Do more weapons spread throughout the population really make you more safe ??

Do more weapons spread throughout the population really make you more safe ??

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Yes. I bet you that this also includes defensive usage as well.


Poor graph, use total murders involving a weapon.

Specifically when a nation has a significant portion of them as their population

wow its almost like guns make homicides easier to commit

Fucking idiot you realize without guns there would be more knife related crime

And that more criminals would have guns than legal owners meaning more homicides

America is a very safe place with high levels of gang violence in particular places characterised by drugs, blacks and poverty. Fuck off with your statist narrative

>England and Wales only
>Guns r banned in eire but gun murders are yuuuuge

I'm sure the easy access to guns doesn't help fuel the fire of gang violence at all

I mean look at all the other developed countries they have such huge amounts of gangs armed to the teeth committing huge amounts of homicide. Oh wait no they dont

Now compare them to total murders involving a weapon in other countries.

your charts cherry-pick the data and are therefore intellectually dishonest

Show me another developed nation with as many niggers, spics, and other minorities.
Compare the crime stats by race, and you see very clear parity.

The theory at least, is that criminals will be hesitant to start shit, if any potential crime could result in them getting killed by bullets. The risk, far outweighs the reward, so to speak.

>easy access to guns doesn't help fuel the fire of gang violence at all
not my problem

i want a gun until the gang problem is solved






>Most of US has homicide rate similar or better than euro countries
>Except for DC, Puerto Rico, Maryland and New Mexico, who have homicide rates ranging from on par with Pakistan to worse than South Africa
I dont want to say that its redguards and spics skewing the numbers, but that's basically what it is.

its not about safety. its about more for themselves and less for everyone else.


I don't see Brazil on that list, why is that?

>UK is England and Wales only
Is there something about Scotland they don't want to mention?



Does this include suicides as well?


It would appear that there is no correlation between property crime rate and handgun supply. Was that your point?

oh i'd say it pretty well refutes the assertion that more guns == more crime. crime numbers go down while handgun numbers go up. coincidence? perhaps.

Yes, that is what the graph seems to indicate. The property crime rate clearly rises and falls independently of the handgun supply.

>gun murders

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be murdered by a gun than a knife.

>Fucking idiot you realize without guns there would be more knife related crime
I'm not sure about that.

Exactly what happened in britain

Banned guns and all their gun crime became knife crime. The actual homicide rate didn't go down the violent crime rate went up and nothing actually got fixed.

You could say the gun ban killed more people than guns actually did

>Do more weapons spread throughout the population really make you more safe ??

Probably not but equally the state having the sole monopoly on weapons ownership does not make me particularly safe either, so roll on everyone owning weapons because if I have to choose one or the other I'll choose an armed populace over a disarmed one.

>I'm not sure about that.
willfully ignorant is still ignorant, young lady.

That's not really how it works. Guns lower the threshold for use of lethal force among criminals and law abiding citizens alike. It is much easier to shoot someone than to stab someone. This is true even for battle-hardened soldiers. Experiences from the last two centuries of warfare have shown that soldiers who have little qualms about shooting each other with guns still feel an intense reluctance against stabbing an enemy soldier with a bayonet.

These look bad until you put them into perspective. Also need to consider the US probably has more people than all those other nations combined, even though your chart is per 100k it still makes a difference.

The US does not have a gun problem. The real problems we have are poverty, corruption, poor education, and urban decay. In places where these are not present we do not have horrible crime, when they are present however you get Chicago and Detroit. Solve these big four and I assure you crime will drop dramatically. You either don't do anything or actually make it worse with the usual control song and dance.

>Also need to consider the US probably has more people than all those other nations combined, even though your chart is per 100k it still makes a difference.
No, it doesn't.

There's no evidence for this. If this was actually true then gun control as a whole would work at deterring murders as a whole but it doesn't. Clearly evident by the US and other European nations

Lack of guns also significantly raises the threshold for being able to defend yourself.

Without guns you basically just have to bend over and take it if you're not a fucking MMA fighter.

Even if you are an MMA fighter if there are knives involved chances are you're still going to the hospital after.

Criminals know this, if guns are illegal they will pick easy targets even more often. So logically there will be increased non-domestic violence against women and at risk groups (elderly, disabled).

If no one has guns someone can basically just run up to a guy in a wheelchair and rob him blind and unless there is a cop chances are no one's going to do shit about it.

That's why we as Americans are incredulous when shit happens in other countries and nobody tries to intervene. People are less likely to try to help if it means physically putting themselves in danger.

