Sup Forums, can you debunk my crippling blackpill

Sup Forums, can you debunk my crippling blackpill.

>technological progress is unstoppable
>technology only keeps increasing the power differences between the powerful and non-powerful
>surveillance will become nearly impossible to avoid
>the elite will eventually have nanoweapons and designer supervirus to kill off everyone but them

They have plenty of reasons to erase humankind (everyone who is not part of the elite)
>automation and AI will make 99% of workers useless because there's nothing a human is capable of that a sufficiently advanced robot isn't
>the unemployed 99% demand Universal Basic Income and waste the Earth's resources, polluting Earth
>if the elite doesn't kill off everyone, some other well-funded group might release their nanoweapons/supervirus first
>the first party that tries to wipe out everyone but themselves has all the advantages: nanoweapons/supervirus are impossible to counter
So they have all the reasons to wipe out humanity, and no reason to keep humanity around. By humanity I mean the 99%, obviously they will go hiding in their bunkers when they launch their attack. Please debunk this, I feel like I'm going insane.

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I feel like the only realistic counter to the wipeout-scenario is going full primitivist. The elite probably doesn't give a fuck if some off-the-grid people keep living isolated and traditionally. Only people living in civilization pose a threat to the elite, since they might develop technology that might be fatal for the elite.

Have you considered that peaceful coexistence is possible?

Until one sufficiently intelligent and wealthy person out of 10 billion decides that they want to have the whole Earth for themselves and people they like. If you are part of the elite, non-elite people pose an existential threat to you. The only way they can guarantee their own survival is to wipe out humanity first, before someone from humanity decides to be the one doing the wipeout.

>technological progress is unstoppable
this much is true. it's the difference between us and animals
>technology only keeps increasing the power differences between the powerful and non-powerful
no, technology makes us all more powerful. sure some niggers in africa don't have internet or toilets, but they could, so long as they can produce something of worth for it
>surveillance will become nearly impossible to avoid
sadly it's already happening. from where you spend you money being tracked, to cameras in the streets, etc. we for sure have to defend out right to privacy

>So they have all the reasons to wipe out humanity, and no reason to keep humanity around.
not true, humans can be very profitable / useful. you're not thinking in the context of space exploration and colonization, which will take a lot of manpower
also there is not one "the elite", there's plenty of people/groups who have influence / power. it's more about making deals

that being said those with power ARE encouraged to enslave those without. this is something we should also fight against

>The elite probably doesn't give a fuck if some off-the-grid people keep living isolated and traditionally.
literally the biggest thorn in their side. this is a culture war, if you are presenting an alternative to their game they're not going to let it go without a fight. tho only if your movement is large enough. they then infiltrate and subvert it, etc

when we get to be immortal, ofc there would be people to think this way
but until then even the "elite" are playing for other reasons

>existential threat

what childish fears. we're stuck here forever.

Chances are we're fucked yes, so enjoy life while you can.

>Sup Forums, can you debunk my crippling blackpill.

Yes, you need to look into Nick Land and Accelerationism. Technological progress will inevitably lead to decentralization. By the time the elite will get nanoweapons and whatnot, there will be no point, because they'll be their own Spacer civilisation on pleasure station in the Asteroid belt.

>no, technology makes us all more powerful.
Obviously it doesn't. It only makes those who have access to technology. If you were part of the elite and had developed a super weapon, you wouldn't surely be handing them around to everyone? Just like nuke-technology is tightly guarded secret. Imagine a country having nukes and nobody else does, and the nukes don't destroy the environment? That's what supervirus/nanoweapons will be. Or they might let someone else develop it too, but why wait and risk that they use it first?

>not true, humans can be very profitable / useful.
We don't need 10 billion humans for any reason. Space exploration and colonisation is a meme if you ask me, how does it profit anyone but scifi-fans? Regular people don't give a fuck about colonizing other planets.

>also there is not one "the elite", there's plenty of people/groups
There is an elite. They might be only loosely connected, but they clearly cooperate with each other.

>this is something we should also fight against
How, that is my question. I feel utterly blackpilled by even the thought of how much power they wield.

>this is a culture war, if you are presenting an alternative to their game they're not going to let it go without a fight.
The masses will never ever adopt a primitivist lifestyle. Why would they? It's hard, uncomfortable, and you're a total consipiracy nut if you think our beloved masters would ever kill us. There would at most be only a few tens of thousands of primitivist left in a post-wipeout scenario.

You think those who invent immortality will announce the 10 billion sheeps that there's this technology that the 10 billion for obvious purposes can't have?

When the powerful ones have their immortality, I think that might be the final step when they don't need the useless goyim for anything anymore.

>divine judgement wipes them all out
>they destroy themselves due to their own arrogance


We are stuck here unless somebody decides that they want to be without us.

