Top EU Court Threatens Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic With Fines If They Refuse Refugees
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More like top kek court.
>implying refugees will stay in a shithole like polen, hungary, or the czech republic
Eurocrats really don't want the EU to work. This is really the only reasonable explanation for why these people are acting in such a stupid manner.
pff, and what happens if they don't pay the fine?
Eu fags are retarded
can't wait to see the consequences of Poland, Hungary and the Czechs refusing.
Argument doesn't work you're trying to convince yourselves otherwise. They'll stay as soon as they see those blond hair blue eyed polish daughters.
They don't need Gibs when they can run alone on the desire to breed your daughters.
>refuse refugees
>get fines
>drop out of EU
>EU law doesn't apply anymore
>suck our dick
>makes Britain confident and drops out without trouble
>Germany alone with France and other irrelevant countries
>EU collapse
One can hope. Not that it'll happen because those countries enjoy too much welfare by being in the EU.
We prefer to pay fine and our prime minister confirmed it doesn't change anything, still we won't take a single one refugee.
Good. They deserve rapefugees.
Eastern Europeans being based is the dumbest meme this board has come up with. Their immigrants are criminals and love the EU because being communists for decades has made them stupid and easily controlled.
Pro EU countries deserve to be kebab'd.
Finally some big black cock in my czech amateur porn.
Tbqh I want a new EU with only norway , denmark , finland, UK , austria , Switzerland , germany , netherlands , ireland , belgium and luxembourg
stfu u swiss jew funded faggot
Dont be silly, look at money EU pays us. Profit without terrorists who wouldnt like that? (Even my sallary is paid from EU contract so company takes all profits from products meanwhile EU pays for us working on our own shit)
>sanctions on eu members
Problem with that would be the currency would be so fucking relatively pricey compared to other currencies it couldn't export shit at all.
Half the reasons these poor shit holes are in the EU in the first place is to push the value of the euro down so Germany can keep its massive exports rolling without fucking itself over due to its own success.
don't ruin it, eastern euros think they are hot shit
Who cares? The fines will be smaller then the cost of accepting refugees in total. Polan and the others still win and show how fucking stupid EU really is
Can only be a few years until the EU collapses.
Sanctions on memberstates, jesus christ brussels, get a grip.
Only way these parasites stay in central european countries is getting same (or even more) gibs as in western countries. If that happens and states wont provide same gibs to native population too, in the in next elections all eu parties will be voted out and imigrant parasites will "voluntarily" go back to gercuckistan.
According to rumors eu is planning to provide every nonwhite migrant scum 880€ monthly, for doing nothing. For illustration : minimal wage in central european countries is around 300-400€/m, thats for actually working 40h a week.
EU won't surrender it's buffer with russia, they'll cuck even if poland refuses to pay the fines
It's a nazi germans threat eastern europe with ethnic engineering project again
What the fuck Can EU even do to enforce these fines
>Pay fines or ???
Poland Military is one of the most professional militaries in Europe
"Poland will happily pay any fine imposed on it by the EU... Just as soon as germany pays the balance of its outstanding reparations for the damages inflicted on the nation during the second world war."
Dear Polish,
Prepare for implanted revolutionaries from both the EU and Russia.
The EU revolutionaries will be implanted mildly, a 'voice of reason' political party in favor of more EU.
You may also prepare for covert and overt economic sanctions which are designed to make the EU seem like a more favorable alternative.
The 'Pro Russian'/communists revolutionaries will be implemented to make all legitimate anti-EU parties and protests seem pro Russian. They will be loud and visible but not effective in anything but attempting to overheat the issue into violence and other mayhem.
Learn from Ukraine.
blah blah blah whats the end game? Poland might go even more poor but I dont see any refugees in Ukraine anyways
End game you bend the knee like a good boy, all your nationalist parties are to be made irrelevant and all your government coalitions will have good boy EU friendly bureaucrats to carry out EU's will.
That happened few years ago, now what?
Your government is refusing to take in refugee's.
Now economic/diplomatic sanctions will start.
They will more than likely try to buy your politician into being more cooperative and get into a more 'modern' 'tolerant' 'progressive' and 'nuanced' stance towards refugees. Either they will get more money so long as they follow orders or they will bribe the politicians and if those don't work than they are going to have to replace those politicians somehow.
Now lets just wait til eussr falls apart like ussr or gets btfo like 3rd reich. Anyways, cant wait to see gercuckistan start putting sanctions on gercuck corporations in poland and hungary. :)
I guess you dont understand how eastern europe works lol. Some politician tried so hard to sell refugees narrative. And they almost succeeded with placing refugees here. By almost I mean they did it but refugees flee the fuck out cuz we're neighbours with Jewrmany and we also have this cancer cells called gypsies in our "nation" that protected us from migrants by btfoing them on their lvl. Our economy is booming cuz international companies like it here and as long as they do, eu shills cant do shit about our economics even tho they tried to (look up CZE economic stats for 2K17, lowest unemployment, +9% avrg from '16). The only problem we have is hoecaust cuz our girls are great for hookups but bad for loong relationships and since everyone is used to fucks and dumps refugees cant hurt us here either cuz well, women are already degenerate af and are not considered wife material so they can try to take them except they wont cuz they are 90% gold diggers and dc about bbc
You gotta ask what exactly are foreign refugees have to do to EU as supposedly mutually beneficial trade union? It's essentially enforced charity and also social engineering on that scale.
idk man, seems to me we're better off with eussr for now. Our countries have communism antidote (thx ussr commies) so there's no way they can hurt us really imo
>Top EU Court Threatens
With what? They don't have a case.
>new deadline December 2089
> do what we say or Angela will be sad
You know how easy it is to rig polls right?
I'm sure we could crowdfund money for this ransom, buy a few years worth in advance. But only for show, don't actually pay anything.
Make Vlaanderen part of u, and just be friends with germany, they support us the most
>made them stupid
First of all We are in Central Europe, and We aren't the one Who love Jamal's dick.
80% of eu money goes back to german firms, and that's why the eu won't stop funding us.
Bring it on, faggots.
This, WE standart of living is so good partially because they exploit us. It's either send us money which are recieved mostly by WE companies or say bye bye to avocado toast snacks.
And not a single fuck was given.
>Central Europe
Kek. Whatever makes you feel better.
Anything East of Germany/Austria/Italy is Eastern Europe.
>White country
Whatever makes you quintessentially british
Nothing. For that to happen they would need the votes of estern europeans in the Council. The most they can do is some multilateral sanctions; military wouldn't be an option because it would mark the end of Germany
EU should auction the refugees. Like, have a pot of money and make countries bid - "we accept a lot of 1000 refugees for the payout of N euros". The lowest bidder gets the refugees and money. This would work I think.
But I though they were a chance for us. If that's the case, why they act like it's some sort of punishement if they don't take them?
fuck eussr t b h
we are poland, we do what we want
International law is like magic, you say some words and nothing happens because magic isn't real.