Could an assigned marriage partner system work? Would it be worth it?
Could an assigned marriage partner system work? Would it be worth it?
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A man would still need to have a steady source of income or else he wouldn't get a gf/wife, because whoever is doing the assigning wouldn't assign a woman to a man with no money.
So nothing would change in that regard, I still would be single because I have no money to offer, so I don't support it.
I however strongly support severe punishments for cheating, and making divorce illegal and highly stigmatized.
Can you sustain yourself? That would be enough. The purpose of the system is not to bind you to someone who you need to carry around, but to find a suitable parter for life for you.
>making divorce illegal
It's early in the day but I doubt I'll read anything dumber than this so I'll go ahead and give you your ribbon now
by the way, even in such a system, divorce shouldn't be illegal for it to work
Else you'd soon have your hands full with people revolting against it, EVEN if it was perfect and found best possible match for you.
Women should be replaced with artificial wombs and sexbots. Marriage is obsolete.
There's nothing more beta than letting somebody else pick your spouse for you
>artificial wombs
Literal meme tech that wont be viable for another 50-60 years.
Even then, only (((The Elite))) will be able to afford it.
>Literal meme tech that wont be viable for another 50-60 years
That's where you're wrong kiddo
That's not a good solution, at least not until bots can be virtually undistinguishable from real people. While that would work for the people who are cut off from society, the goal should be to lead to an overall healthier society, not to one where we live even more in an island than today.
Also, sex is not the only thing you get out of a relationship, neither reproduction.
Think long term, not what will happen in the next week.
>MGTOW video says it so it must be true!
>Ignores the fact growing a sheep is miles away from growing a person
>Ignores the fact Children's Hospital would only use artificial wombs for "extreme premies"
>Ignores the fact no long term research on the effects of being created in an artificial womb has been done
Like I said, meme tech.
Try using less shit sources next time.
Divorce was illegal throughout most of history until very recently.
It was basically illegal in the USA not even 100 years ago.
Few exceptions would justify divorce, like cheating.
No-fault divorce is what allowed women to divorce for any reason they want.
>Ignores the fact growing a sheep is miles away from growing a person
Not really, both would fundamentally be the same.
>Could an assigned marriage partner system work? Would it be worth it?
Things like shidduch work wonders among the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. They have extremely low divorce rates, extremely high religious retention rates and fertility rates averaging over 6 per woman.
The only problem is convincing people who are not G-d fearing to adopt such a scheme.
>Think long term
>Artificial wombs become available for (((The Elite)))
>Use artificial wombs to create superbabies
>Superbabies vastly outperform their natural baby counterparts
>Elites keep breeding better superlatives to rule over the dumb Goyim for 1000 years
What a wonderful future you want, all cause you're too autistic to get a woman in bed.
Okay buddy, here's a bald fat tattooed feminist for you to get pregnant. Call xir by xir desired pronouns or she'll try to stab you. Have fun, you only get one marriage partner!
>one only needs to live long enough to become food
>one needs to be a contributing member to an increasingly advanced society for 50+ years
What's it like being completely retarded?
I dont like you, user
Maybe doing some work on the Wall will make you feel better.
Assuming you can grow healthy sheep, not mentally retarded ones, the exact same technology would work on humans.
Yeah, but you need ways to divorce so that mismatches can be fixed. Even if such a system could literally read your mind, it could still fuck up.
But you're right about the No-Fault divorce thing, else you could just keep divorcing and ever go into the system. Maybe just have a grace peroid before you can divorce without punishments, so that you can get a decent amount of matches without having to reroll the system every day.
Yeah, the biggest problem is actually getting people to surender the freedom of choosing a partner without at the same time creating a population that would revolt against the system.
while what you say is true it is also superficial and historically, sort of irrelevant. We have many examples of technology going through stages, at first not possible, then, well yes, possible but not economic, then, yes competitive, then, OMG, Side effects. So it does bear looking into. We need to get the ethics involved somewhere around, OMG it is possible, not OMG, look what we have done.
That's one of the reasons why divorce would be needed. And this kind of matching would be extremely unlikely, even if the system was based solely on one simple point: your personal internet history.
Said bald fat feminists would mostly get matched to the beta cuck orbiters that either like that kind of behavior, or are at least passive enough to accept it.
Humans are already sheep, so I see no problem.
