>getting married

Hahahaha! Married cucks BTFO.


Other urls found in this thread:


I'm married to a white no western woman
Best thing that's happened to my life
MGTOW is for cringe worthy nerd virgins that can't get women and the ones that can are contributing to the decline of white births

So I guess this means all contracts are negated, right? No? Hmm, why is it ok to hold a pleb to his word when it benefits the ruling class, and yet it isn't ok to hold two plebs to their word? Is this, dare I say it, class warfare?

Don't pitch the bitch. There is absolutely nothing in it for you.

> i'm married
> best thing that's happened to my life

fake af

It was
Not because Australia is a shitty nanny state swamped with Asians and poofters with nothing to do or look forward but because I actually found a sense of purpose after wifey up my 10/10 gf of 3 years
Also don't use the term "as fuck" that's nigger speak Brazilbro

My girlfriend and I are having a child in a few months and unfortunately we'll never be a married couple for reasons pointed to by OP. Currently, the only thing I have to worry about financially is child support(which ends after 23 years at the very most). If I married, then my assets would be up for grabs along with possible lifetime alimony. Right now, I have financial gun pointed at my leg. Getting married would be pointing that gun at my head.

"The court should give effect to a nuptial agreement that is freely entered into by each party with a full appreciation of its implications unless in the circumstances prevailing it would not be fair to hold the parties to their agreement"

because the state owns you. You have no say in how you live your life and no power to enter in a contract at your own free will.

Damn it feels good to be rich
Seriously tho u gotta be 100 percent sure that ur gf adores you, which is really rare but hey such couples exist

After seven years, many places will consider you common law married and she can still get your cash.

but it's a legally binding agreement
nice judicial system snow niggers

Link would be great user. Is this UK?

Yeah, I don't live in a common law state though so I'm okay on that front.

>but it's a legally binding agreement

In the UK they are binding if
Is fulfilled.

The Daily Mail's reporting is facetious bollocks talking about unofficial guidance. It isn't actual law. Prenuptials have been virtually binding here since 2010.

so, women hate thread?

And how do they expect me not to become radicalized?

>if your rich your prenup is worth more
>poor people don't have the same rights rich people do
Jesus christ, the UK is a fucking shithole.


>will base decisions on fairness
>in a female oriented legal system
In other words, marriage is dead. How's those robot waifus coming along?



in the title. i don't think we know more


You are in a Kushner bot thread.

Every chan from here to Timbuktu is being heavily shilled by these faggot bots.

They really don't want people (his base) talking about something for some reason. (His DACA decision).

So this is the power of socialism.

Sexbots and artificial wombs are the future.

You fagots are why we are in decline. Fuck this MGTOW shit. Learn to alpha your woman and tell her what to believe how to vote and to male some Fucking dinner. All you young fags disregard OP as he is a fagot as usual.... Get married have children and do your part to 14

Just go gay then you will both work and get money and the divorce will be fair

I'm marrying a chick 8 years younger than me that makes more money.

> Alt right fag #1 nuts in pants
> Alt right fag #2 "Good! That would show those commie-liberal-socialist-democracy-loving virgin cucks!

she's decent looking, poor soul
pity Europe has no men to rescue her

Wow, only 10 states have common law marriages. Figured it was more. Lots of states don't recognize palimony either. Interesting, but I still don't want to pay child support for kids that are taught to hate me. And it's awful to create a child who will be raised by a woman.

>Have awesome wife I've been with for 20 years
>takes amazing care of me and our home
>pulls her weight financially and works hard
>lets me do whatever the hell I want within reason (no banging bar whores, and such)
>has no problem with my love of firearms
>has no problem with my doing my own shit when I want
>sex is awesome and available whenever I want it


i don't think i actually got more. so have a rowling
>tfw you will never have a billionaire milf call you a virgin

>muh prenups
>muh fear of getting raped by some bitch

The only prenup should b your own force and violence.
Just kill the cunt that wants to profit from the divorce.
>inb4 edgy
Maybe, but im sure as fuck that i dont want to slave away for the rest of my life to pay for a heartless cunt. No matter how much you loved her, if she wants you to be miserable, she is the enemy. Just make it look like a suicide.


people like you and me are rare outliers, capable of picking women on more merits than "wuld fuk"

the kissless virgins go after some of the worst examples of womanhood, every time

these are weird ways to say you have ugly wifes

You can fix you future mistakes tho.
Quit the selfpity, you whiny cunt, accept that your past self did right in some way and focus on being a better person in the present.


