Why does the alt-right support the very thing, (((capitalism))), which brings about the downfall of the West?

Why does the alt-right support the very thing, (((capitalism))), which brings about the downfall of the West?

the alt-right is actually a mix of fascists and capitalists, that image was clearly made by a commie lol

The absolutely SJWery of capitalism was blinded by the fact that the Left hate capitalism.
It blinded me for years. I thought capitalism was naturally rightwing, given how Darwinian it was and how much the Left railed against it.

I think the capitalism we are all being sold is the crony capitalism. The bankers litterly own everything and kill off any competition they want like Gaddafi in Libia when he was going to change the market in his country or something

I think diversity is the reason societies fail.

Capitalism as you understand it doesn't exist if you abolish usury.
Opposition to usury is shared among nearly everyone on the far right

downfall of west was a bunch of lazy rednecks not picking their own cotton.

reject jewish controlled marxism
reject jewish controlled capitalism
embrace the third position, the white man's position

Capitalism asks if you want to be under the boot, fascism gives you no option.

how the fuck did fascism become a right-wing ideology? Fascism is extremist (and retarded) Socialism.

Most fascist governments have lifted key socialist policies

Kill yourself autistic lefty/pol/ neckbeard. Also Sup Forums is not altkike fuck off

Why alter the image when it's already near the peak of beta naturally?

People always see someone with something they don't have and they get jelly.

But look at things from a perspective.

40 years ago no one could afford a color TV, now the poorest person can get an iPhone.

People used to starve in America, now we have an obesity epidemic.

Capitalism provides people with a greatly improved lifestyle, the only problem is that decadence makes people lazy and unmotivated.

However, I don't see this as a problem with capitalism, I see it as a cultural problem. We need "cultural-fascism" where people are dedicated to self improvement and improving the nation while staying dedicated to traditions.

However, establishing any kind of statist government (communism, fascism, etc) is fucking stupid.

Yes but that's retarded because usury is required in order to incentivice loaning money otherwise you're just loaning money to receive the same amount back which will be worth less due to inflation.

But I'm not a Communist.

I simply recognise the (((alt-right))) for what it is.

Yeah that's how it kinda works in the US.
Europe has a system that has more long term potential, imo.
Lack of rights and wages will destroy the us market.

If you weren't some retarded commiecuck shill you would know that fascism isn't pro capitalism and supports a third position when it comes to economics.

Real capitalism doesn't have a leg stomping on the people.
It has every individual running their own business producing their own goods.

Low IQs. Same problem as always.

Do Sup Forums mods postlock threads now or something?

Capitalism didn't destroy the west.

The descent into marxism did.

Yeah that's complete and total bullshit. Muh college safe spaces! didn't destroy the West. Greed did. That's what destroyed the economies of the West over and over again, that's what destroyed the environment GLOBALLY, that's what made anglos hyperpartisan retards - so they'd keep shilling for reaganomics.

It's a cunning plan to gas them all when time comes.

Jews and there plans for white genocide are what's bringing down the west

>Money is evil! You don't need it! T-that's why you should give it to ME! Yeah!

Take your gigantic hooknose and take a hike, preferably off a cliff or into a gas chamber

You must be a kid.

What are trade unions what are trade agreements what are licenses what are regulations

theyre all communist and theyre all designed to destroy capitalism, and theyre all in place now

Typically condescending leftwing pussy. I like the way you faggots ignore the fact that niggers vote the same way you do and have lower IQs than anyone else. You do realise that there's nothing remotely intelligent about the way you vote right? You do realise that you vote democrat because you're a complete pussy right?

Nice redefinition of fascism, freddo.

because at least there's party balloons and clowns under capitalism

Good goy, just watch the destruction of your culture and family for cheaper iPhones!

>This brainlet actually thinks Marxism is the driving force of migration

No, you're a fucking retard. The world has always been greedy and government like that of the USSR have done far more environmental damage than any corporation ever had, just look at the Aral Sea. Faggots like you were indoctrinated in safe spaces so now you feel the need to defend them like the massive faggot you are. Capitalism help the west rise, safe spaces are helping to turn us into a bunch of ignorant faggot pussies like you

Fixed user

Capitalism and Bolshevism are the two sides of the same international Jewish coin.


If capitalism is destroying the west, then what built it?

redditor "skeptic" detected

Who said it was built? What built cancer? What built Syphilis epidemics? Anglo-germanic kikes never built anything but giant concrete and glass tombstones in memory of everything they've destroyed.

