US Military Apologizes for Offending Muslims

>(KABUL) — A U.S. commander on Wednesday apologized for leaflets dropped in Afghanistan that were deemed offensive to Islam.

>The leaflets dropped Monday night, which encouraged Afghans to cooperate with security forces, included an image of a dog carrying the Taliban flag, said Shah Wali Shahid, the deputy governor of Parwan province. The flag has Islamic verses inscribed on it, and dogs are seen as unclean in much of the Muslim world.

>"Local people are very upset with this incident, and they want the perpetrators brought to justice," Shahid said, adding that demonstrations were expected across the province.

>Maj. Gen. James Linder apologized, acknowledging in a statement that "the design of the leaflets mistakenly contained an image highly offensive to both Muslims and the religion of Islam." He offered his "sincerest apologies for this error."

>Throughout the 16-year Afghan war, U.S. forces have struggled to convince ordinary Afghans to help them defeat the Taliban. Afghanistan is a deeply conservative country, and alleged blasphemy has sparked riots.

Someone tell Trump to fire this general and replace him with a real military commander who would tell the Afghans to go fuck themselves in between bites into a BLT.

>"Local people are very upset with this incident, and they want the perpetrators brought to justice,"
Religion of peace



Jesus fucking Christ how retarded is the US military to overlook this? This would have been disrespectful even if it wasn't a dog.

>Hurr durr the military should have told Afghans to go fuck themselves

All the Afghans combined could kick the shit out of the US forces in Afghanistan. These are a fertile people who are infamously good at gorilla warfare. You kinda need to win over hearts and minds.

Apologizes to Muslims but will shit all over Christians all day long

>disrespect Jihad and not Islam
>Think there's a difference due to liberal war college indoctrination
>most muslims support or are sympathetic to Jihad
>Muslims get upset and want chopped off heads
>general apologizes

>a fucking leaf

>these are fertile people
>experts in gorilla warfare
I know your canadian but jesus christ your post was gay.

Having actually lived and fought in Afghanistan I can tell you apologizing is literally the worst thing you can do.

>you wronged me reeeeeeeee!
>oh you sorry? Gib moni gib moni gib moni!
>gives money
>you must punish your money for the offense reeee!
eventually they push for something impossible like the entire ISAF force committing mass sedoku ontop of a koran made out of foot bread and their upset as they were before you apologized.

>you must punish your men for the offense
not money lel

You're a fucking idiot.

I use the outrage to pinpoint the villages that need to be razed to the ground if I was commanding the American forces.

We shouldn't give a shit what these goat fuckers think. Winning hearts and minds went out the window years ago when we dropped the pretext of nation building. We know we're there for the opium, they know we're there for the opium, people die for it. We aren't the "good guys" and neither are the taliban.


Trump, come on, you're better than this. Fire this idiot.

>bait post but willing to bite

Burgers could steamroll Afghanistan in a week by turning it into a molten puddle but it wouldn't be profitable for their war machine.

I mean, FFS autists found Shia's flag in no time. No way it really took a decade to find Bin laden

Bush basically admitted he used Bin Laden as an excuse to invade Iraq.


Anybody who complains is Taliban. Anybody who doesn't complain is well-disciplined Taliban.

Posting to kill a muzzie

SEE'S PICK , bump

>Gorilla warfare
Fucking leaf

Brought to justice? Do they deem this execution worthy?

This is Afghanistan.

Showing your fucking ankles is execution-worthy in certain villages.


yes, by brought to justice they want to see the commander who ordered it and the soldiers who carried out the order publicly beheaded.

t. afghan war vet who's dealt with riots like this.

How did you deal with them?


We had a riot once because we killed a bunch of people who were running supplies to Taliban fighters. We shelled them with tear gas form our 203s and called in a full kandak of ANA who beat the shit out of them. Didn't have another riot.


Another time we had a town that was lousy with rioting and overall being passively resistant.

We interpreted that as a sign of Taliban support and began launching raids in this town on a very consistent basis. Once people started disappearing with black bags over their heads they stopped rioting over every little issue.