What should I expect?

What should I expect?

Is Thurnovich /ourguy/?

Expect autistic leftist people to try and shut him down.

>Ithlam ith a death cult
>diverthity ith code for white genothide
>buy my bookth



Concernovich trolling so he can seel bookszchz

being manipulated by Jews

Muslims killing him and diverse people yelling "kill whitey".


Cernovoch was bluepilled as fuck until Sup Forums relentlessly bombarded him with hate facts and hitler did nothing wrong.

If he goes full 1488, death to the jews then he will be our guy. Until then, no. He's repeated the anti white agenda too many times for there to be trust.

Expect event to be cancelled.


>white nationalist

haha good one leftypol

Nice digits that repeat and a perfect representation of the gorillian mind set.

Stay near an exit so that you can escape any violence.

Expect your usual riot since they broadcast this crap on the net for the sole purpose of inciting one.

He's right.
Read the Quran and find out for yourself.


Cernobitch is a snake oil rat. He's betrayed everyone he's claimed to support in the past and disavowed any good stuff he says. Fucking faggot. I hope some antifa fuck him up bad, great optics for our side.

>i took a loan and now i have to pay it back what the fuck?
Why do Americans do this? You dont see this shit anywhere else, why are American teenagers so easily duped into taking loans they cant afford and why arent their parents stopping them?
I legit want to know

Cuck supreme won't have the balls to say anything off the sort in public
Prove me wrong thernovich

>hamgalaxies having actual heart attacks caused by P320-style triggering
>their inner black holes block the entry path, because they consumed less energy staying there than getting any further in the room where the speech takes place
>they start decomposing FAST from the diverse and vast ecosystem they usually shelter
>erryone suffocates from the hellish fumes of their entropic death
>a new universe with pristine timeline and sheeiiit is born
what you'll live to see sure won't be a pretty sight, but there's hope in errything