>Could an assigned marriage partner system work? Would it be worth it?
no the soviets tried it and its nothing but state mandated cucking.
it doesnt work.
The soviets didn't have the amount of information about people that we have today
Marriage is the problem not the system. Buy a hooker if you think you need pussy.
>The soviets didn't have the amount of information about people that we have today
no like you cant force 2 people toghether if the dont like eachother divorce would skyrocket.
personal Internet history:
>the meaning of Timothy mcVeigh
>how do we get rid of Islam
>physically remove liberals
>why are most people so emotional and stupid
>most people are sheep
>lizard people
>blacks are inferior
>psychology is a Jewish scam
match me, senpai
So you will force people to marry who (((someone))) decides with guns?
There would literary be civil war
It would probably be an optional lottery thing. You apply for it, then get notified when a match comes up and you go on a blind date.
this already exists. It's called an "internet dating site"
So basically, government enforced Tinder?
also this.
In true ancap fashion:
>Keep Government out of Tinder!
So a cop is going to show up at my house with a dried up roastie and force me to take care of her?
This would never work, suicide rates would go up even more then they already have.
>suicide rates
No I would literary go and shoot some politicians if they made me do this. And so would many people. There would be war
Marriage is a solution to the problem that humans are social beings that crave interaction and intimacy with others. It's not just about sex or reproduction, it's about creating a happier society.
That's why you need the option of divorces, but with a penalty for those that simply choose to dodge the system.
Hahaha. Tinder is cancer, but the government run version of Tinder or any similar matchmaking service would be Aids. I'm so glad I married very young and have "missed out" on all of this dating shit. The absolute state of people out there today.
>I can't be fucked to get off my ass, put myself out there and search for someone who is compatible with me, so the government should assign me a partner: the thread.
Welfare already forces men to take care of useless women. I don't see the point of this marriage enforcement system.
If you want birth rates up, start paying women $50,000 birthing bonus.
>I can't be fucked to get off my ass, put myself out there and search for someone who is compatible with me, so the government should assign me a partner: the thread.
Completely this.
Or better.
>I am absolutely hopeless to ever get a partner, no matter what I do. So the government should to this: The Thread
instead of forcing people to marry and raise children how about you just stop tens of millions of spic, niggers, and muslims from coming and conquering your land? if you can't even close the door so your neighbors can raid your house how are you going to force marriage retard?
With only your information, it's obviously impossible to match you to someone else. But with access to even just say all people who access social media websites, it wouldn't be all that hard to match you with someone else.
Marriage is 100% about sex. When you enter a relationship it means you cannot have sex with other people.
Ok, sure, I will match you.
switch (looks){
case Looks::Chad: anyone you want; break;
case Looks::Normie: just someone you can get; break;
defaut: ;
there, done
Also, I have an alternative solution for your problem op:
I know a couple at church. The man is a 5'4" ginger with a dad body, the woman is 5'6" and is fit/toned with brown hair. They have 3 young boys and she still managed to hem my church pants for free. How is it that a fucking manlet ginger can get not only pussy but useful one and other men on this board can't?
No. It'd be through some other incentive system for participating in the program, like say you get lower taxes if you're participating.
Assuming you're declared as single and over a certain age, you get put through the system.
Similar, but with way more information behind it and with a huge pool of people to draw from.
But we already have that, user. That's badically how online dating works. Surely you know your own likes and dislikes and what you're looking for and want in a partner better than anyone else. Whatever they "assign" you will never be better than what you find yourself. The legal system needs to be changed - it's heavily stacked against men now. And welfare state needs to be abolished. And feminism needs to go. All of those almost completely ruined relations between men and women. Difficulty finding a partner and the high possibility of getting fucked over by the legal system are only symptoms, not the disease.
why do you want to put government into this? It's just complete bullshit.
So all single people over X age get automatically matched, and what happens if someone says "I'm not interested in marriage, take me out of the system".?
I still support the $50,000 birthing bonus idea.
That's called arranged marriages and it did work for a long time and in a bunch of countries still does.
Question is what you value more, people being able to decide who they want to spend their lives with by themselves or stability of the marriage (as parents have more life experience and thus can do a better job at finding a good partner rather than being controlled by their dick).
