Spanish up to their tricks again
Gibraltar is as British as apple pie
Spanish up to their tricks again
Gibraltar is as British as apple pie
Spain was cucked by Canada
>Canadian warships and patrol planes in the vicinity were authorized by Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to fire on Spanish vessels
British people don't understand their own history.
Dunkirk (made by a brit) only showed British soldiers storming the beaches of Dunkirk when there is EVEN FUCKING HISTORICAL FOOTAGE of American and Canadian soldiers exiting the flotillas and taking beaches themselves
>Spain cucked by UK
How is this news?
>British people don't understand their own history.
>cucking anyone
Laughing stock of a country, ruled by a former colony. Sad!
>Another American claims to know more of a countries history than it's inhabitants.
that's not a warship designation, that's for auxiliary support ships
the Carson City is an unarmed transport
>it's inhabitants
>it's another Englishman who claims to know more about English than one of its former colonies
I'll bite.
Not seen it but I'm assuming you see some flash forward of them retaking the same beaches they retreated from? If it only depicts British troops doing that I doubt he is brit washing the Normandy landings. I would assume he just finds it more meaniningful in the context of the film to just show the British retaking what they lost. Like how Saving Private Ryan showed us Americans landing because they were relevant to the story.
He's just jealous he's not in the movie unlike us sorry we didn't want to put a token nigger into the movie KEK
The virgin patrol boat and the chad RHIB
Thanks bong-bros
Stay mad spicshits
Have you realised thats obviously not for actual british people?
Thats like saying all americans worship mcdonalds and wear cowboy hats.
Tell me asshole, when did we enter the war?
Tobin should've run for prime minister. Either way, he's a good man for that.
We learn in Canadian history here in grade 10 that in World War Two America did nothing in Europe and was just messing around in Japan which wasn't as important as Europe and Canada and Britain single handedly saved Europe.
What in the fucking hell is this written in?
Is this a meme or, god help us, some kind of fucking ape language option for the BBC website?
There is no bottom, is there?
>Blocks your path
>tfw it's real
We need to destroy the Spanish
>ummm excuse me sweetie but i need to war
>Another American claims to know more of a countries history than it's inhabitants.
t. Muhammad, natural born Brit
>Canada single handedly defeated Germany in three wars
>Canada single handedly defeated the entire EU
>always threatening war with whites like the argies, Spanish and Irish
>Don't do anything about the pakis and blacks in their country
English cucks are agents of the jew
>What in the fucking hell is this written in
New British English.
>Tell me asshole, when did we enter the war?
When congress finally allowed it. Otherwise FDR and Churchill were making backroom deals way before Pearl Harbor
>tfw FDR intentionally provoked Japan into attacking to make going to war the popular opinion in society
Singlehandedly waited for the Germans to start losing to the Reds to do anything
>blocks your path
>whites like the argies. Spanish and Irish
I remember this.
A country against a fishing boat.
Canacucks capture the boat, Spain sends a decent ship, Canacucks release the boat.
Such great victory.
More not news at 18 hours.
Everyone knows American education sucks and canadas is better, ask any foreigner they'll tell you ours is better, so obviously it's true we single handedly defeated the nazis with Britain
>Its another episode of Brits thinking we care about Gibraltar to boost their nationalism while getting raped by Ahmed and Mamoud
Geeeeeeeee, every week.
Borders closed. Fuck off were full.
>Has no culture of his own
>Feels the compulsion to hark back to distant British heritage
>the entire EU threatens to sanction Canada
>German navy sends patrol ships to protect the Spanish fisherman
>Canada threatens to shoot Spanish ships
>EU says sorry and forces Spain to leave
Fuck you I wouldn't have even warned you faggots, I would have just started raining fire and destruction across Madrid and Barcelona if you steal even one single grain of sand from Canada we will destroy your entire economy
Thank you based ally
>haha that Anglo has no culture he has to adopt Anglo culture haha
>getting raped by Ahmed and Mamoud
Spanish history 101
Virgin british little boat Vs Chad spanish Guardia Civil ship crossing waters claimed by the UK. Who is the cuck here?
We should probably quarantine ourselves against the fucking world like Franco did. It's funny how he closed the border and that rock went into fucking chaos.
Don't forget about killing the 1300 French men in WWII for the bants
whatever, the money Great Britain has to pay for violating treaties will be enough to buy Gibraltar multiple times and Great Britain will be happy for this opportunity.
>Ahmed is a 9 year Sirian (Iraqi) refugee and invited him to move to my house and sleep with my wife to calm him after all the terrible things he saw.
muslims cucking muslims
I would honestly be ok with Trump MOABing that boat and tweeting "Outa my way spanish fucking shits"
Nice meme ship there anglo.
We need to legally require every single building to fly this flag in Gibraltar, we should require one flag for each year Gibraltar was British to fly along the Spanish Gibraltar border, imagine spaniggers waking up everyday to the sight of 300 union flags
It was the UK intervention who prevented you being fucked by 12 drunken gallician fishermen.
Accept it if you kill your enemies, you lose.
