Alcohol is the true redpill

Ex 420yolo fag here. Couldn't be more happy to have finally made the switch to whiskey.

Life on weed:

>fucked up sleep cycle
>no form of media enjoyable without smoking
>no dreams during sleep
>hightened sense of fake superiority over others
>the worst culture
>feel like a degenerate neckbeard smoking and holding breath trying to catch that first high

Now ever since I started drinking a nice whiskey after a long hard day at work like a real man, life's been absolutely great.

>great day-finisher
>every buzz is fresh and new
>relaxes muscles after gym
>amazing dreams with depth and colors
>perfect sleep aid
>feel sexy af drinking scotch & coke

Share your experience from when you finally gave up the herbal jew

Other urls found in this thread:

A toke after a couple drinks is the best.

>yes goy give up the herbal jew for the liquid jew

I was super scrawny when I was a pothead. When I stopped my body just started putting on muscle. More motivated and confident. Can focus and remember. Lot of strange nostalgic feelings came rushing back to me, feel like I used to, like a human.

If you can be a productive member of society who upholds meaningful values rooted in traditional ideals it's absolutely fine to enjoy either of those things in moderation in your down time. However, they're equally bad, for an individual or a society, when used in excess.

>scotch and coke
What the fuck is wrong with you? If you aren't drinking scotch neat you're not doing it right.
>like a real man
Nah m8, real men don't need to use drugs to fuck with their dopamine levels to cope with life. If you're drinking or smoking pot or anything of the sort everyday you're just a sad weak willed little boy.

Out of hard alcohol drinks, rye whisky or scotch are the best there is.

Too bad hard alcohol completely destroys my sleeping schedule with my current meds.

weed effects different people in different ways, same with alcohol. i knew a guy that would spiral into a rage whenever he smoked weed, which was odd. and plenty of people don't have just one drink, and end up having more and more.

glad you found something that works for you op. all i ask of you is that you SAGE THIS SLIDE THREAD AND MOVE ON

Recovering alcoholic of 2 years now.
Quit while you're ahead. When I detoxed I had seizures and had to be rush to the emergency room. luckily my sister was there to call the paramedics or else I would have died.

i like being sober and dropping some
caucasian lsd every decade or so.

Alcohol is a neurotoxin, causing brain shrinkage and brain damage, often irreversible. Do you want to permanently fuck up your cognitive abilities and intelligence just to enjoy a buzz and hangover? Stop drinking alcohol.

I switched from years of alcohol abuse to cannabis back in April. Daily use since then. I've lost weight, look and feel like I'm 20 again, I'm so much healthier and better off knowing that I'm off the booze. Never getting hangover again.

>OP is a mainstream faggot
Alcohol is for degenerates.

No that is just you being a little bitch. The majority of bodybuilders I know smoke weed because it is relatively harmless compared to alcohol which literally kills muscle gains.

Your alcohol tolerance is going to shoot up too. Next thing you know you're drinking half a bottle after work.

What point in


is hard to understand?

Enjoy your liver damage

Recovering Alcoholic? Sounds like (((they))) got to you. You do know the term alcoholic is not accepted by serious professionals right? The correct terms are alcohol abuser and alcohol dependent. You used to be alcohol dependent since you obviously had a rough detox. However if you haven't been drinking for a couple years you are obviously currently neither an abuser of or dependent on alcohol. Most professionals agree that labelling yourself as an "alcoholic" is deeply unhealthy, you're making a pejorative term part of your self identity, and it doesn't even make sense; eg people who smoke pot regularly aren't marajuanics. It's a made up term to keep people roped into (((AA))).


>like a real man

manly manly men
manly manly internet man

What if somebody takes one shot a day and no more?

If you need alcohol and drugs to have a good time, then you need to sort yourself out

Alcohol is disgusting and gives me headaches.
Cannabis all the way.

