithole and i have no love for it.
I have hope for the future. Either he turns out like Sarkozy or Le Pen has a good shot at it in 2022
I consider my own nation Naive about the niggers, kebab and the gypsies. Things are moving in the right direction with a new right party emerging that will further the political discourse on getting rid of the human refuse that infest my society. Namely the niggerrs, kebab and the gypsies.
Thankfully we have had the Danish Peoples party that has done alot to stifle the flood of niggers into my nation. We are considearbly better off than Swecucks and norwegians.
Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with Danes, aside from you incomprehensible speech.
I do love my country. We have got great history. Our people are one of a kind.
It's in a sorry state though. However I am fully convinced that The Dutch people will start the fire that will spread across Europe. Guaranfuckingteed.
>We are considearbly better off than Swecucks and norwegians.
Don't compare us to the Swedes. Norway and Denmark are roughly equal in terms of being redpilled.
The problem with all western countries is that people lack conviction, or fail to understand how dangerous immigration really is. In Norway for example, our anti-immigration party (FrP) only gets about 15% of the votes. However, the immigration minister, who's from FrP, has reduced immigration to its lowest point in over 20 years, and has support from about 55-60% of the population according to recent polls.
In other words, people don't actually want immigration, but they don't consider it a serious enough problem to vote for the anti-immigration party. They're not single issue voters, unfortunately.
i live in the province of northern-brabant and IRL i would not trade it for the world! every province here is different, the further north you go, the more sheltered, inbred (yes srs) and religious communities you will find, Groningen and Friesland (Frisia) are 2 hell-holes where you dont wanna be found alive, If you want the amerca way then southern and northern Holland(the provinces) rely on everything multiculti, and you will find every color of the world interacting with each other ( and im a proud racist, go figure) which here, in the south, we do LIVE together, but we never interact, and if we do here its usually because a turk or other arabic folk said something mean or disgusting to a white female.
>most city centers are very pricey and thus very white
You obviously haven't been to Paris in the last couple years. You won't see a single white. All just niggers sleeping in tents in the middle of the street.
>pic related
No major terroristic attacks ala France and such, but definitly alot of brawls, refugee rapes, and turks/maroccans behaving like this is their country.
No, this is one street that has been taken over by migrants
>really rich and amazing history
>80% of the people are braindead
>Everything gets more expensive every year
>Government is filled with inbred religious fuckers
>We once had many factories,farms,forest. Government destroyed them all or sold them for moneh. Now their only income is from our taxes
>Education is dare I say WORST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.
Need an example?. Our great leader Ataturk will now only be taught to 8+ graders.(It used to be 1,5,6,7,8+) They replaced his units with religious backwards shit like:
if woman obeys his husband she will be safe
man is the leader of the family
Natural Disasters happen when we upset the God
>Doesn't end there,retirement means poverty
>So retired people still work,which leads younglings to unemployment
>Did I tell you 20% of the population is unemployed?
>Countrymen blindly following our dictator,Erdoğan without questioning
>Our democracy was removed democraticly (ironic)
>It reall depresses me that millions and billions of my ancestor died for the these lands,and I have to watch it all burn down.
When I graduate school and get money,I'm going to leave this place,any recommendations?
Went to Paris in the 90s.
It was alright.
Went to Paris last year.
Subhuman roms living on actual piles of garbage.
Went to an hotel where I couldn't get an hour of sleep because it was plagued by niggers.
Niggers literally everywhere.
I guess it doesn't look like you're being invaded, when you're in it, and it's a 20 years long slow motion.
Last time I went there was in 2014. Lots of nogs and muzzies in the mtro annd in Seine-St Denis where I actually slept believe it or not. And none of that whole "refugees sleeping in tent cities on main avenues" thing. I wonder how little it is, because I always see footage from the same street
I consider it cucked
Can't be that bad. You could be Canacuck
Let me recap what this tent picture is all about.
Rapefugees get booted out of Calais.
Most find their way to Paris where picture happens.
>Holy shit, it's fucking tourist season, let's get them out of here.
Government buy hotels all over France to house them with tax money.
And that, user, is how we get rapefugees in my little town of Britanny.
There's one of those hotels in my town too but to my surprise I never see any of them loitering in the streets (maybe because its small?). Aso we mostly get people from Kosovo
To be frank, would you rather have refugees roaming the streets uncensored or to have them in those dignified cages until they can get out of our country?
Soon to be dead, either by depopulation or war.
I honestly don't care.
They shouldn't be here in the first place.
And they're costing me a lot of tax money.
I'd rather see them gone, desu.
Why should I have to choose between them being here and them being here?
It's good. As laidback as promoted. Only real ahit entity is our american influenced government and corporation's trying to bring americanized identity politics over here. Most people don't care for it. Would gladly serve if the atandards for entry weren't higher educatio. Probably even more if general morrison was publicly executed.
America got to us. We are cucked, in some places on canada's level.
We need to hop back on Britains dick as soon as they overthrow parliament and bring back the monarchy.
send help/10
Well, you make a point. At least the govt is tougher on them than some others are
I've never been to Pirate before, is it nice?
I love our great history and culture. Even though our government is shit, its still better than western Europe, and i've spent 5 years studying in England.
I only live my country in the 1810-20
The rest of our history is a absolute trash full of civil war every year.
They're fucking housing them in hotels.
At the taxpayer's expense.
That doesn't count as being tough.
What the fuck is the future for these people?
Living on gibs from me forever?
