Tobacco tax raised by 12.5%

Lucky to get them for $10 a pack here in NY, NYC you're probably looking at $15

Mate I'm looking at %65 for a 55g pouch.
I don't understand.
They bullshit saying that it's to pay our national debt.
When our debt is half our gdp a year.


Grow your own tobacco, bonehead

if you don't want the government trampling all over everything you want to do, move to southern US desu

Illegal here.

how am i supposed to afford spin when baccy costs more than weed?

I wish i could user but I'm a neet.
Still haven't found work yet.

I guess bush only bro

I can get a pack of red longs for 5.27. A Swisher is 90 cents. I feel bad for you guys in liberal shitholes.


Both parties are fucking tax goblins.

>mixing weed with tobacco
wtf are you a coon?

Alot of motherfuckers do it. White and black.

How is this bad? fucking degenerate
>he fell for the tobacco joo

Kill yourself leftie

glad i started vaping

Just paid $5.79 for a pack the other day.

Illegal to buy with nicotine in it.

pay my neetbux cancerbois

People too stupid to make good decisions should have their decisions made for them.

The great thing about Pigovian taxes is that you can avoid them entirely if you are smart enough to make good decisions. You're ALREADY not doing the stupid shit the state is trying to protect you from, so it doesn't actually alter your behavior. Nonsmokers don't pay tobacco taxes, healthy eaters don't pay sugar taxes, nongamblers don't pay gambling taxes, ect. Then, you get all the benefits of that tax money despite not paying a cent.

If you're bothered by the idiot tax, consider not being an idiot.


lol maybe in your shit hole country not mine I get my juice with 12 mg nicotine

just do what we do here in America - find an Arab mini-mart that sells out-of-tax-zone cigs for 1/2 the price.

any neighborhood worth living in has one of these shops.

This. 12mg blueberry donut master race.