We can't ban porn,
but can we at least redpill Sup Forums to stop consuming porn?
We can't ban porn,
but can we at least redpill Sup Forums to stop consuming porn?
it would like trying to redpill OP to stop consuming cum, virtually impossible
Apparently not
Nah, too many qt3.14 Asians out there
Soz bro
Won't happen because its to easy to obtain.
nothing wrong with eating one's own cum.
> 3dpd
You feel so much better without it.
Masturbation is okay as long as it's in moderation and using your imagination.
But sitting in a dark room masturbating to another guy fucking a girl on a screen is ultimate degeneracy.
whats wrong with porn?
How long for the receptors to come back, on average?
>pseudo shill science
always the same with these braindead nofap shills and their obvious shill threads.
I haven't looked at porn for 2 weeks. I can feel my libido coming back. Now I just need to find a gf to continue my nofap streak.
it's like bukkake in your brain
>on average?
how many years and how often you fap to porn?
it takes more than 90 days for 5 years daily fap
it can take 6 months to 2 years for prolonged (10-15 years) of multiple daily porn faps
Can anyone give me a TL:DW on this?
>Can anyone give me a TL:DW on this?
porn gives you fake pleasure and fake accomplishment
it stops you from seeking improvment as a man and turns you into a peacified beta male
Broscience fuck off. I spill my seed happily on the daily.
porn gives you the accomplishment of having masturbated
spooky. watching images of naked women on your computer is litearlly more harmful than meth.
I know these anti-porn threads are a psyop
Nofappers always face so much hostility in these threads from people who know they have a problem but are too scared to admit it.
>porn is ebil
>please join the nofap cult after we presented you all those non scientific backed up and cherrypicked facts
>"hurr durr looking at naked woman is bad!"
I feel sorry for the fags that are too scared to admit that they jerk off more than twice a day. There is nothing wrong with having a healthy porn addiction. It's either that or enjoy your blue balls.
Why, though?
>fapping to 3DPD
>We can't ban porn
Of course we can.
>tfw gonna be underground porn dealer supplying the masses with the forbidden fruits
Degenerate. Dropped. Probably fucks niggers too.
What about sitting in a well lit room watching a guy fuck another guy?
Then you're in the clear.
Happing fapping.
>it's yet another crypto-puritans act like porn is a 99% debuff when in reality it is literally nothing thread
enjoy dying a virgin then
>porn gives you fake pleasure and fake accomplishment
This is a very good argument. This is the exact same reason you shouldn't consume cannabis either.
>lol read my book
stopped watching right there
Porn sites should be forced onto pornographic domains so they can be blocked commercially or by parents etc.
I have never wanted to have sex so that's no problem.
Or how about you don't bloat government any more than is necessary?
>>I have never wanted to have sex
maybe porn plays a role here.
the classic virgin insult when running out of arguments.
are you a cunt or something?
Disabling weaponized porn is more important than small government crap. We're far from that reality but porn exists and damages kids.
Considering I have been masturbating for approximately 20 years and have only had regular access to pornography for just over 10, I don't think so.
>g*rman is a porn animal
No surprise there.
Maybe you could raise your own children instead of relying on the government to do it. If your children overdose on porn, maybe they don't have anything meaningful to do.
> he didn't access porn until 2007
that's when you moved from pakistan to uk?
Why don't you fuck off and worry about your own shithole.
I said 'regular'.
Only the family computer was connected to the internet until 2006, and the chance to use that alone was about once a month at most.
You ran out of arguments, I see. Why don't you take your shitty ideas and go commit a sudoku.
why isn't this german porn spammer banned yet?
>are you 18
Wow I'm sorry I relied on the government to raise my kids.
Going complete nofap is bit too extreme and can fuck up your prostate in the long run.
But reducing the faps to 1 a week or 1 every 2 week would be ideal.
Now you're 'arguing' against something nonsensical. You're too stupid for me to waste time on you. Let me give you a tip though: Instead of buying your son a computer and then forgetting about the creature completely, go hunting with him. Support his hobbies and make sure he forges friendships. Raise him right, so he doesn't want to consume porn. Or be you and raise an utter failure following in his father's footsteps.
because my porn is of superb quality and mods are too busy jerking off, not that a ban would stop me anyway so don't get your hopes up sweetie :)
>don't legislate for your own good
>instead ignore the problems of society and go hunting
You're a useless idealist. Are all Finnish people like this?
Switch to softcore or the grey area between hardcore and softcore, where it's more apathetically pleasing to watch but still somewhat graphic. It takes a while but once you find an area that you enjoy, the quality and general feeling of romance you take away from it is far superior to anything towards the hardcore side of porn.
People who treat masturbation like drugs don't understand that the amount of dopamine you get from masturbation is nothing compared to just small doses of opium. It's a lot more complex than they're willing to admit, and by fueling a fear of masturbation they can drive the masses to their ad plastered websites.
