Was he right Sup Forums? Is race insignificant?

Was he right Sup Forums? Is race insignificant?

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No, but he can be forgive for thinking so given that he died long before he could see what happens when white people become completely consumed with white guilt and allow blacks to walk all over them.

Not really its all about culture and the individual. Nazi Germany used to describe this guy as the ideal Aryan solider, they had pictures of him everywhere.
It was soon found out that he was part Jewish and was expelled from the army, even though he was a good solider and was a national socialist.
Its all about National pride as Mussolini said.

He's right. Look at balkans for example they got turks by us

He's right about the purity bit

This is why nationalism is the best.
because it unites everyone in a nation under one flag regardless or sex, race, religion etc
High powers hate this because people are harder to control when they unify.
Hence why they are trying to destroy it.

its the other way round some roaches look like balkanites because they have a small amount of euro admixture

Clearly he never met a black person

Me too, i feel that the constant bickering of "left" and "right" is the same d&c tactic

Spoken like a true mediteranian mud-blood

ya we all came out of africa like 30000 years ago......so hes right.


It actually is.
Think about it, they divided america by race, then martin luther king fixed that, so now they have divided it by left and right wing, it's actually really clever what they have done.
America has never been more divided because of this.
Don't hate on left wing people, liberals are a different story though.

Their a mixture of religious cucks. Very different to a true nationalist movement.
The key is integration not multiculturalism

To be honest the whole topic of race is just a jew-infested shitpit that's not worth getting into. The Bolsheviks took advantage and still take advantage of its baiting qualities to this day. But in the end it's just that, bait.

Yes, skin and bone structure and IQ and culture differs, but in the end the biggest things that matters is the way you act and the ideals you uphold. Those are instilled in you by your country and being a true countryman goes a much longer way than being a true racialist.

He was trying to unify Italy, as southern Italians are very different from northern Italians. Even today, Italian nationalist movements seek to separate northern Italy from the rest of Italy.

honestly man i dont give a fuck about the white race if you're not a real Italian you're worth less than trash too me, you new world scum will never understand whats it like to have a love for your country and people

Also, why is this the 15th reply? This is basic history and current day politics every one of you should know. Fucking kill yourselves, all of you.

he got lucky and his gene expressions were mostly "aryan", races are real and the best way to describe them is a propensity to exhibit certain feature groups

It's hard to have racial pride when you can barely defeat ethiopians. Just saying.

Did he said this?!? Because he was the first guy to put race at the forefront. I find this suspicious...

The purity part is right however.

> This analysis of variations in the level of generalized social trust (defined here as the belief that others will not deliberately or knowingly do us harm, if they can avoid it, and will look after our interests, if this is possible) in 60 nations of the world shows that trust is an integral part of a tight syndrome of social, political and economic conditions. High trust countries are characterized by ethnic homogeneity


> The results show that across European regions, different aspects of immigration-related diversity are negatively related to social trust. In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust. Tests of the conditional hypotheses reveal that regional economic growth and ethnic polarization as a cultural context moderate the relationship. Immigration growth is particularly strongly associated with a decrease in social trust in contexts of economic decline and high ethnic polarization.


> Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by physical and political boundaries. A similar analysis of the area of the former Yugoslavia shows that during widespread ethnic violence existing political boundaries did not coincide with the boundaries of distinct groups, but peace prevailed in specific areas where they did coincide. The success of peace in Switzerland may serve as a model to resolve conflict in other ethnically diverse countries and regions of the world.


Why would you promote less trusting, less cohesive, less harmonized, less peaceful societies?

>found out that he was part Jewish
>found out
His last name is fucking Goldberg. Are you a shill? Are you even a real person? What the fuck has happened to Sup Forums?

Go read a bible, christcuck, your savior is not amused.

he was following the nuremberg laws, it's the gestapo that started seriously chimping out as soon as the war broke out.

he switched from class based discrimination to nationalism. he said what was most effective to rally people behind him.

hes not /ourguy/ hes a manipulative fuck

literal shills and some redditors from the election

Italy was already unified for a while before ww2, the northern government just wanted to steal all the riches from the south during the unification, as a people you'd be surprised how similar the north and south are, as for the Lega Nord only smug northerners actually care about it

No, race is a primary category. However, it certainly isn't all there is.


the Brits fucked us over economically during our affairs in Africa, please learn your history before acting like a historian

Clearly, Benito is a Spanish name.

