What are some games where I can break years long sieges?

what are some games where I can break years long sieges?

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Uh, you missed the ending.

nobody made an up to date djiff from livemaps yet

Who is red/yellow (grey?)?

Red is the evil regime of Bashar "Barrel Bomb" Al Assad

Grey are the heroic, US backed freedom fighters.

Huh... It looks like the sieger... Has become... The sieged.... Heh

and yellow is ISIS?

>Grey are the heroic, US backed freedom fighters.

The same freedom fighters used as target practice for us drones?

>Another Sup Forums thread

Sick of seeing this shit desu

Game about Syria fucking when?

It's like you don't know what a proxy war is.

more of sg than pol


Get on my level.


No, those are the evil terrorist minority in Turkey, the third greatest ally in the region, after the Chosen People and our Good Muslim Friends Saudi Arabia.

>Game about Syria fucking when?
It's already here brainlet store.steampowered.com/app/485980/Syrian_Warfare/

video games

That's bad, assadist propaganda

YPG has fucking Raqqa surrounded? When did that happen?

Completely forgot about it. Thanks, my mane.

Shiet, that actually looks pretty good. Thanks!


Also is Syrian Warfare any good? Should I play it?

Took me years to wrap my head around what went down in Alesia. For some reason i couldn't grasp the siege within a siege part of the battle.

Left side also needs
>is charged with mass murder after every sortie

>tfw the syrian army starts pushing into iraq to clear out the last of IS
>tfw after the IS threat is gone iraq and syria can't settle on borders
>tfw an iraqi-syrian conflict will be a natural continuation of the war against ISIS
>tfw no matter what happens the middle east becomes a destabilized piece of shit warzone desert


>hasn't seen a bakery in his life, because he has destroyed them all

Weren't the Iraqi and Syrian governments cooperating, at least on an international level?

the last 3-5 months.

Fuck me that's awesome. Without Raqqa and Mosul there is no "Islamic State". It's just a bunch of desert.

Fill me in on Syria, Sup Forums.

t. John McCain
Turkey is the sole border violator of the war, but they get a pass since NATO members can't do anything wrong

Proxy conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, like every other MENA conflict. They're also fighting a proxy war in Yemen.

even the censored German version is represented

>Proxy conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Which is a proxy war between the US and Russia.

Which is a proxy war between Israel and everyone else

My thinking is that Russia and USA could come to an agreement over Syria, but Iran/SA could never do that. They're too close and they hate each other too much. So they force their allies into this shit storm.

Which is a proxy war between the reptilians and the aliens.

That's only because you don't believe in the borders of most of the groups involved.

Red = Syrian gov
Yellow = Kurds
Green = "moderate'' beheaders
Grey = ISIS

Reptilians are aliens dum dum

Then who will save us?

Is that a YouTube logo? Is YouTube fighting in the war?

The Jews.

The aliens that back Russia, duh

The US kept trying to keep the civil war going. They want ISIS and the government to kill each other off so US-backed proxies can take over.

dog - you
cookie - rest of the thread

You've figured out the proxy behind the proxy, user. It's the corporations.

If anything it was at least not unstable
Against ISIS, sure. What happens when IS is gone and Syria feels like they did most of the work in Iraq though?
Syria have yet to cross the Iraqi border, but yeah Erdogan Turkey isn't going to help the situation in anyway.

Goldstein-sama, I'm not falling for your tricks.

>Turkey is the sole border violator of the war
US is in direct violation of Syrian sovereignity. Nobody allowed them to enter there.

Hm, hard to tell like in a strategy game or generally just a siege, so it can be any game that has a siege? Are you the one attacking or the one breaking out?

delete this goy, or you won't get your soylent this month

>What happens when IS is gone and Syria feels like they did most of the work in Iraq though?
I don't understand what reasoning is this.
That is true, however turkey has Syrian territories occupied and was involved in deliberate attacks against the SAA.

Please no, I need it.


Holy shit, can someone break them up already?

Without actual antitrust laws, it's never going to happen

not with the Don in charge

Google isn't even that big, there are much larger corporations and nobody is going to break them up anytime soon

>One company involved in information gathering, AI, urban and home design

I played a card game like this once

Generally games that feature sieges where you are breaking out.

>however turkey has Syrian territories occupied and was involved in deliberate attacks against the SAA
US and it's NATO allies have carried out multiple attacks on SAA and Hezbollah. Another player, whom I forgot, is Israel.

You can't do that goy, breaking up hostile megacorps is communist

Iraq is much closer to get ris of IS than syria

>an unsustainable regime based around rule by fear is collapsing after a few years
Who knew?

Hopefully this time these states get their shit together and properly clean up.
Oh, what am I saying, they are arabs, their culture is hating each other.

No Aliens, just jews.

The US and Israel aren't collapsing yet, dumbo.


autistic faggot nigger mods

Every fucking time.


>Reptilians vs jews
Ah, a civil war