Have we ever converted any leftypol?

Any of you from leftypol ever get redpilled by being here?

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Design babies will render race realism useless.
Identity politics is largely something that we have moved beyond so appeal to them is not effective.

All arguments regarding the JQ are just part of poisoning the well -logical fallacy.

I've been shitposting here for two years and I'm as much of a liberal commie as I've ever been tbqhwy. I'm also older and therefore less impressionable than I'm sure the average Sup Forums user is.

Designer babies simply take the best genetics out of the two parents. If the two parents are fucking apes the best you are going to have is a slightly above average ape

Implying apes will ever be able to afford designer babies. Implying the global elite will sell designer children to the plebs. Implying they would let the plebs become "ubermensch" and threaten the global power structure.

In few generations what do you think will happen if humanity keeps increasing its physical,intellectual and mental capabilities with these methods? Racial differences become skin deep.

I come to Sup Forums for 2 reasons

1. to learn how you fucks actually think so I can take down your arguments easier
2. to screencap and expose any raids you do

>if humanity keeps increasing its physical,intellectual and mental capabilities with these methods
implying that weapon of mass destruction would ever be allowed into the hands of the masses -- that technology will be used to make humanity into a Brave New World, not something ideal or improved from its present condition. We'll breed better slaves with it, under the current world paradigm. You're suicidally naive if you think they're going to improve the world with that technology.

leftypol doesn't ever get redpilled, OP. they believe what they want because they want to believe it. human delusion and rationalization is a powerful thing. when you see leftypol, you see the power of human delusion and rationalization.


If anything, Sup Forums converted me to /leftypol/. You guys are fucking nuts.

but to be clear OP, you do what you do because it energizes the base. it opens the doors for open minded people, particularly young people, who are looking to alternatives to the "mainstream" thought processes. and you do it because most elections are still decided by centrist votes (even though centrists are fucking retarded). you do it because it has value. and imagine the world if people didn't shitpost on the internet? the 2016 election wasn't won because of MSM shilling, that's for certain, it was won IN SPITE of it. that means internet shitposting has value. IMO.

China has been for decades had already eugenics progammes. They will eventually spread them to their African colonies, resulting in eventual vanishing of the modern negro.

You are too defensive about your own ideology here, it seems very frail. Why would you be opposed to increasing the general intelligence of humanity collectively? What is the harm?

except that you will literally never be able to dismantle and of our arguments because we base ours on facts and you base yours on feelz. but you know, whatever kid. keep having fun with your LARP.

I've been here since 2012 and I've only gotten more liberal. I come here for the laughs at how utterly off the deep end you right wing retards are

I'm either on track 1 or 4.

>They will eventually spread them to their African colonies
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... you're like little babies with cartoon plotline narratives to explain the world around you...

nah you're just a newfag boomer cuck like all the rest, you're not unique or special, just another brainlet pinko

It will be necessarily action to secure their investments.

Not an argument.


not an argument

Then why are we winning the culture war?

Based gook.

No, only an observation.

>It will be necessarily action to secure their investments.
>implying the chinks aren't just going to strip mine the continent and leave

You will end up with brown/black/yellow people that think and act like white people.

Are you really going to pick "abstract thinking: low" on your designer embryo?

>t. (you)

I never got the impression leftypol was all that blue pilled. I just got the impression they were massive cucks.

>Liberal commie

You think that shit is edgy? You really should have listened.

Grown tired of women having a political voice? Sick of the fact that they can cheat, divorce you, and take half your material possessions on a whim? They cannot "love"; whatever they feel is a chemical response to an assertive, dominant man with potential to provide resources and who also has the will to become something greater. That is why they constantly hound and nag you. The only problem is that you must cater to them by providing either base sexually attractive traits, or resources, because they were sexually liberated in the 60s. This is why Napoleons and Hitlers can never again rise to power in the US. Why not get yourself a preserved corpse instead of suiciding? The Jews have already prepared you and your children for it through movies like "Corpse Bride".

Where are we on the stairs of Cultural Marxism?

Mass immigration, check. Racial integration, check. Interracial marriage, check. Sodomy laws ruled unconstitutional, check. Gay rights, check. Gay adoption, check. Gay marriage, check. Multiple partners, check. Cuckoldry, check. Transsexualism, check.

Just incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia to go. And those are coming.


>implying exchanged insults are intended to further a constructive philosophical debate
Of course it wasn't an argument, I was shitting on him for being a retard like you. Not everything is meant to be constructive.

>improving African average IQs will help the Chinese exploit them more efficiently thus securing Chinese investments
You're legally mentally disabled I presume?

>poisoning the well -logical fallacy

Even those pro-Zionist jews will look at you and laugh.

the chinks are playing with fire, they're a time bomb that will explode on your face

That is exactly the point of their investments, did I ever claim the opposite? This is beyond the point, technology will kill race realism within our lifetimes.

>t. terrone di merda

> Supports designer babies
> Speaks with arrogance and confidence

Bruv you and your untermenschen will be culled. Further, commiefag, it's literally the antithesis of your flag. It will create the biggest divide between the rich and the poor because the rich will be superior in all ways to the poor (cause they can afford the babus). Then the poor get... Handled.

