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Blumpf wouldn't sign the paris accord.

Hurricane season.

The jews controlling HAARP thought they could use it against Trump as a bargaining chip but it's just making him stronger

Nothing unusual. See prior years for reference idiot

GOD is enacting his JUDGEMENT on AMERICA for disregarding its moral integrity by obeying KEK over JEHOVAH.

Those are the spirits of the black slaves who were brought to work in slave camps inside the New World.


engineered weather

Yeah I'm wondering if HAARP Isn't controlled by trump?


HAARP and FEMA working together to round everyone up for guillotines

Global warming dipshit

looks a lot like they're going straight for Mexico though. The spic hurricanes are going back home now


Chinese controlled weather to destroy the east coast, while NK hits the west.

African ninjas are throwing Surikens towards American.

We are the only country who can manipulate the weather.

Post YFW hurricane funds come with wall funds

Thanks for proving my point

Global warming isnt man made. This is weather control. Every played RA2? Probably not, you fuckin shit tier, no micro havin pleb.

RETARD. A storm HASN'T been this STRONG in 12 YEARS

Hurricane season. Happens every year.

Some stronger, some weaker.

This is the fucking fourth thread on this shit, screw off shills I want to talk about politics.

Exactly. Not much of a record.

Plus 2005 saw so many storms they ran out of letters. This is normal. What was abnormal was the lack of hurricanes in recent years

Those appear to be prior years, brainlet.

Or so you think. Enjoy your 9/11 times a thousand.


1000 huricanes a year - global warming
No huricanes a year - global warming

God has decided to keep sending storms until DACA is elliminated, all illegals are sent home and the blacks begin behaving themselves in Detroit and Chicago.

its the jew run weather media peddling antifa lies about fake news climate change whilst ignoring all the muslims who commit rape and also probably cause hurricanes.
believe me, who knew the climate could be so complicated ?

God's wrath

>blacks begin behaving themselves in Detroit and Chicago
Enjoy the water

>tfw no natural disasters ever

>God's wrath

It's because hurricanes affect women, minorities and people of color more than white males, and Trump is a racist.

If you paid attention to the MSM, you'd know this.

>infested by street roaches and sand toads
>No natural disaster

Waffles, please.


They were liberal hurricanes. Didn't want to tarnish Obama's muh legacy

MacDaddy Trump is spamming Age of Empires cheats, i love it

I prayed to kill all the mexicans

I totally still do! And Homm3, a lot.

>that one time when we had a nigger President
let's not talk about it anymore, guys

Weaponised weather?

What's the official/pol game, Deus Ex or Red Alert 2?

KeK is doing some magic.



What we need is for people in florida to install fans thast blow 185 mph in the opposite direction to bring Irma to a halt. Why has nobody thought of this?

>Those are the spirits of the black slaves who were brought to work in slave camps inside the New World.
150 years dead and still rioting and breaking shit. Tell me about how niggers are redeemable again?

This. Some folks around here used to call them September gales.

It's the arrival of global hurricanes

>>infested by street roaches and sand toads
You mean hood'niggas and mudslims?

Get that pressure under 900 Irma, I know you can do it!


this happens almost every year it's just they normally amount to shit. But since one hit land pretty good now everyone is focused on all the rest for a while but they'll likely end up nothing also, well after Irma that is

CNN are reporting that the recent run of hurricanes is believed to be a direct result of Russian farting. It is unclear if these farts have been weaponized to target the US but all indications point to direct Krelim involvement. When asked to comment on the situation Vladimir Putin is reported to have said "better out than in".

Source: CNN

Satan checked

Holy shit, it checks out!

Snopes verified it.

Africa is throwing spitballs at you

>Africa is throwing spitballs at you
Fuck! Hurricanes carry AIDS?

Fuck off with this. Take it to /x/ you retarded nigger.

Yall' made baby jesus sad.

But Sup Forums is always right and /x/ is always wrong.

A real rain is coming to wash the scum off the streets.,

god hates the gulf

This. Don't any of you youngsters know how to use Google?


I wish you burgers good luck but I think you wont survive this one

One of the most German comments I've ever read kek

The new guy at the pentagon accidentally left HAARP turned on overnight again.

Well, it called Atlantic hurricane season for a reason.

Amazing how the spirits never attack the Arabs and other Africans that enslaved them or the Jews that sold them, just the approximate location where less than 5% of them ended up.

Ah, so the kids who were too young to remember El Nino are growing up. One day you will learn that we used to have unexplained freak winds out West that screwed with the ability of sailing ships to get to California, back in the mid-nineteenth century.


>African slave routes are the color of shit
Sounds about right.

Repeating in all these Hurricane threads the fact that having three hurricanes at once is not unusual, and that the record for simultaneous Atlantic hurricanes is 4, which has happened twice.

I would post pics, but there are so fucking may hurricane threads at once that all my pictures are already in other threads.

Conflicted on whether to PRAISE for this or not lel. Hmm.

Dem damn africans shooting huracanes at us


If they'd just drop a couple of H-bombs in the eye, they'd stop them in their tracks.

Check it

Mah fishin boat sawed it habbening

Cumskins BTFO


>slowly falling into the ocean



Why would Trump use HAARP against himself, at Florida of all places. He should have used that shit on California, Oregon, New York, or Minnesota.

Deep State must be running HAARP.

90% of Barbuda - gone


This is why.

gonna sound retarded but fuck it ill ask. What does the pressure actually do in the eye of the hurricane?

what happens when the hurricanes merge?


lol act of god and hurricane season has just started

Hurricane season and Houston being fresh in everyone's minds. If Houston didn't get hit, I doubt people would be focusing on Irma. Florida gets hits so much people here expect that will get hit with at least a few each year.

fuck if that did happen say good bye to what every land it hits.

Our God Taranis listened to my prayers.


the big hurricane destroys the small one
so if Jose were to hit Irma she'd suck it up
strength really wouldn't change

less pressure = more air rushing in to fill the void = more powerful hurricane

it's like turbocharging your motor, more boost more air more power

Irma reaches Super Saiyan 6

they can't really, it'd be like trying to mash two positive magnets together

It's the end of days, pack it up and go home to higher land