I desperately want to survive. Do I go Varg Vikernes and snag an autistic wife to live innawoods with me?

>Technological progress will inevitably lead to decentralization
Can you clarify the logic behind this? I want to believe, but I don't understand why that would be true.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll read up on Nick Land.

Much simpler response. The "elite" require mega funds to support their lifestyle. They acquire those funds from our "consumerist" lifestyle. Quit buying their products. Quit using their services. "Starve the beast".

>If you were part of the elite and had developed a super weapon
"the elite" doesn't develop weapons, normal people do. that's why more than out country / family has nukes and chemical weapons
and that's just developing them, you also need people to develop counters to them, you also need people to build them, maintain them, and in use / spread them

>why wait and risk that they use it first?
if the "elite" will be killed, it would be by assassins, not by space lasers.

>how does it profit anyone but scifi-fans
massive amounts of metals and energy for one thing
>nobody cares
you're forgetting your first point of "technological progress is unstoppable"

>The masses will never adopt an off the grid lifestile
sadly true

>people to develop counters to them,
not even i know what i meant there

>Can you clarify the logic behind this? I want to believe, but I don't understand why that would be true.

In this germinal accelerationist matrix, there is no distinction to be made between the destruction of capitalism and its intensification. The auto-destruction of capitalism is what capitalism is. “Creative destruction” is the whole of it, beside only its retardations, partial compensations, or inhibitions. Capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic ‘revolution’ possibly could. If subsequent history has not vindicated this point beyond all question, it has at least simulated such a vindication, to a maddening degree.

Brave New World is the future, people will go willingly into their technological slavery. Just look how excited they get at the prospect of an iPhone with a finger print scanner or an RFID implant to unlock your front door.

What if they have an intelligent AI in their hands within 50 years that is able to plan automation of everything for them, everything from 100% automated mines, designing and factories. They don't actually need money, if they are the only people on Earth, they have basically all the Earths resources for themselves.

>technology only keeps increasing the power differences between the powerful and non-powerful
ya, 150 years ago a peasant would walk, often bare foot. Now he never starves, he has air conditioned car, the best cartographer is telling him how to get anywhere he wants while 100 different orchestras are playing his favourite tunes. If his friend is driving he can browse /pol in the meantime learning forbidden history and can take direct action over interwebs to stop the most powerful people on planet.

Money got worse with introduction of fractional reserve banking. The state got worse with myriad of laws and taxes. PC culture got worse and both men and women were corrupted. It's a mixed bag.

You will not surely die

>the elite will eventually have nanoweapons and designer supervirus to kill off everyone but them
>They have plenty of reasons to erase humankind

Easy. The sociopathic elite are too paranoid to unleash ANY given megadeath weapon in an urban area, given that the fail rate of any technology you ever use is minimally 1 in 100,000, and that includes any chemical, RFID or vaccine failsafe they might develop.

When you're genocidally fixated on supremacy, a 1 in 100,000,000,000 chance of your own mortality is too likely.

They'll wait until they can build building-clearing bipedal gunbots, and those will always be vulnerable to the rufle-behind-every-blade-of-grass principle. Pipe bombs.

It's a no-win scenario for any globalist.

>“Creative destruction” is the whole of it, beside only its retardations, partial compensations, or inhibitions.


tl;dr technology will always outpace the elite, that seek to restrict knowledge for their own power, because it's advanced by natural selection and can't be effectively forced by brute capitol

>"the elite" doesn't develop weapons, normal people do
I don't think a researcher smart enough to develop nanoweapon / supervirus can be considered ''normal'' - they would have their place within the elite. They could also just kidnap researchers to their underground laboratory. If they refuse to work, torture them.

>you also need people to develop counters to them, you also need people to build them,
Requires a few hundreds at most. Just pay them well enough or kidnap and they will work for you. Not an issue.

>if the "elite" will be killed, it would be by assassins,
They would be just as fragile to a supervirus as we are, if a non-insider were to develop and release one.

>massive amounts of metals and energy for one thing
We don't need humans for that. Mining industry is already very automatized.

I'm not sure I got it, but sounds complex, so it's probably true.

Isn't Brave New World pretty much already what we are living in? Their logical end-game would be to end all possible rebellion for once and for all, by ending the rest of humanity.

>They would be just as fragile to a supervirus as we are, if a non-insider were to develop and release one

This so much.

It's been proven epidemiologically that it's almost impossible to even theorize a pathogen with a 100% infection AND kill rate simultaneously, across genetic variation, for any organism, even ones as simple as bacteria.

0.001% of the unwashed proles will survive, and they will have ready access to cultures of a designer super-pathogen to reverse engineer.

The same is true of any mechanical weapon you could invent.

