Beginning of school year in UK and in Poland.
>White christian refugees welcome in Poland.
>The rest can fuck off and die.
Beginning of school year in UK and in Poland.
>White christian refugees welcome in Poland.
>The rest can fuck off and die.
Englands babbies are around 75 percent white
You deserved quints
What happened to Britain? They let in too many third world rats, like you.
Who fucking cares? France and Britain ran around ruining the world; we should be happy that they are being decimated by negroes and other garbage
Nothing will change anymore, no one in the UK has any spirit left, really wish we did.
your christcuck country might be more white but you cuckstians will eventually flood Poland with rapefugees, also you fucking idiots don't even advance technologically Poland is literally like in the dark ages, you bafoons are going back in time. At least western Europe has more rational people dumb fuck.
Pick one Chaim Stenberg
>no economic achievements
>no scientific achievements
>being a pupet of foreign powers
>not having a say in politics and security
>you're too much of a shithole for migrants to come
>literally an unearned advantage is the only thing you can come here to brag about to seek for appreciation and acceptance
Stay strong poland
Christians sucks priests cock. Fuck off Catholic scum
Strong for what?
desu Poles are not anti-semitic or racist, but they do not and will not tolerate muslims as they can clearly see the violence they perpetrate against christians and jews alike.
Stay strong polish bros
Catholics aren't christians, fuck off retard.
nothing wrong with that
This angers a lot of western countries in europe.
Keep trolling, ass-pussy man.
Fuck both catho.
Pardon me, isn't that what RAF fighters fight for?
>what happened
jews happened
> (You)
>Pick one Chaim Stenberg
If it weren't for you we might still be enjoying our white countries.
I'd rather be poor among whites than rich among niggers.
Is that a merchant magic eye?
>I'd rather be poor among whites than rich among niggers.
Polish chavs are like niggers
Objectively false. That's like blaming the inventor of the plane for 911, it would have always happened because it's fiscally beneficial (on paper) and the rothschilds want it to happen.
If you want to blame so vaguely you could blame the bank of England and the crown/parliament of 1700 for racking up 100 million in debt and being forced to go to the new world to try and raise the capital, or William of Orange, for being a complete retard and selling the UK into financial slavery for some fucking boats.
Playing the historical blame game is retarded and counter productive, and only aids the people in charge right now (Rothschilds still) that are actually doing this shit.
You do realiase that there are NOW more chinks in Africa than there ever have been whites?
Also - are niggers & arabs better off now than when they ware "colonised"?
>those new flags are retarded.
Are you sure?