Yfw you realize america is 46% white

>yfw you realize america is 46% white

Am I supposed to care.

the dropped 10% already?

Without "baby boomer" and Old fag who hand over this country to nigger

Yes, They are Now 46%

>mfw the left blew their muh demographics load twenty years too early
>White People elect Trump
>end DACA
>Build wall
>prioritize European and South African immigrants
>Demographics recover


Probably if you take people that don't return census papers (ie illegals, illiterate blacks).

Definitely going to get there soon though. How many Caucasians in the US are 65+? Probably a tonne. Demographics are a bit different outside that bracket, whites I think are a minority in the under 18 bracket.


Source? Greatest day of my life if that's the case.

>guyz as soon as it hitz 49% we unite and fite with muh 2nd amendament
Just like South Africa...

you're so delusional dude. there's zero chance trump is going to get more white people into america. i'll show you some reality

>trump cucks on everything he promises and the economy tanks
>2020 enough spics hit 18-22 and whites are demoralized so trump loses
>lots of white male hate as they raise tax on white men specifically
>2028 democrats control everything because they opened the borders and flooded america with 100 million spics
>whites are now 25% of the population and spanish is the new national language
welcome to the united states of mexico

>Build wall

not happening

>Demographics recover

Liberal already Fuck up so hard with 1965 LBJ's immigration act

Even iowa suburbs fill with nigger

1972 America GDP growth rate was 5.236% (85% White)

1997 America GDP growth rate was 4.487% (70% White)

2016 America GDP growth rate was 1.6% ( 60% white)

Baby boomer bankrupt america
And Obama's "Economic recovery with debt-ridden Section 8 housing program" make sure that America Economy will never recover from subprime crisis

Thjs country is truly doomed. I'd honestly look into moving to somewhere like Poland or Estonia if you ask me.

the 56% concensus is almost 10 years old already. lot's of old white people dying every day meanwhile niggers and spics are making millions of babies a day and millions of adult specimen are being imported every day aswell

Let's see which country you're from then.

>believing the world will last that long.

This. All of the western world is fucked, not just America but western europe and Canada too.

The last hope is eastern europe. Baltics are comfy as fuck. I hope they remain 2nd world so they don't attract rapefugees and shitskins.

>implying EU gonna Force to Eastern Europe become "multicultural paradise"

>beside that Eastern Europe is poor

you end up like south africa cuck who no where to go

Zuma and ANC systematically pushed whites man out of jobs and levelly restricted access to job opportunities

And South africa suburb girl go to city and pumped and dumped by nigger
(Just like America white women)

Meanwhile poor south africa white men are alone and depressed want to die

(Just Like Many white men in america kill them self when they hit middle age )

>implying (((democracy politics))) will ever be for white people
wow nice delusion mate


Yep and almost all of that 46% votes
oh and dont forget the incarcerated niggers and PoC that cant or decide not to vote ;) see you in 2020 Leaf

Get out of here Super Satan.
We don't want to know the future.

You're a dumb gook. I never even said any of that.

This country is going to become Brazil.

And we are all 98% banana...... your point is ?


But America will be the ones to reclaim their Nation back while Europe struggles.

>This country is going to become Brazil.

too optimistic Faggot

More Like South Africa 2.0


"Majority" people endlessly blame and torturing white men


Seriously.... It will get worse and worse by the years in every (((democratic))) country. We have to set an etnic aristocrhacy befor it is too late
inb4 based poland meme

>America will be the ones to reclaim

Republic cuck gonna compromise to Liberl for everything

>Europe struggles

Most Europe are 85% White and strong economy

Hell, Swiss immigration rules tougher than Japan

That's a realistic guess all things considered.

that's actually backwards. i thought america would rebound while europe cucks out, but actually europe is looking stronger than america. europe has to deal with middle easterners and islam which is objectively better than spics and niggers. islam will btfo feminist and help europe while america is just filled with spics and nigger fucking white women

>""""Lose"""" war
>98% Japanese, low violent crime rate, low sex crime rate, police officers are friendly, homologous society without issues, not a single muslim attack
>""""Win"""" war
>"46% white"(30% ignoring fake numbers), get run over by niggers, high violence, high sex crimes, police officers even shoot white man on sight, two big buildings knocked down by terrorists they funded

Also, loli is legal in all Japanese prefecture, but not all American state, makes you think about "Free Speech".

>Lost War


What's the name of that fat dude and the incident which led to his arrest? The police uniform looks like ours.

You watch too much interracial, which is fine because you are a Eurocuck. The white bitch/nigger isn't as common as you think here. Also, spouting opinions behind a meme flag suggests that you take it in the jaw, which is fine because . . . you are a Eurocuck.


I love your optimism!
>> sunny days wouldn't be special without rainy days.

Then I assume you fuck each other with squids or whatever.