What did (((((they))))) mean by this?

what did (((((they))))) mean by this?

really activated my almonds

>"You are afraid. We are not."
>makes an image board their villain

that's a nice gif, can i save it ?

do not steal please
unauthorised downloads are illegal

Easier to read version

They are trying to imply that were all sexy and charasmatic like papa bear Trump..and even though were winning..we are also afraid? Idk I've never been able to discover what they are actually talking about..only know that they typically project their darkness upon us.

What show

American horror story season 7 episode 1

What's the issue? It's making fun of both sides and it's hilarious.

>These writers are more scared of right-wing politics than ghosts and murderers
LMAO please someone post what these writers look like.

>We are not afraid
kek, every fucking time I hear that from libshit.


>What's the issue? It's making fun of both sides and it's hilarious.

Sup Forums thinks the show makes Sup Forums look bad, as if that were possible for a forum that has daily Holocaust Denial and anti nigger threads

Kek what a faggot

>being this new
Thanks, Lori


Ryan Murphy thinks we want fewer cops. That's only half true. We want fewer cops and more RWDS.

Nobody cares about the show you like tanned-France.

Somebody should contact the writters of the show and send them some pizzas yo their homes


it means (((they))) ARE afraid

what's this from? AHS?

yeah, new season started last night
it was a good episode too

Why is it I hear 'we are not afraid' from these fags all the time, but whenever they actually lose at something they're all 'literally shaking'?

Evan Peters is really a good actor

it's pretty dumb desu. The best way to stop Sup Forums would be to mock it tirelessly, but not in the typical fashion of "muh late night talk shows" or "muh tv" but through actually funny memes that will resonate with the modern generation, such as pic related

Anyone else tired of the parent's basement meme? So played out and unoriginal desu

just watch the episode tho

This season is hilarious. and I think the liberals are gonna turn out to be the villains at the end.

agreed. see my previous post.

the "muh parents basement" meme is seriously fucking obnoxious because both sides use it and it's not true for either side
I don't watch AHS, so no

Honestly can't tell if it's satire or not. Aparently in this vision of a post-trump america there are blue-haired trumpers throwing piss-filled condoms at mexicans and right-wing clown death squads patrolling the streets killing innocent asian people

leftists don't make funny memes though

>mother's basement

It's the CURRENT YEAr man, get on with the times.

i can only hope
they can sometimes
plus it isn't only leftists who oppose Sup Forums, it's centrists too.

from what little I know of the show, the main woman has an irrational fear of clowns that the blue haired Trump supporter exploits to fuck with her

The show kinda glorifies the Sup Forums guy and it is way more savage toward the liberals.

A character complains they should have used a trigger warning before announcing the results of the election.

Libs are pissed at the show. Check the reviews.

>show depicts libs exactly how they reacted to the election based on actual video footage and quotes
>libs get mad


that's completely fair enough I guess
but don't stand there on a pedestal getting all la-di-dah about this percieved "attack" on Sup Forums when throughout, it's the pair of leftist dykes that get all the abuse

even if you don't watch AHS, I'd watch this episode just for that
it's fucking great

I'm not a Sup Forumstard so I don't care, I'm just giving tactical advice


at 29:19 in the episode, its made clear that the longer haired lesbian


just picked that up.

What the fuck is this?

They have performed an actual soft coup in the United States.

Unless there is a major shift in the next 3-7 years, that coup will be cemented.

Once cemented they will literally purge you from society. They will marginalized and demonize you so much you will have no rights and no power.

They will criminalize wrongthing, enforce by law their privilege, deny your constitutional rights, and usurp control of the government with soft tyranny.

That's what it means op. And it's going to happen.

fairly certain she voted for jill stein

ur fuckin clueless m8. the coup happened in 1963, try to keep up sweetie


American Horror Story. Ya got called out by liberals, son.

>fairly certain she voted for jill stein

oh yeah, jill stein. false alarm.

So youre saying she has a chance?

they think they got us by the balls
numbers still on their side

...they are, until us Chads start killin'

>it's a blip, you don't know anything you little shit

>The country is falling to pieces, we are intentionally or accidentally (incompetent either way) genociding our own race, and we've put an economic noose around our necks because of huge amount of corruption at all levels of the american bureaucracy while half the country is being led around like religious fanatics by mainstream media for the purposes of spreading country-destroying cancer within our own fucking countries

The only thing this shit tells me is that the people at the top are absolutely fucking clueless idiots. I want a collapse to happen just so I can see them eat crow before being hung by the masses they've completely failed in every way.

Their hubris is astounding

Thanks. I was missing this one.


It's far leftists retardation. The trigger part is serious desu, to be realistic about democrat. And the dykes mad.

Wtf happened to democrats?

