Give me your best cinematic red pills Sup Forums
>inb4 some faggot posts falling down
>literally the biggest blue pill wearing a shitty red pill disguise
Give me your best cinematic red pills Sup Forums
>inb4 some faggot posts falling down
>literally the biggest blue pill wearing a shitty red pill disguise
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You seriously use Scorsese's film? The man who steps all over Christ so he makes cinema about it to feel better?
nice ad hom you industrial cock inhaling faggot, it's a true story about some red pilled as fuck missionaries who gives a fuck who directed it
Scorsese is the fag that made the film where Jesus had sexual relations with Magdalene. In Silence, he makes it acceptable to reject Christ publicly yet accept Him privately. He is literally referring to His own issue within Hollywood.
The Jesuits in Japan were martyred and didn't reject Christ like the character he portrays.
I can't find a good movie on the Wehrmacht but watch this video user it really hits the heart.
Giuseppe Chiara (the missionary Garfield's character is based upon) married a Japanese woman, took a Japanese name, and lived in Japan until his natural death -- the film is historically accurate and it's about doing what you must not to save yourself but to help others and ease their suffering FAGGOT
>The man who steps all over Christ so he makes cinema about it to feel better?
Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi.
We don't worship Jews here cuck
Literally the worst movie you could think of about the crusades.
Why are you so angry? The film is historically accurate only in the manner that Jesuits and Christians were persecuted.
The Jesuit in the movie rejects Christ over and over as he is made to step on the Cross. That's called rejecting Christ.
Go to bed, child, you don't know what you're talking about and you don't even know what a heathen Scorsese is. You're probably 16.
The original "Stalingrad" movie is good. The remake is absolute shit. The original focuses on a squad of Wehrmact soldiers in Russia, while the retarded remake focuses on BASED SOVIET UNION and EVIL NAZI'S. No respect at all. The original is good, as it shows respect to both sides of the war.
I'm probably the only person here who has seen this film
>Giuseppe steps on the image of Christ to prevent others from being tortured to death
>God literally speaks to him and tells him to do it
>idol worship is literally condemned as sin in the Bible
>he thinks arbitrarily refusing to "desecrate" a stupid idol while people are mercilessly tortured and murdered makes him a good Christian
wew lad Christ would have a thing or two to say to you let me tell ya
Thank you Aussie user.
We watch it every movie cycle. Our next film is Man For All Seasons.
>cinematic redpill
>literally 2 faggot racemixers dying for a jewish fairytale
We only worship cum and e-celebs.
>Matthew 10:33
>[33] But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.
Are you really that stupid to think the heathen Scorsese would put out an accurate film dealing with Christianity?
What's a movie cycle?
>the first thing commies do when they take power is kill the priests and burn the churches
>its because the church is the one thing that can hold people together in times of struggle
>directly antagonistic to jewish d&c policy
hello shill
300 was kind of an anomaly in that it showed yuros defending their land from poor starving refugees drowning in the med,i know it was just based on a comic and that based in history but nowadays it would have been seen as a neonazi mein kampf propaganda film
Today I found this video for normalfags to admire.
Sorry if I shattered your delusions, my bad, go pray to Jaysus to save my soul or something
We have a set list of movies that we, my wife and five little ones, go through.
God I loved that movie.
>he thinks stepping on a dumb idol is "denying God"
>what matters is what is in your heart and your soul
>what matters is why you are doing it
I don't know what they teach you in McChurch™ over in America but you are seriously misguided my friend
Ohh ok cool, I'm pretty sure I see it once a year on Easter
>No one yet posted ZARDOZ
son I am disappoint
>joins us army
>hates army cause he killsnindians
>joins army to train japs
>leaves army when captured
>joins japs to fight army
>gives emperor sword whilst wear army uniform
Seriously make up your mind, you fucking disloyal fag. I hate this movie
Not a movie, but this is the most redpilled album of all time!
It's about honor and glory and holding true to one's convictions in the face of adversity, even if it is hopeless -- you're paying to much attention to the production and not enough attention to the message
Hahahaha I obviously was just joking about it being redpilled, but it makes me so happy to hear you liked it. I thought it was a fun movie. People don't even remember it if I bring it up.
this one is about the same thing
All blue pill garbage
>We have a set list of movies that we, my wife and her five little ones, go through.
sounds autistic
Hold true. Eventually. After working for five different sides. Usually for money. Give me a break
The penis is evil!
I'm not saying the screenplay is perfect user -- besides the story is less about Cruise's character and more about Watanabe's and the actual last samurai... Cruise is just there for production value
Unintentionally extremely Sup Forums approved movie here
>Protagonist is raised without a father
>Father was a hero who died in the line of duty protecting Britain
>Mother is dating an alcholic abuser
>Protagonist is doing nothing with his life, is a chav
>Finds a perfect male role model in Galahad
>Is lifted from chav degeneracy to a sophisticated British gentleman
>Antagonist Samuel L Jackson wants to depopulate the planet
>His free sim card transmits frequencies which will make people violent and thin the population
>The obvious implication behind this is that the greatest purges would clearly be of Europeans, the Anglosphere and developed SEA countries like Japan, HK and Singapore while underdeveloped third worlders would be relatively unaffected
>World leaders give in to his plot, Prime Minister of Sweden cucks himself the most
>The quintessentially British Kingsmen save the world
>Protagonist fucks the crown princess of Sweden as a reward
Also to begin with, it's two sides: the American army and the Samurai -- second, he's an alcoholic disillusioned with life, society, etc and by the end he finds something actually worth fighting and dying for
Don't be so short sighted
crunchy tunes too
Nice -- still haven't bothered to see it because wasn't particularly interested but I'll give it a go now
why is that?