Honestly, no it probably doesnt. Honduras has some very strict gun laws but spme estimates as late as 2016 put the percentage of homicides related tp gun violence at 80%.

The underlying issue isnt guns. Its the war on drugs. When the war on drugs was started it was used as a way to target blacks amd hippies who where seen as political opponents to the current administration. This lead to unequal crackdowns and the development of inner city slums. This also meant a black market formed around it. With the formation of this black market competing business needed to find a way to emsure that they where protected as was their product, Hence gangs (this is way over simplified i know). These gangs then started to expand which came into conflict with each other, as buisness does. Now these buisness start to but into one another and begin competong for business. They cant advertise that their product is better, nor can they buy out their competitor on the open market, ak that leaves very few options. Cooperate and work out a turf deal, which some do, or push the others out.

With that the violence started. Now we have the suppliers. Down in south america we had tons of civil wars going on. With these wars came arms dealers looking to make a buck. These arms dealers get in bed with cartels. These cartels then aim to make sure their product is making the most money, so they fight other cartels and arm the gangs who sell for them. This leads to an increase in violence hear in the US.

Drop the war on drugs and instead use the money to pay for proper drug education and treatment you will see a decrease in drug revenue. Legalize and you will be able to control both the quality and the violence. Pull the money out of politics and we will get people who care enough to make it possible.

There is ample evidence, both of gun control deterring murders and of the general lethal force threshold lowering effect of guns. For gun control to work it needs to have been in effect for a long, long time, though. You can't just introduce gun control to a country like the US and expect it to work. There are simply too many easily concealed guns in circulation. However, in developed countries like Japan, Germany, Poland, Norway, Sweden, etc. where access to handguns has been strictly regulated for a long time and there is very little supply of them, you get a very low homicide rate. These are the kinds of countries that you should be comparing a developed country like the US to, not shit holes like Venezuela, Mexico or Russia.

>we as Americans are incredulous when shit happens in other countries and nobody tries to intervene
Really? Because that's what happens every time there's a shooting in the US.

Its much closer than you might think.

Excluding Japan all those countries add up to ~258 mil. The USA has ~320 mil.

Add Japan with a pop of 127 and its 384.

I was referring to the "it still makes a difference". It doesn't.

>Do more weapons spread throughout the population really make you more safe ??

It brought the USA into existence as a nation instead of an imperial colony OP. Your logic is deeply flawed

No. But it doesn't make me feel less safe either.

The US is worse as an independent country, though.

>Only comparing gun murders
>Not accounting for the nog problem

Go neck yourself shill.

Though numbers are certainly different no go zones in France would be a good comparison, and they are just as bad as Chicongo.

>World super power
>UK is a shadow of it's former glory incapable of even having their own weapon's industry or any industry for that matter.


and they don't make you any less safe either.

Other factors are far more important than more guns/less guns.

Then why do anti gunners fight to restrict all weapons including long guns?

You could replace gun murders to homicides commited by blacks and it would still be an accurate graph

>inb4 pol get out

>both of gun control deterring murders
No there isn't.

The Czech republic has the best gun laws in Europe including self defense and has one of the lowest murder rates in Europe.
Similar deal with Switzerland and to some extent even Serbia compared to nations of similar culture and development.

Australia is also a perfect argument where the massive gun ban did not reduce murder rate, actually it lead to the increase of the murder rate by a small percentage.

Because they don't like guns.

what does warfare have to do with person-on-person urban crime? RED HERRING motherfucker

>In places where these are not present we do not have horrible crime, when they are present however you get Chicago and Detroit.

chicago has less violent crime per capita than several smaller cities in usa. stop eating what the liberal jew media spoon feeds you.

what about switzherland, chezhkia and finnland, all those nations have a relatively high rate of gun ownership and low gun crime. Maybe there's something unique in USA that inflates those numbers like a section of the population that commits disproportionate amount of crime.

But that doesn't help your point either, because if the quantity of handguns doesn't affect the number of crimes, why would you attempt to regulate them?

I enjoy this image an immense amount

I have got a proposal for gun grabbers.

If you really care about human life. How about you do something that will have a larger impact on human life. More people die do to car accidents then gun crime. And unlike crime accidents are not premeditated, they just happen. So instead of banning guns let's ban cars. You don't need a car when we have public transport, that takes care of all your transport needs. And if you trully live in an area that requires you to have a car we can give you a special license after you have a strict competency test and we also put a computer control on the car to prevent miss use.