Catalonia yes!

Catalonia yes!

Catalunya, triomfant,
tornarà a ser rica i plena!
Endarrera aquesta gent
tan ufana i tan superba!

Bon cop de falç!
Bon cop de falç, defensors de la terra!
Bon cop de falç!

Ara és hora, segadors!
Ara és hora d'estar alerta!
Per quan vingui un altre juny
esmolem ben bé les eines!


Que tremoli l'enemic
en veient la nostra ensenya:
com fem caure espigues d'or,
quan convé seguem cadenes!

Other urls found in this thread:


Catalans. Qui té por? Per què jo no. Acabem amb l'enemic. Visca Catalunya.

You know well that if you fags try to leave, we will send the army right ?

Bon cop de falç

>Spain tries to take British soil.
>Spain loses Catalonia.

Let's get out of this shithole, been watching the parlament all day and i couldn't help it but kek everytime the oposition said something. Seems like their only argument was "m-muh constitution" or "it's antidemocratic and illegal".
Nigga how can voting be antidemocratic?

We must leave. I can't wait for 1 of October.

How are those birthrates? last time I heard, Cucktalans were marching to take in 500,000 more Moroccans. Islam's going to be rampant!


>Catalonia becomes part of Britain
>All the shitskins from Britain looking for a warmer climate and pussy invade Catalonia with ease

It sadly can't compare to more than 10 years of open promotion of Islam in Cucktalonia though.


>>Catalonia becomes part of Britain
Nigga what

Catalonia, Granada and Mallorca are the best parts of Spain.

why democracy is a good thing to begin with?

I don't know how a picture of something made by patriotic spaniards god knows how many years ago replies at all to how Cucktalonia has been self-Cucked to oblivion by ISIS.

>Thinking you will be free
>Forgetting you are a landlocked nation
>forgetting all air and land traffic will pass through Spain

KEK, Cataluña will never be free.

speak/ write english mother fucker, i cant understand your degenerate dribble

> AFD wins in 2021
> Antifa burns down the Reichstag
> Höcke declares a state of emergency
> Civil war erupts in spain
> Anschluss the poor, everyone walk the dinosaur

What faction is /our/ guy's?



Speak English you mongrel

Nationalism is present in Catalonia like nowhere else is. As soon as people see that our new threat will no longer be Spain but moors, they will show it.

Most catalans don't like moroccans anyway, in spite of what the ANC and the government wants to make it look like.

Oh yeah (((nationalism))) like for example Bavarian or Scottish nationalisms that are heavily communist and leftist leaning. Or *shuckles* Californian nationalism. You're so full of shit you're the laughing stock of Spain.

What exactly is the threat that Spain represents to its regions? Holy shit, it basically bribes Cucktalonia with money and has been doing so for decades and all the ungrateful fucks do is throw shit at le ebil monarchist fascist spaniards! Oh my god, like all other countries in the world, the Spanish nation has one official language, Spanish. This is so offensive I'm going to manipulate the media and education that are under My cucktalan government control and trick them into believing that their nation is their enemy. Then I can basically rule with an iron fist, said Jordi Pujol.


Bueno, pues molt bé, pues adiós.

Underrated post

kek, Gaudí was once arrested by the Guardia Civil because he refused to stop speaking Catalan

Do leftists support Catalonian independence or right-wingers?
I know commies fap over revolutionary Catalonia

This is a board for +18.

Do Cuckalans realise that polls show they dont want independence?

Oy vey goyim, nationalism is bad don't fight for your country! Europe is great. Catalonia is Spain!

there are social-democrats, conservatives, liberals, and far-leftists (a small group) in the independentist block

Neither they did for brexit or trump. Polls mean nothing.

then get out, Manolete

the no-vote will be fragmented, half of those against independence will not vote

Yes goyim, keep using this Masonic flag that we designed for you, your nation is very evil and you should campaign for feminism, and those poor Muslim Africans should rape Marta and shit. Good job. Break the very few things that tie your communist shit heap to a standing army, so we can further send more Africans to turn it Islamist. Yes... YES!!!