>Loses against rice farmers
Gibraltar will be Spanish once more. Las Maldivas will be Argentinian once more. Ireland, Wales and Scotland will be independent. England will be a caliphate. So it has been written.
>When congress finally allowed it. Otherwise FDR and Churchill were making backroom deals way before Pearl Harbor
Why am I under the sneaking suspicion that you're not very aware of American history in Asia
>Panay Incident
>Oil Embargo
>Pearl Harbor
>US declaration on Japan
>German declaration on US
Literally, in that order. We didn't want to go to war, we were literally dragged into it by Japan and Germany.
Malvinas you fucking Mongol
Everybody would be laughing at the pathetic rock as it sinks into the ground like when Franco did after closing the fence.
>B-b-but please let us enter into your country so we can eat and use a better healthcare
>When congress finally allowed it.
Also you missed the point where we weren't involved in the war during Dunkirk.
>tfw the entire EU votes to sanction Canada
>tfw the UK blocks EU sanctions against Canada
UK has cucked the EU for years. Feelsgoodman.jpg
Wow so the UK and Canada defeated the might of the European Union? France, Spain, Germany combined couldn't stop us? Wow
>whites like the Spanish, Argies and Irish
This is obviously bait.
It's in our blood
They just use Spanish hospitals to cuck some spanigger who has tuberculosis or cholera from using it
Yeah we know Americans are stupid but not that stupid.
read UK and Ireland stoped it because they were members and taken seriously.
Canada couldn't do a shit.
Does the U.K. have an overriding veto in the EU?
Spics better be careful or we'll deport them back to Moorland
we were helping in WW2 far before American was attacked and officially joined the war, retard.
We used to.
>Euro homos complain all day about America
>culture gets completely taken over by America no European identity left all the monarchies abolished for American style republic
>America invades Canada twice, America defeated them twice, America is our ally now
>laws make it mandatory to play Canadian music and TV shows which means Canadian celebrities dominate the industry nobody can even name any European music artists that didn't die 300 years ago
>don't drink coke drinks Canada Dry and exports it everywhere, the whole world thinks of Canada when they drink ginger ale
>Blocks your path
>elster es bretesh
why the fuck do people do this? Spell out accents in text
>defeats your continent
Shut up, your PM is a bastard from a gallician emigrant.
We already won.
Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien personally deals with Spanish invaders
Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien attacks parliament member for suggesting we make peace with Spain instead of invading
>Oh no! Spain is ready to war us!
>Oh no! Argentina is ready to war us!
Meanwhile Ahmed keeps raping your women and replacing you in your own country.
But yeah, keep spending millions in the Falklands defense and letting your island become a caliphate.
If would be more believable if he wasn't a spitting image of Pierre
When the two commonwealth nations in the EU backed Canada over the EU.
The commonwealth is stronger than the union we could go imperial with very little effort. The EU is doomed to fail.
Jean Chrétien attacks member of the press for suggesting Canada share its fish
Nobody thinks about Canada any more than they think about Morocco or Ecuador
Obscure backwoods nobodys
HM Queen Elizabeth II awarding Jean Chrétien the Victoria Cross commemorating the Canadian, British victory over Europe
>American education
>Sinks your fleet
Jean Chrétien (John Cretin) strangles a leaf.
It's some weird fetish? Kek
Anglo culture is diverse between the her majesties realms but it is anglo at its roots and therefore very similar.
Jean Chrétien wind surfs to Spain to personally deal with them
Fuck British tabloid MSM.
They bring these international news to hide the sorry state of immigration policies that are making UK crumble from inside.
Who cares about UK or Gibraltar when it becomes defintely an Afro-Caribbean / Paki nation.
There are more important threads to redpill your British family and friends than a stupid boat that getting slided than a stupid bota.
Do you you see them compiling the ethnicities of doctor abuses. Next time, OP at least present that link as archived link. They use this shiet to deviate average ethnic Brit attention what's happening to your country. They will probably recite Black Legend until the end of the days.
Our ethnic population inhabit most of the world now, feels good man. We are never alone.
Exactly, why would Canadians be ashamed of their British heritage or culture?
Canada for 500 years was British
Australia is British
New Zealand is British
Hong Kong is British
South Africa is British
We are British and we need to promote Anglo British culture in these nations. If you're going out for a burger instead of a fish and chips you're the problem
What's the Spanish speaker's obsession with land that doesn't belong to them?
America > Britain > Spain
And i'm British.
britain btfo
>saving private Ryan
The Invasion of Europe was 60% British Empire forces, 40% American
We were top nation back then
We let the Jews Jew us since then and look at the utter fucking state of things
He is a tough guy
HAHAHAH stop kidding yourself. The existance of Portugal right fucking next to you is a living testimony to the fact that we utterly BTFO Spain. Even if we lost a battle here or there, we owned most of the world, of course we did, but we always won in the end. This is inarguable fact. Stop making yourselves look like pathetic losers. Absolutely Moorish I swear to God.
Daegos have a problem.
The problem is they are absolutely shit.
Unreasonable demands that will never be gratified are their leaders way of distracting them from their problem.