Name 1 problem that genetic engineering wouldn't solve.
Name 1 problem that genetic engineering wouldn't solve
a reason to reproduce at all
pathological altruism
first you have to red pill me on it
It will never change the fact that OP is a faggot
your ugly face ass
autism and other mental diseases, other genetic problems that you can't control with genetics due to tabula rasa
It's not about what it wouldn't solve.
It's about not losing contact with the human nature.
People like you are the same as christcucks in your their way. We need pain, we need weak people and we need stop people.
No pay to win bullshit.
Just life.
strong people*
Overuse of super soldiers
Nigger mentality
Gotta reproduce to colonize the stars.
Only idiots do that. True altruism would be permanently fixing people instead of making them dependent on gibs, that's evil.
>1000 IQ average
>criminal genes phased out
>no war
>little disease
>basically no healthcare costs
>no government because it's unnecessary
This meme is probably older than you are.
>Tabula rasa
Fair enough, but each day science finds tabula rasa to be less and less true.
>muh struggle
If you faggots really belie this then why do you fight against muslim migration? Why do you want your comfy 1st world welfare state back? Sounds like a war torn shithole is more up your speed.
genetic engineering is a lot less useful than you think. genetics only codes for 22 different amino acids in varying frequencies depending on inhibitors and promoters. that's all.
if you really want to cure and change shit. you need to focus on PROTEINS. proteins are amino acids combined together to do something useful. this is a big field that we know very little about. look up proteomics.
A reason to not copy my consciousness into a machine and then kill my old flesh body so I can become a self-improving GAI.
the emptiness of your soul or the complete lack of it. man is creation not creator.
retard who dosn't understand genetics tries to speak about it
This /thread
illuminati smart dust mind control throwing us off cliffs
The Jewish issue
there are no such things as genes and no human has ever had any control over another human's form
rare earth metal scarcity
genetically raising intelligence would effectively erase communism in all of its forms.
fucking jews
what did i say that was wrong? fucking brainlet.
My poor genetics
>American intelligence
i believe in god btw.
The federal reserve and banking jew
fucked a talkative bitch called that a tell tale game
getting a girl to kiss me :(
Can all even numbers be represented by two primes?
Your meaningless life.
Fucktards that think genetic engineering is like the OP picture.
It's hours of labwork to get primers, amplify the gene, cut it, ligate it into a vector and then reintroduce it before it even has a chance of being expressed.
Enzymes die if they get too hot.
Cell cultures get mould because the other idiots in your lab haven't got aseptic technique.
Even if you're a robot and your do it the lab gods randomly fuck you and you need to start over.
You just went full retard.
>no government because its unnecessary
underaged faggots out
We need adversity.
We either break it or make it from this point.
And it's good.
Such is life a perpetual continuation or break or make.
Technicians have already killed enough of strong men since the mad speeches of Socrates. More of it is the least we need. Technicians are subhumans and useless without their tools.
Something that they will lack of Mister Kim ever walks the walk.
Fallout new vegas real life is all I praise
congrats, you don't understand genetics.
of break or make*
if mister Kim.***
Fucking phone keyboard
level of consciousness
It's because of the technicians if we can't rebel as citizens.
In big part. Surveillance everywhere. A heavy social structure that you cannot challenge and that favors third world shitters...
All of this, all of this is the result of technicians.
It is.
They remove the humanity in men. And everytime it gets a little worst.
All shit with vectors, transformation and transfection takes maximum a week. Chances to fail are justified by the results you make with genetic engineering.
DNA is built up of sequences of codons which are sequences of 3 amino acids, not sure how you want to make genes better by doing research in poteins since you can only use 3 amino acids per codon, unless youre not talking directly about genes, then im lost
Spiritual famine.
Special Snowflake Syndrome
>Colonize the stars
Space is a Jewish meme.
There is nothing out there but hard vacuum, radiation, and worthless rocks.
>b-but muh resources that cost more than they are worth to successfully extract and bring back to Earth....
>implying that coercion would be necessary in a society inhabited by geniuses.
a lack of diversity within the gene pool. every one would want to be as healthy as possible and have beautiful children
so the means by which these are achieved would eventually be cheap enough for every one to make use of. then every ones kids look the same and nobody has a range of genetic disorders which are caused by variants of genes
then the understanding of how different genes produce different proteins and how those proteins affect things like say memory ect through bio chemistry would lead every one to specific preferences in genetic modification even aesthetic traits have genes they correlate to and still produce proteins
then every one is east asian and all the women look like pic related
>genes are pointless, focus on proteins
>being this retarded
Classic burger
Newflash: you can re-engineer everyone without leaving out the inactive genes.
>True altruism would be permanently fixing people
Yeah but try telling a normie that, you'd think that you just told them they're gonna be one of the 6 gorillion or something. Most people are petty and evil and can't stand the idea that their children might be made inherently superior to them.
Me having a worthwhile life.
From insect to god, life is but a dream.
I don't think most of the people who meme about genetic engineering fully understand it.
We don't know if it will ever even be close to possible to do stuff like designer babies.
We may be able to isolate specific single genes or clusters and their net effects within a certain domain to some extent, but predicting, modeling, or testing the entirety of the genome's inter-genome effect on itself and other parts of the genome is likely to be mathematically and physically near-intractable.
All we have to do is kickstart it
Smarter babies grow up into smarter adults, make smarter babies by their standards.
We'll reach a singularity in a matter of a few generations.
universal heat death
OP's faggotry
Infinite energy breaking the laws of physics.
Faggotry. Cause surprise buttseks is a CHOICE!
Chink souls.
>We need pain
life is a series of pain. from the first breath to the final totality of death, all you experience is pain.
do this and cease your suffering
>implying thats a problem to be solved and not the solution to all things
grow up
Getting laid