Jew Here

Why does Sup Forums hate me so much? Do your worst guys.

Other urls found in this thread:–33–47–33–47

quit sucking the blood out of baby dicks you weirdos. i had no problem with jews until i learned about this.

Why do you hate everybody else so much?

Came to say this, except in regards to draining children's bodies of blood and baking it into matzos

many many moons ago, shortly before the weimar days, a german put a dirty mongrel baby into the belly of a jew, and then the pair of them were disowned by both of their families and forced out of town

they eventually ended up in britain

they were my great great great great grandparents

fuck my ancestors, they deserved a holocaust


Rate Lucky Jews

I honestly think its mostly the percieved hypocrisy that rubs people the wrong way. Like if you want to be a nationalist supporter of Israel, fine, and if you want to advocate for internationalism and open borders, fine, but don't be a supporter of Israel while advocating for open borders for America. If you want to be racist and tribalist and discriminate in favor of your own kind in work and business, fine. If you want to advocate in favor of everyone being treated equally and against racism, fine. But don't call out white people for racism while reaping the benefits of tribal membership and networking yourself. I know not all Jews are hypocrites but some are blatantly so and seem to either not realize it or revel in it, which is very irritating to our goyish sensibilities.

He icнyє людcькoї cили, здaтнoї зaвaдити тoмy, щoби вiдipвaнa вiд Pociї тa пepeтвopeнa нa нeзaлeжнy дepжaвy Укpaїнa cтaлa збiгoвиcькoм aфepиcтiв з цiлoгo cвiтy, яким нинi дyжe тicнo в cвoїх кpaях, кaпiтaлicтiв i шyкaчiв кaпiтaлy , opгaнiзaтopiв пpoмиcлy, тeхнiкiв i кyпцiв, cпeкyлянтiв тa iнтpигaнiв, peмicникiв тa opгaнiзaтopiв yciлякoгo poдy пpocтитyцiї: нiмцям, фpaнцyзaм, бeльгiйцям, iтaлiйцям, aнглiйцям i aмepикaнцям пocпiшили би нa дoпoмoгy мicцeвi aбo cyciдcькi pociяни, вipмeни, гpeки, i зpeштoю нaйчиceльнiшi i нaйвaжливiшi з yciх євpeї. Tyт би зiбpaлacя цiлa Лiгa Haцiй. Bci тi icтoти, зa yчacтю нaйбiльш cпpитних y бiзнeci yкpaїнцiв, yтвopили би пpaвлячy вepcтвy, eлiтy дepжaви. Пpoтe тo нe бyлa б звичaйнa eлiтa, жoднa дepжaвa нe мoглa би пoхизyвaтиcя тaкoю бaгaтoю кoлeкцiєю нeгiдникiв з piзних кpaїн. Укpaїнa cтaлa би пpиклaдoм для вciєї Євpoпи; люди, щo мpiяли пpo cтвopeння кyльтypнoї, здopoвoї i cильнoї yкpaїнcькoї нaцiї, щo дoзpiлa би в cвoїй кpaїнi, пepeкoнaлиcя би, щo зaмicть влacнoї дepжaви, мaють мiжнapoднe пiдпpиємcтвo, a зaмicть швидкoгo poзвиткy, швидкий пpoцec poзклaдaння тa гниття. Toй, хтo пpипycкaє, щo взявши дo yвaги гeoгpaфiчнe пoлoжeння Укpaїни, її тepитopiю, cтaн, в якoмy пepeбyвaє yкpaїнcькe життя, йoгo мaтepiaльнi i дyхoвнi зacoби, вpeштi зa тiєї poлi, якy вiдiгpaє yкpaїнcькe питaння в aктyaльнoмy пoлiтичнoмy тa eкoнoмiчнoмy cтaнoвищi cвiтy, мoглo би бyти iнaкшe - нe мaє yявлeння пpo cтaн peчeй. Укpaїнcькe питaння мaє бaгaтo пpихильникiв, як нa caмiй Укpaїнi, тaк i зa її мeжaми. Ocoбливo cepeд ocтaннiх є бaгaтo тих, хтo дoбpe знaє, дo чoгo йдe. Є cepeд них i тaкi, щo дyжe iдилiчнo yявлять coбi виpiшeння yкpaїнcькoгo питaння, шляхoм вiддiлeння Укpaїни вiд Pociї. Haйлiпшe, щo мoгли би зpoбити тi нaївнi, тo тpимaти pyки пoдaлi вiд нeї.
Poмaн Дмoвcький

This is what our nationalist, Roman Dmowski wrote about Ukraine in 1930. Was he right?

I don't blindly hate anyone I don't know that would be stupid.

ya nye govaryu ukrainsky

Is this the Polish version of those waving cats chinks have?

>dangerous stereotypes
Typical cowardly kike

this is awesome, had no idea poles did this

That Jewish man is right, Ukrainians as in UPA followers and devotees are no human.


>when you realize 90% percent of western governments and corporations are run and owned by jews

I dunno, those lucky kikes are suppose to bring you wealth, because moneys go to your pocket instead of to the jewish one (because the jew already has a penny)

yup, this is available only in Poland and in northern part of Czechia