In moderation, it's perfectly fine. If it's eating up hours of your free time, then it's a problem. But rubbing a quick one out before going to sleep is fine, and the vast majority of peer reviewed medical studies have suggested this.
>superb quality
thread is about porn
fap is healthy
that was sarcasm. porn isn't as bad as meth.
>>don't legislate for your own good
Porn must go to these domains. Ok.
Politics must go to these domains. Ok..
Right wing politics must go to these domains. Ok...
Right wing domains must be banned. Uh....
Turn your own country into a commie shit hole if you must. Just keep your retarded ideas locked there with you. There is absolutely no reason at all to make government do anything that is not necessary.
>You're a useless idealist.
It's you who's the idealist. You think you can give government powers without any risk of it using the powers against you.
>Are all Finnish people like this?
Yes. All 5.5 million of us. Exactly the same.
I wish avoiding porn wasn't so hard on Sup Forums. There's always some fucker on the sfw boards posting suggestive pics.
>slippery slope fallacy
I see where you're going, and my idea was to block porn by blocking pron domains if you wish. Not the government blocking porn domains. Besides, the UN would be where you go with this proposal.
People literally claim this, the reasoning is: more people masturbate than suck on a crackpipe or shoot up smack, meaning masturbation must be the bigger problem.
>>slippery slope fallacy
This is not actually an argument. Not outside leddit. Some call it fallacy fallacy, but others call it just plain retarded. Just because you can categorize arguments, does not mean they're wrong. Just makes you look like an idiot.
So do video games and pretending you're anything but a fucking autistic neckbeard basement dweller on a message board designed for autistic weebs, but here you are enjoying both too scared to squeeze one out just in case it makes you any more of a disappointment to your parents than you already are.
>So do video games
videogames are degenerate too.
Stop playing video games and stop being a basement dweller. And shave your beard.
burn in hell
hentai is better anyway
All people breathe so that must be a big problem.
Just think of all the oxidative damage to DNA that could be avoided.
It is not about the messenger, it all about the message!
Back in my day magazines were a thing and most sites were about softcore or vanilla sex.
Now you see incest, cuck fetish and shemales on the frontpage. Where did it all go so wrong.
There's zero sensuality now.
>Where did it all go so wrong.
let me tell you about the Jews
It's also besides my point.
I want porn moved to a naming system that can be blocked easily, on MY side. I don't want all porn blocked. This also would allow commercial entities and education to block them more effectively. Safe search would remove domains from their crawlers. Image search could block indexing. It's strange he hasn't been done before.
Porn exists, it's been used as a weapon before, it is today. Having the ability to block it entirely would be extremely beneficial to families at the most.
Besides, if they did move Sup Forums and whatever to the same domain, use a 3rd party domain instead of ICAN, like open nic. You're just arguing for the sake of small minded libertarianism. Which has gotten most people no where.
I just don't get what I'd gain by giving up porn
>Doesn't mention anything about not being an autistic neckbeard.
Self-Awareness: 100
I'm posting from my workplace and have a loving wife.
drop porn, maybe you can get it too
It seems you may not have noticed but that does not appear to be a female
go to google
type in vintage porn
there now you're back to porn from before you were even born
i know, that's why i like it
>tfw when half-korean
>tfw face is as smooth as a baby's behind at the ripe old age of 24 despite never shaving
>can be a disgusting weeb basement dweller but will never end up as a neckbeard
What should I do? There's a valuable life choice I'm already missing and all I need is facial hair on my neck.
Breathing is the biggest problem in the world, as allows people I don't like to continue living.
I mean, when you see some drunk bitch pissing on the ground outside your apartment door as a group of her friends laugh, you get the impression that breathing isn't such a good thing for some people.
My point is that the industry is trying to reach for new extremes every time.
It's fucking up the viewers, I read stories about guys not capable of having erections during sex because of serious addictions.
Hardcore porn has become the new standard, it's a bottomless pit.
Banning porn won't change anything, condoms and birth control still exist.
You have to make having children something people want and not something so expensive it's off-putting to people, not just be a potato and think banning porn will fix everything.
The government currently punishes men for having kid to an extreme level.
Addiction is addiction.
Just because some people are alcaholic and some need to go all AA, that doesn't mean you go all Sharia and ban alcahol.
>The government currently punishes men for having kid to an extreme level.
you mean white men
redpill all you want, I don't have to swallow that shit. I am yet to know why porn is bad.
I guess you cucks don't live in the US. The government does punish you for having kids?
Is /pol this retarded?
the second you have a kid a woman can and will divorce you and rob you half your money and the house because she gets full custody
in usa and eu
For some people, the effects of porn aren't all that bad. You possibly fall into this category.
For others, it can affect their libido and ability to get an erection with real women.
stop posting porn
I don't understand
stop posting porn
Porn is for faggots. All porn. You have to be weak minded to even get turned on by it.