I think there is such system. Some good citizens of our neighbouring country Caliphate of Germanistan call it Islam or sharia but i dont know very well.
so you buy 1 million single parent niglets with 50bill dollars. GJ pal. You just bankrupted the country AND created 50k criminals. WP
The system is not supposed to give you someone for you to take care of. Both should be able to provide for themselves. The point of the system is to aim for relationships to improve general happiness, not to force men into providing for women.
But that's wrong. Even with incomplete information, you would never be able to access such a huge pool of people to find. Just consider this: How many people do you know? It's extremely likely that you don't know half the people who live in your condo, and even those that you do know, you probably have no clue what their interests are, what they do on their off time, etc.
all those you outlined are valid problems that need to be adressed too
>Divorce was illegal throughout most of history until very recently.
No it wasn't. Divorce was almost always legal under the right circumstances because people aren't retarded.
>Daughter marries some guy
>He beats her mercilessly
>He isolates her from friends and family
>She can't divorce him because that's illegal
>Damn, if only there was some way my daughter could leave her abusive husband
this is perfect thread for poos but theyre all assleap
Wouldn't work here in the US, half of us would probably end up with a nignog and wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
How do you give incentive to women to stop the pill and start having kids?
Because it's obviously way easier for the government to affect the entire population.
You get higher taxes or something like that.
ancap is right
That is a good point, you just know the crazies would push for mixed couples. Suicide rates would go through the roof.
Daily reminder that since most men or not intrested in girls that are saving themselves for marriage it has never been easier to get a virgin wife
You don't.
The rate will stabilize itself. One way or another.
But don't put government into it.
OP never said or implied raising children
It wouldn't work because people in general are idiots and lazy. The divorce rate is so high because people are too lazy to break up with a person or come out that they are no longer interested/having issues because 'muh feelings.' Having assigned marriage would make it even worse.
So you talk to them. Ask questions. Get to know people. Have friends set you up. Go online if you have to - a large pool of people to choose from right there. Assuming you are looking for a lifelong partner - it's not going to be easy nor is it supposed to be easy. It will take time and a lot of effort. But it's better than what you are suggesting. You're putting a lot of faith into (((powers that be))), thinking they will be looking out for your interests when matching you with someone.
>Suicide rates would go through the roof
or murders rates
>Ignores the fact growing a sheep is miles away from growing a person
Source: your ass
>Ignores the fact Children's Hospital would only use artificial wombs for "extreme premies"
Supply and demand. Even if some faggot hospital refuses to use artificial wombs except in extreme circumstances, there will still be demand for artificial wombs, and entrepreneurs will jump at that opportunity. Learn to free market, nigger.
>Ignores the fact no long term research on the effects of being created in an artificial womb has been done
So? That doesn't change the fact that we are close to artificial wombs. No long term research has been done on being raised by a feminist single mother that hates men either.
Yea, just like Government killed entire populations in the 20th century. Government is really good at ruining the lives of entire populations, you are right about that one
But would you mind if said nignog had similar interests to you? That could be a problem, but do you think that most people would be racist enough to just completely disregard someone else because of that?
The system isn't matching people at random - I used the simplified example of internet history but there would need to be your info on sex, orientation, preferences for it to work well.
Also, I'm not 100% sure how government works in the US, but isn't it supposed to have a fiduciary relationship with it's citizens? A private company could also easily tamper with the system and keep it hidden. Just make the way it works transparent to the public
>Could an assigned marriage partner system work
No and the only people who would want an assigned partner system are disgusting beta males and fat sjw landwhales. You really want the government forcing you to marry a sjw?
Like how is this even up for debate.
I am not convinced this plan could ever work. Marriage is an old school tradition that has gone the way of the dinosaur. It used to work fine until the government got involved. Divorce court ruined it.
Instead of getting the government MORE involved, how about getting it the fuck out of the way.
Run away from him?
yes and yes
>that pic
It's like communism. It sounds great on paper but it doesn't work in reality because people aren't perfect. Whoever does the assigning could theoretically pick the exact person that you would pick after years of dating, hereby saving you a lot of time and helping everyone. But it's not going to happen, you will be assigned someone random and it probably won't be optimal or efficient so you'll complain and then the only way the system can answer the situation is by using threat and violence to shut you up. So, slavery and forced breeding.