>You're legally mentally disabled I presume?

You seem to be threatened(assuming form the personal insults), since with their current IQ Africans cannot even into basic market economy, or maintaing those Chinese infrastructural investments. They need to improve African IQ at least to European levels.

Kill yourself promptly

Late 40's ex-Bernie-supporting-libfag reporting in.
I am currently on track 5.

BTW, nontolerantman red pilled me the most.

Its not antithesis if socialist country is doing those eugenics. Considering the early soviet attempts at eugenics I think that it is quite leftist.

>You seem to be threatened
>since with their current IQ Africans cannot even into basic market economy
And you think that the Chinese would freely, out of the kindness of their little insectoid hearts, improve these dindus to the point that the dindus will start mining their own rare earth minerals, processing the diamonds and expensive resources via their own self-sufficient infrastructure that didn't require the Chinese to provide it? Do you even have a sense of the most basic economic concepts like supply and demand? Why do you think the Chinese are in Africa in the first place -- for humanitarian interest? How did you survive childhood being that dense?

>That is exactly the point of their investments, did I ever claim the opposite?
If they are going to leave then why would to bother doing anything you speculate they will. It's inefficient, and because image is actually important to keeping the Chinese in buisness in Africa they will do everything they possibly can to make it look like they are NOT colonizing the continent. The entire premise of your argument is that they are going to stay, they won't. Keeping up infrastructure in Africa is a terrible investment.

>This is beyond the point, technology will kill race realism within our lifetimes.
You're the one that made the claim "They will eventually spread them to their african colonies" and now you're saying supporting that claim for your retarded, speculative fantasy, is beyond the point.

Also, who's to say that that trend will continue and some event won't alter it? Or do you legitimately believe you can predict the future because some proto-hippie said he could?

>. to learn how you fucks actually think so I can take down your arguments easier
Do it then faggot. You shits never have anything to say.

Actually, the natural progression of age usually brings about more conservative views when you begin to realize that your dreams were just pipedreams.

Looks like you've actually regressed into an even bigger degenerate into older age.

If eugenics is on the left, why are leftists frothing for the destruction of the white race and Christianity. The former has higher IQ to raise up humanity and the latter promotes self-improvement and become better.

Then you go hard, hard left like commie Chinese and they kill off Falung Gong practitioners who have their basing in Buddhism which is the epitome of the self-improvement path.


Religious people have lower IQ`s on average we should get rid of them for the greater good.
"White race" will not die, considering that under socialist regimes birthrates unless state attempts to suppress them have always been above replacement rate.

Fucking nailed it.

I'm in the lifting phase of the fourth row. I live on the border of Southwark and Lewisham which is the highest concentration of black people in Britain and was also ranked the least peaceful place in the UK. Just a factoid.

Reality is fucking nuts. We're just trying to make since of it.

How you cope with the fact that your agenda aligns with the -post- neoliberal one?


Used to be left-leaning libertarian, been here for 6 years and i'v'nt been red-pilled and gave up on my political identity.

>says "Religious people have lower IQ`s on average"
>majority of geniuses in history were theists
Really catalyzed my cashews.

lol nice. of course, why would modern commies be anything but footsoldiers of the bourgeoisie? All of them come from middle class or wealthier families. Even the non-whites are economically more privileged, but convince themselves they're downtrodden because of their "minority racial status". What disgusting hypocritical filth.

wearing the hammer and sickle is enough to justify every horrible thing that happens to you, communist. you can't take it back, you can't "make jokes" with it and not be punished. you will forever be stained. you think nazis should be punched? commies are to be shot on site, two in the chest and one in the head.

Leftypol, no.

I've converted plenty of people around me to be sympathetic to National Socialism and to denounce globalism and ethnic replacement, though.

I wonder then why these religious geniuses have vanished post-french revolution? Might it have something to with birth of secular state apparatus where they did not have to pretend to be believers?

Not to mention it would be cherry-picking since averages tell us that atheists have higher IQ`s.

you mean "cents"

I do hope you have all proper sales slips, transport documents and prohibited weapon licenses for your tea spoon collection Mr. Smith...


Don't you ever get tired from having shit for skin though?

Unless your 1RM is 1/2/3/4 keep lifting faggots.

Chinese are using the bare minimum of infrastructure in Africa. They don't care about anything except the resource gibs. I actually just watched an interview a few days ago from a guy in Africa wishing whites still colonized their land because Chinese don't do shit for them (schools, roads, etc).

The Chinese are NOT going to make them smarter for any reason. They will exploit them until robots can do their jobs.

"Real" Communists have lower IQ`s on average we should get rid of them for the greater good.

"White race" will not die, considering that means we stopped acting like cucks and will simply resist our destruction and the suppression of whites by cucked whites who fell for the jew trap.

>China has been for decades had already eugenics progammes. They will eventually spread them to their African colonies, resulting in eventual vanishing of the modern negro.
Aw fuck...this just gave me a boner...