The quote in the OP is in response to the concerns over the racial differences between the northerners and southerners. That's what I meant by unify, spiritually unify, not legalistically.

The problems of a genetically diverse, or inferior, nation are irrelevant to the ones of a culturally undeveloped, or divided, one, I say.

As if he really believes that BS. His newsletters from the 1980's are full of healthy racism.

He became cowardly and hides it behind a "im getting more pure and hardcore" act.

Enoch Powell on being asked whether he was a racialist said:

"It depends on how you define the word "racialist." If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However, if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically "No."

Sir Oswald Mosley said: "It is untrue to suggest that Jews will be persecuted under Fascism in Britain. Bullying or persecution of any kind is foreign to the British character. We shall not keep Jews here to bully them. Those who have been guilty of anti British conduct will be deported. Those against whom no such charge rests will be treated as foreigners, but in accordance with the traditional British treatment of foreigners within these shores, will not be ill-treated or molested. On the other hand, foreigners who have not proved themselves worthy citizens of Britain will be deported."

Both of these men nevertheless wished to keep the indigenous population of Britain in the overwhelming majority.

You do not have to be a racialist fanatic to be a nationalist. All men have a soul with freedom of soul and ultimately make their own destiny. The sensible position is neither open-borders communism nor Nuremberg-law and Lebensborn-style Nazism, but rather to advocate in favour of keeping the indigenous population in the overwhelming majority by means of stopping immigration and a scheme of voluntary repatriation (which is simple common sense) while allowing exceptions for non-indigenous citizens already resident who show themselves to be patriots and of good moral character.

Mussolini was speaking of race and the dangers of neglecting the race issue long before the Nazis were so i immediately found this quote strange. But in Italian internal affairs this quote starts to make sense.

He had a reason to have this mentality and it was the fact like 30% of italians have moorish ancestry.

I used to think like this, but then I realized that shitskins and foreigners will never appreciate our history, culture or laws. They will just come here and vote for gibs with no care for how our country was founded. They don't care about liberty they'll willing give up theirs and ours to get more gibs.

That quote was about regional differences and Southern Italians/Sicilians and Central/Northern ones. He knew that Fascism can't work well with subhumans
t. Merseyside octaroon

after ww1 Italy was fairly unified, sure there where tensions with the north and south but it wasn't because of a racial difference but instead a cultural difference, i come from Perugia but i live in Torino, and people honestly get surprised when i tell them that im not a native of Torino

That's not civic nationalism, that is multiculturalism, the idea that people can somehow feel united while still maintaing stronger bonds to their original cultures, religions etc.
Civic nationalism would be something like the Imperium Romanum at its best best point in time.

religion is more important than race

>freedom of soul

read: freedom of will

Wow it's almost like you Georgeu and Chang wouldn't be allowed in Australia, there wouldn't be any tensions in the first place. Almost like kicking out every non-Germanic from Aus will leave JUST enough population to fit Aus environmental capacity
>mfw ethnic cleansing is morally, rationally and ecologically the best thing to do

it's useless to discuss this without keeping in mind how race was understood back in the day

it was understood sort of how dog races are understood, you even had Europeans often split into different races by foremost anthropologists i.e Alpines, Meds, Nordids, etc..., so it's not surprising that he made that statement since, especially in a country like Italy, you find a clusterfuck of those types, from really Nordid types to straight up north African or middle eastern types, but you still don't find any native mongoloid or negroid types

so one has to understand what he meant, and I feel he wasn't making references in particular to negroid or mongloid influences, rather to how mixed caucasians are

also one has to keep in mind the environment of that statement, since "above the alps" the racialists were being very autistic about racial purity even in a caucasian context, not to mention the americans with their predictable retarded exceptionalism(i.e Madison Grant)

Imperium Romanum long lasting genetic legacy is exactly the point Benito was trying to address. Keep living in denial of basic biology. I guess your own type of civic nationalism has never been tried

Yes. Race makes little sense. Surely its a better use of time to hate someone's culture

This is a more accurate way to define people, by what they believe in.

