Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Cute Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.



You got me, I don't have any friends but at least I'm not a fucking poorfag like you.


Link deserves to be spread in social media

So jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische.
Wieviel Prozent wird die AfD bekommen?

Wenn ihr den Saustall hier aufräumt, geh ich auch arbeiten. Versprochen!


So ungefähr drei fuffzich.


don´t forget to hit the gym or workout outnin other ways user

thats not the point, i am about to start studying and i will get some bafög, but it won't be enough unfortunately. but working and studying at university at the same time is stressful.
more soziale gerechtigkeit is definitely needed. and afd is for more open markets and less state. Sometimes regulations are needed, we can't let greedy corporations, which only interest is high profits, get the best of us. mindestlohn hat auch keine millionen arbeitslosen beschert, sondern im gegenteil die arbeitnehmerrechte stark verbessert. Ein U das keinen Mindeslohn zahlen KANN, hat keine Existenzberechtigung und sollte den laden dicht machen.

Also I get the feeling that our efforts on twitter do not reach as big of a audience as they should. We should consider ways to increase penetration of our memes.
Twitter is only the number 19 of websites in Germany according to alexa, and its hard to get audience if you don't already have many followers. An idea would be to get somebody - some web celeb on board, but I am not into this, maybe somebody else knows an option?

Reddit is number 13 in Germany, but there are only cucks in it. But these would actually be people whose mind is to change.

Facebook is number 4, but you probably don't have the balls to spread the memes on your real account, do you?


>Alexa web site ranking:

the only real alternative is DM

>being pissed because you were born in a poor family.
>oh no the real world is so harsh
everyone that is born into a rich family, is rich because his ancestors did work hard user. you are the first in your cicle to eat a lot of shit. studying while barely being able to make ends meet. but you will get rewrded if you work hard and you will be able to offer your children a better lifestyle or at least give them the tools to make it through university. i just hope you study MINT

Make the choice boooiiiis

>am about to start studying
That's explains why you talk so much bullshit. You just got your Abi and now you fag think you know exactly how the world works. You don't even have to pay tuition fees and still you are complaining like a little bitch.

Man oh man die Kinder werden auch von Generation zu Generation dümmer.

afd is run by a child snatching lesbian.
afd is supposed to be against the marxist camp.
it's jut cucking central.
lol, fuck germanistan.

>5. Pharmakartell entmachten, förderung der alternativen Heilmethoden
just fuck off already you fucking piece of shit. this esoterism bullshit sucks dick so hard, i live in a esoteric family and they are so detached from the world, they barely know what´s going on in the real world because i tell them. and than the bullshit with alternative medicine. i tell you, it doesn´t work. it is just some feel good stuff, but if you are very ill you still have to go and see a doctor. alternative medicine is just as usefull as Haushaltsheilmittel, while being expensive as fuck.

also your charts mentions nothing about immigration. your gay ass alternative partie is craving the refugee cuck, because they want to tend to everyones feelings.

Good grief even the far-right ads look like Democrat Party ads in Germany. Someone please get these people a new color scheme.

100%, jedenfalls von mir.

>everyone that is born into a rich family, is rich because his ancestors did work hard user. you are the first in your cicle to eat a lot of shit. studying while barely being able to make ends meet. but you will get rewrded if you work hard and you will be able to offer your children a better lifestyle or at least give them the tools to make it through university. i just hope you study MINT

i beg to differ, money generates money, not work. the illusion hard work=millionaire is simply not true. thats why the rich get richer and the poor poorer. Money generates more money. we life in a society that has the means to support the underprivileged, thats why germany is a social state. I dont want to say that everything sucks, but we could do much better!

no, i dont know how it works, i just see injustice that could be ended with a little more effort. and you think just because your older, from an older generation your much smarter and generalize all people from a younger generation as stupid? that is what i call stupid.

11. No word on refugees because we are faggots: JA!

here, they are against it.

Reminder for AfD is a vote for integration and mongrel Germany.

Vote for SPD is exposure of cucks and acceleration of collapse

see here, they are against migration.

Does none of you fggts take the meme war seriously?

>its hard to get audience if you don't already have many followers
Follow and reply (preferably immediately) to big news accounts like ARD, ZDF, FAZ, Spiegel etc., this way you basically hijack their audience, at least those that open the tweet and/or want to comment themselves.
Keep an eye on the currently trending hashtags and try to make relevant posts. E.g. Yesterday, it was #Schulstart or something, great opportunity to post anything regarding children (a future for German children, majority of children under 6 in big cities are migrants, no more gender-nonsense in school etc.)

Funghis, neger und ölaugen werden erst nach der Machtergreifung rigoros ausgegast.
t. wissender

Sorry I missed your post because I was arguing with a underage commie.

