What are some examples of insane historical revisionism you have experienced?
What are some examples of insane historical revisionism you have experienced?
I like this memoire is named like a Cyberpunk novel, implying this was some hardcore coding battle between brave womyn and shilords, and not her slinging out her beat up pussy for reviews.
Wasn't Crash Override a hacker name from the 1995 smash hit, Hackers?
Also, wasn't gamergate just a catchall for a whole bunch of different groups within the gaming community, each with different motives and methods to achieve their goals?
Also, I wonder how the reviews of her book are going. Kek.
When they told me 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.
>Wasn't Crash Override a hacker name from the 1995 smash hit, Hackers?
First thing that came to my mind, lmao'ing at this bitch comparing herself to best fictional hacker, I bet she can't even code
gamergate was a catch-all "these are the bad guys" label like alt-right or nazi. people were sick of games journalism being this bubble of unassailable smug entitlement that did nothing but fuck up the industry and insult people who have been playing games for decades. but the media controls the narrative and GG had no chance. it was scary how quickly it turned into what it did
Turns out the nazis where the good guys.
I think you mean Dade Murphy aka Zero Cool
>people were sick of games journalism being...
I find it very hard to believe that the gaming community cares enough about journalism to send death threats and doxx people.
There were motives involved that had zero to do with journalism.
I gotta watch that movie again.
>When he gets that sick laptop and paints it camo.
From the script:
Yo. Check this out guys, this is insanely
great, it's got a 28.8 BPS modem!
Yeah? Display?
Active matrix, man. A million psychedelic
colors. Man, baby, sweet, ooo!
I want it.
I want it to have my children!
Yeah, I bet it looks crispy in the dark.
Yo, hit the lights.
That fucking scene where Kate's boyfriend gets cucked by that laptop.
She is such a badass and an inspiration.
Crash Override was his other handle
>I like this memoire is named like a Cyberpunk novel, implying this was some hardcore coding battle between brave womyn and shilords, and not her slinging out her beat up pussy for reviews.
At least it's only the kind of cyberpunk novella name you'd invent for a zine monthly you didn't know would be renewed or not
...and had no actual knowledge of IT, I guess
yes, and her name legally changed from Chelsea Van Valkenburg to Zoe Tiberius Quinn; the Tiberius is Captain Kirk's middle name in Star Trek, and the last name Quinn is homage to Harley Quinn from the fucking Batman cartoon in the 90's. Name changed in the middle of court proceedings, let's wait until our 30's to apply fake nerd cred to our name permanently in addition to a chip inserted into my hand, hurr durr
I went to 16 years of school and graduated with a history degree. The first time I learned that the reason the pilgrims starved was because they attempted socialism was two years after I graduated.
Do we still care about that fat bitch?
Is she running for senate too, like that crazy guy?
>play the victim
>collect patreon buxx
She looks like a fucking tranny.
>slavery is bad
>republicans are racist
teacher, which party defended the institution of slavery?
>class dismissed
>the gaming community
yes the international cabal of gamers (the ICG) set forth an allowance of 50 doxxings and some 300 death threats to be use
in her youth
i always thought it was weird that all these gamer chicks had to change their name to some bullshit like zoe quinn or xeni jardin it's fucking pretentious and immediately turns me off
I FAPed to her substantially with her nude pics. Her "regular girl" beauty and her feminism makes her good FAP material.
>fake flag
>capitalizing FAP twice
how do you do, fellow Sup Forumssters
black girls and strippers change their names to high end alcohol brands
gamer gurls change their names to favorite characters from their fandoms like Buffy or Dr Who side characters
in the what?
Anything to do with 9/11.
Me being the 9 year old at the time (9 years 11 months) was thinking "OH wow this is crazy! I wonder if it'll be in the next history textbook :O"
And look how things were written...
you're right and wrong, ""journalism"" was the fundamental core issue though since none of these ""journalists"" would accurately report on anything. they were found to be colluding with each other, taking bribes and pushing liberal narratives. Most people ignored it until they were the target and then they started to really notice.
The irony is gamergoy would have never even been a thing if the game ""journalists"" would have humored the "controversy" or just ignored it entirely. but instead they dumped fuel on the fire by thinking it a prime opportunity to lecture cis white males on their privilege and roastie meat flaps dindu nuffin.
Most insane? The fact that some people think that there was a moment when Swedes weren't a bunch of faggots
haha, Fin-lad coming in hot. To the burgers you are all lumped into the same category of "european blondes most likely to appear in 80's and 90's Playboy issues" and the men just a necessary cog to power that machine.
>since none of these ""journalists"" would accurately report on anything
I still find it really hard to buy that anyone would care about this ^ happening. Since when was video game journalism something to take seriously (much less a "thing" at all) or even care about in the first place?
It just doesn't jive with me for some reason. Feels 'off'.
The shit about people using it as a platform to lecture people about SJW stuff seems about right though. Not surprised it escalated after that.