I used to be pretty bluepilled. I'm half white that grew up in a 3rd world shithole and got picked on a lot and didn't wish it on anyone else. Travelling and settling in with other whites in the west as well as going here was an eye opener. I think I'm still adjusting but my neighbors have been very helpful.

that's fairly meaningless. Theists are as of right not a much larger sample size. If you converted everyone to atheists now the average would fall. It's a cultural change being lead by the intelligentsia but that doesn't make it inherently better or more right.

>these religious geniuses have vanished post-french revolution

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Arthur Compton (1892 – 1962)

Ernst Haeckel (1834 –1919)

Erwin Schrödinger (1887 –1961)

Francis Collins (Born 1950)

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)

Guglielmo Marconi (1874 –1937)

James Clerk Maxwell (1831 –1879)

John Eccles (1903 – 1997)

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

Max Planck (1858-1947)

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

Robert Boyle (1791-1867)

Robert A. Millikan (1868 – 1953)

Werner Heisenberg (1901 – 1976)

William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907)

This is the real evolution of pol


You can apply the same to animals, are species now skindeep?

oh and you can't "redpill" people who chose evil, like the communists. they already know and they chose to be the bad guy, that's why they're a shoot-on-sight group. they choose evil, they choose evil over being human. that's why there is no discussion about if it's right or wrong to kill them, it's self evident.

the good news is that communists tend to murder (murder, starve, etc.) themselves first before trying to recover by lashing out at the world. that's why we keep kicking their stupid monkey asses back.

china (the real source of this commie fashion trend now) is next, just watch. they will try to war with india over it and get BTFOed.

Various studies tend to point out that leftists are better educated and have higher IQ`s.

White race will die if it continues on bath of capitalism since in developed economies it leads to extremely low birthrates.

more like "evolution from january 2017 to July 2017"... I guess more seems to happen in shorter periods of time when you're still a teenager.

No because animals lack the human brains and self-awareness.

The scariest part about fascism is that it works.

white birth rate is STABLE and literal population is bigger than ever but don't let that stop your delusions, deadmeat.

>Various studies tend to point out that leftists are better educated and have higher IQ`s
More time in school, yes. Higher IQs, no.

You realize with genetic engineering thay can easily be over come right?

I'm on #4 path

>They need to
No they dont, you low IQ commie retard

spoken like a true newfag

So you're actually promoting ethnic cleansing of niggers, by editing-out the low-IQ, no-impulse control genetics?
I can get behind that, your commie friends I think not.
Is a nigger acting white a nigger?
a nigger by other genes would smell as bad?

yeah, newfags always lie about how long they've been here. Oldfags have given up speaking in terms of time.

Average European birthrates are below 2.1, in the EU countries that average is 1.6, well under the replacement ratio
Higher education tends to correlate with above average IQ
No, since we are talking about different species.

the average lefty will convert as soon as it's more dangerous to be a communist than not. right now they are encouraged to be communists so they won't change + they are retarded and think they are right, so it's hard to admit you're wrong and under jewish mind control. plus they think capitalism is duh debil and dont understand that communism is even worse.

average normies will convert to our side once it's cool enough to do so slash too dangerous not to.







Grown tired of women? Sick of the fact that they can cheat, divorce you, and take half your material possessions on a whim? They cannot "love"; whatever they feel is a chemical response to an assertive, dominant man with potential to provide resources and who also has the will to become something greater. That is why they constantly hound and nag you. The only problem is that you must cater to them by providing either base s*x*ally attractive traits, or resources, because they were s*x*ally liberated in the 60s. This is why Napoleons and Hitlers can never again rise to power in the US. Why not get yourself a preserved corpse instead of suiciding? The J*ws have already prepared you and your children for it through movies like "Corpse Bride".


You are retarded if leftists are going to agree to Eugenics.

China on the other hand will and they will kill you all.

Libertarians continuously win in all the political IQ test studies done.

You probably read 3 liberal books every month for avoid become redpill, always Read the same shit, try to read so

They will probably get behind my ideas, considering that the whole "new soviet man" was a similar project for Soviets.

>Any of you from leftypol ever get redpilled by being here?

Yes. I used to lurk leftist generals here in 2012-2013, then I became interested in anti-feminism and gender realism. From there it was race realism and the JQ.

I went from being a democratic socialist to a national socialist in about a year.

Fuck it, don't stop there!


China and the Dengist party line will lead us to communism. I have no doubts on my heart on that.

>Higher education tends to correlate with above average IQ
No, it doesn't. High SAT scores tend to correlate with high IQ, but they find that uneducated whites -- who tend to vote Republican and be blue collar -- have higher average IQs than non-whites with graduate degrees. Your argument might have been valid 40 or 50 years ago, but not today. I'm sure you would regard most of the highest IQ individuals in history as "reactionary" or "conservative", and that's probably objectively true.

>completely fulfills the low IQ-commie meme
Your analytical abilities are abysmal.

You can't. Their brains are wired wrong.


It's actually from like 2013 to 2017

No, Einstein was a socialist like me.

What's funny is this cock gobbler thinks 2 years is worth mentioning. I've been in this shithole for over a decade.