Twitter seems to be a lost cause in Germany, it's heavily dominated by lefties.

We could try to hijack trends but we need at least 500 Accounts for that.

I'm not too familiar with FB but I assume we could reach more manipulable normies there.

>i beg to differ, money generates money, not work. the illusion hard work=millionaire is simply not true. thats why the rich get richer and the poor poorer. Money generates more money. we life in a society that has the means to support the underprivileged, thats why germany is a social state. I dont want to say that everything sucks, but we could do much better!
you are just too young user.
a friend of mine is the son of a teacher. the teacher gave him the skills to study like a madman. he is now going to finish masters degree in Elektrotechnik and will earn 100k € in no time. companies try to hire him directly.
i did grow up in a workers family, my parents didn´t help me a lot with school. i am an intermediate student and i will earn a intermediate wage, because the other gifted in my university simply out do me. i got a better student over the last few years, but it took me a very long time, while the better ones are already far ahead in the money game. but i learned how to study and will teach my children how to be a good student. i broke the circle of my family, by being the first one to get a B.Sc.
i don´t blame the others for being better, i blame myself for not realising sooner what is important in the worklife

The best way to spread something is mouth to mouth. A good Idea is to shill against MSM and Altparteien to build trust. Once you managed to build up trust you can start to slowly advertise the AfD by talking about how you prefer Meuthen over Höcke. I convinced lots of people to stop demonising the AfD that way and maybe convinced some to give them their vote.

Postironisches Hitler did nothing wrong posting ist die Zukunft. Markiert meine Worte. Krautneger brauchen halt einfach immer ein bisschen länger bei sowas.

Christoph Hörstel - 'Deutsche Mitte' wählen & nicht die Populisten der AFD* !!!Letzte Warnung!!!

is klar, die werden sicher versuchen die flüchtlinge die da sind zu integrieren anstatt sie rauszuschmeisen. deine party ist ein meme und du sollst dich mal von hier verpissen und lieber studieren gehen


I want to go to Germany for the wekeend and I need some recommendations about which city should I choose. White german majority please, thank you

Finally someone who gets it. You need the right motivation to achieve something in life.

would be ok if its a meme that hammers home point beutifully, but triggers outrage in radical left circles

Culture or partying?


Culture mostly. Thanks

look at nervously ticking maaslet when crime-rates are discussed
people should pick up on that, at least with a little memetic help?

Can't wait for the AfD to shake up the Bundestag.

Fuck the EU. Fuck Merkel. Fuck Schulz.

>Deutsche "Mitte"

I would recommend Dresden or Munich. Munich is more expensive and less white though.

Do you get into relevancy? I mean, we should at reach some 10,000 people per post, but I still get nowhere near that.
(sub 2000, normally 200 to 500)

Idea: We follow each other, to like and retweet to get into the trends, or at higher positions in the answers to tweets.
To coordinate this, we could all follow one account, and then follow all the followers (so each other).

THIS, know your targets:
1) disgruntled cdu voters
refrain from afd because of msm stigmatization
argument: you are not voting for afd govenment, but voting afd to uncuck cdu from merkle
2) women
argument: security concerns (needs work)

3) non voters
they think voting doesn't matter anyway
argument: the obvious concerted stigmatization campaigns by the established parties and msm DISPROVE(!!) that

the graphic shows the migrant population.

>Culture mostly.
i live at the lake of constanz (Bodensee). it is more for old people to relax but it is one of the most beauty locations in germany. rural bavaria is very beutiful. generally we have lots of old castles and cathedrales thorugh out bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. if you are near bavaria i advise to visit the Königsschlösser (but their might be a lot of tourists atm).

i get your point. learn how to study.
but on the other hand a lot of people have different skills,
some are good with physics and math,
other people are great with other humans.
Elektrotechnik - 100k Einstiegsgehalt von mir aus
Soziale Arbeit - 30k Einstiegsgehalt.
Is this fair? the importance of both is undeniable and why does one have to fear of finding a place to stay, or not being able to make vacation?

in der eigenen blase leben, ach wie herrlich.
Integration ist bei den kulturellen unterschieden extrem schwierig. war ja schon nach dem krieg schwierig katholiken und protestanten zusammen zuführen.

Anything in Thüringen,Sachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt

Everyone (your typical Social or Christ Democrat) that I got to watch Meuthen talk really likes him.

Thanks, I just want to see a little bit of The German culture without too much of the multicultural shit.

Life isn't fair.

Some people are smarter than other, some are beautiful some are ugly. Some have a small dick other a giant.

People aren't equal! Your goal in life should be to make the most out of your personal possibilities.

If you spend your life with crying about how unfair everything is you will achieve nothing. And no, the government shouldn't force equality. We tried that already and it failed horribly.

how do you like pic related from OPs links?
Is it to aggressive? Not aggressive enough?

