Why is it that listening to people talk politics on reddit drive me to hate that website and the left in general...

Why is it that listening to people talk politics on reddit drive me to hate that website and the left in general, yet listening to you all talk politics only deepens my right wing beliefs? What is so special about Sup Forums?

we tell you you're an idiot, you get mad and research more to prove you're not an idiot, spending time researching things fortifies your convictions.

reddit has proper mods and a much more edited feel to it.

Also the idea that threads only last minutes to a few hours tops makes Sup Forums like reddit on crack.

Because everyone here besides the white identity nazi's aren't status signaling. The guy telling you the Jews run the world and are tricking you into believing the world is a sphere is just honestly trying to help.

>Fresh off the boat, eh kid?...

It's the anonymity. It's everything having to "float to the top" by its own merits. It's also where I hang out, and I'm awesome.

Honesty I would guess. No one here feels the need to sugarcoat his opinions to make them politically correct or inoffensive.

Fresh by some standards, came around the time Bernie announced his candidacy. Once they started sucking his dick I knew it was over and I'd have to go somewhere else. Ended up here but never really thought about why it's so much better

>What is so special about Sup Forums?

intellectual honesty is valued here above all else, even memes.

Wow, it's almost as if people enjoy listening to their own views spoken by other people because it makes them feel right.

>intellectual honesty

pol makes me angry at everyone, because its filled with virgin faggots and you realize its just a reflection of you

Confirmation bias

Its pretty obvious that OP dislikes hearing diffrent opinions and only likes to live in his own echo Chamber.

leftists are political cannibals. nobody likes cannibals.

>valued here

You're easily influenced by retarded arguments. Don't feel bad. This is normal for right wingers.

Nice meme, but i was this way before i came to Sup Forums and ive never been to reddit. I can imagine tho that its as the world is. Devoid of common sense and communist as fuck.

pic related
Because we are right and give solid arguments/bibliography.
>the idea that threads only last minutes to a few hours tops makes Sup Forums like reddit on crack

go back.

Being rightwing myself I am bias but this is what Ive noticed.
In reddit you have an identity. Because of this you can be shamed and have a rep. You can be faced to make and defend emotional arguments.
By taking away the identity you take away the emotional arguments and what's left is sound and logic arguments, of which, the right has more off.
Coming here let's one see how the left doesn't have a solid philosophical foundation to stand on.
One comes here and they either become right by default or "centrists."

>intellectual honesty

> right wing is more responsible
> left wing is all hippies
wow, so you did your civics homework from the 1960's...yet you still dont know propaganda when you see it.


> a negative reinforcement echo-chamber that serves as an online 'holodeck' for testing racist memes against one another.

Well, Reddit are fucking desperate for validation because they have an account system and upvotes. Those people are all going with the flow and whoring themselves out for popularity.

Sup Forums doesn't have anything but anonymous textboxes, there's no point in lying or appealing to the masses because you won't gain anything. This place is free from pretense, and without pretense we can discuss honestly which leads to far-right fascism.

Also people here will call you a faggot no matter what which scares anyone seeking validation away and leaves only people genuinely wanting to discover topics selflessly.

Because you're a closed minded brainlet who gets angry at the thought of different ideas or solutions to the world's problems.

Because redditors vote down comments they disagree with. Pic related.

Confirmational bias.

the left are liars. lying is a turn off.

the right are liars too but they intersparse some truth into it so it is more palatable.

in truth, you want the 3rd option: natural law. dharmic law, not cuckianity shite, mind you.

Nobody here will validate your ideas or feelings. You end up looking harder at what you know and get redpilled much faster when you step outside your echo chamber.

Sup Forums is unregulated information from all sides. It cleans away the echo chambers layers of caked-on bullshit.

You have to go back.

Because people can speak honestly.

They don't know the things we know

They aren't redpilled on
>Deep State and "intelligence" agencies
>Central banks and the Rothschilds
>Religion (makes it impossible to frame modern events in terms of biblical context)

Once you learn about these things, it's like moving into a new tier of geopolitics that makes the identity politics of the normie seem like kid shit.

people on reddit are cringy fags who need to talk about zoolander and bill murray and how much they hate kanye west and the shawshank redemption and the dark knight being the best movies of all time

anyone claiming Sup Forums is an absolute moron and is not to be trusted

nothing to be redpilled about except that they have high IQ and are thus successful and that some of them living outside Israel think that breaking ethnic homogeneity would make future persecutions of them less likely
redpill me, they seem to have lost all relevance more than a century ago
>>Deep State and "intelligence" agencies
>>Central banks and the Rothschilds
What would you replace the central banks with?
>>Religion (makes it impossible to frame modern events in terms of biblical context)
Everyone who has tried that made a fool out of himself. Believing in ancient goat herder's fairy tales is not redpilled.

>What would you replace the central banks with?
If you set a regulation that they can only lend as much money as they have, they'd be ruined.
They make their money off of lending out ten times more than they actually have. This hurts everyone except them
Replace it with a National Bank that works off of a currency based on labor.

Birds of a feather stick together. Welcome to the retard club.

Rêddit has the worst layout I've ever seen for a site dedicated to conversation. Oh I wanna see the reply to that comment? Better scroll down through nine fucking pages of puns and deleted comments before I find it.

honestly its because were all autistic losers