That's true for Scandinavians, we didn't do Playboy in the 80's or 90's. If a Nordic country was mentioned it was either Sweden (most of the time) or Norway. ABBA, Nordic people etc. It's only lately that Finland has been actually namedropped there. Frankly, I prefer not being known.
It wasn't, gamergate was a revolt by gamers against sjw's trying to take over and ruin the video game industry. This disgusting cunt zoe quinn whoring herself out to pink haired journalist was just the final straw. It was that kike anita that really got the ball rolling when the raging feminist cunt was revealed to be a total fraud who was just trying to censor video games
>tfw not 1337 enough for Zero Cool
>find it very hard to believe that the gaming community cares enough about journalism to send death threats
you know who else didn't believe it? the FBI who investigated the claims and found nothing.
By far the figure of Pedro de Valdivia.
If you read the history of the spanish conquest, you have Cortez and Pizarro as the great conquistadores and spanish chronology claims pedro de valdivia as the chilean conqueror, truth it's that he lost against the mapuche every time, he lost militarily and eventually lost his life when he was captured, but he was an spanish nobleman, hero of Flandes, example of the spanish pride, so they run with him as chilean conqueror figure anyway, creating our weird shameless native culture.
>Since when was video game journalism something to take seriously
It was enthusiast press coverage, shitting on the very audience they serve to exist. Nobody compares video game coverage writers a.k.a. "games journalists" to Pultizer prize winning writers for NYT for example, but "gaming journalist flows off the tongue better when discussing the writer and field. Ultimately, you just don't shame your audience for being the consumer of a hobby industry and expect there not to be blowback, imagine a train hobby magazine writer calling model train collectors as a whole women-hating assholes for not buying and supporting female model train conductors for their rigs and shaming them for not adopting more modern public transportation like maglev bullet trains which are greener and more progressive models of cost and efficiency. NO, fuck you, I like Lionelâ„¢ 1850s era steam engines
i dont know man, to me Chelsea Van Valkenburg is 100x hotter name than Zoe Quinn
>mapuche brings all the bois to the yard
Do you mean that haggard bitch is in her 30's?
I once had a women tell me that the only reason the Romans never invaded sub-saharan Africa was because the Romans feared the Zulu Warriors.
I didn't even know where to start with explaining just how wrong that was.
the whole "columbus was a genocidal maniac" thing
The issue was that the reporting was becoming integral to games success, with there being manipulation in systems like the metacritic rating. It's one thing to do shit reporting about shit things, but the exposures showed that awards and promotion material was getting funneled away from good projects into circle jerk BS, and anyone calling it out got blackballed. The email group of authors gaming the systems should've been a massive expose, but the MUH VICTIM narrative was too juicy for normies
I was amazed recently to learn how many bombings took place in the US around the year 1972 (from a link here, I think). I knew that there had been some civil strife, protests, and occasional violence, with famous cases like Squeaky Fromme and Kent State, but I had no idea how widespread it was. There was a real, ongoing effort at a violent leftist revolution in this country within my lifetime, and 99% of it has been left out of the history books. Some of the perpetrators even hold well-paid, influential positions now.
I'm in the heart of the ethno state so I'm pretty inspired.
>Since when was video game journalism something to take seriously (much less a "thing" at all) or even care about in the first place?
before the internet it was literally the only way to get info on upcoming games/find out what games where worth buying
turns out not all people are mindless sheep that will just throw $80 away to get the newest game and hope its good, and gamestop and bestbuy do such a shit job stocking shelves that without pre-orders a lot of games become annoying to find
Nothing has made me loathe modern whites more than the way they treat their own history. Everytime I see a white, the knowledge that they are most likely some kind of progressive, makes me want to genocide the entire race
Being told that niggers are human
The one that's pissing me off the most at the moment though is this weird idea that blacks have always been in Britain in a noticeable amount.
whats up senpai
He was a bit though, even his contemporaries thought him cruel. Although I wouldn't call him a genocidal maniac in the modern sense, I'm sure many others would have e acted the same way in his place.
She also named herself after the male hacker (Zer0_C00l/Crash_Override) instead of the actual female hacker (Acid_Burn)
Acid Burn was Tits McGee.
Then "Crash and Burn" for their thing at the end.
>noticeable amount
You make it sound like there were still some of them. Let's just say it, until the colonial people there were no black people in Britain or Europe in general. Period.
Good one. We were all taught that the pilgrims were starving because they were dumb white people who didn't know how to live off the land and were saved by the noble Injuns, when the truth is they were commies who saved themselves by instituting private property and then had a surplus to share with the Injuns. And this mis-teaching didn't come from ignorance, because it's right there in the governor's diary.
Howard Zinn
I'd like to say this. If it wasn't for her, Trump wouldn't have been elected. She and the entire video game media redpilled the shit out of an entire generation. Thank you Zoe.
You are right I highly doubt there were any at all, but it is possible there might have been a few but they would have been curiosity's almost like pets.
She has nudes?
I'm talking about the Middle Ages and maybe Roman times here just to clarify, the idea that any blacks were here during Anglo-Saxon and Celtic times as the BBC likes to push is laughable.
