What does Sup Forums think about female clergy?

What does Sup Forums think about female clergy?

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>But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence
1 Tim 2:12


They managed to ruin even fucking Wicca without a man's (Gardner's) guidance. They ruin fucking everything.

The correlation between women being involved in something and that thing being completely debased is like 99%. The only things I can think of in that 1% are sex and the nuclear family

Absolutely degenerate.

They're either terrible at theology or ignore the teachings of the bible intentionally.

If a woman gets up to preach summon your inner Steve Anderson and yell at the top of your lungs "i suffer NOT a woman to preach" then once you have their attention say "this entire church is condemned". Get up and Leave.

God. These fucking protestants want this shit done in the Catholic Church too, and Francis is wanting to pander to them by giving them a female Diaconate.

Pure degeneracy in any religions or any sort of activities.

i don't think many people that go to church
know what really is.

but, i'm not gonna knock the blind for having faith in what's true. (((god)))

Literally one of the most abominable things possible and an outright manifestation of occultism in what purports to be "christian." It is heretical, blasphemous, sacrilegious, reprobate, apostate, vile evil filth of the pit of hell.

Every single female "priest" and person that attends this sort of thing will go to hell forever unless they abandon their evil path.

Christianity is a Patriarchical religion. If your Priest or Pastor is female, you are doing it wrong. You have to come back

What did wicca even have going for it? Hippies that like to larp with cups and daggers?

Literally every post in this thread so far has been right.

Thank God I'm Orthodox.

Up until age 5 the woman should raise the son, after thar the boy should be fully raised by the father and spend every moment with the father learning his trade and observing his interactions with other men. Women are as terrible at this as they are at everything else.

there is no such thing

A female priest is as retarded as a male nun IMO

It was a pretty intense homebrew Neo-Druidic system to be honest, with good practical work, especially relating to the Moon Calendar. Once a MAN, who crteated it kicked the bucket, yeah it devolved into a toothless, all inclusive LARP for aging hippie cat ladies. Absolute disgrace.

Look at this fucking dude, he look soft to you? They completely ruined his life's legacy and work, man.

Every time I see a picture of some lesbian clergy, I swear it's the same bull dyke with the same bull dyke haircut.

There is no such thing.


>Women are as terrible at this as they are at everything else.
not all woman are bad from deep down thier soul.always remember there are some stay at home daughters out there.

fuckin funny 2 c

>another "what does Sup Forums think..." slide thread
>topic irrelevant
>fucking retarded

sage this shit

This is why christkikeanity will fail

only exists in cuck countries practicing cucked versions of Christianity
based Catholics and Orthodoxes don't do that

We have our heretics. Francis has been trying to open the door to a female Diaconate, which is allowing the heretics to get their foot in the door of the priesthood.
There's a lot to be said here but only Catholics will really know what I'm talking about.

Guy looks like the Most-Interesting-Man-in-the-World's wizard adviser.

>based Catholics and Orthodoxes don't do that
Can you handle such level of BASED?

I'm going to wait for someone to mention to context of the Timothy verse instead of cherry picking a random sentence that appears to support them not receiving the word of God when it comes from a woman's mouth

Yep, we pray for either his conversion or death.

I'm letting you off the leash, go for it.