Im tired of every political debate having to inevitably reach tbe topic of Pinochet . Leave the fucking past behind ffs
Looking at Germoney and HH or America and slavery it seems that some thing are imposible to overcome
why do you even compare your massive shithole to Europe, retarded russian subhuman
I love the country and dislike the majority of the government
My state government (Maine) has a good Governor but the legislative branch keeps raising taxes and I don't know if there will be a future for the Whitest state in the USA if the only people that come here are Somalians and Cambodians
Hello Greek,Kurd,Mongorian.
Happened to me with Germany, we're led to believe that it's some amazing dreamland but when i got to Berlin there were more turks than germans. I've been to more rural parts where the german christmas markets had actual german culture but i don't think i'll go to a big cit again
If it wasn't for wallonia and brussels we would be the best country in europe if not the world.
Don't forget:
>No Hurricanes
>No Volcanos
>No Earthquakes
>Lots of water
>Lots of oil
Yeah i love my country, government is beyond fucked though
>B but the Mosquitoes
It's been on a downhill slide since 1861 and has been in a moral, cultural, military, and political freefall since 9/11.
Nothing would bring me more joy than seeing the United States disintegrate.
We waz soviets and shit. Now its broken empire of brioken people with broken minds.
Still love our culture, but we produce literally nothing valuable in past 25 years except violence
and misery.
And no Putin, no Jesus Christ can fix it.
Slovakia. Born, raised, and hopefully I'll lay my bones to rest here as well.
I love every inch of my country, that's why I hate my political representatives with a passion, because they're a bunch of communists.
I'd die for the Fatherland.
Hate the people and the culture, think this country has no future.
Moving out ASAP.
& moving where?
The least relevant English speaking country in the world, but not a bad place to live, and relatively free from migrants (so far anyway).
I don't like our government, but i don't dislike it either. They have to be part of the world community, but making us join the EEA and taking in immigrants is too far. EU-residents are even considered immigrants. I like the people, but only parts of the people. 25% are social democrats, while another 25% is socialists, i don't like them at all.
Aww c'mon Russiabro, it's not so bad. Y'all still make some cool shit, and you get to watch your old cold war nemesis collapse under its own bloated weight from afar.
Me too, brother. Someone should just nuke the place.
It's alright.
>I don't like our government, but i don't dislike it either. They have to be part of the world community
my country sucks. Somehow it managed to go from a 90% white ethnically homogenous society to 56% white and falling within 60 years. All around me all I see is stupid niggers and spics, even I was unlucky enough to be born a spic. Every year it just gets worse and worse, prices go up, wages stay the same. Maybe the American dream was really a thing long ago...but not anymore when everyone's brown and black. I have no idea why my Spanish ancestors decided it'd be cool to go around fucking natives instead of killing them. I wish that I could just be a Spaniard even if I had moor blood, instead of a triracial spic.
I blame it all on the jews, liberals, zionist-controlled government, and niggers.
The entire west is going down the fucking drain due to diversity, I think I'm gonna move to China or Russia if I ever learn either languages. Homogeneous societies just do it better than diverse ones.
Here in Germany we aren't allowed to talk about our thoughts any more...
I almost feel that we were too successful for our own good. None of this would've happened if we had stayed isolationist.
I love my country landscape by every year it gets worse: more taxes, more shitskins, more niggers and now that cuckdeau has raised our minimum wage our already weak economy will crumble turning us into Greece.
I'm in South Western Ontario one of the most cucked provinces in the country, I mean our MP is commie bulldyke for God's sake.
It reduces my heart level to zero.
I respect my people from the past and I respect those which propagate patriotism today. However I hate the goverment. Left wing politicians are obvious libtard gay subhumans. Right wing politicians are incopetent.
I respect that most of people are based. However I don't consider Poland as something to be proud of, there is giant amount of things that need to be fixed. Poland died in 1939, nobody had seen it from then.
not keen on our current government, but willing to die for the freedom of estonia
I'm proud of my country, life it's good, there's enough jobs and money around, the air it's clean and the nature it's beautiful, people it's nice and smart.
I fucking hate turkish people.
50% islamist morons
50% who oppose islamists are western like sjw degenerates.
Being able to leave this modern tower of babel and get in touch with what my Country use to be is the only thing left keeping me sane. I would like to see the rest of my Nation unmolested.
I love my country and its people
but i hate the state
i hate this kike-republic which forces lies upon us and punishes everyone who only expresses slightly positive expressions on national-socialism, the second republic of Austria needs to end, I do not really care for the form of government that would follow - as long as it protects and supports nationalistic views and seeks to preserve the white race and destroy those whom we might not speak about in this country
p.s. Cuckstria would need a new constitution for that, because after the one we have now praising Hitler and talking positively about national-socialism is considered "Wiederbetätigung" which can get you 10 years in prison
>even I was unlucky enough to be born a spic
>I think I'm gonna move to China or Russia if I ever learn either languages. Homogeneous societies just do it better than diverse ones.
You don't see the problem with your reasoning here? You're a spic. You say homogenous nations are better than diverse ones ( which is true) and you complain that the US is too full of shitskins ( which is also true). Still, you are going to move to countries that you don't belong in? Subhuman
Your country going to shit is a good thing, if you want to stop immigration.
Must be a southterner because the air up here is fucking shit
Really tired of corruption and stupid people.
Thanks for sharing
I still love my country but I hate Trump and the GOP. Hate might not even be a strong enough word for Trump. I loathe him.
Hate the government and hate the people, especially on recent times.
I guarantee you that if Australia was ever invaded, the civilian populace would just bend the knee and not resist.
Not to mention the degeneracy produced by Melbourne infecting the rest of the country.
It will take a Totalitarian government to turn the country around and fix the people.