My first modem was 1200 baud. 28.8k was insanely fast.
They're incredibly disappointing. Only worth looking at as a curiosity.
They're back from when she was skinny fat and not thicc.
How new are you?
Good read. Also spreadable:
Feminists are calling "Lord of the Flies" a novel about "toxic masculinity." That seems pretty absurd to me.
Never even heard of this before. I'm gunna read into this, thank senpaitachi.
Right. It started because people found out they weren't just giving games an extra half-star in exchange for freebies, or that kind of thing. They were promoting shit games as masterpieces to an embarrassing degree in exchange for favors or to boost friends. Then when they started doubling down, it also became obvious that the people being promoted were SJWs, so the political angle came out too.
Shitting out his dick. No wonder they're all brown.
Jesus Christ how pretentious. I never even thought to question if Zoe Quinn was a real name or not.
there was undoubtedly a TINY population of Middle Easterners patrolling Hadrian's wall in the 2nd Century AD, but this has allowed leftist historical revisionists to tweet out "Roman Britain was significantly black" and get hundreds of thousands of retweets and likes because it fits the modern narrative about the "heterogeneity of classical cultures"
>I still find it really hard to buy that anyone would care about this ^ happening.
You find it hard to believe that people would be upset that the game they paid $50 for was a piece of shit that got glowing reviews because the developers sucked the reviewers' dicks? Yeah, that's a real puzzler.
Do the left purposely conflate North Africans and Middle Easteners during Roman times with blacks in the sub saharan sense or is it just ignorance?
I'm sure on the grand scale it's just to cause confusion being that no one actually reads books or history anymore. If they get enough people believing the person shouting the loudest, it doesn't matter what the truth really is. This goes for everyone on all sides of the political spectrum.
No kidding. "Chelsea Van Valkenburg" sounds like a camp commandant's hot mistress who spies for the enemy in a war film or something. She got rid of the one interesting thing about her, and then tried to replace it with tats and perversion.
Can't hack the Gibson with that bullshit.
You are right, nobody should have cared that it was happening, but then you have nearly every single video media outlet, almost out of the blue, coming out with almost near identical articles claiming videos games are turning children into monsters and that they all hate women. The reaction and then obvious collusion between every media outlet to denounce their core demographic was what caused people to care, because almost overnight it seemed gamers turned into ISIS in terms of threat level. It was crazy.
How old are you? Tell me you were taught about Patty Hearst at least.
More than a dozen MSM outlets all running with nearly identical "gamers are dead" headlines was a big red-pill moment too. That's when a lot of people realized they weren't just like-minded. They were really passing around talking points, and not even bothering to write unique headlines because that's how unseriously they took gamers. Oops.
Women being oppressed has always smelt like bullshit to me.
Claiming Trump advocated for sexual assault was another massive lie.
Claiming GamerGate was just a bunch of misogynist harassers was just a way for SJWs to avoid criticism.
Slightly. I wasn't trying to list them all. My point was that we were only taught about a few as if they were out of the ordinary, when the truth is bombings and robberies were par for the course, and those few just because famous because famous people were involved.
If they'd really taught history in school, I would have paid a lot more attention.
>If it wasn't for her, Trump wouldn't have been elected.
Don't be a fuckwad. It did have an impact but the number of actual voters influenced was insignificant. Most people don't even know what this shit is.
>Rome fell because of refugees
>Hitler invaded Poland and launched Operation Barbarossa because "he had to."
Modern history is so fucking hilarious in the way that it immediately repeats itself, and shithead SJWs can not grasp that it all makes them glaringly look like the braindead morons that they are.
And then they look twice as stupid when they absolutely can't answer the simplest of fucking questions posed to them.
We need to stop responding to their shit, just move on, they were already dying out, their own shitty side panel that got maybe 100 other people in the room... at a con where some fucking YouTube "celebrities" get literally thousands!
Gamergate proved them worthless, this current spate of barely-news about their continued bullying and harassment of anyone with a bigger voice than them has proven them worthless doubly-so.
We just need to move on, they are already dead in the shark infested water.
Don't forget the textbook prostitution for favor or blackmail of favor that was going down in the background of it all! That got quickly swept under the rug by any MSM that bothered to do their puff pieces on it. Again, all you get is "Well, that's not relevant to the situation." Uh, ya I'm pretty sure selling your vagina for employment perks is pretty relevant part of the argument...
I've got that MSM corporate incest graphic somewhere around here...
Irish were never slaves as only niggers can have been.
Barbary piracy never enslaved ANY white people.
There is a video by MaximumTacos (now unlisted or private) where he shows Zoe calling an IRC chat a Mibbit room or some shit and thinks she is l33t haxing by viewing posts on it lmao at her local Starbucks with a bf near her.
Also they never show just how much worse the conditions were for black slaves brought by Muslim traders.
Being a slave would be awful either way but I would much rather be taken to America to work on a plantation than being taken to an Arab sale market to be sold.