The girl has been hospitalized previously for an unrelated condition in the children's ward of the hospital in the north of Italy together with 2 young immigrants from Burkina Faso, treated for malaria.
Now the question is if a local Italian mosquito was able to transmit malaria from the African children to the Italian girl.
It is the first time someone contracts malaria in the Italian northern region of Trentino.
4 year old girl dies of malaria in the north of Italy
Fucking niggers
Virgin Italian
Chad Infection
Is this the new black death?
Everyone was laughing at Polish Government when Kaczynski said this
>Kaczynski, leader of the conservative eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party that heads the government, has been quoted as saying previously that migrants could bring diseases and parasites to Poland.
>source: Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. fucking Sup Forums mods
Every newspaper yesterday was saying shit like "stop being racist, malaria can't be passed from person to person, it's just a coincidence that two kids from Burkina Faso are also in that hospital"
Now newspapers are saying that it's the same virus and they are wondering how she got infected
That is so fucking hard to figure out, wow.
It can't be because of niggers.
The obvious answer is that the hospital either has bad practices or is deliberately infecting patients with contaminated blood. Probably reusing needles to save a few pastabucks a month.
>Import millions of people from different environment without any control
>wonder why diseases spread
These niggers also brought the swine pest to us.
fucks sake rachel maddow today was saying 1920s americans were nazis for saying immigrants could bring diseases with them
We had Ellis Island to store them on until they were noninfectious.
Technically they are not lying, malaria is blood borne so it's really hard to transmit person to person.
Meanwhile, a few months ago our (((journalists))) were publishing this shit.
I am not even memeing, they said it.
A mistake made by a nurse is possible; saving money I would exclude that. These are public founded hospitals. And the money saved by re-using the same needles is nothing compared with other expense like doctor and nurses wages, drugs and hi-tech equipment. The reason the girl was admitted to the hospital was a new-onset diabetes. There was no need to use complex and potentially dangerous equipment like dialysis.
The long nosed insectoid jew would like to have a word with you
What the actual fuck????
This is some next level shit. (((They))) are really going all out, aren't they?
Good good let's bring in hordes of people that might be infected with these kind of diseases hiv etc etc that need life long treatments and medicine.
I wonder who might be behind this.
thank fuck I'm a chain smoking retard. mosquitoes hate me
>mfw malaria spread in europe, effectively killing rapefugees, krauts, frogs and whatnot
>mfw it's ISIS plan all along
I get so mad at stuff like this. I searched for "torn frenulum" some years ago and I remember how like 50% of the doctors said just let it rest, it will heal and if not it's probably okay too, however the rest and I mean a lot of (((doctors))) asked if he(the posters) had considered circumcision..
All the godamn vaccinate this and that reddit commenters, (((medicinal sites))),(((anal sex promoters))) and just about any shitty third world travel advice..
Was some post on reddit about someone taking in mexicans to their home and it was all happy clappy best times, 74738 (reddit golds), "just do the same to others go.. guys", and again I KNOW it's a jude having fun, there was no mexican family and it's just a jew thinking up stories.
Here's the link
Use jewgle translate
Actually it's likely that the girl got the infection because of the two kids. Mosquitoes are very common in Italy, especially during summer. It was something like Kids---Mosquito---Girl
>rachel maddow
Litterally who?
Go die in a ditch shill. Public health is a very related issue for Sup Forums, now fuck off.
It's not always the though.
Not every little thing is a jewish conspiracy.
Funny story though.
More like one of the young bulls punctured her hyman. Probably had an open sore on his BBC. Many such cases.
Next summer sure is going to be fun fun fun in the sun. So many "migrants" so little time.