Not their Skin Color.

>it wasn't because of a racial difference but instead a cultural difference
Culture is an expression of biology. There are many clear genetic differences between northern and southern Italians, all studies on this subject confirm this.

Somehow, the french, germans, and belgians were capable of conquering african territory unfazed by the british. I can only guess that italy must have been the greatest threat to the eternal anglo's ambitions.


All shit holes

to all the retard ITT
don't talk about the north south divide
>it was a literal kike to say that north and souther are different geneticaly
>industrialization of the south was stopped by the unification
That quote was because he wanted to pacify libya (and he did) and gain some support there
Also he would have stopped immigration today
the situation in the 20' was totally different because no big moviment existed

People try to use Skin Color as an identifier for what religion you are.

But that does not work in all cases.

prove me wrong

Show me one example of a decent sized country say bigger than 10 million citizens that is black African run, that any sane human would choose to live in.

I haven't even addressed biology, you raging retard...
What the hell is your point?

the south has cultural differences because of its Spanish rule and the north because of its Austrian rule, however i do agree somewhat with the racial differences to a slight degree because if you look at those same studies you will notice that they're not too far off, some southerners look like they come from the north white some northerners look like they come from the south. also because of the Norths weather even the darkest southerner will become more pale after years of cold and cloudy winters

Culture = racial product
civic nationalism = multiculturalism/lack of culture
There are major differences: inbreeding in the South and higher SSA admixture being one of them

>bigger than 10 million citizens that is black African run, that any sane human would choose to live in.
USA under Obongo

you have no clue on what was happening during this time period, Europe was extramural angry at Italy for using gas weapons on African populations, this led the Brits to cut off Italy from the rest of Europe economically leading to a depression that lead to the rise of Mussolini, we ultimately lost our African colonies after ww2

why do you expect someone who looks like pic related to have any grasp of history?

>Culture = racial product

Not exclusively. Most Nomadic cultures were probably multi ethnical...Skythians, Mongols etc.
So were said Romans. It worked very well for a long time.

inbreeding in the south is slighty highter than the rest of europe,we aren't talking arab tier inbreeding tier and it was caused because people lived in small town,tho incest was alway considered an abomination
SSA axdmiture is really small otherwise southern won't cluster with northernt
The biggest problem of the south was the power gap created by the unification that was filled by the mafia
>why don't you fight mafia then
But we did in the 30' when mafia was exterminated by the iron prefect
The landing of the american in 43' bought them back

>Romans were multiethnical
please stop this ridiculous meme
the Romans of the Republic that conquered the vast majority of the historical Roman land, the Republic of Scipio, Sulla, Pompey, didn't even want to give citizenship to their long time Italic allies, and even way into the Empire pretty much only those Italics would form the bulk of the Roman elites and main army

it's only after 200AD that things started to change and, in fact, slowly go to shit

a PCA can't really help you detect admixture in the order which one expects in the south i.e 1-3%
also southerners do NOT cluster with northerners, they are close, but there is definitely a structure

exactly this


1-3% mixture is minor
and yes you can see a continuity in the PCA


he never said this. this is literally the fakest and gayest thing i ever read. Why would he instate his spazio-vitalle (Lebensraum) if he doesn't care about race. He became more aware of race when Hitler rose to power.