I'm a Jordi, my friend ;)

don't even bother, for Spaniards, Spain has a god-given right to exist, while we Catalans are nationalists. They are just a bunch of sad, ignorant people, just look at the history of Spain in the last 3 centuries.

There are simply no white catalan nationalists because catalan nationalism is essentially Cuckold, pro feminist, pro islamist and pro immigrationist. It believes in equality and freemasonry.

The two or three outcasts in this thread are simply roleplayers. In Cucktalan nationalism they represent even less than whatever Nazis remain in Germany.

*a charnego

Exactly. This is a giant scam referendum. Yes will win the vote and nobody cares

this post encapsulates the insanity of Spanish nationalists

your post is worthless... but you do know that independent Catalonia will have the senyera and not the estelada as a flag, right?

I'd say this thread encapsulates how funny are those roleplayers that believe their silly little Zionist made nationalism is actually pro White even when the Africans have already succeeded Cucktalan birth rate (and they're proud of this because they are a really nice and diverse Super Nation, according to their Jew-led Generalitat).

there is such a thing as being too tolerant

It's called being a Cucktalan.

Yeah how about you don't ignore what is in front of your screen you retard. I have told you that most people in the countriside (therefore most of the population) don't moroccans anywhere near them. Who gives a shit about what the politicians say now. It's even better this way, if our governments were outright nationalists we wouldn't get support from the (((EU))), for example.

Look at it this way fag, once we leave this shithole there is a chance for us to have something closer to nationalism because the process is being driven by the idea of democracy. Since most people dont want moors here, a party could ask for a referendum for closing borders, and no one could stop it because they would be deemed as botiflers or some shit.

This is not much, but is more than many western countries can dream of right now.

This. Catalan separatism is SJW leftism. They don't believe in blood and tradition, so anyone living in Catalonia who hates Spain for whatever reason can be part of their "nation".

>projecting this hard

no, because this time it is a referendum. Last time it was a "consulta", just a poll, in which many people didn't vote. But this is an official referendum, after which the results will be applied. If you are worried about the turn-out, it will be between 70-60%, many no-voters will vote despite their political parties telling them not to.

>First Catalonia
Then Commiefornia

I can't ignore reality, you know that those 80 year olds even if they believe this jewish cucktalan meme they will die in 10 years and all the youngsters in relevant places (mainly, cities, because your irrelevant countryside will die out and become islamist) are communist, feminist, egalitarian and want more nigger seed. Allahu Akbar Qatarunya!

Con el negocio que podría hacer España forzando la declaración unilateral de independencia.
Que lástima que tengamos un presidente del gobierno retrasado.

I don't like Spain, but I dislike Catalunia even more. I hope the Castillians fuck you over like Europe fucked the UK.

your English is as bad as your arguments

That mad of yours doesn't really counter any of those arguments though.

Idc what you are talking about. Not everyone is like a regular student at UAB. Again, I believe that if there is a chance for something close to nationalism in the West, it is either Catalonia or Finland.

do you need to see the numbers?

Don't forget to state that it's only official for the regional power and for everything that matters (the spanish government) it's not legal. So it's as if some nice Moroccan nigger from the Ramblas started making a raffle to build another Mosque in Cucktalonia.

Isn't Catalonia a leftist cucked place?

kek, nigger independentism is stronger with the youth. An important part of those against independence in Catalonia are old people, specially first-generation Andalusian immigrants

>when manolo's English is so poor you can't understand his post

Finland is an actual country, unlike Cucktalonia, so it'll be Finland. And you should join an actual nationalist movement that has actual values unlike Cucktalan nationalism. Primo de Rivera is pretty based, although nobody told you in your Cucktalan school.

It's even more leftist than Scotland, so go figure.

Catalan nationalism is lead by ERC and CUP with young revolutionary branches like Arrán, all of them left-winged.

CiU or whatever is left of them are basically centrists or cuckservatives at most, they'd prefer to see their country flooded by foreigners before being called an evil raycist or a xenomorph.

This is all you catalaniggers can do, reply how le spaniard is so ignorant and so idiotic. Ironically the idiotic ones that can't even fucking make a point are yourselves.

