Losing privilege isn't an injustice

Losing privilege isn't an injustice.

Having it is.

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If women can multitask why can't they have sex with a headache?

Why do you use tampons instead of kegels? I don't put gauze in my cheesy foreskin.

>implying working full time and being a single mother isn't hard

We do the exact same amount of work you do AND we nurture our children, which is a second full time job. When you get off of work you go to a bar and complain about child support payments while watching football.


>Losing UNEARNED privilege isn't an injustice.
>Having it is.
Fixed that for you, soft ass spoiled whitey commie idiot.

Being a good mother is a full time job. And your husband pays you for that work with a home, food, and clothes.

This image is merely an emotional reaction to losing the gender war. I see it as a trophy.

Someone had to have been very salty to feel compelled to create that and you're nearly as salty for saving a copy of it and posting here.

It is symbol of our victory.

she can drink all of my male tears lads

>Losing privilege isn't an injustice.
>Having it is.
Yeah, tear down the oppressive institutions of capitalism! Tear down the federal reserve bank! Tear down the media of the oppressive corporations!

>implying male privilege isn't simply handed to you for being born with a penis.

Must have been very difficult for you to be born. It isn't like your mother did all of the work, is it.

This image is you:
I see it as the reason you're an obese cunt with a sad empty life. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

>having a penis makes you a boy


Every day this goes on, I'm more grateful I have a good woman who thinks these cunts need to be sent to a forced labour camp with the kikes and shitskins.

>Losing privilege isn't an injustice.
>Having it is.
Preach on, we should make men equal in pay, government benefits, and time worked. Also make sure they serve the same sentences for crimes committed. Equality now!

No he doesn't. I make a lot more money than my ex-husband. He has to pay child support for his HALF of the expense of raising children.

The fact that we get custody most of the time is merely a result of societies recognition of our innate ability to be better parents than men.

Sounds like a recipe for shit productivity and competence with a side order of mentally damaged kids.

Also the implication that this is the norm, or that those ebin males are always to blame for break ups is pretty laughable

>Must have been very difficult for you to be born.
Nope pretty cushy until the genital mutilation, too bad men don't have equality under the law, and women are so insecure about masculinity they have to mutilate helpless infants to feel more powerful.

You are the reason I invested in cat food and wine.

Get married...single mothers only fuck up their kids...which is why I'm on Sup Forums

here is a question why dont women go for higher paying jobs

Single mothers fuck up everything, that's why they're single.

>The fact that we get custody most of the time is merely a result of societies recognition of our innate ability to be better parents than men.
And ignoring that single mother households produce the majority of rapists, mentally ill, and criminals, also those in poverty. Women nurture small children well on their own, but rarely produce functional adults.

as long as privilege is immutable and intangible substance smeared over the majority, not discovered by reason, logic or even the law of the land but some abstract ethereal property of being the part of the majority, the more I will remain convinced it's a guilt tactic akin to original sin to coerce people in to following someone else agendas under a fear of being excommunicated

tl;dr choke on a bag of dicks

Losing privilege means one party is losing it and another is gaining it.

Thus, privilege is transferred.

Thus, the new people that have it, must lose it because it is an injustice to those who do not have it.

And round and round we go!

>Doing manual labour is as tiring as sitting in an office gossiping and browsing facebook

This. Any privilege had by whites or Asians was earned. For everyone else, it was given to them by others out of compassion and thrown back in our faces.

Losing your butt virginity isn't an injustice.

Having it is.

Nope. I'm actually very fit. I'm pescetarian and a hardcore Yoga fanatic. I'm a sex-positive feminist.

I agree, lets cut off welfare and deport illegals.

>Implying whites actually do blue collar jobs, instead of white collar or welfare


Life is injustice.

> Scapegoat the successful
> Dehumanise them
> Strip them of their rights
> Murder them
> Breed out their people
> The world is worse for it

When the world is without the west, when all is turned to barbarism, you will pray for those whom you once called 'priviledged', those whom you mocked, to rise from their unadorned graves and set humanity back on it's apointed course. You will realise too late, the true enemy, setting nations and races and religions of men against each other.