Here is a challenge:
How to help rural demographies (where everything seems fine) see the the developing urban problems.
Urban people like to pride themselves in their cosmopolitan supremacy, even if they have to close theur eyes for that.

wohin mit den völlig unbegabten niggerkindern und den frisch ausgeschissenen kanacken die überall die Innenstadt verstopfen ?


B.Eng. Elektrotechnik here, 52k!

IG Metall (höchster Einstieg für Ingenieure) ca. 58k.

Dream on.

Habe heute ein Sezessionabo abgeschlossen.

Welche Printmedien lest ihr (regelmäßig)?

Lyrik? Prosa?



Habe das Handelsblatt seit Jahren abonniert.

>implying that image doesn't make every girls pussy wet

auch Kubitschek , krautchan , politikquatsch und div. Fachzeitungen reaktionär Doe ist auchganz gut

You dont go to the University, to make Money or study knowledge, but rather you want to become an activist (except for the good Fields), so why should i pay for you, to become an activist, with the good fields you get your money back in no time.

The "greedy corperation" or better called big buisnesses want minimum wage and regulation, because they can pay the worker and lawyers to get it working.

So you say that you hate big corp., but also say that small buisnesses shouldnt survive.
Automisation is on an all time high, because nobody want to employ an entiteled wagecuck like you.

Maybe you want to be an eternal worker, but i have the chance of self employment, because i lerned something usefull in school.

>Elektrotechnik - 100k Einstiegsgehalt von mir aus
>Soziale Arbeit - 30k Einstiegsgehalt.
>Is this fair? the importance of both is undeniable
like i said user, you need to understand what is important in the worklife. you need skills, that everybody needs. their are little people that are good at MINT, but everybody needs them. the salary is justified. social work can only get paid so much, after all they depend on the companies that make the most money (technology and consumerism). these produce output and pay the taxes the social workers need. we are already taxes so high, my parents have their own family companie. every euro my fathers earns get taxed up to 60%
60% to pay social workers, streets, education and so on.
from the remaining 40 percent he must pay the wages of his employees.
i am personally very sad that social staff gets paid so little and i rather would have them earn more. but where do you get the money from? the spd always talks about Krankenschwester and never gets shit down. your meme partie wants implement much more expensive alternative medicine and raise the wages and such. this doesn´t work user. you will see yourselve

too agressive for a LARP, needs to have SOME subtlety.
please, try the suggested one, my photofagging skills are in a sorry state.
believe this: there are a lot of desperate souls in cdu, rationalizing merkle atm.
Looks like they won't reach 500k within 9 days


Königstein in Saxony. East Germany has less refugees except in big cities.

ja , schon , allerdings könnte man auch die Libyer beauftragen kazettähnliche Kazetts in der Wüste aufzubauen ; via Internet würde der zahlende Kunde Folterbefehle geben und seinen Feierabend genießen . neger gibts ja genug

Also according to the BKA:

In 2016:
> 4,326 refugees became victims offences by Germans
> 31,597 Germans became victims of refugees
Straftaten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung durch Deutsche.
>67 refugees became sexually harassed by germans (Straftaten gegen sexuelle Selbstbestimmung)
>2,496 Germans became victims of sexual offences by asylum seekers.

Also 100k Einstiegsgehalt als Elektrotechniker hier in Deutschland wären mir neu. Als geselle gibt es meines Wissens 35k, als Bachelor 45k, als Meister 60k und als Master 60k als Einstiegsgehalt in einem durchschnittlichen Unternehmen. Dieses Gehalt steigt dann in den ersten 5 Jahren um etwa 50%.

Als Sozialarbeiter gibt es ein kleineres Gehalt. Das ist sicher so. Dafür sind die Arbeitsbedingungen und Vergünstigungen Top, die Schulungen sind extrem einfach und es gibt eine dicke pension.

>Some people are smarter than other, some are beautiful some are ugly. Some have a small dick other a giant.
the first redpill one most take. i was poisened with the delusion that everybody must be treated equal, no matter what. it is simply not possible, i can´t even do it myself.
>this guy smells like shit, must be his poor circumstances
>better treat him nice, because we are all equal
>and now, better go somewhere else to breath

>10,000 people per post
You're overestimating German Twitter. Look at the parties themselves, and those are retweets in one whole month.

You won't get into trends with just a little circlejerk, and the positions in answers are determined by an algorithm, at least on US Twitter, that's why conservatives rarely get top spots e.g. on Trump replies.

You can follow ReconquistaGer or various AfD accounts and then go wild among their followers and add them.

They collected over 50k (over 1k from Anons)'in the last 24 hours.

