Many Americans believe communists aren't people. Why are they wrong?
Can political affiliation reduce people from 'humans' to 'not-humans'?
they arent
A dead communist is a good communist.
>Why are they wrong?
They aren't wrong.
Communisim is a sin against nature, and you are bad if you are one.
>americans being wrong
kek. kys german fag. commies are living targets not people.
You are delusional. Communists have comfy lives in America. Someone, however, gets doxed, disowned, fired from jobs, randomly beaten up and erased from public space - and no, that's not communists.
Is it okay to hit someone bc they're a nazi? Is it okay bc they're a commie? No and no
Is that you wearing the yellow hoodie in this picture you cringeworthy faggot?
Free helicopter rides for all communists, the state will provide
Communists aren't people though.
>comfy lives
>living in squats with bed bugs, broken bottles and hypodermic needles scattered everywhere
soooo comfy
They aren't Human, Germans realised this long ago it's our shame we did not listen.
they are people.. but they think of themselves and others as livestock
I don't know Franz.
Maybe you'll think about it when the government requires you to house teen rapefugees that look like 30 years old.
Everyone may have different luck. Some may be a NEET, like most stormfags here, some may be a comfy upper middle class colledge professor or artist.
The important part is, that despite having a fairly radical agenda, they are tolerated and unsuppressed by society.
Communists are not humans, t*rk.
Pipe down Achmed.
The Pinochet hating people here are like the """::holocaust survivors""""" in Germany
During his 17 years as head of state the country only improved
Not to mention that Allende's gov was declared unlawful by the senete before the coup and that even P. Aylwin ( 1st president after Pinochet and center left) declared that Allende was preparing his own cup as proven by the cache of Czech weapons found at his properties
But what do I know? Surely your totally not socialis high school history teacher was right
Spicy mem btw
They are not wrong.
You cant take away "human rights" from a "non-human" tbqh.
Lost case