Not really, the framework was created in the 1960's, but it wasn't until the late 90's that the soft coup became insurmountable. At this point there's not much that can be done.

But that is the glory of god, he proves our powerlessness so that our deliverance stands as a testament.

God isn't real faggot.


They killed JFK and installed a new globalist ideology.

Checked but still fake and gay. We live in an infinite holographic universe of varying omnipotent energies. To label such as something as trivial as "God" is naive and foolhardy.

>Excellence is a reward from Christ
Then what about people who achieve excellence without being Christian?
What about people who are wholly Christian, but don't amount to anything excellence?

Autistic kids on a japanese anime board has their attention.

Kek, Jennifer Salt

Should be one panel at the top with no brain that reads "I love my religion, but I do not understand or follow its principles"


Happening fag blown out by George Takei, many such cases

You can tell that the Establishment's not scared of us by how they went out of their way to say that they're not scared of us -- That's what not being scared looks like.

>Anyone else tired of the parent's basement meme? So played out and unoriginal desu

If it offends its a good insult. This doesn't offend because it comes across as a try hard pretending to be hip.
Boomers pretending they are young hippy counter culture warriors instead of the selfish fat old fucks they really are.

>You are afraid. We are not.
Jews doing what they always do. Projecting.

>You afraid
>we not
I imagine the chink is at least a passable actor and the director good enough as well.

Why did (((they))) choose to portray the chink character with a scared face while saying he was not afraid?
There have been military studies about killing enemy soldiers and the natural psychological difficulties Europeans have with killing a person expressing fear and surrender.
One wonders if (((they))) are employing knowledge of said physiological barriers here.
Watch Miller's Crossing and the brother kike. The main protagonist can't kill the kike when he first begs for his life. But at the end he does kill the kike when it becomes obvious that his fear face is mask and a lie.
Jew Hollywood is very aware of this phenomena.

the last thing any Sup Forums member is afraid of is death. only the kikes believe in death.

No shit. Who lives in their parents basement anymore these days? Its all about big sis's old room on the 2nd floor.

is he /ourguy/?

tfw this meme is the truth

everybody is a loser in every AHS season ever

fuck off plebbit

Keep shilling liberal fag. Hard times are heading your way

This guy knows what's up.

fuck are they paying you to shill this hard?

"You are afraid, we are not"

The only people who say this kind of nonsense are people who are afraid. If these disingenuous progressive faggots will not admit to it, then yeah I will.

Frankly I am afraid. I am afraid of what the globalists are doing. Afraid of the incredibly single minded and venom tongued SJWs. Afraid that identity politics is breeding more identity politics which will lead to civil chaos. Afraid that many men in power are compromised and commit the most heinous acts imaginable. I am afraid that this is all being used to bring about a new global order that can solve the contrived problems that they themselves created.

Still though I will not be brought into their identity politics nonsense. I will not be turned into an intellectual and moral zombie. I will not hate other people or groups because people tell me I have to do so. Fuck the progressives.

It was funny

Well you're ill informed my dude, people have been mocking this place for over a decade. People who are aligned against Sup Forums without the brains for tactical reasoning are unable to perceive phenomena such as the Streisand Effect and only make it grow stronger. The only effective suppression technique would be to ignore Sup Forums entirely. Obviously whoever pulls the strings doesn't want that though.

digits confirm

Not with dangerhair he isnt.

dude gets beat up by his cucked feminist girlfriend on the regular he is NOT /ourguy/

Is that Sup Forums?

they meant shut the fuck up already with this stupid shit and go back to Sup Forums
sage in all fields

I think you want a place called ribbit or something like that

You do realize that was a pol meme

btw op, it's (((they))) either integrate or gtfo

>I-Im not scared. You are!
Whoever says that is always projecting

When has this place not been called out by liberals? Watch youtube videos where major universities gather the greatest minds to figure out what this place is and why they cannot destroy it. They do not get it at all. They are so blind and full of hubris. People are starting to realize that the progressives have no foundation to their warped structure. They are beginning to fall apart, and as the identity politics grows in intensity, they will completely break apart. They are feeding the chaos in the west, and when they see a small imageboard of chaos directed against them, they see it as an existential threat. Fucking blind.

be a centrist now that we've moved the Overton window to center on Stalin

checked and keked

Who's clowns?!

>right wing death squads

I approve of this.

they usually start off the seasons pretty strong then run out of ideas or shovel all the bad ones into the back I don't think I have ever finished a whole season

>full of hubris
>do not understand liberalism
>do not understand political hipsterism and LARPing
>do not understand that idpol breeds idpol
Yeah, pretty much.

cultural bankruptcy sweetie
based pupper unilateral social bureaucracy
Tú nos proteges señor.
Tú nos proteges señor.
Tú nos proteges señor.