For me it was realizing in middle school that most Wehrmacht fought to protect Western Europe and liberate Eastern Europe from communism.
>Pic related
For me it was realizing in middle school that most Wehrmacht fought to protect Western Europe and liberate Eastern Europe from communism.
>Pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
>liberate Eastern Europe from communism
Damn, what went wrong then?
This is now a turbovirgin nazi larp thread
Those fags managed to lose Prussia for-fucking-ever to the Russians.
Learning that Most Americans have German blood.
This means that the when the muricans firebombed Dresden they probably burned their 3th cousin to death in her crib.
Than how come that the only significant advance of Communism happened specifically because of Adi, and no subsequent wars between the Communists and the Libereals were fought as soon as he bate the bullet?
*the only significant advance in Europe
White americans dont really care about family, they are closer to niggers than their actual cousins in Europe
Pol Pot and Lenin were funded by western "intellectuals", anglo to be more precise.
We used to, at least my family does. Even then it's only a matter of time until we die out. I'm 26 with no gf and no chance, it's not enough to be decent looking, German blue eyes, playing guitar and having a kind personality.
I hate nigger music and being degenerate. I'm fucked unless I can meet a friend who goes to a non cucked church to help me go again and meet people.
Fuck france
Not everything is as black and white as you want it to be.
I'm not saying Nazis are the good giys fuck the Nazis. I'm talking normal German soldiers. The shades of gray are obvious I know that.
finding that deiviant art has become a blatant loli site on the normie web, but not a single kike reporter , or sjw or feminazi has the slightest issue with it, yet if we mention it here we get perma banned.
Self-advertising belongs in Sup Forums is for politics.
The German soldiers treated Eastern Europeans with decency up to 1942. After that they were just almost as bad as the Soviets. Understandable because they started losing the war and tough measures had to be taken (scorched earth policy).
Excuse my assumption of it being so then. Most of these kind of threads are usually nothing more than wehraboo memehistory circlejerks.
That picture really makes me feel, I hope she had a good life
i think it the pakis, jews and police (pimps ) showing off their 'wares' to their clientbase ( mongers ) under the guise of 'female art'. child prostitution in the west in broad daylight.
>video not available in your country
sigh... for fucks sake
Heil Hitler, England should be punished for its treachery.
Hearing ABC radio news report something that wasn't happening while I was there
If I have singl , hitler is in hell, if du he dwells in paradise
If you haven't taken it yet its because your a Coward choking on a Bluepill
Well, we were given a chance to join the right side.
Ahh, finally! Someone who gets it
flat earth
Absolutely not and I do realize some Wehrmacht did fight for the Nazi ideology but most truly believed in stopping the communists.
W r o n g
are you stupid? he asked for personal pills
my opinion cant be wrong :^
Flat Earth is for religious zealots of the Demiurge
Are you a Saturn worshiper?
You had 3 options:
1. Fight both against the USSR and Germany.
Lose inevitably, get conquered, lose your country and become domesticated pets for your overlords ( in this case the USSR until 1991)
2. Join Germany against the USSR, while giving up some land of the West to Germany.
Install your own fascist anti-communist catholic autocracy. Your future would be an economic vassal state of the German Empire, but you would retain some sovereignty.
3. Join the Soviet Union against Germany but this would never happen because you were religious.
Hitler did no wrong
Because he was a kike puppet urging the German "people" to fight against other whites. If he really wanted to overthrow the commies he would just send fucking spies like any sane person would.
You are ignorant son. Hitler never wanted to fight Britain or France. They declared war on him, not the other way around. What was he supposed to do? Not conquer BeNeLux and France and wait till the French and English troops are at the German border ready to get rid of him? The Western Front was forced on him, he never wanted it, he said it was a stupid European civil war, which every day robbed him of his real goal; expansion to the east and destruction of the USSR, and enlightening the world and all other nations on the Jewish problem.
Those soldiers aren't the front didn't know exactly what was happening after they pushed forward. The death squads were a real thing but the men of the Wermacht didn't start finding out about them until well into Operation Barbarossa, and they were horrified by it
They send tons of spies to kill Stalin. And the allies sent tons of spies to kill Hitler. It didn't happen. Killing heads of state is not as easy as you think you stupid retard.
I share every single one of those. Attributes.
Nice excuse for killing 20 million Europeans there, faggot.
Yeah, right. Destruction of the USSR... and ethnic Russians in it. He wasn't exactly an enemy to kikes when he cut a deal with them.
>throw millions of poles/eastern europeans into concentration camps
>destroy polish capital
>destroy polish cities
>rob polish museums
>rob polish art galleries
>destroy patriotic polish monuments
M-muh hitler wanted to liberate Eastern Europe
>lead to the deaths of millions of whites
M-muh hitler wanted to protect Western Europe
you are so full of shit
Blame your government for sanctioning the mistreatment of ethnic Germans living on Polish soil.