> arabs defend their homeland
> hypocritical Catholic and crusades
> a story of a common man who achieved a new goal in his life after losing his son and wife
> Middleages warfare battles shown, seige techics and tactics
I used to like when I was a kid. Enjoyed every bit of the moment if the film and was a bit surprised of the hate towards the film when I had come first here.
This is the future you have chosen
>>Protagonist fucks the crown princess of Sweden as a reward
In the ass.
That's no way to save the white race, 14.
Fuck. Time to search for this on Discogs.
An album and a single. BASED.
Pity it's total shite.
pic related
Saw it last night
Bluepilled af
>typical Salahuddin cock worship
>templar evil murdering rapists
>Muslims more advanced, friendly and honorable people
>Jerusalem for everybody, open borders
>killing priests and running form the law is fine
>Christians were the true extremists
I really wanted to like Silence, but agreeing with the film really requires you to believe that everyone in the world must be Christian and the Japanese do not get to have their own culture.
Also, it is hard to rap your mind around choosing death over stepping on a representation of Christ. Christianity is not even pro Idolatry anyways. And low an behold, god talked to the protagonist telling him it was OK for him to do it.
The film is just Christian masturbation.
its all about perspective user
Er ist wieder da
A crucifix or an icon is not an idol, genius. No one worships crucifixes as if they were God.
Kilts didn't exist back then and the scottish lost. Mel Gibson is a hack.
It comes off very one sided and does a disservice to the bravery and good work done by the templars
>everyone in the world must be Christian and the Japanese do not get to have their own culture
It wasn't about converting all Japanese, it was about allowing those converted Japanese to practice their faith without being persecuted -- religious freedom
You also have to understand that this was in the 17th century and the Church was a lot different back then (much more restrictive) and many would have chosen death no question -- the only reason Garfield's character did it was because of God's voice telling him it was alright and because it was the only thing that would save innocent villagers from torture and death whereas the others in the film (Neeson and Driver) were largely only responsible for their own lives
Yeah, kingdom of heaven was a typical (((Hollywood))) treatment of the Crusades.
>missing the point entirely
>defending your sovereignty
>defending your customs/way of life
>expelling/repelling foreign invaders
>he thinks losing is relevant to the struggle
>just another ass mad englishman
>Sup Forums the movie
>no-one has mentioned LOTR
This wouldn't be allowed to be made today.
The film is Scorsese trying to redeem his unfaith. He was the one who made The Last Temptation of Christ--a blasphemous film about Christ having sexual relations with Magdalene. It is apparent to anyone knowing Scorsese that he is projecting the public rejection of Christ as privately acceptable to God.
This way he is still able to remain in the (((Hollywood))) group. This is nothing new for him.
>this wouldn't be allowed to be made today
that's why they followed it up with (((the hobbit)))
>watching the movies instead of playing the game
You do realise Scottish nationalists are all left wing? They unironically want to leave the UK to be ruled by Merkel.
All the decent Scots left and moved to the colonies. We got left with the Sweden-tier cucks like Tony Blair.
>crusaders gud boys dey dindu nuffins
The history you so fervently romanticize betrays you deeply
Id recommend "Where eagles dare" and the original "Oceans Elleven".
>hurr durr 13th century scottish freedom fighters are the same as 21st century ones
kys idiot
I understand. You're the ancestor of iconoclasts and protestant criminals. It isn't fair to assume that you have a genuine grip on Christian theology.
Cinematic red pill is another name for dadcore?
What's wrong with the hobbit? Besides the obviuosymoney grabbing, which I'll allow since it was a lighthearted romp. Never understood the hobbit hate.
>typical Salahuddin cock worship
He was back stabbed by Muhammed
>templar evil murdering rapists
They were, and still are
>Muslims more advanced, friendly and honorable people
Despite worshipping satan, they are
>Jerusalem for everybody, open borders
Juerusalem is cursed for anyone other than Gods chosen
>killing priests and running form the law is fine
Priest deserved it
>Christians were the true extremists
Only roman catholics
>doesn't understand underlying message/themes of religion
>has to take the Bible literally, word for word because he is too simple to understand concepts in the abstract
>too simple to understand that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
wew lad 10 to 1 you're from Missouri or something lmao
Straw Dogs
Rules of the Game (1939)
What a disappointment that film was
>Sources all from Kikepedia.
At least put the effort in to cite original articles.
What is abstract about "if you deny me in front of others, I will deny you in front of my Father in heaven"?
Are you really that dense?
>too simple to understand that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
If you think your God would condemn you for stepping on an idol (which God and the Bible reject as blasphemous to begin with) in order to save dozens of innocent Christian villagers from being tortured to death then you are, as I said, seriously misguided
Your McPastor™ has failed you.
How is "silence" a red pill?
Does it red pill you on the savagery of the Japanese people despite their ancient culture?
If the Europeans were more like the Japanese they would not have their islamic infestation today, probably would not of even had their christian infestation.
>OP would be victim of picrelated
>this is your mind on Judeo-Anglicanism
Truly a sickening example. Now go pray to your female lesbian pastors, accept gays into the church and worship the God's chosen people.
>the biggest thing to hit Japan since 1945
>holding true to your convictions in the face of adversity
>making great sacrifices for the greater good
and while the film portrays Japanese as monsters you need to look beyond that -- they too, like the Christians, are holding true to their own ancient convictions
It's also a really good PSA against cultural marxism
I don't think you understand the meaning of "red pilled".
Early Game of Thrones felt very cool. I really got a Euro-vibe and it made me look into European history more. This latest season seems to be very feminist influenced unfortunately .
oh please enlighten me gypsy