Stop fapping, stop all drugs and alcohol...

Stop fapping, stop all drugs and alcohol, stop taking warm baths and showers (this is detrimental to your testosterone levels-it literally kills sperm cells, a daily warm bath will make you infertile and deplete you of your manliness), daily aerobic exercise is vital, read and study every day - even if it's just for a little bit, sleep at least 7-8 hours and wake up at the same time every day (very important), shave (moustache is allowed), eat a nutritious fat and protein rich diet (take multivitamins and minerals if needed), and take long walks alone in nature.

Do this for the rest of your life.

Other urls found in this thread:

need an infographic on the baths shit are you serious warm baths are like the best part of my night fml

I never bathe. check and mate

Who the fuck do you think you are OP?

Fuck off with your fascist shit.

Literally this.How do they kill sperm cells?

i've seen similar claims made because cold baths DO increase testosterone production and sperm cells/the testes are best kept in a cool environment but damn dude all baths and hot showers?
what else am i going to substitute for human contact and warmth?

Exactly.They just feel so good.Guess I'll try to keep it cooler.

Right here with you.

>taking baths

Who the fuck still takes baths?

What are you children and/or middle aged women?

>cold baths DO increase testosterone production
They don't. Same thing with nofap giving you superhuman powers.

Hail stalin

fuck off Schlomo


So all those men who live in places way fucking hotter than my shower are infertile right?

Ill stop taking hot baths when i find a nice qt to cuddle me @ nite

> stop taking warm baths and showers (this is detrimental to your testosterone levels-it literally kills sperm cells, a daily warm bath will make you infertile and deplete you of your manliness)

While i agree that there is positive for you nervous system to take cold showers, it is overkill to say that it makes you infertile. I would like to see proof on the max temperature sperm can survive, Nontheless, it does also regenerate constantly.

Strictly limit the consumption of feminizing substances such as mint, licorice, rosemary, and especially SOY. Theres a reason why most asian men have little facial/body hair, weak muscle tone and small penises - generations of heavy soy consumption.

>tfw sleeplet
>tfw need lots of sleep to feel energetic but deprive myself of it anyway

If you end up with fertility problems and you head to the doctor, one of the first questions is "do you use hot tubs or take hot baths often"

Yes, why do you think that everyone who has come from a hot climate hasn't contributed shit to the world and is stereotypically lazy and uncreative, whereas on the other hand, the restless, fierce, insatiable warrior Viking-spirit of the cold harsh North has pushed the Western man to the Moon and back and not being satisfied with that, has forced him only to be happy with infinity and perfection which is evident in that all major technological inventions, scientific discoveries and great philosophies have come from the West.


There is literally nothing wrong with fapping in moderation

Rome?Greece? What are you on about.

run every day, stop watching porn, stop drugs, get sleep, wake up early

this will fix 90% of lives

Water can cool or heat objects much more efficiently than air can. Hot baths and showers are known to decrease sperm count. The reason why balls are outside of the body is precisely because sperm is very sensitive to heat. And body temp is 98.6.

The problem here is the word "hot".
Hot baths are a problem. Warm baths are not.
If you have any sensation whatsoever of it being the slightest bit uncomfortable or toasty because of the heat, its too hot.
A bath should be warm and cozy, but not to the point of where you too comfortable and sleepy.

That was thousands of years ago when the people that lived there and climate were far different than what they are today.

not really.

Let's not take such a hard line here.
Fapping is ok, but jesus stop doing it twice a day and edging for hours (and three on weekends). Once a day is fine at the end of the day to help you sleep better (how I got through HS). Sexual frustration leads to sleepless nights.
Drugs are ok as long as you understand the effects and risks. Try not to use them in a way that negatively effects your life. For some people this means complete abstinence, for others it doesn't.
Taking hot showers/baths is not going to tank your sperm count and T-levels. You CAN render yourself temporarily infertile soaking your nuts in hot water but it has to be nearly hot enough to burn you. Just bump your showers down to a comfortable degree and limit your shower time to the bare minimum to save on water use.
Exercising and reading every day is sound advice. However make sure to strength train as well to reduce bone density loss in old age.
Sleep times vary between individuals. Figure out how much sleep you need by experimentation. Keeping a regular sleep cycle is beneficial but not vital.
Shaving is totally optional, but make sure you look like you groom yourself. Be harsh when you evaluate your own appearance.
Nutrition is a tricky science. Try to eat a fair variety of foods and don't get fat.
Walking alone in nature is good, walking the town you live in is also good.

why do you faggots feel the need to ejaculate unsolicited advice on an anime forum?

asians have a wierd sex protection method where the males bath iin 55 °C water for an hour, so they are infertile for the next hour.

Lots of the greatest men who ever lived drank alcohol, what your suggesting is to become a fucking Amish cuck. Don't let booze interfere with your regular life and it's not a problem at all.

When you average temperature matches the testicle one which is around 37 sperm starts to die, it is scientific. That's why your balls are naturally colder than your body. If you don't believe me, just touch your skin and testicles and match it. Warm showers if done very often will have impact. If not you shouldn't be worried.

I did all of those things.

Yet here I am, still spending a considerable chunk of my day browsing this stupid website, even though I decided to work on my next big project everyday like a madman. It requires me to learn some complicated software and the anxiety I got from trying it out the first time and having no idea what I was doing got me good. So now I'm just avoiding it.

Something's still missing.