Why am I not a leftist muslim lover SJW?

>Muslim immigrant from Russia
>7 years old came to Belgium
>Friends are white
>Hate Islam
>Hate religion in general but I want to protect crosses and christian artworks of Europe because they're awesome
>Would vote Trump
>Don't like rapefugees
>Want Europe to have more western and european stuff such as cathedrals, statues, paintings etc etc in stead of removing all for diversity sake
>Pro Assad
>Always trying to red pill parents, friends, brother
>All countries should preserve and uphold their traditions, culture and history

Why am I like this? I should be pro-immigrants, pro-diversity and al of this shit right? Is it because of Sup Forums ?

Also AMA refugee in Belgia.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just because you see the superiority of Western culture doesn't mean that you belong here.

You're probably just mesmerized by the consumerism of the West. If we were as poor as Russia or China you'd fuck off elsewhere.

Actually, you should just fuck off period. We're full.

In other words, you're a . They trained you well, doggy!

Hey OP, meant to say you're a cuckold, which you unequivocally are

Yes, You are taking the place of some poor nog that will start a never ending chain of benefits sucking, crime producing member of society that Belgium wants.

When are you going back?

You have to go back shitskin. No exceptions.

yж пoйди нa poдинy

Forget the idiots, the difference between the East and the West is that Christianity in the East doesn't automatically view you as a subhuman.
That's why your people weren't exterminated in Russia during the last 500 years, although there have been many conflicts.
Westerners will eventually turn on you, no matter if you even converted to Catholicism or Protestantism.

Wew lad

Muslim is not an ethnic group.

> the West

Your country literally exports nothing but prostitutes

Tell that a Westerner. They can only coexist if they are oppressed under Communism.

Because you do not come from a bourgeois background.

SJWism and leftism is for teenagers and faggots that never had to work a day in their lives, yet.

>pic fucking related

Are you chechen?

Why do you consider your political positions abnormal?

It's most likely some chechen who bailed Caucasus because of local infighting and will be killed by rivals if he returns. There is surprisingly a lot of them.


I'm white as fuck



exception to the rule mate. unfortunately we have a lot of work to do... only 1,699,999,999 more cult members to help.

That's Lithuania you retard...



>from caucasus
>probably as hairy as monkey
white. sure
just off yourself nigger

Yeah, wanted to say Bulgaria originally but i'v corrected myself

Further immigration never helps anyone in the country they migrate too. It pushes down the price of labour. Maybe you just arnt retarded.

How does it feel knowing your sister sells herself to Turkish sex tourists in German brothels, you faggot subhuman?

There are many regions in Russia where Muslims have lived for centuries, like Tatarstan or Bashkortostan which are not located in the Caucasus.
Some of them are among the richest regions in Russia.


every single muslim is a subhuman who needs to be gassed

>This is what peak female performance looks like

So many white babies would beborn if all women looked like this

Your homosexuality is disgusting to me.
How can a person even have a folder with this stuff on his computer?

Hah if I would have a sister I would say I don't give a fuck. It would be her problem.

I'm not a muslim tho..?

>Some of them are among the richest regions in Russia.
Only because Russia sends them gibs

Racially you're Arab. You have no role to play in the West.

What do you vote for?

>abandon your heritage
>abandon your people
>leech off another people and desperately hope to be accepted as white


Tatarstan is highly industrialised (last time I checked even the highest industrialised region in Russia), this is not about gibs.
If you complain about them mining minerals or exploiting oil wells, agriculture or aeroplane/automobile industry then send the same complaint to Norway niggers who do the same shit.

>even the highest industrialised region in Russia)
It isnt. Tatars are the only decent Muslims. And tatarstan is the least Muslim of the Muslim regions. They're more of an exception than a rule

Good you can go back there. Bye


I recognize that bulge.

I want to lick her tummy

It looks even better while they're running.

That shit shouldn't be right, you have to stand up for the native Europeans. Tell them that they are native Europeans, tell them that native Europeans have the right to exist.

Also comes in Extra Strength flavor