Obama was black American not black African...
But judging from your flag, you are probably the smartest person in your country. Now stop playing on the computer and get back to working in the fields.

yes please, that way we wont get fucked by the US and lose our amazing fascist Ideology, Italy should have done the same thing Spain did and stay out of the war

Race is significant, otherwise girls wouldn't feel attracted to shit skins

continuity is not the same as clustering together, which would be the case if the "clouds" of points overlapped
there's a reason you find hardly any study in which Italians from the north and from the south are put together, and it's because there's too much internal diversity
at best they use Tuscans as a proxy

still the difference is not high enought to justify any ''le southern aren't italian'' may may
Also the hightest i see is sicily with less 1% admisture

not even all of Sicily, Eastern Sicily is even lower than southern Italy

people should just understand that instead of Italian people one should speak of Italian peopleS, united by a shared Latin heritage but also with their own peculiar characteristics

also yes at high K a lot of the "african" in south Italians ends up in the north-african groups
if you sum SSA+NA you get about 2% in Sicilians, which in tests with lower K might be clustered in the generic "african" group

my point still stand
The way to fix the south is to send the army there and exterminate every criminal on sight
Mussolini did it and fixed the south

Did you expect everyone to sit back and give you a handjob? Italians from the first italo-ethiopian war up to mussolini, have the idea that there is easy conquest ripe for the taking. So incompetent nobles get apointed as officers, no one does any serious preparation, and you walk into a disaster. It's the same behavior that led to taranto and the ill fated battles of the isonzo.


Still pretty fucking inbred, short, dumb and ugly

just conduct a dna test with anyone on Sup Forums and you'll figure out just how mixed we all are

i was just proving your point, and yes i absolutely agree, what Italy really need right now is a strong national identity ans the stop this national melancholy

>literally less Italian than Germany is German
>literally a SJW central, literally no popular federal anti-immigration party, literally rescues migrants

well this makes sense but 2% is still too low to define all sicilian as nigger
nobody expected that but it never happened that other nation interfered so much in colonilism
also taranto didn't even do much damage because our fleet recovered fast
and we won some of the battle of the isonzo
at least we alway had the ability to recover from crushing defeat like the roman at cannae
and remember that italy inflicted some crushing defeat in the sea too!
You are a fucking russian lol
The poorest southern is richer than you
i know that
fascism back when?

>posts some shit picture quote
>no source

no im just giving the reason for why Italy "failed" in Africa which wasn't because of the Africans but because of what was happening in Europe at the time

That's literally not an argument and why should I care for the average? What am I? A terrone subhuman or a man that can make money whenever he is? The answer is the latter

The keyword being "PART" here

look man were all having a civilized discussion, the only one showing subhuman nigger behavior is you, and im not even a southerner

>Was he right Sup Forums? Is race insignificant?

Wether he believed or not, it didn't matter, since he was still willing to invade Ethiopians and drop mustard gas on disarmed civilians. Even if he wasn't racist, he may as well have been one, given his actions.

yeah those are just stupid or have watched too much hollywood propaganda, if you sum up the various asiatic sources in that pic you also get about 3% asian in Swedes, which certainly doesn't make them asian

it is to be expected that near the borders of a region you get, not surprisingly, some mixture from nearby ones, which in the case of south Italy is significant but for the very most caucasoid(i.e west asian, east Med, etc..)

He´s right and you all know it

On 3 January 1933, Mussolini told the diplomat Baron Pompei Aloisi that the French in Tunisia had made an "appalling blunder" by permitting sex between the French and the Tunisians, which he predicted would lead to the French degenerating into a nation of "half-castes", and to prevent the same thing happening to the Italians gave orders to Marshal Badolglio that miscegenation be made a crime in Libya

Mussolini obviously thought races were real

>said the subhuman mongrel abomination
it makes sense


>literally no popular federal anti-immigration party
KeK. What is Lega Nord, currently the third largest party? What is m5s, currently probably the first party? Are you aware of the fact that we stopped the NGOs (in fact, we are currently prosecuting them) and we made deals with the Libyans (again) so that they keep the niggers in their continent?

>literally less Italian hurr durr herp derp
We are 92% Italian. Africans are barely the 1% of the population. The largest group of immigrants currently in Italy are Romanians, which are old fascist bros and allright.

He changed his view on race many times throughout his career.

>are not white
being white is a retarded American invention to replace cultural heritage

>italian and other nation are discussing about genetic in a civilized way
>russian arrive and start screaming nigger
>somehow he is civilized
yeah i know this
i wonder if we start killing all the mafiosi how much would the african DNA drop