MGTOW isn´t a jewish trick it´s an undergroud-NatSoc trick to remove weak beta genetics from the gene pool.
No, sex robots and artificial wombs a better way go
Let me clarify it to you. I am not thinking about this system for me getting laid or looking for a partner for me. That would be considerably easier than thinking about such a system.
Marriage maybe was the wrong word to use there, it has too strong of a link to the current problems of marriage so people would.
It would link you to people who are similar to you. Are you an SJW? Then you wouldn't get an SJW. That's what the beta male cucks are for.
>Could an assigned marriage partner system work?
>the goal should be to lead to an overall healthier society
Artificial wombs would probably raise the average IQ. Currently low IQ people reproduce the most, since increased IQ often comes with increased autism. Artificial wombs would allow more of the high IQ but socially awkward men to reproduce.
With a test, have a mixture of IQ, Body mass index(fitness) political/religious views and abnormal characteristics and put it in an algorithm.
It would be stupid af to interfere in our own evolution desu sempai
>whoever does the assigning
A computer program, with access to all your online info. It wouldn't pick at random, it'd pick whatever it could find that would be the most likely to be a good fit for you.
>it probably won't be optimal or efficient
That's why you need a way to divorce, so you can have a way out if the system ends up matching you with someone that you do not like. The only threat would be of higher taxes, not of swat teams coming to get you.
And that would lead to a point where such a system would be even more important
Well, then everything I said would just apply to other people. They'd be saddled with a subpar partner at best and whatever is on the ZOG's and NWO's current agenda for us unwashed peasants at worst.
>That's why you need a way to divorce
If you can divorce when you disagree with the assigned individual then how is that different than dating? People are just going to meet and then evaluate each other and then either stay together or break up, and the only difference and that it will be called assigned marriage instead of dating. It won't be any different than people dating today. As for the part about using a computer program, we already have that. We already have dating websites where people enter their information and are shown potential matching partners.
Watch an anime called Psycho-Pass. They have an AI program to assign people jobs. Your idea is to have an AI program assign you a companion.
You could make a dating site that does this and make tons of money, but forcing people to use it will be a terrible road.
No. That's something that the State shouldn't do. I'm not against families doing it, though.
>It would link you to people who are similar to you
>trusting the government to decide who is similar to you
>trusting them not to stick you with a fat sjw while the cute white girls get stuck with tyrone
You are the definition of a good goyim. Once again, the only people who would actually be in favor of this are disgusting people that cant normally attract a mate and need big brother to force someone to be in a relationship with them.
>Loneliness: the thread
Here's the logical way to unfuck the marriage system.
1) make prenups a legal requirement before marriage. Prenups cannot be thrown out of court during divorce unless a partner is convicted of a federal crime related to the marriage (child abuse, domestic abuse, etc). In such a case, the guilty party automatically loses child custody, any mutual assets, and any benefits such as alimony stipulated in the prenup.
2) make adultery within a marriage a felony offense.
Voila - that's the best we can ever hope to get in a society: fairness.
You can't force people to marry, nor can you force them to stay together. That's fucking ridiculous.
If you can't attract a woman, improve yourself. If you can't keep a woman(when she has no financial incentive in divorce), improve yourself.
You're asking for sexual socialism, and to be frank, it's retarded and beta. Just find a heffer if you're that desperate - you'd probably get one under forced marriage, anyways.
Reminded me of this.
>Not wanting his state enforced genetically engineered catgirl.
yeah, the smart people in the world (the rich, powerful elite in all societies) always arranged marriages for their children, because young people are stupid and fall for the love meme. they end up waiting until they are 40 years old and then realize that it's too late and that perfect person isn't gong to come around. in the meanwhile they have spent a fortune on dates and hanging out uand doing stupid shit and are broke and infertile.
compared to the people who got into an arranged marriage at twenty and already own a home, have children and never wasted half their life on the love meme.
one day when you are older, if you love your children. arrange a marriage for them!
No, remove the divorce courts. Women can work now they have no argument for free shit anymore.
You mean the elite will get all the 10/10 catgirls and we get the failed genetic experiments
>And that would lead to a point where such a system would be even more important
What system?
If you want to make sure you keep your assets divided, stipulate it in the prenup. If she won't agree, don't marry her.
Then she gets her friend to punch her in the face, calls the cops for domestic violence, and fucks you anyways.