>some Sup Forumstards still don't believe global warming is a thing
This storm would have been impossible if our oceans were cooler. Stop sucking the dicks of oil an coal companies already.
>some Sup Forumstards still don't believe global warming is a thing
This storm would have been impossible if our oceans were cooler. Stop sucking the dicks of oil an coal companies already.
What about all the hurricanes that happened before the industrial revolution?
If you zoom out on the scale there is no evidence of warming.
There have been bigger storms in the past when it was cooler though
Not true. Explain hurricane Camille
Yes fool. There were hurricanes before the industrial revolution. It's about the strength of the hurricane.
ur a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist
>This storm would have been impossible if our oceans were cooler
good, niggers don't kill each other fast enough
>It's about the strength of the hurricane.
how convenient that people didn't measure it back then
ill just leave this here and there was also 5x the CO2 during the Cretaceous period.
Climate change is real, but trying to attribute this hurricane in any significant way to climate change is just as retarded as denying climate change, if not more so.
>Not understanding how bell curves work
Why is it necessary to even look that far back? We have enough data to establish a trend.
>Jupiter surface temperature: minus 145 degrees Celsius
oy vey goy, global warming is causing storms
>insert unproven claim here
>assert unproven claim onto global warming
yeah nah
Its September and its 50 degrees where I live. Fuck off with this warming it should be 70 here.
Had dipshits bring this up in my standardized patients rotation the other day. Some dude was like 'why are all these hurricanes happening? global warming?'; faggot didn't even know hurricane season existed despite the fact he's been alive for at least 23 years and we have hurricanes every fucking year. America is full of retards at every level of education.
Dont be a prick all your life, more like weather manipulation than anything else.
No-one in their right minds denies global warming/climate change. But only a fucking idiot thinks man is the cause..... our planets goes through cycles of warming and cooling naturally
Yea, I'm sure all of the people affected love to hear smug liberals going "This is your fault, you caused this by global warming!"
God, I hate city dwellers. We should just nuke every major city
if the oceans were cool enough no hurricanes could form, we'd be living in an apocalypse on the other side of the spectrum.
Daily reminder nibiru is coming back and that is why we're experiencing all these strange weather patterns lately
Meh. They predicted 37C weather in my area this summer, we got no higher than 32C and a couple days ago there was fucking frost at about 6am. Think we're fine tee bee aitch
>martians buring coal too
Global warming is the Agenda 21 religion
Climate deniers are basically like the religious.
First it's
>global warming don't real!
Presented with evidence to the contrary
>global warming is a cyclical process!
Presented with evidence that the last century is anomalous
>global warming is not due to CO2!
Presented with evidence to the contrary
>humans are not responsible for it!
What will it take for these intellectual manlets to finally learn?
This decade has had the most category 5 storms on record ever.
And how long are the records?
I like how this massive hurricane is headed straight over all the islands wiping out as many fucks as possible.
Jupiter is 5.2 AU (778 million km) away from the sun you dumbass.
Why should I care about a hurricane in murica?
I will believe global warming is a factor when cyclones start forming at higher and lower latitudes than their traditional norm.
Literally one guy in 2007.
>Guys, science just discovered global cooling! We gotta fix our act or we'll face a new ice age
>No wait, now its global warming!
And you are a kike puppet who hides behind a Canadian proxy like the good goy you are. Personal attacks do nothing shill boy. Hang yourself like Judas already.
>The strongest hurricane ever to make landfall in the US
Next, you'll tell me it's H.A.A.R.P
I wish our planet still had perpetual well-balanced weather and never underwent cataclysms the way it was before humans arrived.
Since turn of the century we've had Wilma, Patricia, Haiyan, Dean, Katrina, Ivan, Rita etc.
Something is clearly changing
Cool strawman, bro. Nobody want's to join your Chicken Little cult though. Make sure to donate your paycheck to al gore this month.
I used to believe in using legislation to help with this, then I realized 3 things.
The "legislation" often includes stupid shit entirely unrelated to climate in it, in the obvious hope that not everybody will read it. The Paris Accord had items in it about fighting for racial/gender bullshit, this has *nothing* to do with helping the environment.
It also tries to make it about wealth redistribution, but there is no incentive on nations that get the free money to even try and "fight climate change" with it.
How is a tax supposed to help when it goes to bullshit like carbon credits? They're not making extra ozone or buying up rainforests with it.
The utterly irrational fear of nuclear power as a means of solving this, they don't even push for fusion. Only fucking idiots think you can run the world and it's growing power demands on wind panels, solar farms and the occasional incidental form like tidal or geothermal.
It's actually point 1 that worries me the most, the other two are just inefficiency. Point 1 shows it's about agenda bullshit.
If we all turn our A/C on and open the windows, the air will go outside and cool down the earth
americans are gonna be so mad when irma rips cuba from its roots, carries it across the gulf and drops it right on miami beach. good luck stopping the immigrants then, if they can just swim over!
>complains about personal attacks
>uses personal attacks
Really activates the almonds
I for one welcome global warming, fuck winter.
>The Paris Accord had items in it about fighting for racial/gender bullshit, this has *nothing* to do with helping the environment.
Lol thats fucking bullshit
This is a genius! Do you have a Patreon so I can help find your further research?
They can already swim over if they are for asshole.
What's the temperature of the earth?
>establishing your country where the wind blows, earth shakes, and waves wash away your home, family, and life
It's like you enjoy hardship or something.
>hurr dis storm moving 14mph over open, warm water during HURRICANE SEASON wouldnt be possible without global warming!!
It's almost like this happens every year or something.