I really wish these r9gay threads would just die and that all faggots who contribute (pro and con) would really consider my gifs message since it would help clean Sup Forums up considerably
Thanks and I hope you all die. Married or alone with your Japanese sex pillows,

The idea of losing my shit along alimony and whatever demonizing occurs fills me with homicidal rage. Probably a good reason why I wont get married, because I would seriously lose it.

But cut this alpha bullshit. Just tell her what you think, learn to argue against her if she is wrong, but dont force it, make it confident, not angry/frustrated. but also learn to compromise and also to recognise when she has a good point.
This alpha bs is nonsense, it tells ppl to boss around bitches, but this does not work irl. nobody wants to be constantly controlled.

Yep, we have to get away from the Stone Age emotions of women.

Same here, thats why i will make sure to educate myself on cases of men killing their greedy ex wifes and how they got caught, so i dont fuck up. Also read on recent killings amd forensic methods, so i dont leave easy evidence for them.

The ones that get away with it never talked about it on (((anonymous))) Mongolian basket weaving imageboards

you're playing right into (((their))) hands faggot.
Instead of telling people to avoid marriage how about advocating solutions.
All this alimony bullshit is making it hard for honest people to have children, it's a really big problem. Sup Forums should be at the forefront of trying to solve it, not trying to cuck people out of children.

It was in China, everyone there is clearly Chinese.

muslim or possibly even africans tier shit

t. Chad
Are you tall, handsome and have a good frame? If yes, you could be eating tendies and still get a sexual partner. If you are good looking don't come to preach to us. I'm the average joe in looks and women despise us.

You won at life, Congrats.
Any pro tips for how to achieve that?

True. But i wont be married for the next 4 years, and if something happens, nobody will have my posts or search for them on the net. Nobody actually cares about shit like that.

Are there any Chads in Germany and if there are what do they usually look like

Ugly wife > bad wife.

Ugly wife is literally the answer to all your problems, never cheats, honestly loves you and cares for you etc.
And ugliness is subjective


Dont marry a women that believes in divorce

True that, amen.

Plenty. They look like the slightly less handsome version of this guy, maybe not so narrow eyes or slightly bigger mouth or skin gets easily red after 5 mins in the sun, but they easily make up for it by being taller than this guy.

Bullshit, I know two guys that are married to 8-9/10 chicks and their wives worship them
There's something sketchy about them tho, it's hard to tell

>There's something sketchy about them tho, it's hard to tell
They have dicks?

>Blacks aren't all bad, check out le based nigger
>Sup Forums: No, you can't pick out individual cases and use it to judge the entire group
>Women aren't all bad, Check out my friend's BASED wife
>Sup Forums: Yep, This makes sense. All women are wonderful and MGTOW need to man up

Really opens the ion channels

This is why im building my own house and no bitches are allowed to live with me for extended periods to avoid common law bullshit. Most men I work with get half their wages shysted from alimony. Its disgusting and bums me out. Half of the dummies are in their second marriages now. Boomers just dont fucking learn.

It's the standard way. I was talking about all the dudes who had their wives cheat on them while deployed and he said, "yeah, don't marry a stripper" They didn't marry strippers and that guys wife was a fucking cow.

Women will like three kinds of guys, bonus points if you have two or more of these.

1. Funny
2. 10/10 9/10 Attractive
3. Rich

If you have one of those, you can find a girl that fits, if you have more than one you can take your pick of women.

>wifey up my 10/10 gf of 3 years
You sound like a nerd virgin who plays video games.

Daily reminder that having a prenup is almost as subhuman as being an mgtow

Are there any bigger cuck fags than married """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""?

in the techno-matriarchy, laws are not laws, only suggestions. legal documents are not obligatory, they are merely suggestions.

>woman hate
>posts what appears to be a twink fag getting the treatment

your pic can't possibly be real
right?? right guys??

ofc its real

>tell her what to believe how to vote and to male some Fucking dinner.