I don't support hitler I said Wehrmacht not nazis
>implying that was a bad thing
>implying we were not trying to save europe back then
you can throw in starvation in the Netherlands, too. I've never met a wehraboo that can justify trying to starve to death hundreds of thousands of their fellow racial kinsmen who were non-combatants.
For me it was realizing, during history channels nazi era, that Hitler was a complete faggot. He didn't protect Europe from shit and instead led a war of aggression that lead to Europe's destruction and the deaths of millions of whites. The effects of which are still seen today. Hitler was also too much of a coward to face his enemies himself, instead hiding out in a bunker and killing himself like a true beta.
If he had stuck to fixing Germany then began to diplomatically take over Europe and bring them the same success he wouldn't be demonized today. But like any low IQ tard he sperged out.
You sound uninteresting
Food shortages happen. Given the choice do you feed your immediate family or your extended cousins twice removed?
Moved to Berkeley, CA for college/work. Thought I was going to be surrounded by culture and intelligent people. I was very wrong. I'm old though, didn't always be like this here. Can't wait to leave.
>Be neutral country
>Desperately try to stay in good graces of belligerent kraut-niggers next door
>Get invaded anyways, and be threatened with mass fire-bombings of cities and executions if the country doesn't capitulate
>Get starved to death by "liberators of Europe" to save their kraut-nigger asses from Bomber Harris and friends.
And, of course, it's a fucking American defending this.
Fuck, what happened to his eyes?
Here some more of the handiwork of these fine, upstanding "champions" of Western civilization. I'm sure they felt particularly heroic holding millions of civilians hostage to save themselves from Allied bombs.
Fuck Germany. Those Eternal Autists have done more harm to Europeans than anything the Jews have done.
I don't know how you stand it. I was asked to give some talks at a local State U a few years back. I could NOT believe it. 90% female less than 5% white male. I remember thinking at the time, "Why couldn't it have been like this when I went to College? I would have absolutely fucked myself to DEATH."
In the intervening years I have realized just what a culture killer that is.
Where he's going, they don't need eyes to see.
his eyes are still there, but closed. they've become recessed into his sockets from being starved to death by the Germans, that's all.
I would like to read "Kryptonim POSEN" of Piotr Bojarski. Alternative history where we do join Germany. The author quite realisticly shows what would happen then.
Good bait, mate.
>Nazis tried to save Europe from communism
>Meanwhile following and enforcing the belife that slavs and many others are subhuman
>"Saving" Europe while creating and ecualy bad state where you can't even speak freely without Gestapo "interrogating" you to death
>only the evil germans di....
you can go fuck off, every side had starving people and funnily enough, the german one isn't the one with the most or even the most horrendous. millions of germans starved right after the war was over, in american camps, nobody cares, to this day.
It didn't used to be like that. I got to go to UC Berkeley for a summer school program many years ago in high school because I did well on some test. It was fucking great back then. Now it is trash. Pic related is mfw going outside now. Fuck this gay earth, I'm moving somewhere rural.
I'm part jap and all american. Don't even care about that shit or the nukes. War is hell. Kikes can fuck off with muh 6 gorillion or whatever they've changed it to now. Whiney bastards.
Being in the Marines. Realized early on anyone can be a good man or a bad man regardless of skin color.
But it's not about individuals, it's about ratios. And niggers have problems with authority.
that's not from american internment camps. those are jap POW's.
Niggers are just a problem in general.
Did I say only Germans did it? No, I didn't.
Faggots that love the Wehrmacht and suck hitler's cock go on and on and on about being the great saviours of Europe, of its culture, as they torched its cities to the ground and slaughtered innocent Europeans. Go on then, the floor's all yours. Justify to us Christiansen's order to starve the Dutch in '44 when the war was lost. Let's hear the logic of how starving European men, women and children to death somehow defends European civilization from the threat of Jewish Bolshevism.
You'll want to find a better shoop as well, kraut. A pic of starved Japanese soldiers in New Guinea because we won the seas surrounding the islands isn't going to impress anyone when you can't point out a single Jap in the USA that died of starvation from his detention.
>liberate Eastern Europe from communism
pic related
greatest liberators of eastern europe
I read that in order to thank him for his good deeds, the residents of Lublin have built more than a dozen statues in his honor.
Oscar had a beautiful soul, and was determined to make Poland a better place.
Fuck you, and your mother, and your sweet fag daddy.
>Let's hear the logic
There is no logic.
You can't reason with people that believe fairytales are real.
It's surreal that even to this day, there are people who worship hitler and his lackeys, especially in countries that suffered the most from these cunts.
What's funny to me is that not even one has the balls to outright admit it in public (only on anonymous boards and forums).
I believe that deep down they know they are wrong.
Anglo is the jew. I am ashamed of my heritage, we've sold the world to the devil.
Learnings Germany should have won
they followed shitler's orders you dumb cunt
Use Tor or tubeunlock, you maybe don't realize how much of yourube is censored in the Israeli colony of Francistan.
>Invade and sack Poland.