As I said, people don't read it.
That's the agreement there.
that climate change is a common concern of humankind,
Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and
consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights
of indigenous peoples, local
communities, migrants, children, persons with
disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as
well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity"
" Parties acknowledge that adaptation action should follow a country-driven,
gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent approach, taking into
consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems, and should be
based on and guided by the best available science and, as appropriate, traditional
knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems, with a
view to integrating adaptation into relevant socioeconomic and
policies and actions, where appropriate"
I'm not interested in promoting a different type of society for your stupid bullshit, we can help eachother reduce carbon emissions, you start telling people to organize for social causes you can fuck off.
*indigenous peoples that aren't white
So is there any footage of the storm making landfall in the Bahamas yet?
The faggots call this "climate justice", as if the 3rd world isnt living out of balance with nature.
>talking about global weather patterns of a 4 billion year old celestial body
>75 years of sampling data should do
Explain what practical solutions exist to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in various cycles, that would reasonably reduce ocean temperatures within 200 years.
What's the point of a graph without sourced data?
Climate change is a load of bullshit, why do shills even bother
The ocean absorbs 93% of the heat in the atmosphere and now these hurricanes aren't leaving a trail of cooler water along their path because all that extra heat is being absorbed deeper into the ocean.
The blame should soley be directed towards China and India for not legislating for clean air laws such ax Western industrialised countries did in the early 1970's.
>Doesn't know that hurricanes form from colliding warm AND COLD winds.
>Some Sup Forumstards still don't believe in global freezing.
>>some Sup Forumstards still don't believe global warming is a thing
Sees normal weather patterns.
Says it's global warming.
Also, there was some steel company in the UK years ago that was like "we reduced our emissions by a huge amount!" but strangely, they were still in business.
What could account for this amazing cut in emissions yet maintaining the same flow of production? New manufacturing techniques? Better means of storing carbon? Some other breakthrough?
No, they just moved production to India where they don't have the same climate laws and then technically their emissions in the UK were lower by virtue of production being in India.
What bullshit.
Not realizing this is just a classic Cape Verde Hurricane
get fucked retard
Yea it's called hurricane season you mong
They call it "hurricane season"
The government should announce that during the hurricane anyone who swims from Cuba to America will receive a cash prize and free citizenship
Fuck you niggers. Last year there wasn't as much destruction.
fake news fake science
stop covering up ghe real science!
>every year the weather should remain exactly the same
U fuckin wot m8
It's time to ban assault hurricanes.
>global warming
Debunked ages ago. Nice try.
>weather happens
>Planet, despite being milennia old, is still considered very young compared to the rest of the universe
>If we condensed its history down to a year, only in the last trilisecond, if even that, did we begin to accurately record weather data
>all extreme weather caused by warmth is now seen through the tint of global warming meme
>whereas extreme cold weather is ignored, as are other trends that completely BTFO out of such pop science myths
98% climate scientists don't agree btw.
>Average temperate
What you forgot to mention is there's no accurate method yet to measure the world's average temperature.
>all these rural and suburban retards disagreeing with scientists
t. man with PhD in astronomy, meteorology and climate change
Haha wtf
Climate change includes abnormally cold weather in some areas. It's an overall global trend of warming.
You don't even understand what climate change is, how can you argue against it?
time to take the final red pill, user
There was never a thing like global warning.
Trump was right all along, it was a chinese hoax.
Not to hide their oil bullshit or other corporate crap. It was to hide their and probably other opposing nation's weather control.
Global warming isn't the result of us fucking the planet, its the result of the elite fucking with us.
Worse is that since it can be easily blamed on nature and the masses will lose their shit if they ever knew, it is extremely hard to do something about it.
That is why NK is taunting us right now, the rest of the world have made their move to fuck us all. After we are left devastated from several hurricanes, they will hit us with all they got.
How long before leftists start blaming the disaster on Trump?
>can't be measured because sensory equipement on islands got BTFO'd
>Heading for a nuclear reactor
>leftists will blame the hurricane damage on climate change
>which, as well al know, is the republicans fault
>Therefor, republicans and Trump are directly responsible for any and all hurricane disasters and damages.
Beware the trigger, that will cascade their brainwashing group think into this, probably some news-station will make or suggest the link and the group think will roll from there.
Just watch.
It's a natural cycle you absolute mongoloid.
Just like forest fires happen every 10-15 years in South-France.
The hurricane Allison happening in Houston 16 years ago probably slipped your mind.
Yeah, the "warming" part of "global warming" is.. no shit... global.
People, like Trump, whine about a single cold day in one city to con the rubes.
While I think Gore has his own con game to get rich with the snake oil of carbon credits, the threat of global warming is real.
Overall global average temp is going up. This could actually mean some areas getting colder as heat shifts areas around the globe.
Remember, half the planet is in winter while the other side is in summer.
>16 years ago probably slipped your mind.
because they're 14
Where did all the hurricanes go from 2009 to Harvey? Al Gore said there'd be fifteen cat 5s a year
The libtards have had some "sky is falling" scheme all my life and I am in my 60s.
>Global warming
We all know hurricanes are Drumpfs fault
Intense monitoring creates more data than ever before. Records are broken where data didn't even exist not long ago.
>oh boy this guy has a point
>better spew a random science fact i got off wikipedia but act like i'm responding and countering his point even though the two posts aren't correlated at all.
are you okay user.
You see?
When whitey took over Egypt all technology wuz lost.
rains are good, without it, there's no land life.
There was a second Coney Island that was wiped off the map
The natives had plenty of large hurricanes that's why they built such non lasting structures