Socialism is our life, Socialism is our belief,

I believe in the party, Socialism is the only way!

We will take it from the rich and give it to the poor,

We will introduce higher taxes for those who have more,

For everyone must give his money and strength to build our Socialist motherland!

And if they refuse, gulags await them and they will pay anyway!

They will say they are political prisoners, but they were just selfish!

Did America just hit 50 million people in poverty? Oh that's a new record. And machines replacing workers? No more jobs? Only 120 millions fully employed out of 320 millions? Sounds like a breeding ground for SOCIALIST REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH!

>Treating capitalism as an ideology rather than an economic system

Exactly. Capitalism is a religion which demands blind obedience.

It's just a fucking economic system, not a complete ideology. Saying it requires complete obedience is a fucking laughh given that its associated ideology, liberalism, is the only one of the big three modern ideologies that isn't totalitarian.


So you want Reagan's America.

You should probably read up on Facist corporatism before you accuse people of redefining things you know nothing about.

Wealthiest countries are those that have high taxes such as Finland and Japan. They have the best infrastructure and safe employment.

Leftists go on about feels over reals since you have zero understanding of the economy. Stop living in a world of theory.

Yes Brit, just move to a third-world shithole and the food will magically end up in your lap. Capitalism will feed you, house you, educate you, and give you the space to thrive, only asking you to help serve your fellow man. But nah man fuck work, I'd rather starve xdd

Fuck off, we don't need you, commie

Trade unions are needed though, as much of a capitalist as I am. No one wants China's level of employment where they're pretty much indentured servants.

No argument, just emotional fedora tipping hogwash. Fuck you and your welfare state. Go run off with Corbyn and Sanders, you mong

Automation is something inevitable. The economic system will have to be restructured eventually. I wouldn't tie it in to a capitalism vs communism argument.

>consumer-protection regulation is now communism

Hope you get some glass in your next meal

Taxes work in those countries better since they're the size of Delaware. High gibs in the US would murder the middle class.

You literally don't understand what you're talking about. We are where we are because of shit like this blurring the lines between socialism and social liberalism, making it easy for the ACTUAL FUCKING MARXISTS to infiltrate and promote socialism.

Capitalism is fine (more than fine--hugely productive) as long as it's regulated in order to ensure competition. The problem isn't capitalism-- the problem is monopolies and central banks.

In other words, the problem is Jews. Not capitalism.

Automation makes it necessary that the workers who are thrown out of work are taken care of. That can only be the job of the state, through taxes. Socialist state is the one that uses taxes to redistribute the wealth, and bring means of production under democratic control so they don't just serve to enrich the capitalists who replace workers.

Greed built america you dumb cunt.

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are full of literally penniless immigrants building empires of industry.

Then useless cunts like you waltzed in and stomped all over actual progress.

I am not suggesting taxes on the middle class, but taxes on the wealthy.

With just plain old fascism, you don't get clowns and balloons, wtf I love capitalism now.



This is why Yugoslavia did well under market socialism. It derived from Catholic distributism, which allowed an extent of competitive markets to exist within a sphere of collectivism to prevent monopolies and megacorps from fucking over the working and middle class. Leftists can only think in theory, but not in practice. Too much philosophical diatribe without any sense of economics.
It's also no wonder Stalin tried to get rid of Tito for his "revisionism" to Marxist doctrine and refusal for joining the Warsaw Pact. Even communists still loathe market socialism because they see it as a defiling on Marxist-Leninism despite being much more effective.
>To Joseph Stalin: Stop sending people to kill me! We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle... If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send a very fast working one to Moscow and I certainly won't have to send another.

Those same taxes on the "wealthy" hurt the middle class. Small business owners can't afford to pay for healthcare on all their employers. Wealthy needs to be clearly defined.

*on all their employees

Updated the pic for you
>6 million hours in paint

The USA stopped being capitalist in the late 19th century. Since we this nation has been based on a Social Corporatist system.
Free-Market Capitalism is a good goal to strive for

Having regulation doesn't mean you aren't capitalist, you fucking dipshit. We could do with a bit less regulation in some area, but we're still capitalist, and it shows, because our economy isn't a fucking dumpster fire.

Capitalism doesn't bring the downfall of the west, Individualism/multiculturalism/anti-culture (basically synonymous) do.
Religion preserves western culture and it's retarded that many Alt--Righters have contempt for it.

>our economy isn't a fucking dumpster fire

Twenty trillion in debt. Half a trillion in deficits.

Yeah. Yeah it is.