This. Both of my grandfathers were like this, keep it to beer and some whiskey or become even further degenerate. Nothing wrong with moderation.


Stop fapping, stop all drugs and alcohol, stop taking warm baths and showers (this is detrimental to your testosterone levels it literally kills sperm cells, a daily warm bath will make you infertile and deplete you of your manliness), start aerobic exercising every day, read and study every day, sleep at least 7-8 hours and wake up at the same time every day (very important), shave (moustache is allowed) and wear smart clothing. Repeat for the rest of your life.

>scotch and coke

You fucking pleb faggot, this board is 18+. Leave forever.

You forgot
>no lung cancer
I can't say how many yolo 420 hyperfaggots have tried to convince me that smoking weed can't hurt your lungs because it isn't cigarettes. Willful stupidity.

i quit smoking. id think i still wuold smoke, not that i care or not and id probbly get hooked before others. but i dont think of my self as a cigaholic. thats just retarded, what does oholic miean?

Fucking bluepilled faggot. Enjoy poisoning your whole body.
Pure heroin is the redpill. Unless you got some impure stuff it doesnt damage shit

You can vape it or eat it. In that case it doesnt hurt your lungs but can even help with asthma. But inhaling the smoke of any burned substance is bad for you

women can sense fake manly men the same way we sense gold diggers

This, even though opiates aren't perfect for you they do not damage your brain, shrink it and reduce your intelligence permanently like alcohol does. The only real danger from opiate use comes from how you take them and the possibility of overdosing.

>Alcohol is a neurotoxin, causing brain shrinkage and brain damage, often irreversible.
this only happens once your main source of calories comes from alcohol.

>scotch & coke
KYS. Jk but whisky is to be enjoyed as it is, no ice etc or in proper drinks

no fuckface it affects everyone the same damn way

your "friend" was probably smoking that synthetic stuff or had other problems

weed makes you dumb
it makes you a bad driver (yes it fucking does)
kills your motivation
makes you lazy

all of this is true in every single case

potheads are delusional

>Makes thoughtful post
>Does this because he thinks OP is really a heathen Paki like him
OP is a VPN queer, alcohol is illegal in Paki land.

What strain do you use?

N of 1, but.... My whole family on my moms side pickled themselves daily and were sharp as a tack assholes and cunts till their mid 80s where they died of normal old age shit. Maybe an Irish thing.

Having more of my father's side traits, I can't drink like that. Only for a few day's. Then I feel like I'm on chemo and wish for death. I can't drink as much as I want.

weird, weed sends me straight to sleep, booze keeps me up for ages

Bitch ass nigga.

No man. He woke. He meant scotch and cocaine.

OP is a fucking fag

Quit drinking Aug 28, quit smoking pot Sep 1, quit smoking cigs like two years ago, weaning off of adderall (because quitting cold turkey can cause seizures and brain damage) and quit watching porn. I don't feel great and I can barely sleep and when I do I have terrible terminator-style apocalypse dreams, but knowing I have the strength and willpower to change my own life is more gratifying than a fat bowl or a nice glass of scotch ever was. Maybe when I'm completely detoxed I'll allow myself to toke or have a drink on special occasions, but I'm happy being sober for now.

It's all about moderation.

I have a bottle of 15 year old single malt I save for special occasions.

dont drink every day

s schmoked weed once and killed my father would not advise

>another koolaid faggot

Dont talk shit about my country when you nothing faggot. We have a brewery that produces local beer gin vodka etc for over a 100 yrs now

1 post by OP
Slide it fgts.

> still relying on drugs to be happy

of course any alcoholic beverage is better than weed.

but you should keep your alcohol intake one or two times a week to benefit from it.

>tfw no imouto to save me from seizures

a non-shitpost reply from a Turk? Well colour me surprised.
I do that,a ctually. I drink once per week and i feel VERY nice after just 2 beers.

it's the exact opposite for me. however all people i know who smoke and drink are like you