Is Kieth right are we deporting all the blacks next?
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Keith Olbermann is always right. Thats why he even started his own show and gets millions of views.
Do asians and blacks not get a bit bothered when they are lumped in with illegals as if part of the same class?
Wish keith olberman would fuck off to the middle east or something.
Also he apparently doesn't understand what an illegal immigrant is. What a leftist tool. I remember him shilling for the occupywallst tards too.
Do you think americas white percentage is gonna go up since the spics, and they are getting kicked, were keeping white numbers down and not the niggers?
He's never been wrong that I know of
hey quit using racist logic
Wouldn't this be problematic?
Joke's on him: no "persons of color" ever supported Trump, so no loss.
I literally would never ask God for anything else for the rest of my life.
keith olberman
eyebrow nigger
talcum x
kurt "i read tentacle porn to my children" eichenwald
i think theyre all alphabet agency gaslighters
because no one can be as retarded as they are and be serious about it
I only get my news from keith 2bh
the exploitation leftists do of non whites to push their commie agenda through is quite extraordinary. The right actually cares about people of color and focuses on merit no matter what color you are, the left just takes a huge dump on people of merit and uses people of color to destroy the right.
>Keith Olbermann is always right. Thats why he even started his own show and gets millions of views.
Is he, you're responding to a tweet that is literally incorrect. What are illegal aliens keith olberman? If he doesn't want to abide by US law and hates it so much perhaps he should move somewhere else. Perhaps mexico?
Why is it every time i hear the name keith oberwitz , i think to myself, how many cuban children has he been through.
>tfw Kieth says we will deport females
Implying we won't need sex slaves
He is wrong...unfortunately.
I wish, my nigga
how can we deport the rest of the darkies?
asking for a friend
CNN, if you're listening, the agenda is "illegals" first. Then muzzies, then niggers.
I'm not exactly sure why Trump is saving the Jews for last, but it's his call and I have to support it.
>tfw we managed to elect a racist nazi white nationalist president who will deport all non-whites even though our country is only 56% white
What's your excuse, Europeans?
>are we deporting all the blacks next?
Nope. The plan is to banish all the washed up psycho 'sports' commentators.
Who is this kike and why would anybody care what he has to say?
has his colon burst from all the benises that have penetrated his arsehole??? This faggot needs to catch AIDS real quick.
Excuse me? Why does another white man think he can tell PoC's what to do???
>Yes, ni- I mean people of color, vote Democrat! The Republicans want to kill you, yesss... yesss...we will give you free things, yesssss
What if the left starts memeing this stuff so much they actually meme it into reality and trump becomes the leader we need him to be?
Was watching local news
>Protest against Trump canceling DACA
>Newscaster asks woman with sign why she is protesting
>She says, "Because citizens shouldn't be deported."
>Newscaster looks at her for 10 seconds silently
>Quickly recovers and moves on to asking another protester something
that guy is so bat shit crazy its funny makes for a great laugh, best part is the alt left believes that shit, regardless of absolute proof to the contrary
just like a crazies saying trump is making these hurricanes and targeting minority'd have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that shit
nothing Trump has done so far is coming out of the blue.
Trump is doing what he said he would do if he got elected.
He got elected.
He never said anything about deporting blacks, so why are Democrats freaking out over that?
because people of color are incapable of obeying the law?
bigotry of soft expectations
Latinos too fucker. There is such thing as an illegal Korean and south african.
If you're a person of color who still supports the Progressive agenda, the progessive stack is your warning. Those commies will come for you next
He's Jewish and therefore also a victim.
That's incredibly hopeful for us. It means when we start deporting legal Hispanic "citizens" the worst resistance we'll get is some retards in pussy hats walking up the street.
If only.
No he's just trying to sell his shitty book to leftards.
He's what I'd call a lefturd as I doubt he believes a word but is quite willing to make money from leftards.
Peterson and that genetic philosophy Jew end up being proven right that the left memes a civil war that the right easily wins, leading to 10,000 years of prosperity and space exploration
I hope we deport Keith Olberman.