>Claims fascism isn't capitalist
>Tell him that's not true
>Tells me to go read about fascist corporatism

What did he mean by this?

Why is every anti-OP poster an American that instantly calls you socialist/Communist?

Really makes you think...

The alt-right, and all racial idenity politics embrace the saying "There is no left or right, just us and them."

Richard Spencer has shown sympathies for socialism. The Alt-right isn't a kike plot because it embraces capitalism because it really doesn't. It embraces racial collectivism, a collectivism that destroys class and national/religious culture and replaces it for a blind love of one's own race.

The Alt-right turns whites into nignogs. The ideals of capitalism are the very things that could make it not as terrible.

Because 99.999999% of you chimps are communists maybe?

>Down Fall of the West

Pick one Poor Fag

Capitalism has outlived its usefulness. We're in the final stages of capitalism. We're already seeing the elites preparing for the collapse.

can communists not take several decades to fail and give up this time? russia wasted too much on it already.

I am sorry that you where not strong enough or able enough to survive int he capitalism system.
i suppose you could do better with correct mentors to guide you.

I am sorry that you made bad decisions in your life and that you did not give 100% effort

The last thing I need is to be equal with people beneath me

Capitalism is collapsing because of people like you.

What you need is to be dragged into the street and killed.

fuck off you commie clown
also enjoy that metric system we shove up your ugly asses just before you brexited.

Nazis are not even right wing, especially when talking in economic terms. Nazis hold left wing socialist positions. The whole concept of social justice, is a left wing concept. Applying it to a select group of people doesn't change that fact.

Trade unions are just organizations for people wanting to cling to useless and obsolete jobs and prevent the creation of other jobs that may be a threat to their own.

Shit like OSHA is enough, we don't need rent-seekers on top of it.

every form of government.

Nazis are also incredibly stupid and imagine that they are somehow different than other socialists.

>Nazis are not even right wing
Stop listening to Glenn Beck you dumb faggot

so what? just climb up the fucking pyramide.

Stop falling for Marxist propaganda designed to distance themselves and their brand of socialism from the sinking ship that was the Nazis/National Socialism post-ww2.

>National Socialist
>Right wing
whoa, easy with that full retard mode there champ.

All of the things you stated are fueled mostly by materialism, which is an ideology held by both capitalists and communists. Both are alike in that they see everyone on Earth a priori, as a number defined by material wealth. Neither have any regard for culture, history, religion, ethnic solidarity, any of it. Both find it useful to destroy these things: the communist in the name of equality, the capitalist in the name of the almighty corporate bottom line.

Nice "update"!

Yeah, the Nazis called themselves the 'National Socialists', and they even nicked some (incredibly benign) socialist policies, It is, however, a total misnomer, it's like the World Series, or Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or 'ethics in gaming journalism', The Nazis were fascists. Indisputably. They drew their ideology from Italy's fascists, who arose in reaction to the Left., The Italian Right, @stillgray, still mired in 19th century thought, could not tackle the explosion in left-wing organization., Mussolini gives us the first fascist platform - national/racial superiority, rearmament & expansion, and consolidation of capital, The Italian Fascists appropriated, wholesale, Roman imagery, such as the 'fasces', to evoke renewed national pride & a sense of superiority., The Italian Fascists sought, @stillgray, to expand & reclaim historically Italian lands (mirroring a large portion of the old Roman Empire)., After nicking some socialist economic policies (public works & spending), fascist government formed corporate cartels, enriching the few., Hitler & his Deutcher Arbeiter Partei mates see this and decide that they need to steal support from actual socialists, so the DAP rebadge themselves as the NSDAP... Socialism still being a relatively new ideology. It's like adding 'e-' to a product name., Otherwise, they were fascist - 1. Saw themselves as racially/nationally superior, 2. Wanted rearmament & expansion, 3. Consolidated capital.,

Right wing is every man for himself (individual freedom), left wing is
forced equality (full government control)

Nazis were full government control.

Thats not true. Right wing is authoritarianwrong

rednecks? they were rich ass plantation owners, aka the people who rule us to this day.

There are no benign socialist policies, pajama boy.

> downfall of the west
> survived longer than National Socialism, Fascism, and/or Communism

People devolve into degenerate scum when their minds are left for (((them))) to prey upon. The masses must be ruled with an iron fist for their own protection and benefit if they are to survive.

yeah the system was infiltrated and corrupted by the Jews.

How the fuck is anarchy "left wing". Left wing, by definition, is government control.