In this thread we already collected another 260€

does no other german see how these controlled opposition "parties" are just incredibly detrimental to actual white people?
you don't fucking TELL the shitskins and other mongel-mutts your plans like
> hur make white babies
> hurr be proud
AS IF that's gonna change anything
you just have a civil war one day and gas entire districts
if you vote for controlled opposition you're a retard, vote mainline and accelerate the process whilst denouncing all these alt-lite-tier startup bullshit nationalists, they're all traitors
if you're white and you need a fucking party to tell you to start bredding, you're the kind of guy who's gonna get sent to a KZ anyways, just so you know

das bka wird von Freimaurern gesteuert , die Bastarde lügen jede Statistik zurecht ; allein heute hatten wir an einer norddeutschen Gesamtschule 19 Übergriffe durch kanacken und nigger , immer öfter machen sich diese miesen Minderleister an kleine Mädchen heran - Meldung an die Lollizei ? nein ; "DAS klärt die Schule intern" . Vergast das Bolschewistenpack

Warum Lybiarn den Spaß überlassen wenn wir das hier mit den 360000 Ausreiseflichtigen und Millionen von Türken machen können?

>try the suggested one
You mean

yeah Elektrotechnik is a special case. my friend did a Dualstudium. he was offered 60000€ jsut after he got his Bachelor. He will hit the 100k in no time. basically. everybody that is good in MINT stuff will earn 60000k+ after a few years and probably much more (at least in west germany)

stimmt , wenigsten die nigger ohne Papiere sind ja gar nicht richtig real , die könnte man in einem unterirdischen Fun-Park Folterknast verschwinden lassen .

Es ist vermutlich deutlich mehr da man über die nicht aufgeklärten Fälle keine Aussage über den Aufenthaltsstatus machen kann.

Wtf is their problem? No wonder Hitler invaded.

How do you know of these incidents?
The parents don't go to the police?

yeah that one, or at least a similar theme like
if you want good old trusty cdu back, vote afd
(to make them see they got to uncuck and they are loosing out by further tolerating HER)

1000 years of cucking damage you. Poland was and will be always russias and Germanys little bitch.

Hmm gut zu wissen. Und ich dachte schon ich wäre mit meinen 70000€ nach dem BWL Bachelor gut bedient.

Important to point that out after yesterdays "most violent crime is among themselves"; put into ethnic perspective in comparison to Germans. If you're a German woman and get raped, it won't be of much solace if someone tells you "But they rape their own women even more!"

no, support smaller businesses, and make big corps pay good wages and taxes.
let automation take over - implement universal income for all citizens.

sometime they do so - few weeks later the results of their kids suddenly becomes lousy . anyway : if the headmaster decides to "solve" probs with shitskns and niggers most parents do not dare to argue with him , this is for me a sign of bolchewist rule . turcs have by definition the "right" to terrorize kids , - what am I writing here - check Berlin Hamburg and FFM

Also ne esoterische Spasti Partei.

Dann verhandel mal mit deinem Chef 5 Jahre hintereinander 10% Gehaltserhöhung. Viel Glück.

Das Verhältnis des Geldes, dass man der Geschäftsführung einbringt und des Geldes, was man letztendlich dafür bekommt, ist sehr schlecht.

Zusätzlich werden jegliche Gewinne oder erarbeitete Leistungen nur an Shareholder und Top Manager ausgezahlt, man kriegt jedes Jahr den Standardbonus.

50% der Leute werden befristet angestellt.

Die einzigen, die das noch nicht realisiert haben, sind die 40+ Jahre alten mit Tarifverträgen die sich auf dem Erbe ihrer Eltern ausruhen.

das ist verdammt gut bedient mit bwl. wie hast du das gemacht? irgendeine obermacker Firma? warst du einer der besten Studenten?

Ich hab jetzt ein Probeabo der Jungen Freiheit bestellt (Druckausgabe).

For some hashtags you only need 10-20 likes to get into the trends. German twitter is kinda dead.

>"But they rape their own women even more!"
That was just a pure lie.

>Bei den Straftaten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbe-
stimmung wurden 486 Asylbewerber/Flüchtlin-
ge Opfer einer Tat mit mindestens einem tatver-
dächtigen Zuwanderer.

>486 refugee on refugee sexual crimes
>2.496 refugee on German sexual crimes
(from same paper, page 38).

Ist nicht schlecht, hatte im Frühjahr das Probeabo bestellt.

macht alles besser als afd, will pharma einschränken --> eso spasti partei..
bist du ein pharma big corp shill? fuck off.

oh man zu gut

5% Hürde sagt dir aber schon was oder? Wähl die AfD wenn du nicht komplett beschränkt bist.

>Lieber den Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Dach

I will try my best, but first some fresh air for me.
See you later.

Needs shopped nigger hands