>I'm not sure I got it, but sounds complex, so it's probably true

This Kekistani summed it up perfectly , at this point the technology is outpacing the elite's desire to conserve power.

What did you mean by this.

>a 1 in 100,000,000,000 chance of your own mortality is too likely.
How so? Definitely worth the non-existant risk. It's infinitely higher risk that someone who is not part of the circle develops tech that will instead kill the elite. As time goes on, it'll be 99,999% chance that someone tries to do something to get rid of the elite.

> technology will always outpace the elite, that seek to restrict knowledge for their own power, because it's advanced by natural selection and can't be effectively forced by brute capitol
This is exactly the reason why it would be in the elite's interest to wipe out everyone else, because they don't have monopoly on invention yet. Someone more intelligent than them can come up with technologies to destroy them, if they don't.

They can restrict knowledge by killing off everyone, is what I'm saying.

They could use many methods though. First wipe out 90% with an extremely well-designed pandemia. Then go in with deadly ''vaccines''. Finish out with conventional weaponry, or something new. Just the initial pandemia would launch the world into a paralyzing shock that all order and military would become crippled.

I understand now. I'm tired as fucc which means I'm slow.

>technology only keeps increasing the power differences between the powerful and non-powerful
Wrong. It's only thanks to technology that we're able to all get together and realised how screwed we're getting.
Do you really think false flags only started recently?
Do you really think fighting wars for Jews only started recently?
Pearl harbour was obviously conducted by the Jews but we'll never be able to prove it because there wasn't enough people with smart phones there to capture the evidence. Imagine 911 happening before technology... all you have is the story the (((newspaper))) tells you and even if you personally saw a Jew detonating the twin towers your story would never be broadcast on any (((media))).

The answer is easy user.

Just stop equating your life to personal wealth.

You can't be controlled if you are uncontrollable.

That's true that the internet is redpilling a lot of people. But is it enough?

The general trend in my view has been that the more powerful just get more powerful as time progresses. In the stone-age, the strongest man in a tribe couldn't beat up three regular men. Nowadays, Rotschild-types are capable of dominating millions of people. What will a regular Joe be able to do when the elite and their pawns gets their hand on weapons superior to nukes.

I don't think being without belongings will save from a futuristic-weapon -scenario. The homeless will be dead for sure.

The ones living outside regular contact of others probably are most likely to survive, no matter how big their cabin is.

Here's the true redpill: "Humanity" isn't all the people. When we say humanity has walked on the moon, we're not claiming all 7 billion people have done it, nor are we claiming we all had our part in getting that done. Throughout history, 99.9% of people were useless and instantly forgotten as soon as they died. Killing 99% of the pop so the 1% can keep living a better life isn't the "end of humanity" as you're claiming. Those 1% ARE the humanity, they're the ones who will do something relevant, everyone else is no different than a bot, and it will make no difference to replace the 99% by automated workers

It becomes a battle for minds. The elites will never fight themselves. They have ill-informed pleds do the fighting. Take nukes for example, if we can reach the people who have to turn the launch keys then the elites have been disarmed.

The problem is just that I'm not part of the Western world 1%. It's the end of ''humanity'' for me and my family. I'd have no problem with the wipeout if I was part of the 1%, I completely acknowledge the fact that >95% of humanity are useless automatons that serve no greater purpose. Which is exactly why I see no possible future with them being left alive in post-automation world.

The plan is to think how to avoid being part of the ones getting destroyed without being part of any clubs.

Join the clubs
Study up, get a stem degree (also a masters and a doctorate, if you can), accumulate wealth and also invest your money.
There's no other way out

Maybe there's a possibility that it would end well.

What I'm afraid of is that they could develop superweapons that they can launch without huge willing normie cooperators, as with nukes. They can kidnap and force people to work for them in small numbers, threatening them with torture.

Here's a fun thing: as the western universities get more filled with SJWs, more do STEMfags start having disdain for them, and eventually having disdain for most people. This way, many STEMfags would have no problem making superweapon. Hell, I'd do it, even if it were to kill me as well

Getting a degree is surely not enough and the important clubs are by all logic invitation-only to my knowledge.

It sure seems like there are only two ways to get: become a madly important businessman or researcher and get contact with the elite, or go primitivist and fuck off to the woods with a wife.

Is that Psyren?

The elites aren't really a club, that's what you have to realize. They don't really have rules and all, they're just a group of rich, influential or smart people who are willing to work together to fulfill the interests of everyone. Getting your PhD is your way of at least having something to prove you're not retarded, and while getting it you will meet and network with smart people, which are your key into getting in with the elite

Also, running away is not an option

if thing ever advanced to the point where most of humanity could be wiped out with a button, they still wouldn't do it because things would get boring. the elites love playing lesser humans like pawns.