First time I've ever agreed with a commie flag but you are right. Women are the best at nurturing young children but they will eventually need a strong father in their life or they will not know how to deal with it.


>Arguing with an axe wound
It's a complete waste of time. They don't have rational brains, estrogen clouds clear thinking. My wife is pregnant right now and at least once per day cries unexpectedly for no reason, and has at least one noticeable brain fart where she begins to make a statement and completely forgets why she started talking in the first place. I couldn't imagine having this control my mind, thinking I had good ideas or was correct at times when my brain is being flooded by a hormone that makes me retarded and emotional. Must suck.

The skilled trades is 90%+ white.

Jesus loves you. You are more than a feminist. You are a woman made in the image of God. Stop limiting yourself with this identity politics garbage. You are being used by political machines for less than noble aims. Think about who is supporting the leftist identity politics. Why are they hand in hand with corporate greed and power? Why have you guys sold your souls to the machine?

>And ignoring that single mother households produce the majority of rapists, mentally ill, and criminals, also those in poverty.

That's only due to the fact that most men don't pay enough child support.

Tits or gtfo

there's no such thing as male privilege. it's called work, cunt.

This is what your feminism will get you:


Perfect example of why i don't care about your movement, because you think abusing another human being is ok...


Let's breakdown how privilege happens
>parents work hard
>parents are able to send kids to college
>kids have a good head start
>kids work hard, but with higher starting pay
>kids have grandkids
>kids send grandkids to college and have enough left to leave grandkids inheritance

My question is, why don't you want to leave anything behind for your kids? Isn't the point of your labor to give your kids a better life.

You are a bad person


Okay you've had your fun. So how 'bout posting your tits now Sweetie?

Time to give away all your shit

There is no God. Faith is literally, "I choose to believe this is true even though there is not proof". It's irrational, illogical and incredibly stupid.

Believing in the revealed truth of scripture is fundamentally a leap of faith and there is no reason for you to make that leap for the Christian bible that is superior to any reason to make a similar leap of faith for the Quran on the Hindu Vedas.

You're an idiot for deciding to believe "revealed truth" is true while knowing there is no evidence to support the claim, "angels of God whispered into the ears of the men who wrote the bible."

>tfw no girl to drink my male tears
feels bad man


Or should i call you girls?

No one cares what you think. Get back to work and keep paying for the neetbux.

>replying to slide thread

>First time I've ever agreed with a commie flag
I usually flag larp when I'm sageposting hatefacts.
Real flag is for human OP, not femunist scum.

>any thread that isn't a part of our echo chamber is a conspiracy

If you had your way, Sup Forums would be very boring.

>Being this sexist.

Ha! You're funny.

>That's only due to the fact that most men don't pay enough child support.
Yeah, only some pay with their lives, but the men injured and dying creating the safe society women enjoy are beneath their concern. Women's feelings being hurt is suffering, men mutilated and commiting suicide is inconsequential.

So men and woman are not equal in their abilities?

Interesting, tell me more about your feminism.

Also since you are god damn fucking smart, I do not believe that you are a woman, post proof. Since I believe in rationality and shieeeet.

Feminism is the same as religion, except even more illogical. You're running away from responsibility and want a daddy state to watch over you, so you don't have to face the consequences of your failures. You know you're worthless and want people to care about you, so you picture yourself as a victim. Sounds pretty much the same as religion to me.

Also kys

>Ha! You're funny.
Da womenz is funny too, quick talk about yer vagina.

Have to serve someone. Either God, Satan, or yourself. Humans fundamentally know that there is much more to the universe than just fields of force. Faith is the absence of things seen. All of the religions of the world know that there is some spiritual dynamo at work in our lives, and that the transcendent can only be denied at your own peril.