Then why do they want independence?

>the regional government is the same as a moroccan immigrant

yes, this is exactly what we want you to think Manolo, and when you realise what you have done, it will be too late

Because Spain is very fascist according to them, due to it having laws that don't allow extreme Cucktalan communists to destroy the country outright. How evil!

isn't catalonia the anarcho-communist cuckland?

Wew lad. Maybe if you got rid of them it would be better. Put all your immigrants there and let them secede

kek, it's actually funny to see how deluded Spaniards are

>14 posts by this ID
of course a schizophrenic cast*llano immediately shits up the thread with his drivel

desu we should let Catalonia become independent on the condition that every muslim and nigger in Spain gets sent there. We clean ourselves of our filth and they get new citizens who in a few years will be quintessentially catalans.

fucking euroslaves. i hope the tanks will restore order in your face soon

Finland isn't a "real country" to some swedes so who gives a shit.
> Led by CUP
Are you retarded? Go to 324's page on facebook see how people like CUP. The only reason they are where they are is because of David Fernandez, and he is gone. Next elections they are dead.

Catalan nationalism is led by DEMOCRACY, they are repeating it all the time, and you still don't get it.

The funny part is that they are doing this to themselves with their own immigration, and it's not going to stop because they love immigration, as shown by the polls and by their own protests.

Fuck you, last time the OP with the Nazi flag had 30 posts out of 200 and you didn't throw shit to him, opportunist bastard.

did I hit a soft spot? It's a bit sad to see your inferiority complex

Qué pesaos con el pan, coño.

Autismo falangista casposo.

Sage. Get fucked, catacucks

>in the year of our lord 2017

see? he has no arguments. This is all he can say

>h-hahaha, you are a bunch of cucks, I hate you
>d-dont leave, I won't let you
>t-this can't be happening, I'm in charge here!

no, that's a lie pushed by spaincucks here

>the eternal castillian wants to try to genocide us with immigration again
what a surprise

t. spaincuck washing dishes in france

Not really, I just enjoy your superiority complex instead, so everyone can laugh at how you're all unable to even argue things.

If asking for bread is backwards, then I guess that Hitler was the most backwards of all according to you. As he also had bread (brot) as part of his propaganda.

UK to guarantee Catalan independence. Fuck EU

don't try to reason with the mad Spaniard

I am pro-independence, so long as you restore the rightful Kingdom of Aragon. :)

And what do you idiots do? basically take the same people you've indoctrinated with your Marxist crap for 30+ years and force them into independence because you don't agree with democratic law that was voted by a majority of people (cucktalans included) is that even a democratic thing? you cucktalans are so full of shit, it's retarded.

nah, real and full flavoured frenchie watching you suck nigger dick and wash plates in parisian restaurants, subhuman southern filth

If Catalonia will split off, they must also leave the prime soccer league. Barca will sink to a mediocre regional soccer club.

Fuck you Catalans I hope you don't get independence.
Seriously fuck you guys


actually regionalism is europeanism.
destroy states so the bureaucracy can dictate its law to too small entities.
in other words independence wishes are high treason

I agree with this. Then build a wall.

Es la manera de repetir la palabra "pan" como turboautistas lo que os hace tan repelentes, entre otras cosas.

Hay más maneras de expresar "comida" o "falta de pobreza" que el pan.

El pan es soso y muy poco nutritivo además, quizás si prometéis chuletón alguien os empieza a hacer algo de caso.

sorry to hear about your bullshit "democracy" problem, spain
when these "politically active" retards realize that all they're doing is weakening the state, it's gonna be too late
useful idiots, the bane of the modern civilization

> He still doesn't fucking get it
Do you realise that the laws you are talking about are 40 years old and that most people today didn't vote them? Do you realise that EVERYONE IN SPAIN DOESNT GIVE HALF A SHIT ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION? They either ignore it or change on demand when the EU tells them to do so.

So I guess you shouldnt be able to hold a referendum to leave the EU I guess?

Yo no veo ningún problema con eso porque no lo pones ni en perspectiva. Pero no merece la pena explicar eso a un memero.