They wouldn't even need anyones consent, threat of torture makes anyone work for you.

If high-profile researchers start disappearing in numbers, that'll be the most certain sign that something is being developed. I think the elite wouldn't take the risk and simply ask kindly if researchers want to develop superweapon. Stakes are too high if the message got out.

>there's nothing a human is capable of that a sufficiently advanced robot isn't

this is honestly pretty dumb

the human brain is definitely more complex than you seem to think

Top level researchers are also part of the elite, m8. No need to torture the willing

I know they aren't a ''club'', or they probably do have some really specific gatherings. Like the Club of Rome, Freemasons, Bilderberg, whatever they are. I meant with the ''club'' having contacts with the very most influential people on Earth.

Running away is always an option. I doubt they would screen the whole Earth for living humans (how could they do it?) because what would some primitivist in isolated cabins matter.

A part of that ''fun humanity'' would with 100% certainty turn against the elite. They can't control technological progress, which is exactly why they should be afraid of humanity. They can only be in charge if they eradicate everyone else.

I would be totally comfortable with having no consumerist plebs around, I'm not convinced that they elite find humanity that entertaining.

We have to become on with technologie and drop our need for emotions and natural needs. Take the black pill and become the next step of evolution.

I meant work. Human brain is complex no doubt, but is it designed to work? Even a 70 IQ retard has a biologically extremely complex brain, but is fucking useless as a worker. A robot doesn't need to be anywhere near as complex to be able to do ''complex'' jobs. Most people think their jobs are way more complex than they actually are, which is why nobody fears automation.

They are part of the intellectual elite, sure. Maybe you're right, it'd make sense that the influential people are in contact with the top researchers and in that way they are part of the elite.

What is left of ''you'' if you're one with a technological hivemind? I also heavily doubt that the elite would allow regular people to become part of a hive, assuming an individual would have even a tiny influence on the hive's thoughts.

Well, we can imagine they'd work all the land, which would mean they'd eventually find you, even if by mere luck

All these systems are eventually consumed from the inside out because humans are emotionally driven. Given enough time, empathy, lust, and fear ruin everything. Technology in general is just tools, and AGI, much like 'the cloud' is still a buzzword popularized more recently by the death-fearing Ray Kurzweil and the attention whore that Elon Musk is.

It's a fact that a lot of people need to die or simply stop reproducing to curb the massive degradation of the environment, the technology or policies employed are irrelevant, this is a moral and philosophical problem.

Their resource needs would be abysmally small if 99,999% of Earth was wiped out. I'd imagine all of Earth would be like a pre-humanity natural paradise, where one small cabin could definitely go unnoticed.

Why debunk it? That's the way it might go.
Whoever can seize those reins of power first gets to keep them.

They'd still use a lot of resources. With so few people, they'd probably spend it all on r&d, probably going to mars and all of that. They'd also stockpile on shit because, well, why the hell not?

That's explored in Brave New World.
The primitives are kept in a kind of zoo for the elite.

This civilization will fall. Just like all the others. No one will know how it happened just that it did. This is by design. I have always suspected it was the barbarian horde's and it looks like it was. Its all happening again.

>This is exactly the reason why it would be in the elite's interest to wipe out everyone else, because they don't have monopoly on invention yet

Self-devouring Oroboros. The serpent devours the knowledge, which burns its tail, which spurs the serpent, etc...

Who wins, if that struggle never ends? Innovation. Liberty.

I wanted it debunked because I didn't want to plan my life around hallucinations of a potentially dreadful future. It doesn't seem like anyone can really ''debunk'' it or prove that it's unlikely scenario.

I see no other way for things to escalate. Billions will have to die.

That's true. But it's not like every inch of Earth would be an open pit mine. To my knowledge my cabin isn't lying on ore rich ground.

Oh, ok. I've not read the book and thought they never went beyond ''people are pacified with entertainment''.

Since the collapse seems inevitable, makes you think if there's basis for ancient civilizations (and their collapses). Maybe the ancients simply didn't like plastics, the only thing that might be left of them.

The elite doesn't want innovation because they can't keep winning in the long run. Some day they would be +1upped and they could risk losing everything they had worked for.

>I see no other way for things to escalate. Billions will have to die.

If America survives, there's more than enough rogue bichemist, engineer and military talent than any force could hope to overcome.

If love, freedom and mind-your-own-businessness persists, and normal people prosper literally ever, the mineral exploitation of the Oort Cloud alone could fuel ten million modern United States of America, carbon taxes be left in the dust forever.

and there you go It will be blamed on plastics having some sort of sterilizing issue on mankind and people will go huh another giant civilization just disappeared and no one wrote a fucking thing about it down. oh well lets make a spaceship guys.