>Invade and sack most of Western Russia
>Start exterminating local slavic populations of annexed eastern Europe
>All part of general plan ost.
"B-b-but we were protecting western Europe from dem commies."
Fuck off OP
hitler was a good boy
he dindu nuffins
>no subsequent wars between the Communists and the Libereals were fought as soon as he bate the bullet
>what is the Cold War
It's like your kike government purposely didn't teach you about the following 45 years of history.
A third of Hitler's armies were Russians.
>It is estimated that nearly one million former Soviet citizens took up arms against the Red Army in the Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, and various Axis sponsored units (this includes other national groups such as the Ukrainians, Belarusians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Chechens, Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, and other non Russian groups).
>Secret archive reveals how Russia showed huge support for 'Christian crusader' Nazi invaders who had come to fight 'godless communists'
>Russians who fought for National Socialist Germany - Russian Liberation Army
War was a complex cause of growing anger from the post-war treaty, not "dude Poles suck lmao". Also, you're conflating what occurred during the war with what caused the war to begin with.
Russia didn't show support towards the Wehrmacht. It was people who hated stalin because he was a cunt like hitler.
Now post the links who explain how hitler decided to starve and kill the Ukrainians despite the fact that they offered to help him fight against stalin.
Didn't hitler believe all slavs were subhuman filth?
Wartime destruction is not unique to Germans and acting as if it is is historically ignorant.
Yes, and the Middle Eastern nations were also innocent. They were still invaded AND the USSR didn't leave some, even after the war ended.
War has no rules, sorry to tell you.
It was 100% un-ironically realizing Hitler was the good guy.
What caused the war is that Hitler wanted "living space" for the German people and so he thought that the rest of Europe should be Germany's bread basket and proceeded to exterminate the local population in eastern Europe or send them to labor camps in order to send Germans to colonize it.
>Now post the links who explain how hitler decided to starve and kill the Ukrainians despite the fact that they offered to help him fight against stalin.
Isn't that your job if you make the claim? I don't think they would refuse manpower because "dude you're Ukrainian lol". Near the end, anything went.
>Didn't hitler believe all slavs were subhuman filth?
Circumstantially, for adopting Marxist nonsense. Had the French had their Lenin, you would have rhetoric denouncing the French menace. They were a reaction to the Marxist forces and the Jewish influence within foreign governments.
Classical Liberalism is a western creation, a defining part of Western civilization.
THe Wehrmacht fought a war driven by an ideology that conceptualized Western Euroepans as being part of the same race as Indians (lol Aryans) so i hope you poo in your loo OP.
Nationalism Socialism is anti-Western.
> no subsequent wars between the Communists and the Libereals
> what is korea
> what is vietnam
> what is south america
> what are proxy wars
> what are nukes
Wow I bet no British ever thought to do that to the whole fucking planet
>He wasn't exactly an enemy to kikes
I often laugh at idiots who link stuff that they didn't even read.
>The agreement was controversial at the time, and was criticised by many Jewish leaders both within the Zionist movement (such as the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky) and outside it.
Yeah, that's why they shot my all Polish family. Liberation German style.
>Hitler wanted "living space" for the German people
>he thought that the rest of Europe should be Germany's bread basket
Not correct. Never invaded "Europe", the initial war was against Poland for the whole territorial disputes.
The subsequent war declaration is what caused the entire shitstorm to ensue. Hess' peace offer, as poor as it may have been, demonstrated the true intention: an unrestricted assault on the USSR.
>proceeded to exterminate the local population in eastern Europe
Perhaps the local population should have been wise to follow traditional "war rules" many love to appeal to and not resisted the oncoming forces. Then, they would not have to execute groups for being paramilitary or some resistant forces. Kind of like gooks in the Vietnam war. You reap what you sow.
Again, that wasn't the cause OF the war. They did not attack to do just that, that was a byproduct: the ensure German lands. They did not want to invade the USSR "just because". Again, it was always primarily about Marxism and its destruction.
>history channels nazi era
You're not redpilled. You're bluepilled. Lurk more.
History Channel is owned by A&E Networks:
>President & CEO
>Nancy Dubuc (jewish)
A&E Networks is a joint venture between Hearst Communications:
>President & CEO
>Steve Swartz (jewish)
and Disney-ABC Corporations:
>President & CEO
>Ben Sherwood (jewish)
>Isn't that your job if you make the claim?
It should have been YOUR job.
Here you go:
Proxy wars and the cold war were not direct wars like ww2.
>Perhaps the local population should have been wise
Eat shit. You invade my country - I will fight you with everything I've got.
Are you some kind of pussy by any chance?
Good post and great video
>All those mentions to Finland :')
My most memorable red pill this year was when someone posted the statistics of in reeding in the Middle East. That information really blew my mind
Your hook-nosed grandpa was shot at the ripe age of 10 too? My condolences.
>invade someone that has allies
>the country's allies declare war
>he dindu nuffin!
Yeah, fuck those Germans!