Well Sup Forums?


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...soup nazi?

I dno


repeating numbers now decides whats racist

Why does this faggot act like he's one of us?
>pic related


Not your personal army is one of the founding tenants of this website. IMAGINE MY SHOCK

didn't he just disavow Sup Forums/the alt right like literally a week ago


>Sup Forums n

This. PJW is a fucking kike shill. It's a common theme among these alt-lite bandwagoners. They'll rant and rave all day long about how Sandy Hook was a conspiracy, or how the "elites" are pulling all the strings. But the second you name the Jew, they go into full HURRR DURRRR UR A DUM NAH-TZEE WE ARENT ETHNIC NATIONALISTS NATIONALITY HAS NO RACE DURRRR.

Fuck these crypto-kikes.

Pokémons are the last bastion of implicit white identity

I have this idea.
How about making lefties despise white women?
After all, they're priviledged as fuck.
I'd say, even more than white males.
I can't meme for shit, but I'll leave it to you.

the jews are good people

conservatism is the new alt right

get used to it

Not that the left ditched ANTIFA after they attacked that wheelchair bound veteran, Im sure they will form another group in order to harness that power.

Ocupy Wall Street is dead. BLM is weaker than ever and without the help of the midia, ANTIFA will not be a problem.

Why don't we create a stupid ass left organization with even more retarded leftist demands (it must be believable tho) in order to make the left gather to that place that will be under our countrol???

You know. If we make specific guidelines for them to follow (evn contradictory ones) they will end up killing each other.

>tl;dr lets create a new movement to gather the left in such a way they end up fighting among themselves because the rules are stupid and non-sensical (but belivable)


being black

They should make Paul not pussy out on the Holocaust debate with Moustachio and then pretending like he never got called out on "debating anyone".

Tricking pjw into thinking we give a fuck?

>frogs are nazi
>milk is nazi
>ok hand signs are nazi
Sarcasm is not your forte I guess

do t_d really think they're with us?

apparently Paul hasn't heard of NYPA or bofa

i guess just thought you were truly that retarded, you do browse pol after all


Preferring a white dog over a black dog.

us anonymouses amirite

>you're retarded because you're on Sup Forums
Guess what, genio, you're here too

Not living as a minority in a ghetto neighborhood. Cheaper housing. Whats wrong lefty, u racist?


Can the normalfags please fucking leave already. Civic nationalists are NOT welcome here.

This. I cant stand this shill.

Easy. Just make fake infographs on how to make Molotovs or poison gas with """correct""" instrutions that totally won't detonate right away. Just brand it with antifa shit to make it look like one of them made it.
For example;
"This is the tricky part. Once you have the bottle and the liquid, quickly put the lighted match inside the bottle and close it quickly with the fabric. Flames can't burn without heat, so you will be safe. When the glass breaks oxygen will reach the match, and cause a reaction that creates a flame 4 times larger than a normal Molotov!"

Not giving money to every random black on the street as reparations.

Belts are a sign of white privilege.
Belts are racist.


im gonna need some burn ointment for that sickass burn, kid


Slavery is illegal
Slaves therefore illegal immigrants
DACA doesn't apply to them
Trump is gonna deport niggers next

Running or jogging.
Cultural appropriation.
Especially when carrying a TV

didnt he shave his mustache after charlottesville? Not a fan of the mustache guy desu. Seems like a guy that flakes out when shit gets heavy. Seen him talking with that poo "traditional" girl and he looked like he was gonna bawl. Also, seen footage of him syreaming at the protest and he was acting like a 13 year old girl.

Getting shitlibs to fall for the #DraftOurDaughters meme gave me a sensible chuckle. Perhaps something along those lines?


In fact javelin

White women already despise white women. Public schools took care of that a long time ago.

>Sup Forums not revving up to spew buddhists as bad people memes

The fallout would be like millenials being deprived of avocado toasts. They'll just short their tiny brains out trying to blame it to white people.

Lord of the Rings. All the POC are evil monsters

Using gifs of jews


It's at best a Japanese psy-op just like anime to infantilize American children from ever growing up

t. Just go to /vp/

While looking at saggy pants pics I noticed something strange.
All the niggers pants are sagging because they're too big and have no belts.
All the white guys pants are sagging, but they all have belts.
I think we could totally spin this as Cultural Appropriation.
"Nigga why your shit saggin when you own a belt you privileged mofucka"


Transformers. They demean Trans people into a childish gimmick.

Not bad user

PJW himself.

re-roll for starcucks

This is why I've been against these pointless e-celebrities since day one. Once you accept them in your communities, they start taking credit from those who actually did the work

The problem is you think these people will just magically show up because they "believe" in some cause?

They show up cus they are paid. And as soon as the money stops, they stop. That's why BLM, ANTIFA, and Occupy were all bullshit. They disappear as soon as big daddy Soros money goes bye bye.

Tldr = you need money to pay them

2009 rage comics because everyone is white

say the alt light will become racist

Black reaction gifs
Oh wait they did that one themselves kekekekek


Black female landwhale is consider racist now.

Re-rolling for my shitty ideas

Sup Forums worked because it was a secret. Now that it has been invaded, you can get successful memes out, anymore.

i hate our country so much desu

even h3h3 was talking shit over that

Star Wars :^)



Oh shit user, this is good. We could even cite sagging laws as per archive.is/wF2Rr as the new Jim Crow laws. This is friggin gold.

Paul Joseph Watson is racist and wants to murder brown children.

I'm quite surprised this isn't ALREADY a white privilege thing. If white milk could be something belts should be easy to make something racist with some creative memeing.

There's only one e-celeb i worship

Showing economic concern.

use manners. excessively.

it will sort out the humans from the filth.

Video Games

White women.

Perro caca

Let's troll this faggot instead.

that even makes sense because it kind of looks like a roman salute


since when?

Yeah BBC is going full on mentalist, and police are arresting people with no charges because they might belong to a group that might be nazis so was made illegal and called a terrorist group despite committing zero crimes without charge, while they just monitor ISIS members and wouldn't arrest pakis that fucked little kids because that might be racist.

If our country does not go full right wing from this we are beyond saving

PJW seems to be neglecting the fact that Sup Forums is racist.

Did you just come here from present Sup Forums?

big belt buckles, cowboy ones.

God wills it



Make the Left campaign for only non white cops to patrol white college towns.

That would force the white self haters to confront non white hatred of whites in a way they could not deny. When the first white liberal males get shot by nigger cops for "actin raciss" the white self haters will get a taste of what they wish for every other white person.

If i dont get balls deep in pjw's ass at least once, my life will have been wasted

Being jewish.

Glasses are a sign of white privilege

I was gonna say this...

Paying taxes and being a productive member of society



hes just a leech getting money from loosers online

Well said brah.

The digits have spoken!

Belts were invented to whip Slaves.

Belts are CLEARLY racist.

If you don't think about race, racism doesn't exist
Therefore racism comes from the act of thinking