Look at the boner on this guy as he literally ruins the lives of a millions people.
Look at the boner on this guy as he literally ruins the lives of a millions people
This is like his dreams coming true.
It's about half as hard as mine
All I see is an American patriot defending the territorial sovereignty of his homeland and upholding the law, OP.
>In July the House approved $1.6 billion in spending to improve and expand the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2018 budget. Exactly $38 million of that money would be set aside for future wall planning. As Congress reconvenes this week, the wall spending is at play in a separate debate over a budget package to fund the government through the end of the year. The deadline to pass it is September 30 or there will be a government shutdown. But Republicans need Democratic support.
>Republicans are divided on the idea and some say they are behind the plan to make the DACA program law without tying it to whether or not they can fund Trump’s border wall project.
>“We as Americans do not hold children legally accountable for the actions of their parents,” said Senator James Lankford in a statement Monday.
>House Speaker Paul Ryan has also supported the idea of making the program law. “These are kids who know no other country, who are brought here by their parents and don't know another home. And so I really do believe that there needs to be a legislative solution,” Ryan said during a radio interview on Wisconsin radio station WCLO Friday.
>Senator Lindsey Graham who is behind the bipartisan Dream Act said Monday that he is also behind the idea of making the DACA program law with no strings attached.
>“If President Trump makes this decision,” Graham reassured Dreamers Monday, “we will work to find a legislative solution to their dilemma.”
Trump will exchange DACA for The Wall - DACA get's sended to the courts - ruled as illegal - Trump cancels DACA and builts Wall - Trump 4d chess mate
these illegals are gonna get to stay even though they shouldn't.
Why does the left still run away with it like this is another shoah?
Those millions of people are illegal they are effecting millions of other lives that are here legally as citizens/ yet again you lefties forget to see things from all sides
He's a true hero desu senpai
Leftists constantly need some fake thing to be oppressed by so they can always claim victim status
BDSM isn't a sufficient substitute to rape and murder for everyone. Just like our man Jeff.
stop right there, lawbreaker
>implying illegals are people
>All I see is an American patriot defending the territorial sovereignty of his homeland and upholding the law, OP.
Oh yes user, these spics with an education, skills, and clean record are a threat to american society.
You like my strawman? Sup Forums taught me how to do that.
> implying their lives weren't ruined by their subhuman parents
But Trump is encouraging congress to legalize the illegal spics. and they can renew their permits for now.
The Trump admin is following the same policy as Obama. he even says he'll revisit the executive order if congressional amnesty fails.
You all look braindead for celebrating this
> clean record
Welcome to a braves new world where you get to choose what is illegal.
>Oh yes user, these spics with an education, skills, and clean record are a threat to american society.
Mexico has legit said it will take them back. And they're skilled. Why not go there and make Mexico better? Kinda... solves the issue on both sides of the aisle there, doesn't it?
Because America is all they know, and they aren't dumb enough to go to a country where water is filthy and beheading are a normal thing.
DACA recipients are getting thrown out for traffic violations. They need to be on literally their best behavior or else.