>meme flag
>BBC memes
>his life is a meme
>Next summer sure is going to be fun fun fun in the sun. So many "migrants" so little time
This doesn't make any sense, they wouldn't have malaria by next year and it would have happened this summer instead
What the FUCK europe. It's one thing to let a bunch of shit skins into your country, but to not even check them for diseases? I live in a third world shithole and even my goverment isn't stupid enough to let people in without getting checked by a doctor.
with 100% more black
take your fucking meds schizo
kys psycho user
Sorry that was for you
>nobody is illegal, let's bring every third worlder into Europe, what could go wrong?
you forget senpai
i've lived in n.italia, RAMMED with mosquitos
think about that for a minute
>mussolini remove the marshes
>italy is one of the first country to eliminate malaria
>70 year later its back because we have to import third worlders
Vermin bring disease, treat with zyklon b.
>Not every little thing is a jewish conspiracy.
well on Sup Forums it is every little thing
>not all mosquitos!!!
i'm literally dreaming of genociding muslims and niggers.
i dream of crucifying and to hang them in the streets.
Leftists also said that Mussolini's land reclamation that eliminated malaria was an environment destruction, kek
This is why mainstream media should be ignored.
i kno
>influx of niggers
>malaria outbreak
>doctors are puzzled
worst doctors ever
>lets bring back the marshes damn ebil fascist reee
genocide when?
Didn't we bring a fuck ton of diseases like smallpox when we discovered the new world? are they being willfully ignorant?
>allow 3rd world savages into your land
>mosquitos carry malaria
Seine Pest was Form Mexico. Niggers bring Mord dick shit to us
if europe is this stupid to let shitskin into their country, then maybe they deserve their kin to be annihilated
literally niggers
No, not really. Dirty wops need to take care of their own greasy asses.
Fuck off Jin Yang
Prepare to become a 3rd world shithole
Go choke on some AIDS infested nigger dick, we're talking serious shit here.
Didn't you dry a bunch swamps specifically to combat this problem?
Third world people third world problems
Yes, 70 years ago by ebil fascist Mussolini. Now niggers are taking it back again with other funny stuff like scabies, tuberculosis, aids and god knows what else.
I thought the European education system was somewhat decent. Do they not teach in school about how the first "European Immigrants" brought a host of diseases with them to the new world. wiping out 90% of the native population. Is it really not politically correct to say that people from different places carry different diseases or variations of existing diseases that the native population never developed an immunity to?
The absolute state of Europe today
That was interesting to read. Sup Forums should have some history threads. Although, mods would probably remove those, like they remove art threads and island colonization/conquest threads.
>AIDS infested nigger dick
Sounds more like the problem you are having, guido.
except little baby girl who died because of two infect niglets that were brought here to be cured at taxpayes expense didn't asked for it, you on the contrary probably love that aids-ridden nigger dick so much that you advocate for freedom of aids niggers to infect people without facing legal consequences.
you forget that only white people could do something so evil. everything that comes from the dark continent is good and enrichment. people here would defend this.
you are the problem, jamal
I feel so enriched, thanks niggers!
On a more serious note, wasn't the girl also on some kind of summer camp or something like that? She could have got infected there.
No, she was having holidays in Bibione, then felt sick because of diabetes and brought to the same hospital where the two infected Burkina Faso niglets were being cured for free, with your tax money.
proxyfag gtfo
Someone needs to do an analysis on the virus, I strongly believe that the niglets are the culprit, but better identifying were it came from.
The medial team are total noobs for not having tested the girl for malaria and not recognizing the symptoms.
>girlfriend of 3 years is a microbiologist
>sounds like Alex Jones at the dinner table
She genuinely believes half the world's population will be wiped out within 30 years because of increasing resistance to antibiotics combined with mass immigration.
Worst part? I believe her.
Why does it have to take so fucking long? Within 30 years we'll be around 9 billion, leaving us with 4.5 billion, that will be 7 billion by 2100.
Why can't we just stay at a cool 1 billion and cruise there?
30 years is the maximum.