Feminism has lost it's way. Many women that are more thoughtful and independent are seeing this. They understand that identity politics breeds more identity politics. This breaking down groups into tribes or factions leads to unrest. It is just brewing up resentment and bitterness, and could lead to violence and conflict. This must stop. You are more than just a feminist. You know that all people have within them the capability of dominating and taking advantage of others. It is safe and easy to think that your group is the righteous, while those outside are villains. It is easy to simplify your opponents and dehumanize them. The problem is you are feeding into the chaos that will lead to violence and destruction.

Everything is worth as much as people are willing to give for it. And nobody forces you to have children. Stop blaming others for your shitty decisions

>Feminism is the same as religion, except more destructive with no redeeming values

how does taking away my privilege benefit you?
how does it make your life better and not just my life worse?

if you think causing me to suffer more will alleviate your suffering you're an idiot.

Nice. We're ok then.
>r/asianmasculinity cucks fuck off. They need to stop making excuses.

if you are working to systematically reduce the power, population or influence of the white race then you are opposed to its existence and success and political violence is justified against you.

would fug

That's probably why there are more mtf than ftm trannies. Beta fags couldn't man up and chose the easy life that they weren't born into.

>We do the exact same amount of work you do
BZZZT. False, women work less hours, at less stressful jobs, less dangerous jobs. Thats part of why men live shorter lives and more die of suicide.

>Losing privilege isn't an injustice.
can muslims take over already

Ah, I recognize her

Agreed, agreed. Come join the mega-thread comrade

>here is a question why dont women go for higher paying jobs
Some are very dangerous, some very stressful, many require sacrificing most your time and energy to it.

because higher paying jobs are distributed by men and women who apply for those jobs suffer from feminist rhetoric that tells those men that women are going to take their jobs

like literally all recent feminism has been about detoxifying its worst bits so women can interact with the men who distribute those jobs, but feminists managed to fuck it up because they think corporations are run by 6' 4" middle managers and not old neckbeards

Feminism is a religion with the fundamental precept that Men are evil, the Patriarchy is Satan and Privilege is Original Sin that can never, ever be atoned for. Feminism is nothing more than than Socialism in lacy underwear that seeks to destroy the fundamental component of a functioning civilization, the nuclear family. As family falls apart, society begins to weaken and crumble to fall into chaos or be replaced by a more robust and structured society. You are condemning your daughters, or granddaughters, to live a life of oppression in the future so you can live a life of hedonistic freedom now. You are selfishly selling the future of your own descendants for a few cheep thrills that will leave you unsatisfied and alone in your old age. And those oppressed women will curse your very existence, if they even think of you at all.


Posting on Sup Forums is pissing in an ocean of piss.Millions were spent during the election trying to change this place. All they did was add to the chaos and get redpilled in the process. If I had a dollar for every "what did you do to me, Sup Forums" post, I'd be able to build the shop I want.

This. When I see a woman hanging from a fucking helicopter repairing high tension power lines, we can talk about "equality."

Bigot, don't you understand? More of us were supposed to die to build a society, so that our descendants could be shamed for having "privilege."

>This. When I see a woman hanging from a fucking helicopter repairing high tension power lines, we can talk about "equality."
I'd say they are so privileged that they don't realize the sacrifices involved, but some are just evil bitches that don't care.

Stfu cunt. My mother would despise you.

>"Guys, giving birth is like so hard"

>"I choose to believe this is true even though there is no proof"
Believing things without proof is very typical of the feminist religion. What makes your irrationality and stupidity preferable?

>women's rights
enjoy the ban ya roastie loving nigger fuck you!

And the most privileged group of people in the west? Women...

>gender war
this is why normal people call feminists crazy
there is no such thing as a gender war, except in your head and the fanfiction you write about your life to uninterested strangers on Sup Forums

consider suicide

Yes drink my male tears! Shame its a code word for semen ha ha ha! Drink up bitches..

White Priblage
>WHiTe PRiBLaGes