Sup Forums in 2003

>Sup Forums in 2003
>raptor Jesus
>cringy, shitty memes
>liberal bullshit agenda

>Sup Forums in 2017
>Deus Vult
>strong family values

When did everything go so right?

The Obama administration allowed liberals to believe that they had won. The media kept the anti-Christian status quo and enough people were fucking sick of it to the point where they just don't care enough pretend to agree anymore

Just edgy contrarianism and doofus' unable to register satire, same as it ever was.

>When did everything go so right?
>Pope Benedict
>Literally Hitler
>Pope Francis
>Literally Marx
IDK myself...

in 2003 it was still kids posting fan art of naruto transforming into sasuke's ballsack that they drew on lined looseleaf paper on the school bus

>>liberal bullshit agenda
See ive been ehre since 2006 and this site was always right leaning.

Most normie boards are leftist though and have been that way until lately

Nice maymay, faggot

GTFO with your constant recruiting you weirdo Jew lickers

We false flagged ourselves to ascend to the meme realm

We once were investigated by the feds for pedophilia

Now we investigate the feds for pedophilia

We also get better results than they do with lower budgets.


Lol weird innit

Its more fun being the Chad hero than the Virgin villain desu senpai

we grow as a family

age of /x/ is next

Libshits went full commie: A self-cucking idiology.

Based amerindian mocking the mediterranean cult to the dead jew.

>not overthrowing the international banking cartel over at
Step it up

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>Mix in /fit/, porn and Sup Forums depending on preference
This is the path that one must take to understand memes

This. Was explaining to my wife just like with Obama, things have to get worse, before they get better. The inevitable chimp out when a teen bean gets ICED by ICE may be the catalyst. I was surprised after dallas that the backlash didn't come, but it will, you can cut the tension with a fucking knife.

i knew it, fucking bitcoins. gib

Because having morals and legit manners is now seen as a backwards counter culture.
/we/ have always been anti-normie, but now normies are so degenerate that being a rational thinking adult is the only way to rebel against the system.
Actually feels pretty good.

people grew up

Tfw the pope will literally be put to death by the same shit skins he's advocating for within 10 years, and we use this to weaponize South America against the muslims, it's going to be beautiful. So many problems solving themselves.


>we use this to weaponize South America against the muslims
Hey, whatyadoin paco?

The collective chimp out of shitty socialist brown pope dying would be amazing

>Catholic satan worshipping
Enjoy Hell

"For if we are still practicing Judaism, we admit that we have not received God’s favor…it is wrong to talk about Jesus Christ and live like Jews. For Christianity did not believe in Judaism, but Judaism in Christianity."
~St. Ignatius of Antioch (98-117 A.D.)

"Take heed to yourselves and be not like some piling up you sins and saying that the covenant is theirs as well as ours. It is ours, but they lost it completely just after Moses received it."
~Epistle of Barnabas, 4:6-7

"We may thus assert in utter confidence that the Jews will not return to their earlier situation, for they have committed the most abominable of crimes, in forming this conspiracy against the Savior of the human race…hence the city where Jesus suffered was necessarily destroyed, the Jewish nation was driven from its country, and another people was called by God to the blessed election."
~Origen of Alexandria (185-254 A.D.)

"The synagogue is worse than a brothel…it is the den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beasts…the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults…the refuge of brigands and dabauchees, and the cavern of devils. It is a criminal assembly of Jews…a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ… a house worse than a drinking shop…a den of thieves, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, the refuge of devils, a gulf and a abyss of perdition."…"I would say the same things about their souls… As for me, I hate the synagogue…I hate the Jews for the same reason."
~John Chrysostom (344-407 A.D.)

"How hateful to me are the enemies of your Scripture! How I wish that you would slay them (the Jews) with your two-edged sword, so that there should be none to oppose your word! Gladly would I have them die to themselves and live to you!"
~St. Augustine (c. 354-430 A.D.)

>>Catholic satan worshipping

it's all about edgy culture, nowadays it's edgy to like Jesus

>Origen of Alexandria
Guy who died after cutting his own balls becouse jesus told him to. Great moral authority, m8.
Show your flag.

>pedophile image board
>>strong family values

and it's edgy to tell people that they're edgy right?

Hnnnngh just finished that contra points video, I love how he realizes how fucked he is and just black pulls his audience and then try's to reason with them.

Look, your already starting to plan chopping of your cock, and you are trying to sound rational to a bunch of people who are entirely emotionally driven and just as if not more emotionally damaged than you, good luck, but lol.

Being liberal was'nt counter culture anymore.

I am only stating the truth. Enjoy Hell, heretic.

sorry, I lost that drawing long ago, think my mom threw it out

People learn through experience. If you have experienced judeo-marxist rule you only live to kill as many of them as you can.

Preach me the Truth then. You have your chance.

when we started shaming the fedoras into joining us or leaving to plebbit.

Young white people tried to give shitskins a chance and we got pic related. Never again.

>yfw pedobear and loli haet pizza may may's were code language by jewish american elites using Sup Forums as hunting ground
Even /soc/ mods were pedo's
By 2005 any underaged Sup Forumstard that had over a few thousand posts (thus giving them a profile of yourself) would be contacted by strangers
Luckily i never gave in to their requests but i imagine lonely dumb kids would believe these pedo kikes larping as your 4chin soulmate trying to hook up

Why u think Sup Forums got closed?

Care to point me to a church that ISN'T pro-shitskin?

Bullshit. The guy fawkes face fags were extremely left-wing.

It was a different political landscape back then. Bush years had preachers talking about evils of pokemon and evolution, neocons were at the hight of their power.

this. The right were 100% jew puppets at that time.

This, honestly, after we win we have to shut down Sup Forums for good. We are always anti-status-quo, whoever is in charge is a nigger faggot

nobody ever 'wins' in a democracy, the struggle is eternal.

Nobody ever wins period in a democracy. We need to return to the Republic model or get rid of the state all together. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule and even then the mob gets fucked.

Read: Democracy: the God that died

I remember it being libertarian to right leaning myself. It has become so different.

> be an extreamist personality type
> start out as normie
> go furthest Left as possible (dude weed, God is not real, fap fap fap)
> hook up culture is lonely, hang overs hurt, faping makes me feel bad afterwards
> realize there is no hope or light in that direction
> find Christ
> go Right
> go furthest Right, because lol still an extreamist
> make Trad friends who went the same path I am walking
> quit drugs, booze, fapping
> get nice job with nice future
> meet Tradwife
> save money
> live in nice house with green grass instead of apartment with niggers
> hot food instead of fast food
> milk makes my arms feel good
> lifting makes me feel good
> the bible is a really good book
> turns out I really enjoy learning about the mechanical operations of classic cars and shooting firearms
> classical literature excites me more han television stcoms
> Porn disgusts me now
> Trump is my President (how fucking cool is that!?!)

For once in my life I am /comfy/

And they still try to convince you that cosmo city is where it's at, and you are a disgusting suburbanite with too many kids.
This is why I want them all dead.

it all went good until "trump is my president"

Most of us are just contrarian by nature

Exactly the same as me, but at the part where you started turning your life around, I just bottomed out. Fucking hate my life, planning on how to kill myself while taking as many fucking stinking paki cunts with me. And kikes obviously


>annoying faggots push the shittiest meme void of any substance
>everyone slowly leaves and you are remembered as obnoxious losers

>liberal bullshit agenda
never happened

I was always right wing. You are all still cucks to me


The cure to nihilism is to jump into the abyss and see what is at the end

>>Deus Vult
>>strong family values
Kill yourself.