They're encountering more and more resistant micro organisms every fucking week. Something like 500,000 people already die every year because of untreatable tubercolosis. She said if it's 500,000 now, in the best case scenario it will be 5 million 10 years. And that's for tubercolosis alone.
malaria was common enough in rome in the 19th century that it was a plot point in henry james' "daisy miller"
>b-but muh rapefugees
TB takes a long time to kill a person, though. years and years. even in its chronic form it's manageable the way HIV is manageable
Antibiotics are usually used to treat those with TB. When you give them another cocktail of drugs, TB adapts.
Did you know that HIV is currently untreatable in 15-20% of cases due to antiviral resistance? And that number is climbing every year. No treatment whatsoever. Same with gonorrhea and s number of other diseases.
The girl was with the parent in vacation in Bibbione.
The 11 of Agust she was unwell, with fever and weakness.
The 13 the parents took her to the local hospital, the suspected diagnosis was "metabolic syndrome' or "diabetes"
The 16 the parents took her to the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento. (where the 2 African children infected by malaria) are hospitalized
She gets better, the 21 she is released from the hospital, perfectly healed.
The 31 she has a high fever, the parents took her to the hospital, the doctors say she has a sore throat. They give antibiotics and send her home.
The 2 of September she is unconscious, the parents took her back to the hospital, first a diagnosis of epilepsy is made, then meningitis, then finally malaria, but she died less than 48 after the admission to the hospital.
*48 hours
UNFORTUNSATELY niggers cant bring malaria.
Malaria requires a certain species of mosquito to inhabit your climate.
Also, before I go,
Girlfriend said that even with additional funding for research, bacteria, viruses and micro organisms are playing on another level. Nature will wreck us soon, and there's nothing we can do.
WHO and UN (not sure if publically) acknowledges this, and the only thing we can do is to try and hold back the floodgates just a little bit longer. But it's already leaking.
reading this mekes me hate niggers even more.
but it also fills me with a murderous rage for the ones makes them come here.
Italia used to have much malaria. Fascism filled in the swamp. Now they bring nigger. And Malaria returns. :^)
No ears... no nose... what keeps Pepe's glasses up?
Will this conundrum ever be solved?
>Nigger transmitted diseases
>puzzles doctors
Italy has black doctors too now?
>not sure if publically
There's a litany of publications on the topic. We are in trouble. Your girlfriend is not necessarily wrong.
>t. phD Biochemistry (Focus on Biofilm Genomics)
This can't be real
Many years ago Italy was infested by malaria, then swamps were drained, people was cured, mosquitoes were killed with DDT. But a few mosquitoes able to carry the disease survived. These mosquitoes are usually not dangerous, unless they feed on a human infected by malaria. If this happens the mosquito becomes a carrier.
You shouldn't have posted that picture, now I'm mad.
Fucking niggers.
>enrich the ecosystem
marxists are retarded. a morning show host on swedish TV4 actually asked an invited biologist why they are protecting species diversity and hinted that he was a racist. she cornered him when he talked about invading species. its on youtube but in swedish.
The biologist was that old man from nordens ark. The hostess is Stömstet or something. Shes together with that sjw singer.
i wish you could watch this and understand how retarded she sounds like. he says there are only a few hundred crocodile of that type left and that they are mixing with other and disappearing and she says why is it important to have pure species, that sounds uncomfortable (triggering).
he says its important to preserve diversity not just mix everything together. hes basically explaining to her and she responds like a small child. at the end he gleefully says that fortunately they have started protecting the crocodile and established a reservation and killed off all the invading species.
very bizarre clip
Honestly we should take this fucking article right now and spam the shit out of every italian media and try to set this trending on twitter.
or whavever.
We need to have this article in the news.
The fucking shitters that dared to write this article must pay.
i completely forgot that all those syrian refugees from africa would spread their 3rd world tier diseases among the europeans
Is this a magic word that makes people (mostly liberals) instantly believe it's about something positive or something?
I mean I could "enrich" someone's food with poison and a liberal would be giddy to eat it no?
What is this word so effective? Is everyone stupid?